Military Force Souvenir Album - Sinai & Palestine
Military Force Souvenir Album - Sinai & Palestine

The Military Force Souvenir Album - Sinai & Palestine presents photographs taken over a one year period from August 1916 to October 1917. It features the activities undertaken by the Light Horse in the Sinai and South Palestine. The album was compiled from the photographic work of Trooper Ellis.

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General Kress von Kressenstein Comdr of Gaza Captured by Anzac M Div
General Kress von Kressenstein Comdr of Gaza Captured by Anzac M Div 
Despite the title, this is not the capture of Kress who was never captured during the Great War by the Allies. According to "Birinci Dunya Harbinde Turk Harbi" p. 526 and archive files of the Turkish Military History Dept. As. Str.E. Bsk.Ars.1/7302, Kls.3221, Dos.H-48, Fih-1-30 "On March 26th 1917 as Col. Musa Kazim Bey and his COS Staf Capt. Rahmi and the 2 orderly officers of the division were travelling by a fiaker to assume command of 53th Div. but was taken POW by ANZAC Mtd Div at Beit Hanun."