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Would You Serve Again? Yes - For Something to Eat! 

Western Mail, Thursday 19 January 1933, page 2

Would You Serve Again? Yes - For Something to Eat!

Dear "Non-Com,” - Yes; I would serve again, but you can believe me that it would be for vastly different reasons, than when I served before. This time I would serve because I would be sure of something to put on my back and something to eat. Unemployment, has bumped me from pillar to post so much that I would do anything to secure the necessaries of life. That was not the feeling that actuated all of us in 1914, but I have been sadly disillusioned since then. I wonder what all those still "over there” would think of it if they could give their opinions on the plight of their surviving comrades.

"Original Anzac," Fremantle.