Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z
Australian Light Horse - Full Index
Embarkation Roll: ROG to RUB
The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.
Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:
First Names;
Family Name;
If applicable, any false name employed; and,
Embarkation unit.
Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.
Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.
Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.
Finding more about a service person.
Embarkation Roll: ROG to RUB
Albert George ROGERS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Victor Henry ROGERS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Allan ROGERS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Edward ROGERS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Leonard ROGERS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur William ROGERS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Benjamin ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Albert ROGERS, General Service Reinforcements.
Charles Edward George ROGERS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Clarence Frederick ROGERS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Clarence Stanley ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest Arthur ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Francis Amos ROGERS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Francis Edward ROGERS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Francis James ROGERS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick ROGERS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
George Alfred ROGERS, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.
George Edwin ROGERS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
George James William Hugh ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Harry ROGERS, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.
James ROGERS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
James Edwin ROGERS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
John Stanley ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie ROGERS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie James ROGERS, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Luke Francis ROGERS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Mark Roy ROGERS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Parker Charles ROGERS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Percival Thomas ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Richard Louis Stanford ROGERS, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Robert William ROGERS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas George ROGERS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Vaughan Arthur ROGERS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Vincent James ROGERS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Wallace ROGERS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
William ROGERS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
William Henry ROGERS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
William Isaac ROGERS, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
William John ROGERS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
William John ROGERS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Kenneth Berkley ROGERS - HARRISON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Joseph ROHAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter John ROHLEDER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
John Bernard ROHRICK, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles ROHRLACK, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph William ROLAND, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur William ROLANDS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander ROLFE, 14th Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred Joseph ROLFE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Lawrence ROLFE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Thomas ROLFE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
George Arthur ROLFE, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.
Hugh Edward Hall ROLFE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Timothy ROLFS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
John Ross ROLLAND, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Edward ROLLASON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
William ROLLASON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Benjamin Albert ROLLES, General Service Reinforcements.
Philip Lancelot ROLLESTON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
John Leslie ROLLINSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
John Stanley ROLLISON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Jack ROLLO, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas James ROLLO, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph Henry ROLPH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Henry ROLPH, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
John Charles ROMARO, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Oke Oakesson ROMNEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Angus Cameron RONALD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Kenneth McGeorge RONALD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Bruce RONALD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William Alfred RONALD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Lindsay RONALDS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Daniel RONAN, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Maurice RONAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Clarence Alexander RONEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Michael RONEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas George ROOKABY, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Arthur Percival Markham ROOKE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Percival Markham ROOKE, General Service Reinforcements.
Walter Frederick ROOKE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Joseph ROOKE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph Henry ROOKS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred Victor ROONAN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred George ROONEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Edgar Frank ROONEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
George William ROONEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Michael Angelo ROONEY, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Archibald Leonard ROOTS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter James ROOTS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
William Henry ROOTS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Edgar ROOTSEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander McLeod ROPER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest George ROPER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
George Cameron ROPER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
John Talbot ROPER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Ralph Allan ROPER, General Service Reinforcements.
Raymond St Vincent ROPER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Peace ROPER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
William Francis ROPER, General Service Reinforcements.
Cecil John Elzric RORKE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred William ROSCOE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Alan Clifton ROSE, General Service Reinforcements.
Albert Ernest ROSE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Angus William ROSE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Arthur Sydney Lancelot ROSE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Percy ROSE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Edward ROSE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Mariner Thornton ROSE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Edwin Burman ROSE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest ROSE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest Mervyn ROSE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Eustace William ROSE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Frank ROSE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Frank ROSE, General Service Reinforcements.
Frederick ROSE, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
George ROSE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
George Thomas ROSE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
George William ROSE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Gordon ROSE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Mervyn ROSE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Hubert Ernest ROSE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
James Fraser ROSE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
James Victor ROSE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
John George ROSE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
John Patrick ROSE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
John Patrick ROSE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Kelso Joshua ROSE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Raymond Charles ROSE, General Service Reinforcements.
Reginald Gordon ROSE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard Benjamin ROSE, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron.
Thomas George ROSE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas William ROSE, General Service Reinforcements.
William Boyd ROSE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Saywell ROSEBY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Mark ROSENBERG, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Kingston ROSENTHALL, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Jack Lewis ROSENTHALL, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Arthur John ROSER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Octavius ROSER, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
George ROSEVEAR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie H. ROSEWAINE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
William H. ROSEWARNE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Sinclair Archibald ROSIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Sinclair Archibald ROSIE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
William Gordon ROSIE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Leopold James Cecil ROSKAMS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander ROSS, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
Alister Hall ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Allan Kenneth Fraser ROSS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Allan Kenneth Fraser ROSS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Alwyn Fraser ROSS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Andrew George ROSS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Andrew Roy ROSS, General Service Reinforcements.
Archibald ROSS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Byron James ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles James ROSS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Chisholm Cameron ROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Clive Hall ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
David ROSS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
David ROSS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
David ROSS, Airline Section.
Donald ROSS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Donald ROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Donald Secundus ROSS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Douglas ROSS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Farquhar ROSS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Francis Eliott Hall ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Gordon King ROSS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Gregory ROSS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold ROSS, 14th Light Horse Regiment.
Harry ROSS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Harry ROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Hugh Angus ROSS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Jack ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
James ROSS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
John ROSS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
John Anstice ROSS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
John Edwin ROSS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
John Henry Zouch ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
John Roy ROSS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph ROSS, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
Joseph James ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Ken Stewart ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Kenneth Doige ROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie ROSS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Lindsay ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Malcolm ROSS, General Service Reinforcements.
Matthew ROSS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Neil ROSS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Nigel Grafton ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Norman Allen Ogilvie ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Peter ROSS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard Calo ROSS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Dalrymple ROSS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Robert George ROSS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Walter ROSS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Ronald Campbell ROSS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Rowan Chisholm ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Spencer Liddle ROSS, General Service Reinforcements.
Thomas Donald ROSS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Victor James ROSS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Austruther ROSS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Wilfred Wallace ROSS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
William ROSS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
William ROSS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William Forest Maxwell ROSS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
William Harrison ROSS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
William Henry ROSS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
William Henry ROSS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
William Wallace ROSS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Willian Allardice ROSS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Leonard ROSSBACH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Werner Eric ROSSBACH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Henry ROSSENDELL, General Service Reinforcements.
Oscar Haines ROSSER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Oscar Haines ROSSER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
William ROSSER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
William Henry ROSSER, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
George ROSSITER, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Otto Cartwright ROSSITER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Harold Laurence ROSTRON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Robert ROSTRON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
David Francis Peter ROTH, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Bell ROTHEL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Norman Aston ROTHERY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold ROTHWELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Godard ROTHWELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur James ROUGET, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
John ROUGH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Thomas ROUGHLEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
George Eric ROULSTON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert George ROULSTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
James ROULSTON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Ebenezer ROUND, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest Edgar ROUNDS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Percival Harold ROUNDS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Claude Martin ROUSE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward James ROUSE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Wallace Livingstone ROUSE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Samuel Joseph ROUSEAU, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Magee ROUTLEDGE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Wilfield ROUTLY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Austral ROW, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Andrew Percival ROWAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Louis Gordon Tackey ROWBOTHAM, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Eben ROWBOTHAM, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Bertie ROWBOTTOM, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander ROWE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Arnold Roy ROWE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur ROWE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Edward ROWE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Daniel ROWE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
David ROWE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Frank Burham ROWE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick ROWE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Ley ROWE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry William ROWE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Howard John Basil ROWE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Hurtle Peters ROWE, General Service Reinforcements.
John ROWE, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.
Ludwig ROWE, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
Norman McIver ROWE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Phillip Valentine ROWE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Ronald ROWE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Stanley Charles ROWE, General Service Reinforcements.
Thomas William ROWE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Wilfred Diment ROWE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
William James ROWE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
William john Thomas ROWE, 14th Light Horse Regiment.
Benjamin ROWELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles ROWELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles ROWELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Frank Milton ROWELL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Stephen Neville ROWELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Lindsay Hugh ROWELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Sydney Fairbairn ROWELL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred Edward ROWLAND, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Charles Richards ROWLAND, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
George Richard Davies ROWLAND, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Owen John ROWLAND, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Paul Russell ROWLAND, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard ROWLAND, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas ROWLAND, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles ROWLANDS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Tinkler ROWLANDS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Llewellyn ROWLANDS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Harry ROWLES, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred ROWLEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur William ROWLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles ROWLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Keith ROWLING, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Geoffrey ROWNEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
John Squire Underdown ROWNEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Ewan Sutcliffe ROWNTREE, General Service Reinforcements.
Vernon Shirley ROWNTREE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Charles Walter ROWSELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Edward ROWSELL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander ROXBURGH, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Cecil Ernest ROXBURGH, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Norman William ROXBURGH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Alexander ROXBURGH, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Robert ROY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Norman Charles ROYAL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
William Richard ROYAL, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
William Molyneaux ROYDS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Alexander ROYLANCE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Percy Charles ROYLE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Frank ROYSTON, General Service Reinforcements.
Michael Phillip ROYSTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Harry ROZEE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Dedrich ROZENFELD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Henry ROZYNSKI, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Henry ROZYNSKI, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Oscar Ernest ROZYNSKI, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Martin Edward RUANE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold RUBERY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest Wilfred RUBY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Previous: ROB to ROG
Next: RUB to RYR
Sources Used:
National Archives Service File.
Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.
Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.
Collected Records of Steve Becker.
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.
Further Reading:
Australian Light Horse - Full Index
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: ROG to RUB