Topic: AIF - 1B - 2 LHR
The Battle of Magdhaba
Sinai, 23 December 1916
2nd LHR, AIF, War Diary Account
The transcription:
23 December 1916Roll of Honour
0600 - The Anzac Mounted Division from El Arish arrived and engaged the enemy in a strong entrenched position at Magdhaba. After a hot engagement the last redoubt was taken at 1630 and the enemy surrendered. Our casualties in the Regiment were one killed and eight wounded. List attached. List of prisoners taken and killed and guns and stores attached. At 2200 the Regiment marched back to El Arish. Captain Stodart escorting prisoners.
List of Enemy Killed and Wounded, and Stores captured at Magdhaba on23 December 1916.
97 Turks killed and buried by us;
1290 Prisoners taken including 40 wounded and 45 Officers;
We also captured about 40 horses and 60 camels;
4 Mountain Guns and personnel;
About 1,000 rifles;
100,000 rounds small arms ammunition; and,
A quantity of military stores and equipment.
Casualties, 23 December 1916.
399 Corporal Waddell, GM, Killed in Action.
2891 Private Tapnell, HC, Wounded in Action.
1077 Private McBride, JC, Wounded in Action.
753 Sergeant Allen, F, Wounded in Action.
806 Lance Corporal Young, T, Wounded in Action.
2885 Private Pollock, R, Wounded in Action.
968vPrivate Shader, AE, Wounded in Action.
2833 Private Sutton, GW, Wounded in Action.
1449 Private Munro, HC, Wounded in Action.
24 December 1916
0600 - Regiment, less "C" Squadron and two Troops escorting prisoners arrived at El Arish. Captain Stodart and two Troops "B" Squadron with prisoners arrived at 1400.
George Malcolm WADDELL
Lest We Forget
Further Reading:
2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, AIF
2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment, Roll of Honour
The Battle of Magdhaba, Sinai, December 23, 1916, Roll of Honour, Australia and New Zealand
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: The Battle of Magdhaba, Sinai, December 23, 1916, 2nd LHR, AIF, War Diary Account