Topic: BatzG - Hill 60
The Battle for Hill 60
Gallipoli, 22 - 23, and 27 August 1915
3rd LHB War Diary, 2 - 6 September 1915
The story of Hill 60 is continued through the 3rd Light Horse Brigade War Diary. At this point Antill is worried about holding the trenches with raw Territorials.
2nd. September 1915
1 Troop D. Sqn. 9th L. H. took over TABLE TOP post this morning -- made sketches of forward positions -- Lt. Col. ABBOTT visited A. H. Q. and saw Genl. BIRDWOOD - 8th L. H. 1 wounded; 10th L. H. 4 men killed; 1 wounded; 18 men to hospital - Lieut. HUGHES (S.C.) to Hospital also B. Ms. batman BUS - Captn. COWLISHAW A. M. C. to 16th Battn. Lieut. Oliver from Hospital returned - Major Parsons sick to Hospital -- Marched into Bde Area and attached -- Three officers 206 of 1st/5th Suffolks: 50 other ranks of 1st/8th Hants: 25 others 8th M.Gs.: 20 others 9th M.Gs.: 5 officers 55 others, including M. G. Section:
"D" Sqn. 9th L. H. and 2 officers, 172 of 54th Divn. took over Canterbury Slope from Canterbury Infy. (Lt.Col.Young) 8th L. H. M.Gs. to TABLE TOP.
3rd. September 1915
Took over Area "B" Section 5 -- Capt. Skelsi N.Z.R.E. cabled and received Instructions re defences of Post. Men of any experience whatever retained in No.6 area. Total number of rank and file available for Trenches at present are 8th L. H. Nil.; 9th L.H. 108 (new and transferred from 11th L.H.) - 10th L.H. Nil - Hants and Suffolks 233 - 341. Altogether unsafe and inadequate as represented to Division. There are no supports. No Reserves, and all the men who are not aw are dead beat -- The Tarritorials are poor physiqued and undersized and when put at work with tools at digging make the poorest show -- There are only 4 officers with them. Should any misadventure occur in this command the above is recorded but responsibility cannot rest with the Brigade from which ll its men have been detached and sent to another Section.
6th September 1915
Spent all the morning supervising new area -- There is an accumulation of all sorts of arms, equipment, ammunition used and unused -- tools -- clothing scattered verywhere -- The Place is filthy and covered with tins and rubbish.
Further Reading:
Hill 60, Gallipoli, 22 - 23, and 27 August 1915
The Battle for Hill 60, Gallipoli, 22 - 23, and 27 August 1915, Roll of Honour
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920