Topic: BatzB - Buffels Hoek
Buffels Hoek
South Africa, 16-17 August 1900
Times Account, 21 August 1900
Lord Roberts has sent the following telegrams to the Secretary of State for War :
Pretoria, Aug. 18, 8.35 p.m.
Carrington reports that the enemy, with which Erroll was engaged, were driven back from the strong positions they held at Buffelshoek on the 16th; one of their commanders, Swartz, was severely wounded. Our casnalties were:- Killed, New Zealand Mounted Infantry, Captain Harvey and two men; wounded, nine men. The New Zealanders particularly distinguished themselves.
De Wet has reappeared between Rustenburg and Commando's Nek, and yesterday evening sent a messenger with a flag of truce to BadenPowell, who commands at the Nek, calling upon him to surrender. Baden-Powell, in his reply, derisively asked what terms he was prepared to give. De Wet probably only wished to find out whether Commando's Nek was strongly held, for when he found it was he changed his route and marched in a more northerly direction. Baden-Powell is keeping in touch with him.
Paget, who arrived here two days ago with his brigade, has occupied Waterval on the railway 15 miles north of this; in an engagement he had
with the enemy today five of his Yeomanry were wounded.
Further Reading:
Buffels Hoek, South Africa, August 16 to 17, 1900
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: Buffels Hoek, Times Account, 21 August 1900