Topic: BW - NSW - 3NSWMR
3rd New South Wales Mounted Rifles
In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.
Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 125 - 143.
3rd NSW Mounted Rifles
2070 Trooper John Francis Henry ADAMS.
1164 Quartermaster Sergeant John James ADRIEN.
1528 Trooper William ALEXANDER.
1261 Trooper William John ALEXANDER.
3647 Trooper Walter ALFREDS.
1606 Trooper Francis Frederick ALLEN.
Second Lieutenant Ralph Rowland ALLEN.
1790 Trooper Reginald Ralph ALLEY.
1537 Trooper Alfred John ALLINGHAM.
3007 Trooper John Worthington ALLINGHAM.
1700 Trooper Charles Walter ALLISON.
3020 Lance Corporal Edgar Walter AMOR.
3682 Trooper Douglas James AMOS.
1410 Trooper Alexander AMY.
2948 Trooper Charles Alexander ANDERSON.
3174 Trooper John ANDERSON.
2954 Trooper John Edward ANDERSON.
3718 Trooper Walter Charles ANDERSON.
1926 Trooper Arthur Edgar ANDREWS.
1592 Trooper Henry George William ANGEL.
1937 Trooper William Paul ANGOVE.
2676 Trooper Alexander ANKER.
2813 Sergeant Elwyn D ANTILL.
1471 Trooper Ernest Albert APPLEBY.
1936 Trooper Aubrey Vincent APTHORPE.
2823 Trooper Ernest ARKINSTALL.
3317 Trooper George Henry ARMFIELD.
1375 Trooper Frederick ARMSTRONG.
1340 Trooper John Frederick ARMSTRONG.
1141 Trooper William Alec. ARMSTRONG.
1512 Trooper Thomas John ARNEIL.
2362 Corporal Herman Augustus ARNOLD.
1603 Trooper James Richard ASHTON.
3140 Farrier Alfred Joseph ATHERTON.
1753 Trooper Walter John ATKINSON.
2909 Trooper Edward BAILEY.
3293 Lance Corporal Arthur BAKER.
1446 Trooper Frederick BALLINGER.
3213 Trooper Charles BAMFORD.
3010 Trooper Richard BANAN.
2754 Corporal Charles Henry BANKS.
1962 Trooper William BANKS.
1462 Trooper John BARLOW.
1645 Sergeant Alfred Henry BARNES.
Sergeant BARNETT.
1909 Trooper Robert Edward BARSLEY.
1940 Trooper Frederick Charles BATES.
2060 Trooper James Valentine BATSON.
1922 Trooper Samuel Lyson BAXTER.
3270 Trooper George Walter BAYLISS.
2086 Trooper Harry Monsell BAYLISS.
422 Trooper HJ BEATTY.
1236 Trooper Hume Phillip BECKHOUSE.
3065 Trooper Jacob BEEL.
2214 Trooper George BELL.
2658 Trooper Wentworth L BELL.
1134 Trooper George BENHAM.
932 Trooper Thomas BENNETT.
1687 Trooper Charles Arthur BENTLEY.
2126 Trooper Charles BENTON.
2137 Trooper John Arthur BERRIMAN.
2135 Trooper William Thomas BERRIMAN.
1155 Trooper Samuel Magor BERRY.
1045 Quartermaster Sergeant William Ronald Stuart BERRY.
2132 Sergeant Jack BESNARD.
2475 Trooper John BEST.
1353 Trooper Isaac BEWLEY.
1744 Farrier Sergeant John Ernest Edward BILLET.
3345 Trooper Joseph BILLIN.
1144 Trooper William Edward BING.
Second Lieutenant John William BINSTEAD.
3720 Trooper Kingsley Charles BIRCHALL.
1150 Trooper Henry Alexander BLACK.
2203 Sergeant Major John BLACK.
1455 Squadron Sergeant Major William Henderson BLACK.
2520 Gunner Sydney Frederick Joseph BLAKE.
3278 Trooper William John BOARDMAN.
2681 Trooper William James BONHAM.
2470 Gunner Charles Edward BOOKER.
1046 Trooper William Alfred Sydney BOOT.
3083 Trooper William BOOTH.
3474 Trooper Archibald BORELAND.
3472 Trooper John King BORELAND.
2009 Trooper John Martin BOSLER.
2291 Trooper Joseph Pierce BOULAIS.
3360 Trooper James BOWEN.
3605 Trooper John Ernest Pushman BOWERNING.
3486 Trooper Edgar Reginald BOYD.
2173 Trooper George BOYD.
3143 Trooper John BOYD.
3060 Trooper Robert BOYD.
2359 Trooper Trevelyn Lyons BRACKENRIGG.
1824 Trooper John BRADDOCK.
2349 Trooper Francis BRADLEY.
3259 Orderly Room Clerk Phillip Patrick BRADY.
2098 Trooper Joseph Orton BRAGGS.
2099 Trooper Phillip BRAGGS.
2474 Gunner William BRATT.
2708 Sergeant Trumpeter William Angelo BREES.
1681 Trooper Kenneth BREMNER.
2180 Trooper John Thomas BRENNAN.
3550 Trooper Frank Albert BRIEN.
1590 Lance Corporal John Augustus BRIMS.
1685 Trooper Charles BRITTON.
1877 Trooper John Francis BRODERICK.
1120 Sergeant Alexander Neil BRODIE.
1429 Trooper John Alexander BRODIE.
3046 Trooper William Walter BRODIE.
Second Lieutenant Herbert Edward BROOKE.
1575 Trooper Samuel George BROOKER.
1083 Trooper Thomas Henry BROOKS.
2672 Trooper William George BROOMHAM.
1802 Trooper Arthur Matthew BROPHY.
3577 Trooper Albert Jordan BROWN.
1918 Trooper Henry Austin BROWN.
3528 Trooper John BROWN.
1919 Trooper George Charles BROWNE.
2241 Gunner Henry Frederick BROWNE.
1102 Trooper Robert James BROWNE.
2913 Corporal Edgar BROWNING.
3674 Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant Stephen BRUGGY.
3144 Sergeant Albert BUCKLEY.
1663 Trooper Alfred Joshua BUDD.
2747 Trooper Charles Mathews BUDGEN.
Second Lieutenant Charles Cyrus BULLOCK.
1954 Sergeant Thomas Persehouse BURGIS.
Major Granville John BURNAGE.
2979 Trooper George Walter BURROWS.
3307 Trooper Samuel BURT.
3367 Trooper Edgar William BUSH.
1059 Shoeing Smith Albert Henry BUTCHER.
848 Trooper Allan BUTLER.
1114 Trooper James Richard BUTLER.
3341 Sergeant Henry James Francis BUTWELL.
1838 Trooper Samuel BYERS.
3429 Trooper Bernard BYRNE.
1279 Trooper Frank Patrick BYRNE.
1219 Trooper Robert Walter Herbert BYRON.
3276 Trooper James Valentine CABAN.
Lieutenant Reginald CADDEN.
1594 Trooper Ernest Arthur CADDOW.
1224 Trooper William CAIN.
3460 Trooper S CAINS.
3009 Trooper Charles CAMERON.
1666 Trooper Norman Victor CAMERON.
1235 Trooper Peter CAMERON.
2720 Trooper Richard CAMERON.
1834 Trooper Thomas John CAMERON.
1702 Trooper Andrew McKenzie CAMPBELL.
3704 Trooper Ernest Edgar CAPNER.
1716 Trooper William Thomas CAPPER.
2101 Trooper Sydney Edward CARBINE.
3073 Trooper Walter Francis CARDWELL.
3620 Trooper William CAREW.
1698 Trooper Frank CAREY.
2822 Trumpeter David Joseph CARMICHAEL.
2172 Trooper Stanley Leslie CARPENTER.
2740 Trooper George CARROLL.
2018 Trooper William John CARROLL.
1153 Trooper Arthur GP CARTER.
2843 Trooper Frank Anderson CARTER.
2190 Trooper John Herbert CASEY.
2939 Trooper William Henry Bright CATES.
2870 Trooper David Oliver CHADWICK.
2746 Trooper James Richard CHAMBERS.
1425 Trooper Alfred CHAPMAN.
Captain Alfred Ernest CHAPMAN.
729 Sergeant William CHAPMAN.
1208 Trooper John George CHEETHAM.
2437 Driver Alexander John Henry CHISHOLM.
2438 Driver Thomas John CHISHOLM.
1972 Trooper David CHRISTIANSEN.
3687 Trooper James CLAFFEY.
1581 Trooper Michael Farrell CLAFFEY.
3034 Trooper John Patrick CLANCY.
3008 Trooper Michael Vincent Bond CLANCY.
1923 Corporal William CLANCY.
345 Sergeant William Everard CLARE.
1440 Trooper Alfred CLARK.
791 Trooper Ernest CLARK.
3281 Trooper Frederick Henry CLARK.
3469 Sergeant George Henry James CLARK.
1196 Shoeing Smith John CLARK.
2626 Trooper Edwin James CLARKE.
2865 Trooper James Stephens CLARKE.
2127 Trooper John James CLARKE.
2222 Trooper William CLARKE.
2607 Trooper William Francis CLARKE.
2554 Trooper Charles Clifford CLAYTON.
3150 Trooper George Valentine CLEARY.
2316 Trooper Henry Edward CLEMENTS.
2824 Trooper James Lionel CLEMENTS.
2325 Shoeing Smith Charles CLIFFORD.
2280 Trooper Samuel CLOUT.
2432 Driver William Frederick CLUTTON.
1218 Trooper James Cornelius COADY.
3134 Trooper John COADY.
1520 Lance Corporal George Donald COATES.
2121 Trooper Robert Parmenas COLEMAN.
1248 Trooper Edward Thomas COLLINS.
3115 Trooper William Henry COLLINS.
2932 Trooper Charles William CONE.
2810 Trooper Sidney CONLON.
2152 Trooper Douglass COOK.
2266 Trooper William Lockwood COOPER.
3581 Trooper Joseph CORBETT.
1445 Corporal Arthur Ernest Cody COULTER.
1131 Trooper Norbert Francis COVENEY.
2160 Trooper Joseph Ashton COWHAM.
1230 Trooper Carl Mackenzie COX.
Major Charles Frederick COX.
2444 Gunner James COX.
2091 Trooper Alexander Henry CRAGO.
3690 Trooper Henry Ernest CRANE.
369 Sergeant T CRANFIELD.
2799 Trooper Augustine Joseph CRANNEY.
1041 Sergeant James CRAWFORD.
1430 Trooper George Martin CRONIN.
2997 Trooper Joseph Blackstone CROUCH.
3589 Corporal John CROW.
1258 Trooper Alfred Edward CUFLEY.
1456 Trooper Fred CULLEN.
1642 Trooper Richard Mathew CULSHAW.
1703 Trooper Ralph CUMMING.
1421 Saddler Joseph DALEY.
1066 Trooper Roland Earl DALEY.
2871 Trooper James Hayes DANDO.
Second Lieutenant George Anderson DART.
1976 Trooper Douglas Gordon DAVIDSON.
3700 Trooper Arthur Irwin DAVIES.
1359 Trooper Charles Austin DAVIS.
2793 Lance Corporal George Frederick DAVIS.
3003 Trooper Robert Edward DAVIS.
2918 Trooper Thomas Charles DAVIS.
2815 Trooper Thomas Theodore DAVIS.
1969 Shoeing Smith Patrick Silvester DEAN.
1573 Driver Morgan Robert Fitzmaurice DEANE.
2758 Trooper Walter Henry DEIN.
2104 Trooper Walter DENNIS.
2019 Corporal Charles Edwin DENT.
3350 Trooper James DHU.
49 Corporal George Jennings DICKSON.
3413 Trooper Arthur Edward DIX.
1741 Trooper James DOAK.
1284 Trooper William DOAK.
2250 Trooper Edward Ernest DOBBIE.
3706 Trooper Sydney DOBSON.
3346 Trooper Patrick Joseph DOHERTY.
2017 Trooper Edward Douglas DONEHUE.
1938 Trooper Edwin DONN.
1938 Shoeing Smith Joseph DONN.
2357 Trooper James Thomas DONNELLY.
1513 Trooper Albert Alousius DONNOLLY.
1808 Trooper Edward DONOVAN.
Lieutenant Guy LH DOUDNEY.
1090 Trooper James Edward DOUGLASS.
1857 Trooper Lewis DOULL.
2175 Trooper William Joseph DOWDELL.
1735 Trooper Edward Thomas DOWLING.
1729 Trooper James Sterling DOWNES.
Trooper Victor DOWNES.
3399 Trooper Matthew DOWNS.
1501 Shoeing Smith Andrew Edwin DOYLE.
2014 Corporal Edgar Septimus DRANSFIELD.
1818 Trooper Reginald Gustavus DRANSFIELD.
Second Lieutenant Dugald DRUMMOND.
3265 Trooper Robert Samuel DRYBURGH.
1498 Trooper Bertie DUCKERING.
106 Trooper J DUDLEY.
2078 Trooper Joseph DUFFY.
2818 Trooper Edward DUGGAN.
916 Trooper Sidney William DUKE.
2312 Trooper John James DUNN.
1507 Trooper Joseph DWIGHT.
2006 Trooper Edward DWYER.
1461 Trooper Stanley Arthur DWYER.
1140 Trooper Alfred EAGLE.
1944 Trooper Fred EASEY.
3526 Lance Corporal William Herbert EASTERBROOK.
1708 Trooper Joseph Henry EDGAR.
2199 Corporal Percy EDGE.
3524 Trooper Arthur Robert EDWARDS.
1535 Trooper Arthur ELLIOTT.
3332 Trooper Edwin Robert ELLIOTT.
3243 Trooper James ELLIOTT.
2744 Trooper Leslie Herbert Daniel ELLIOTT.
2770 Trooper William Charles ELLIS.
1628 Trooper John Edmond ELLWOOD.
1631 Corporal Thomas Frederick ELLWOOD.
2102 Trooper Patrick EURELL.
1754 Trooper John Frederick EVANS.
3272 Trooper John William EVERETT.
1600 Trooper Herbert Alfred FARR.
1821 Trooper Wilfred FARRAR.
2149 Trooper Patrick FARRELL.
2339 Trooper Thomas FARREN.
3466 Trooper Wellington Thomas FAULKNER.
3276 Trooper George FIELD.
3185 Trumpeter William James FITTON.
2541 Driver Martin Henry FITZGERALD.
941 Trooper Michael FITZGERALD.
1946 Trooper Patrick Michael FITZHENRY.
1682 Trooper James FLANNERY.
1322 Trooper John FLETCHER.
1859 Trooper Lancelot FLYNN.
1730 Trooper William FOLEY.
1505 Trooper Leslie FORD.
928 Shoeing Smith Landen Edgar FORRESTER.
Lieutenant Ernest G FOSTER.
2069 Trooper Horace Saker FOULKES.
1608 Trooper James George FOWLER.
1244 Trooper Thomas Patrick FOX.
2974 Trooper Edward Frederick FRANCIS.
1690 Trooper George Cuthbert FRANCIS.
1101 Trooper Alexander FRASER.
1957 Trooper Walter George FRAZER.
3359 Trooper Edwin Henry FRYER.
1077 Trooper Charles John FULLER.
3062 Trooper William Walter FULLER.
685 Trooper Joseph FULTON.
1412 Trooper Edward GAFNEY.
2479 Gunner John GALLAGHER.
1557 Lance Corporal John Edward GALLAGHER.
1570 Trooper John William GALLAGHER.
Private William GALLAGHER.
1289 Trooper Albert GALLEGOS.
3398 Trooper George Henry GAMBLE.
1391 Trooper George GANDER.
3719 Trooper Norman Leslie GARDNER.
2485 Trooper Richard Milton GARRARD.
1625 Shoeing Smith Charles Arthur GARRETTY.
2367 Trooper John Hill GARVEN.
913 Trooper George GEERING.
1217 Lance Corporal Sydney GEORGE.
1874 Trooper Adam Murray GIBB.
3403 Trooper John GIBBONS.
Captain Clarence Hyne GIBSON.
1531 Trooper Thomas Henry GIBSON.
1867 Trooper William Henry GILBERT.
2257 Trooper Henry James GILLIARD.
1198 Trooper Ambrose Gregory GILLIGAN.
1292 Trooper Alfred GIMBERT.
2093 Trooper James GLEESON.
3342 Trooper Herbert Anthony GLEN.
2469 Gunner William Ralph GLOVER.
1373 Trooper Arthur Davis GODBER.
1232 Trooper Norman William GOODE.
3541 Trooper William Norman GOODE.
3698 Trooper David GOODSELL.
3335 Trooper Charles GOOLD.
2134 Sergeant Alec. Gilligar GORDON.
1328 Quartermaster Sergeant Robert Charles GORDON.
2589 Lance Corporal Wilfred GORDON.
2504 Trooper Alfred Patrick GORMLEY.
52 Trooper Charles John GOSPER.
3464 Trooper Frederick William GOSPER.
2147 Trooper George Ethelbert GRAHAM.
3366 Trooper Ross GRAHAM.
1629 Trooper William Abell GRAHAM.
Lieutenant Edward Phillip GRAHAME.
1963 Trooper Duncan GRANT.
2074 Trooper William Francis GRANT.
3228 Corporal James Mackey GRAY.
3266 Trooper George Henry GREEN.
1514 Trooper Henry Burnet GREEN.
Second Lieutenant George Malcolm GREENWELL.
1370 Corporal Hubert GREER.
1197 Trooper Percy Hobart GREGORY.
Captain Francis Ernest GREIG.
1253 Lance Corporal Benjamin Martin GRIBBLE.
1231 Trooper Patrick GRIFFIN.
2862 Trooper Albert Edward Murhall GRIFFITH.
1731 Trooper William GRIFFITHS.
1063 Corporal Charles GRIMSON.
947 Trooper Frederick Albert GRINSTEAD.
3389 Trooper William Charles GRUMBLETON.
1030 Trooper Robert GUTHRIE.
785 Trooper Edward HAINES.
1927 Trooper David HALL.
2157 Trooper Ellis HALL.
2283 Trooper William John HALL.
3039 Trooper William HALLIDAY.
1367 Trooper David Alexander HAMILTON.
2106 Sergeant Francis Benjamin HAMILTON.
3104 Trooper Joseph HAMILTON.
2297 Shoeing Smith Alexander Henry HAMMOND.
1534 Trooper Alfred HANDS.
2938 Trooper William HANSBY.
3081 Trooper William John HARGREAVES.
2111 Trooper Charles Ernest HARPER.
1743 Trooper Frederick HARPER.
1699 Trooper Charles William HARRIS.
1497 Trooper William John HARRIS.
3593 Sergeant Major Ernest Watkins HART.
17 Trooper William John HART.
3001 Trooper Percy HARTWELL.
2411 Gunner Arthur Edward HATTERSLEY.
1840 Trooper William Robert HAWES.
2123 Trooper James Henry HAYES.
1574 Trooper Michael HAYES.
1228 Trooper Norman Richard HAYES.
1784 Trooper Percy Thomas HAYES.
1908 Trooper William Boyne HAYMAN.
2519 Trumpeter Frederick James HEAPY.
2210 Quartermaster Sergeant Thomas Joseph HEERY.
931 Trooper John HEHIR.
817 Trooper Claude Frederick Henry Russel HEINE.
1451 Trooper Godfrey Davanant HEUCHMAN.
3303 Trooper George Thomas HEYDON.
338 Trooper Sydney Charles HEYMOURE.
2274 Trooper Frederick Harold HIGGINS.
2797 Trooper Alexander James HILL.
2510 Trooper Christopher HILL.
Lieutenant Norton Gordon HILL.
2133 Trooper William HILL.
2505 Trooper William Henry HILL.
2402 Trooper Herbert Edward HINES.
965 Trooper Thomas HIRD.
1226 Trooper Edward HISCOCK.
1320 Trooper John HISCOCK.
3639 Trumpeter Frank Foley HOBSON.
2088 Trooper Albert Charles HOCKINGS.
1417 Trooper Philip HODGE.
782 Corporal Herbert Ernest HODGES.
157 Trooper Charles Christopher HODGSON.
1974 Trooper Harold Hepworth HODGSON.
1379 Trooper Samuel George HODGSON.
1358 Corporal JG HODSON.
1358 Sergeant John George HODSON.
1767 Trooper Albert Everard HOFFMAN.
Second Lieutenant Frederick Henry HOLLAND.
2015 Trooper Hector HOLMES.
1415 Trooper Cyril James HOLSWICK.
2302 Trooper Donald Lea HOLT.
1286 Farrier Sergeant Ernest Fairhall HOPKINSON.
2460 Corporal Victor Burchall HOPKINSON.
1486 Trooper Richard Johnson HORNBY.
3308 Lance Corporal Ernest Francis HORSLEY.
1036 Trooper Sydney James HORTON.
1891 Corporal Herbert HOUSE.
1242 Trooper Alan Aubrey HOWARD.
1895 Trooper Edgar Vincent HOWARD.
3015 Trooper John HUDSON.
1126 Trooper John Edward HUFF.
1111 Trooper Aubrey William HUGGINS.
728 Shoeing Smith Edgar Idem HUGGINS.
3405 Trooper George HUGHES.
2454 Trooper George Hugh HUGHES.
1691 Trooper Hugh Llewellyn HUGHES.
2079 Trooper John James HUGHES.
2567 Trooper William Robert HULKS.
2924 Trooper Walter Vincent Victor HUMPHRIES.
2324 Trooper Martin HURLEY.
1723 Trooper John HUTCHINSON.
1018 Trooper James William ILLSLEY.
1044 Trooper James INNES.
1256 Corporal Edward Rogers ISAACS.
2119 Trooper Robert Crighton ISBISTER.
3400 Trooper Thomas JACKSON.
1234 Trooper William Charles JACKSON.
1252 Trooper James Henry JACOBS.
2449 Driver George JAGGERS.
1831 Trooper Thompson JARMAN.
1508 Trooper William John JEFFREY.
1020 Trooper Charles Edwin JENNINGS.
2502 Trooper Alfred JOHNSON.
1981 Corporal Alfred William JOHNSON.
3118 Corporal David Charles JOHNSON.
1413 Lance Corporal Eugene Vigil JOHNSON.
3298 Trooper William Reuben JOHNSON.
3091 Trooper Christopher Robert JOHNSTON.
1329 Trooper William Joseph JOHNSTON.
1980 Trooper Frederick JOLLIFFE.
1463 Trooper Albert Henry JONES.
2892 Trooper Alfred Richard JONES.
2893 Trooper Arthur JONES.
3334 Trooper Edward JONES.
2218 Trooper Edwin Walter JONES.
2278 Trooper Gustavus Travers JONES.
1392 Trooper Harry JONES.
2774 Trooper Henry JONES.
2153 Trooper Herbert Ernest JONES.
2763 Corporal Hugh Trevor JONES.
2262 Trooper John JONES.
1894 Trooper John Jonathan JONES.
3119 Trooper Robert JONES.
1525 Trooper William JONES.
3299 Trooper Albert John JOYCE.
2103 Trooper Reginald Milton JOYCE.
1794 Trooper George Charles KAIN.
3274 Trooper Searle Francis KAY.
3114 Trooper Michael KEADY.
1276 Trooper Patrick John KEADY.
2486 Driver Daniel KEBBLEWHITE.
3186 Corporal Charles Richard KELAHER.
1407 Trooper Henry KELLY.
1579 Trooper James KELLY.
2208 Trooper Joseph Augustine KELLY.
3125 Trooper William KELLY.
2895 Trooper Hugh William KEMP.
2257 Trooper Edgar Aloysius KENNA.
3318 Trooper Roger KENNEDY.
2730 Trooper William KENNEDY.
2765 Trooper Arthur Andrew KERR.
2138 Trooper George Findon KERTON.
1087 Trooper John KERWIN.
2081 Trooper Herbert Alonzo KEYS.
2254 Trooper William Giles KIDSON.
1634 Trooper James Alexander KILPATRICK.
1676 Corporal Alfred Ernest KIMMORLEY.
1496 Trooper John Thomas KING.
2284 Trooper Thomas KING.
1499 Trooper William KING.
2201 Trooper Stanley Horace KINGSMILL.
2183 Trooper William Joseph KINSELA.
1990 Trooper George Amos KIRBY.
3273 Trooper Alfred Thomas KNIGHT.
2857 Trooper Charles Goswell KNIGHT.
3061 Trooper Harry KNIGHT.
1727 Trooper Jacob KNOBEL.
3162 Lance Corporal William KUCHLER.
2838 Trooper Charles LAIKEN.
1307 Trooper Henry Herbert LANE.
1832 Trooper Henry Joseph LANE.
1758 Trooper Henry Walter LANE.
2782 Trooper James Augustus LANE.
2511 Trooper William John LANGRISH.
1193 Trooper Albert Victor LARDEN.
2982 Trooper EA LAWLER.
2446 Lance Corporal Charles William LAWRENCE.
1390 Trooper Leslie Joseph LE SEUR.
1947 Trumpeter Sydney LEE.
2259 Trooper Bazel LEEKS.
484 Corporal Thomas James LEES.
1270 Trooper Joseph Edward LEFOE.
1903 Trooper James LENNON.
1595 Trooper Herbert William LENON.
3055 Trooper Thomas Arthur LESSLIE.
1787 Trooper Septimus George LETT.
3717 Trooper Albert Ernest LEWIS.
3126 Trooper John William Nelson LEWIS.
2169 Trooper William Herbert LEWIS.
1899 Trooper Wallace George LEY.
1933 Trooper John LINDEN.
3411 Trooper Charles Edward LITHGO.
2971 Trooper Henry James LITTLEY.
3019 Trooper Charles James LLOYD.
3068 Trooper Herbert Brisbane LLOYD.
1626 Trooper Arthur Charles LOADER.
2094 Trooper Charles Lionel LOCKE.
1875 Sergeant George Hugh LOCKETT.
2376 Trooper Ernest Charles LOGAN.
1324 Trooper Walter LONG.
1511 Trooper Herbert P LOVETT.
3426 Trooper Charles LOW.
1025 Trooper John LUCAS.
1869 Trooper Joseph Alphonsus LUCEY.
1132 Lance Corporal George Darlow LUPTON.
1437 Trooper John LUSCOMBE.
1431 Trooper Archibald LYNCH.
1402 Trooper Alfred Rudolph LYON.
Sergeant Major G LYONS.
128 Trooper William James LYONS.
1633 Trooper Alexander John MACDONALD.
1778 Trooper D MACDONALD.
Lieutenant Peter MACDONALD.
1696 Trooper HH MACGREGOR.
3035 Trooper Archie MACKENZIE.
2776 Trooper Hugh Fraser MACKENZIE.
3096 Trooper John Thomas Evendon MACKENZIE.
Captain Stuart Leopold MACKENZIE.
1688 Trooper James Peter MAHER.
1564 Trooper Alexander MALLON.
2775 Lance Corporal Alfred Aristides MANUSA.
2804 Trooper James Gregory MARSHALL.
1914 Trooper Charles Gilbert MARTIN.
2756 Trooper Thomas Henry Alexander MARTIN.
2066 Corporal Daniel James MASON.
1005 Trumpeter Ernest MASON.
1942 Trooper Robert MASON.
1485 Trooper Thomas MASON.
3070 Trooper Walter MASON.
3315 Corporal James P MATTHEWS.
1886 Trumpeter Percy Clarke MATTHEWS.
1278 Trooper William John MATTHEWS.
1180 Trooper George MAUNSELL.
2587 Corporal William Morley MAXWELL.
3200 Trooper David MAY.
3282 Trooper Frank MCALIER.
3056 Trooper Thomas Romanus Patricia MCALLISTER.
1420 Trooper George Rodney MCALPINE.
2136 Trooper George Kirby MCARTHUR.
1907 Trooper Hugh MCBRIDE.
1360 Trooper John MCCANN.
3652 Trooper Norman MCCAULEY.
2702 Trooper William MCCLELLAND.
2875 Trooper Norman Hunt MCCLUNG.
1246 Corporal Thomas William Wallace MCCLURG.
1959 Trooper Donald Norman MCCLYMONT.
3671 Regimental Sergeant Major John Thomas MCCOLL.
2128 Trooper John George MCCOOK.
3597 Trooper Michael MCCORMACK.
1994 Trooper John Alexander MCCROSSIN.
3373 Trooper William Duncan MCDERMID.
836 Trooper Leslie William Hugh MCDERMOTT.
3005 Trooper Donald Angus MCDIARMID.
2686 Trooper George Alfred MCDONNELL.
3292 Trooper Stephen MCFARLANE.
1773 Trooper M MCGIRR.
2671 Trooper James MCGOWAN.
1542 Trooper James MCGRATH.
1424 Trooper John MCGRATH.
2142 Trooper William MCHUGH.
1354 Trooper Charles Hugh MCINNES.
3037 Trooper Alexander Donald MCINTYRE.
2000 Trooper Charles William MCINTYRE.
1704 Trooper J MCINTYRE.
3244 Trooper RD MCINTYRE.
2888 Trooper Bernard Francis MCIVOR.
1752 Trooper W MCKEE.
1823 Trooper Joseph MCKENZIE.
1439 Trooper Samuel Francis MCKENZIE.
2217 Trooper J MCKEOWN.
2759 Trooper Bertie MCLACHLAN.
3710 Trooper William Henry MCLACHLAN.
1318 Trooper John MCLAUGHLIN.
1807 Trooper DJF MCLEAN.
1766 Trooper John MCMAHON.
2182 Trooper Mortimer Patrick MCMAHON.
1630 Shoeing Smith Terance Charles MCMAHON.
2936 Trooper Thomas James MCMAHON.
2016 Corporal Thomas Joseph MCMAHON.
1586 Sergeant Edward James MCNABB.
1160 Trooper Bernard Francis MCNAMARA.
2817 Trooper Hector MCPHEE.
3696 Farrier Sergeant Kenneth Ross MCPHERSON.
1924 Trooper Neil MCPHERSON.
1460 Lance Corporal William MCSHANE.
1825 Trooper Thomas MCWILLIAM.
1860 Trooper Herbert Ernest MEAD.
1865 Trooper James MEDARIS.
1906 Corporal Herbert Joseph MEECHAM.
Lieutenant Maunsell Richard MEECHAM.
1061 Corporal Reginald Pentland MEEHAM.
2942 Trooper Thomas Frederick MEREDITH.
1401 Trooper Frederick MEYERS.
1543 Trooper J MILLAR.
Captain David Frederick MILLER.
2130 Sergeant John William MILLER.
2588 Trooper George Absalom MITCHELL.
1560 Trooper Stanley Oswald MITCHELL.
1540 Trooper George Edward Cyril MOBBERLY.
Second Lieutenant William MOFFITT.
1092 Trooper William MONISH.
1602 Trooper William MONTGOMERIE.
1652 Trooper Harry MONTGOMERY.
2524 Trooper Charles Herbert MOORE.
2165 Trooper Frederick George MOORE.
2399 Trumpeter Frederick John MOORE.
3651 Squadron Sergeant Major James William MOORE.
784 Corporal William Archibald MOORE.
1285 Trooper Joseph Brabazon Cavendish MORRIS.
1998 Trooper Major MORRIS.
2234 Trooper Thomas MORRIS.
1553 Trooper RJ MORRISON.
3422 Trooper James Reginald MORTON.
3188 Trooper William George MOULD.
435 Sergeant WJ MULHEAN.
1814 Trooper CHS MULHOLLAND.
1159 Trooper Thomas MULLALY.
1146 Trooper Michael MULLARKEY.
1538 Trooper TC MUNDY.
3054 Trooper Albert Henry MUNTZ.
1442 Trooper Hubert MURPHY.
1509 Trooper Oliver Charles MURPHY.
1341 Trooper Hugh Miller MURRAY.
1677 Trooper Alexander Patrick MURTAGH.
3722 Lance Corporal Thomas Thomson MUSGRAVE.
302 Trooper John MUSTON.
3057 Trooper James NASH.
3088 Trooper William Henry NASH.
1190 Corporal Vernour Vigne NATHAN.
1843 Trooper Thomas William NEALE.
3240 Trooper John Francis NEARY.
3381 Farrier Sergeant John Francis Patrick NEENAN.
3124 Trooper John NEILAN.
1661 Trooper Ernest Edwin NEILL.
2089 Trooper William Wallace NELSON.
1149 Trooper James NEVILLE.
3030 Trooper Edward Joseph NICHOLS.
3117 Corporal Frederick George NICHOLS.
2213 Trooper Walter Herbert NICHOLSON.
2690 Sergeant William NICHOLSON.
595 Corporal Horace PC NIXON.
1917 Trooper Percy NIXON.
2110 Trooper William Arthur NOAKES.
1127 Trooper Patrick NOLAN.
2276 Sqn.Sgt.maj. George William NORMAN.
3560 Trooper Arthur George NORRIS.
2167 Trooper James NORTON.
2264 Trooper William John NORWOOD.
101 Corporal Robert Anthony NOSSITER.
1624 Sergeant Archibald Frederick NOWLAND.
3024 Trooper Benjamin Henry OBORN.
1230 Trooper Harry OBORN.
3102 Trooper Michael O'BRIEN.
1384 Trooper William O'BRIEN.
1091 Trooper Michael Thomas O'DONNELL.
2120 Trooper Charles OGILVIE.
2118 Trooper William Ernest OGILVIE.
2063 Trooper John Ernest O'KEEFE.
2061 Trooper Albert Richard OLIVE.
944 Shoeing Smith Martin O'NEIL.
3397 Trooper William O'NIELL.
3354 Trooper Lewis OWEN.
2640 Trooper John OWENS.
2188 Trooper Frank PAGE.
2949 Trooper William PAGE.
2856 Corporal Alfred PAINE.
2004 Trooper Joseph PALLIER.
879 Trooper William PALLIER.
Lieutenant Roger Wingham PALMER.
3631 Trooper Hilton Thomas PARKER.
1714 Trooper Frederick William PARKINSON.
1798 Trooper Thomas PARKINSON.
1556 Trooper Samuel Herhert PARR.
2731 Trooper Lewis Cornelius PARRISH.
2745 Trooper Stephen Thomas PATEMAN.
2182 Trooper Douglas Fawcett PATISON.
1254 Trooper Richard PATTERSON.
1364 Trooper Arthur Charles PATTON.
Lieutenant Norman Matthew PEARCE.
2940 Trooper William Edward PECK.
3211 Trooper Anthony PEDERSON.
2378 Driver John James PEDERSON.
2087 Trooper Hugh PEDROTTA.
Lieutenant John Harold PEEK.
2236 Trooper Charles Maxian PENNY.
1991 Trooper William Henry PENNY.
2205 Trooper Benjamin George PERRIN.
2194 Trooper Peter PHILLIPS.
2439 Driver Ernest Alfred PHILP.
3340 Trooper William Henry PIGGOTT.
891 Gunner Oswald Saunders PITT.
1583 Trooper Herbert Leslie PLEYDELL.
2401 Trooper Edgar Ewart PLUCKNETT.
2385 Trooper Frederick Charles PLUMMER.
2917 Trooper Walter POLLOCK.
1893 Trooper Arthur James PORTER.
3128 Trooper Edward PORTER.
3132 Trooper John PORTER.
1118 Trooper Thomas POUNCEBY.
1781 Trooper Thomas H lton POWELL.
2903 Trooper Nicholas POWERS.
2198 Trooper Edgar Gerald PRETTY.
Second Lieutenant David CW Howell PRICE.
2983 Sergeant Albert Henry PROBERT.
1298 Trooper George Henry PRUSSIAN.
1887 Trumpeter Walter Charles PUGH.
2981 Trooper Phillip Alexander QUETCHER.
2967 Lance Corporal William Edward RANKIN.
3022 Trooper Joseph RASMUSSEN.
2227 Trooper Daniel RAY.
1084 Trooper Herbert George RAY.
1039 Trooper Walter Thomas RAY.
1381 Trooper Thomas Rolls READ.
1458 Corporal John James REARDON.
1529 Trooper Duncan Robert REID.
1305 Trooper James REID.
2139 Trooper James REYNOLDS.
1177 Sergeant Joseph RICE.
2080 Trooper Alfred RICHARDS.
3522 Trooper Robert RICHARDS.
2090 Trooper Robert Harris RICHARDS.
Lieutenant Thomas Robert RICHARDS.
2322 Trooper George Henry Archibald RICHARDSON.
1475 Corporal James Fraser RICHARDSON.
3325 Trooper John RIDGWAY.
1454 Trooper James Samuel ROACH.
2701 Trooper George ROBBINS.
3362 Trooper Harry ROBINSON.
2415 Trooper John ROBINSON.
Lieutenant Henry ROBSON.
940 Trooper Michael ROCK.
1161 Trooper Nicol H RODGERS.
2253 Trooper Oliver John ROGERS.
903 Trooper Thomas Bray ROGERS.
1339 Trooper Anthony ROLFE.
3288 Trooper Joseph ROLFE.
1523 Trooper William ROLLASON.
3433 Trooper Samuel ROLLESTON.
2448 Lance Corporal Charles ROSTEN.
3669 Trooper William Henry ROWLAND.
1099 Trooper Robert James ROY.
1890 Trooper Thomas ROYAL.
2240 Trooper Valentine RUANE.
2241 Trooper Charles Orr RUSH.
1472 Trooper Frederick Winter RUSSELL.
926 Trooper Henry Patrick RYAN.
1347 Corporal James Alfred RYAN.
1597 Trooper John Henry RYAN.
2632 Trooper Lawrence RYAN.
1297 Trooper Walter John RYAN.
2166 Trooper Frank Francis SALES.
1128 Trooper Edwin SAMS.
1684 Trooper Hastings SANDY.
3064 Trooper Albert Alexander SAVAGE.
3113 Trooper Edwin SCHOFIELD.
Lieutenant James Harry SCHWABE.
Lieutenant Robert SCOBIE.
991 Sergeant Arthur SCOTT.
2339 Trooper Sidney SCOTT.
3264 Trooper William SEACH.
1826 Trooper Jasper James SEARD.
3138 Lance Corporal William Mervyn SEDGWICK.
1516 Trooper George Robert SEYMOUR.
2617 Trooper William Christopher SEYMOUR.
3699 Corporal Ernest Herbert SHANNON.
305 Corporal Henry SHARP.
2023 Gunner Paul SHARPE.
Second Lieutenant Lindsay John SHAW.
2868 Trooper Cecil Woodford SHEARMAN.
2328 Trooper Albert Edward SHEARSTON.
2191 Trooper Henry SHEENS.
3313 Trooper William Arthur SHEFFIELD.
3063 Sergeant William Henry SHEPHERD.
1707 Trooper Joseph George SHERRINGHAM.
1073 Trooper Thomas SHORT.
1998 Trooper Frederick Taylor SIMEON.
3031 Corporal John Thomas SIMMONS.
Lieutenant Turton English SIMMONS.
1896 Trooper Edgar Whetter SIMPSON.
2273 Trooper George Achison SIMPSON.
2882 Trooper William SIMPSON.
2400 Trooper Douglas SIMS.
1312 Trooper Samuel William SKINNER.
2786 Trooper Alfred Edgar SMITH.
2058 Corporal Cecil Selwyn SMITH.
816 Corporal David Owen Leslie SMITH.
2581 Farrier Donald Sidney SMITH.
1683 Trooper George William SMITH.
2894 Trooper George William SMITH.
1262 Trooper James SMITH.
1941 Trooper James SMITH.
3218 Sergeant Lennox Walter Macquarie SMITH.
1822 Trooper Matthew SMITH.
1383 Saddler Matthew George SMITH.
2177 Trooper Pierce Seall SMITH.
264 Sergeant Sydney James SMITH.
2989 Trooper William Frank SMITH.
2629 Trooper William James SMITH.
2891 Trooper William Oscar SMITH.
1399 Trooper William Samuel SMITH.
2009 Trooper David George SMYTHE.
1662 Trooper Richard SPEDDING.
3027 Corporal Robert William SPURWAY.
3302 Trooper Archibald Sidney STACEY.
2796 Trooper Herbert Edwin STAFFORD.
1751 Trooper Frank Alfred STANNARD.
1897 Trooper Major STANTON.
537 Trooper John Patrick STAPLETON.
1465 Farrier William STARR.
1738 Quartermaster Sergeant John Baston STAUNTON.
1326 Trooper Alfred Mansfield STEAD.
1757 Trooper Albert George STERRITT.
1148 Trooper Bertram Alfred STEVENS.
1239 Corporal Edwin Marcus STEVENS.
2576 Trooper Raymond Douglas STEVENS.
3311 Trooper Harry John STEVENSON.
3314 Trooper Joseph STEVENSON.
1705 Trooper Thomas STEVENSON.
1614 Trooper Ewan Gore STEWART.
2919 Corporal Hugh Hill STEWART.
Lieutenant John STEWART.
775 Trooper Samuel George STITT.
Captain Stanley Frederick STOKES.
2231 Trooper Samuel John STONEHAM.
2748 Lance Corporal William STRACHAN.
2998 Trooper William Henry STRATTON.
3279 Trooper Albert Edward STRAUSS.
2072 Trooper Joseph STRICKLAND.
1113 Trooper Norman Hylton STRICKLAND.
1519 Trooper Charles Gordon Grant STUART.
Lieutenant Frederick William STUART.
1533 Trooper William James STUBBINGS.
1558 Sergeant Thomas STURGEON.
2958 Trooper Clement Joseph STYNES.
1521 Trooper Leonard Oinan SULLINGS.
3086 Trooper Ernest Alfred SUMMERFIELD.
1810 Farrier Sergeant Donald SUTHERLAND.
569 Corporal James Duncan SUTTON.
3017 Trooper Charles James SWAN.
Lieutenant Vet Stanley Leplastrier SYMONDS.
406 Trooper George Richard TAPLIN.
3465 Trooper Herbert TARLINGTON.
1789 Sergeant Albert Bentley TAYLOR.
987 Shoeing Smith Ernest Alexander TAYLOR.
1011 Trooper Frank Harold TAYLOR.
912 Trooper Leslie TAYLOR.
2381 Sergeant Murray Joseph TAYLOR.
3094 Sergeant Owen Albert TAYLOR.
3052 Trooper Linden TEAGUE.
2931 Sergeant George TENISON.
1566 Corporal Arthur Samuel THOMAS.
Second Lieutenant Henry THOMAS.
3079 Lance Corporal William Edward THOMAS.
1706 Trooper Arthur THOMPSON.
1222 Trooper George THOMPSON.
984 Trooper Harry Miller THOMPSON.
2277 Trooper James William THOMPSON.
Lieutenant John Alfred Malbon Windeyer THOMPSON.
3285 Trooper Arthur Clarence THOMSON.
2239 Trooper Daniel Watson THOMSON.
3349 Trooper Bernard Vincent TIER.
3349 Trooper Bernard TIERS.
2771 Trooper Clarence Edward TINDALL.
2711 Corporal Thomas James TIPPER.
2625 Corporal George Charles TOOGOOD.
2085 Trooper John TOOVEY.
3601 Trooper Arthur TOWNSEND.
988 Trooper Thomas Edward TOWNSEND.
1987 Trooper Robert TRAFFORD.
Lieutenant Graham Voller Dalhousie TREATT.
1371 Trooper Stacy Beauchamp TREWEEK.
3103 Trooper Albert Ernest TRINDER.
2718 Trooper Harry Reginald TROLLOPE.
1094 Trooper James Peter TUBBERTY.
1336 Trooper Arthur Leopold TUBNOR.
3275 Trooper Herbert Lionel TUDDENHAM.
2766 Trooper Charles Thomas Elisha TURNER.
2013 Trooper Frederick Thomas TURNER.
1582 Trooper Henry Ernest TURNER.
3451 Trooper William TURNER.
3387 Trooper Robert TURVEY.
1836 Trooper James TWISS.
3286 Trooper Septimus Richard UNDERWOOD.
1827 Trooper James UREN.
1892 Trooper Frederick Ernest URQUHART.
108 Trooper Arthur Henry Charles WAINE.
1804 Trooper Edward William WALKER.
3109 Trooper John William WALKER.
2755 Trooper William WALKER.
2987 Trooper Charles John WALKLING.
1408 Trooper George Henry WALL.
2178 Trooper Charles John WALLACE.
1920 Trooper John WALLACE.
1792 Trooper William Richard WALLACE.
1295 Trooper Arthur Patrick WALSH.
1452 Sergeant John Edmund WALSH.
1718 Trooper Thomas WALSH.
2164 Trooper Richard WALTON.
1745 Saddler William WALTON.
1755 Trooper Bert Thomas WARD.
Lieutenant Horace WATERS.
1484 Trooper Joseph WATERS.
2107 Trooper William WATSON.
2005 Trooper Edward Chorley WATT.
3544 Trooper Arthur Ernest WEBB.
3388 Trooper Edward WELLS.
2872 Trooper Edward Henry WELLS.
3153 Sergeant George Taylor WELLS.
1223 Trooper Thomas WELLS.
1403 Trooper Thomas WELSH.
1272 Trooper Charles Henry WEST.
2542 Gunner William WESTBURY.
2109 Trooper Charles WESTLING.
2145 Trooper Norman WESTON.
2834 Trooper William Charles WESTON.
3347 Trooper Benjamin WESTWOOD.
2816 Trooper Frank WESTWOOD.
3130 Trooper Harry WETHERALL.
3051 Trooper William Thomas WETHERALL.
3344 Trooper James WHEELER.
1571 Shoeing Smith Joseph William WHITBREAD.
2068 Trooper Edward Charles WHITE.
1904 Trooper Frederick WHITE.
2140 Trooper Roland George WHITEHEAD.
3582 Trooper James Henry WHITFORD.
2777 Trooper Robert WHITTON.
3296 Trooper Upton WHITTY.
3067 Trooper Alfred WHYE.
3041 Trooper James John WHYN.
3393 Trooper James WICKHAM.
3078 Trooper John William WICKHAM.
1900 Trooper Harold John WILKES.
2916 Trooper Albert WILLIAMS.
107 Trooper Alexander Joseph WILLIAMS.
2975 Trooper Edward WILLIAMS.
3716 Quartermaster Sergeant Henry WILLIAMS.
2649 Trooper James Bennett WILLIAMS.
1658 Gunner John Heitman WILLIAMS.
1776 Trooper Joseph WILLIAMS.
2141 Trooper Joseph Robert WILLIAMS.
2252 Trooper Walter Henry Burns WILLIAMS.
2124 Trooper William WILLIAMS.
2008 Trooper John WILLIAMSON.
1544 Trooper Percy Claude WILLIAMSON.
2067 Trooper Fulton Barvelle Hooper WILLMETTE.
2457 Driver Alfred Ernest WILSON.
1314 Trooper Charles WILSON.
1527 Trooper Charles Brinsley WILSON.
1638 Corporal Edgar A WILSON.
1187 Trooper John WILSON.
2092 Trooper Robert Percy WILSON.
1240 Trooper Sidney WILSON.
2427 Farrier Sergeant Albert Monday WONSON.
1925 Trooper Thomas Henry WOOD.
2011 Trooper William WOOD.
2911 Trooper Herbert Stanley WOODHILL.
2878 Trooper Fred Hewlett WOODWARD.
1500 Trooper William Henry WOOLLETT.
1910 Trumpeter Sydney Herbert WORTHINGTON.
868 Trooper Gilbert WRIGHT.
3421 Trooper Ernest WYBURN.
2468 Driver James WYER.
2012 Trooper Edward Sidney YARD.
1142 Trooper Stanley Australia YARROW.
1186 Trooper Ernest YOUNG.
2209 Trooper James YOUNG.
1400 Trooper John YOUNG.
1750 Corporal Ernest ZALINSKI
Further Reading:
3rd NSW Mounted Rifles, Roll of Honour
Citation: 3rd New South Wales Mounted Rifles, Nominal Roll