Topic: Militia - LHW - WA
Western Australian Militia
1st Infantry Regiment
The following is an extract from the book written in 1962 by George F. Wieck called The Volunteer Movement in Western Australia 1861-1903, p. 56:
1st Infantry Regiment
For the purpose of providing facilities for higher forms of training in operations and administration the Perth, Fremantle, and Guildford Infantry corps were, on 10 June 1874, grouped to form the 1st Battalion W.A. Volunteers. No new troops were raised, the arrangement being in the nature of an expedient. The corps concerned retained their administrative independence. Perth provided two Companies, Fremantle and Guildford one each, with the Military Commandant as Battalion Commander.
This organization continued until 1899 when, on more troops becoming available, the three component corps were permanently incorporated in what was gazetted on 1 July 1899 as the 1st Infantry Regiment, under the Command of Lieutenant Colonel S Gardiner.
The Regiment was organized as follows:Perth:Headquarters, Band, "A" Company, "B" Company, and later "G" Company.
Fremantle:"C" Company, "D" Company, and later "F" Company.
Guildford:"E" Company.
It was a big step in the right direction. It now became possible for senior officers to practise higher forms of leadership, and for junior officers to study co-operation and mutual support in a practical way.
The 1st Infantry Regiment was automatically dissolved when the W.A. Infantry Brigade came into being on 8 October 1900. See: W.A. Infantry Brigade; 1st Battalion, W.A. Infantry Brigade; 2nd Battalion, W.A. Infantry Brigade; and, 3rd Battalion, W.A. Infantry Brigade.
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Next: Metropolitan Civil Service Battalion
Further Reading:
Western Australian Militia, Light Horse
Western Australian Militia, Infantry
Citation: The Volunteer Movement in Western Australia, 1st Infantry Regiment