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An Anzac Melody
An Anzac Melody 

Western Mail, Thursday 27 July 1933, page 2

An Anzac Melody.

Dear "Non-Com." - My musical memories! We were on Courtney's Post; Anzac. As the evening shadows lengthened, and darkness closed down, the desultory crack of rifles was the only discord of an otherwise perfect night.

Presently, the almost forgotten sound of Music arose from the depths of Monash Gully, spreading to the surrounding heights, and beyond. McMahon, of the 16th. was playing "Un peu d'amour" on his cornet.

All firing ceased. Tho war was forgotten. The surrounding hills and trendies held no longer enemies, Australian or Turk. They were only an audience held spellbound by the sweetness of a beautiful melody, played by a master of his instrument. The last note faded into silence, a hush followed which could be felt, to be broken by the hand-clapping of the Australian-Turco listeners. Silence again.

Then the crack of a rifle! War!

When we later occupied Warwick Castle, on the left of Anzac, we had a regular evening concert by a glorious baritone whose favourite, "Trumpeter," was looked forward to by many an appreciative digger. Who was the singer-digger? If he is alive, he should be well known, as his voice was pure music.

"Sikh,” Kondinin.

[The Ted McMahon mentioned in the, first paragraph is a nephew of the “Emperor of the Cornet," Hughie McMahon. Ted is now in Boulder City, and plays solo cornet for the Boulder Mines Band. "Non-Com."]