Topic: AIF - 4B - 4 LHB
The Battle of Beersheba
Palestine, 31 October 1917
4th LH Bde, AIF, Operation Order No. 37
4th Australian Light Horse Brigade Operation Order No 37, Page 1.
Below is a transcription of the contents from 4th Australian Light Horse Brigade Operation Order No 37
1. The army will attack on Z Day with the primary objective of capturing BEERSHEBA.
2.(a) Preliminary instructions No. 1 has been read to those concerned.(b) final objective of XX Corps is to be line through M of AZAIMEH - B. of BEERSHEBA - halfway between the two points 910 on the railway.(c) 60th Division is on right of XX Corps. XX Corps Cavalry Regiment will be operating E. of KHALASA - BEERSHEBA Road.
3. Tasks of the Desert Mounted Corps are:-(a) Attack BEERSHEBA from the East so as to envelop the enemy's left rear and(b) Sieze as much water supply as possible in order to form a base for future operations northwards.
4. Corps moves as follows:-(a) A & NZ Division and 8th A.L.H. Regiment from ASLUJ at 1800 via M - N and M - N1 Roads.(b) Advanced Corps Headquarters to Cross Roads N/N1 where it halts.(c) 7th Mtd Bde. establish outposts on line 121 0 (1 1/2 miles S. of RAS GHANNAM - G. EL NA'AM) by 0630 on Z day.
5. 8th L.H. Regiment will probably on reaching track junction W/N move westwards in order to take up position astride the W road about 2 miles from ISAWAIWIN and will act either as advanced or left flank guard to the Australian Mounted Divison.
6. The Division is to concentrate near ISWAIWIN by 0930 marching via M, N and N1 roads.
(a) The 4th A.L.H. Brigade will march in the following order of march:-BDE., HQrs., Signal Troop.4th A.L.H. RegimentM.G. Sqdn."A" Battery H.A.C.11th A.L.H. Regiment12th A.L.H. RegimentField Troop.Field Ambulance."A" Echelon in above order.Time of starting and starting point will be issued later.(b) O.C. "A" Battery H.A.C. M.G. Sqdn., and Feild Troop will accompany Bde HQrs.(c) Units will march as closed up as possible. If gaps occur connecting files will be pushed forward.
8. Regiments will be responsible for the protection of both flanks. One troop on each flank will be put out as flank guards by each regiment.
9. On the march and at halts each Unit will take steps to protects its troops against hostile aeroplane bombing or machine gunning.
10. When a hostile aeroplane is over head there shall be no movement and men should not look up as faces are most conspicuous.
11. The whole division will halt and clear the road(a) from 0030 to 0300 unless it is possible to water at ASLUJ in which case part of the halt will be spent there.(b) for ten minutes before every clock hour.
(c) the road must be cleared at all times for Staff Officers, gallopers and dispatch riders.
4th Australian Light Horse Brigade Operation Order No 37, Page 2.
12. Transport which becomes blocked must clear the way for fighting troops.
13. There is to be no smoking from the commencemtn of the march till dawn on Z day.
14. Care will be taken that no Officer or man goes forward in possession of maps or papers (except such as are essential to the conduct of operations) which if captured would give information of value to the enemy.
15. Watches will be synchronised at 1330 on Z - 1 day.
16. N. Road is know known to branch off M Road at a point due East of Point 1260, thence through W of W EL IMSASH thence through word IMSASH joining up with original N Road at point due South of letter H. This new bit of road is good going and follows the valley all the way to H.
17. Reference Pa. ra. 7:-STARTING POINT: 500 yards South of B.H.Q.
18. 'B1" and "B2" Echelons with attendant personnel will be ready concentrated by 1800 and will move to No. 2 Area after Brigade has left under orders of Lieut. BARR and Lieut. COLE. These Echelons will remain in No. 2 Area until further orders. Om motor cyclist will be detailed to report to O.C. Ecehlon No. 2 Area at 1700.
19. Machine guns will be changed from "A" Echelon to pack during halt from 0030 to 0200.
20. 12th A.L.H. Regiment will detail 1 N.C.O. and three sections to report to O.C. "A" Echelon at 1800 to set up as escort.
Further Reading:
The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917
Citation: The Battle of Beersheba, Palestine, 31 October 1917, 4th LH Bde, AIF, Operation Order No. 37