Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z
Australian Light Horse - Full Index
Embarkation Roll: STA to STE
The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.
Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:
First Names;
Family Name;
If applicable, any false name employed; and,
Embarkation unit.
Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.
Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.
Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.
Finding more about a service person.
Embarkation Roll: STA to STE
Alfred STANCLIFFE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert STANDJAN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Christopher STANDRING, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Christopher STANDRING, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Christopher STANDRING, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Wesley Charles STANDRING, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest Alfred Field STANFIELD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Horace Raymond Barry STANFIELD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Abraham Joseph STANFORD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert STANFORD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert STANFORD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Clarence Howard STANFORD, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Edgar Roy STANFORD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Joseph STANFORD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert Arthur George STANFORD, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.
John Charles STANFORD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Reginald Bowen STANFORD, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Robert Victor STANFORD-BLUNTISH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie Rex STANGER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Ritchie Isbister STANGER, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.
Hugh William STANGER-LEATHES, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Edward Dalby STANIFORD, General Service Reinforcements.
Basil Lowley STANIFORTH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Bernard STANITZKI, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander STANLEY, General Service Reinforcements.
Alfred STANLEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred Arthur STANLEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Alvin STANLEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur STANLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Vincent STANLEY, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Bert STANLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles STANLEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Charles STANLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles STANLEY, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Charles Edward STANLEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Everton Edward STANLEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
George Aubrey STANLEY, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.
George Shaw Tew STANLEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Gerald William STANLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold STANLEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert Edward STANLEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Horace Beverley STANLEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph STANLEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Oliver Rupert Victor STANLEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Raymond Augustus STANLEY, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.
Robert William STANLEY, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Smith STANLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Brook STANLEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Victor William STANLEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Wilfred Percible STANLEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Hedley Walford STANLEY-LOW, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Cuthbert John STANLEY-LOWE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
George Edward STANMERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Francis STANMORE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
James STANMORE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
James STANMORE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Mervyn James STANNARD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Norman Joseph STANNARD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Harold James STANSBOROUGH, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
William STANSFELD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Samuel Bernard STANSFIELD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
William STANSFIELD, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
Morris Frederick STANSMORE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Henry STANTON, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
Charles Alexander STANTON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Henry STANTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Francis Theodore STANTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick William STANTON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold STANTON, General Service Reinforcements.
Herbert STANTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Horace Clifford STANTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Horatio Francis STANTON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
John STANTON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
John Charles STANTON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
John William Lewis STANTON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Roy STANTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Harrison STANTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter STANTON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William Francis STANTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Edwin STANWAY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick William STANWELL, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Frederick William Spence STANWELL, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Ephrone STAPLES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur William STAPLES, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Frank STAPLES, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Richard STAPLETON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Thomas STAPLETON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Sydney George STAPLETON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
James Leslie STARK, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph Wyatt STARK, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Ludwig Francis STARK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
William STARK, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Christopher George STARKEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Leslie James Roy STARKEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
William Thompson STARKEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
George William STARKIE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Edmund STARR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard STARR, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter STARR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter James STARR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Frank START, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
William Thomas STARTIN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Gordon John STAUDE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Patrick Francis STAUNTON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Patrick Sylvester STAUNTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur ST-CLAIR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Harold ST-CLAIR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick King STEARN, 1st Light Horse Machine Gun Squadron.
Sidney STEARN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Percy Lytton STEBBINGS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
George Stanley STEDDY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
James STEDMAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Raymond DeLacy STEDMAN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
George STEED, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Allan STEEGE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry James STEEL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
James Nicol STEEL, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
Robert STEEL, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert STEEL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert William STEEL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Wilfred STEEL, 1st Light Horse Signal Troop.
William Thomas STEEL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Adam STEELE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert STEELE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Thomas STEELE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Beevor STEELE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Bertram Rudplph Danby STEELE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Robert STEELE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Clement STEELE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Dauphin Hamden STEELE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
David STEELE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
David STEELE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Eric Henry STEELE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Hartley Donald STEELE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph STEELE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph Maitland STEELE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Murray Gibson STEELE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Oscar Arlington STEELE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Nelson William Beever STEELE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter James STEELE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Wilfred STEELE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
William Alan Beevor STEELE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
William George STEELE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
William James STEELE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Arthur STEEMSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Samuel Wilson STEEP, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas George STEEP, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas William STEEP, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Richard James STEER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick George STEER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry George STEER, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Maxwell STEGELMANN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Ladson STEGGLES, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Carl Martin STEICKE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
John Alexander STEIN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
John Alexander STEIN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
William STEIN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Charles STEINER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
William John STEINHAUER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Percy Gordon STEINMETZ, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Gordon STEINWEDEL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Hurtle Herman STEINWEDEL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Charles Abel STELEY, 14th Light Horse Regiment.
Eriv Gunner STEN, General Service Reinforcements.
Frederick Octavius STENBECK, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Oscar August STENGERT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
William STENHOUSE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Ernest STENNER, 14th Light Horse Regiment.
Harry Wilfred STENNING, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
George STENZEL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Augustus William STEPHAN, General Service Reinforcements.
Herman William Frederick STEPHAN, General Service Reinforcements.
Alexander STEPHEN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
George Grant STEPHEN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Herbert STEPHEN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
John Collie STEPHEN, 3rd Light Horse Signal Troop.
John James STEPHEN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Reginald James STEPHEN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Vernon Beaumont STEPHEN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander STEPHENS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur James STEPHENS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Stanley STEPHENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry STEPHENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Hugh Severin STEPHENS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph STEPHENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Mark Edward STEPHENS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Martin John STEPHENS, Light Horse Reinforcements.
Norman Harry STEPHENS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Palmer Avery STEPHENS, 3rd Light Horse Signal Troop.
Percy Aubrey STEPHENS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Richard Arthur STEPHENS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard John STEPHENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas James STEPHENS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Walter STEPHENS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Walter James STEPHENS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Wentworth STEPHENS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
William STEPHENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
William STEPHENS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
William Charles STEPHENS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
William John STEPHENS, General Service Reinforcements.
Allan STEPHENSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Clifford STEPHENSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Dud STEPHENSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Edgar STEPHENSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick STEPHENSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Charles STEPHENSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Gilbert STEPHENSON, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.
Harold Burns STEPHENSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
John Henry STEPHENSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
John Rustin STEPHENSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph Henry STEPHENSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Harold STEPHSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
George Leonard STEPNELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Norman STERRETT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Henry STERRY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
James STEVEN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Maitland STEVENS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander Low STEVENS, 14th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Bailey STEVENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Cecil STEVENS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Cyril STEVENS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Clifford James Brice STEVENS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Daniel James STEVENS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Eddy Blackwood STEVENS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Frank Hallett STEVENS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Godfrey Victor STEVENS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Edward STEVENS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Rowton STEVENS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Harry STEVENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Hector Charles Lawrence STEVENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert Osmond STEVENS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert Osmond STEVENS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
James STEVENS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
James STEVENS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
James Frederick STEVENS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
John Francis Allan STEVENS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
John James Lachlan STEVENS, Light Horse Reinforcements.
Leslie Douglas STEVENS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Lindsay Gordon STEVENS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Louis STEVENS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Lyndon STEVENS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Norman Rupert STEVENS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Oliver Clifford STEVENS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Peter STEVENS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Raymond Laurence STEVENS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Reginald STEVENS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert William Pellow STEVENS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Roberts STEVENS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Rowland Clifford STEVENS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Stephen STEVENS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Frederick STEVENS, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
William STEVENS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William STEVENS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
William Bailey STEVENS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
William James STEVENS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
William Leonard STEVENS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Alan Woodburn STEVENS aka Alan Woodburn STEPHENS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Joseph STEVENSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Forrest Clive STEVENSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Frank Raymond STEVENSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Howard STEVENSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Stirling STEVENSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Horace Victor STEVENSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Hugh Espie STEVENSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
James STEVENSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
James Archibald STEVENSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
James Stuart STEVENSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
John Oswald STEVENSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Malcolm STEVENSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Malcolm STEVENSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Percy Richmond STEVENSON, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Robert Campbell STEVENSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Ronald Robert STEVENSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas STEVENSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas STEVENSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Hunter STEVENSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
William STEVENSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
William STEVENSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
William Edward STEVENSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
William James STEVENSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Mac STEWARD, General Service Reinforcements.
Albert Angus STEWART, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert William John STEWART, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert William John STEWART, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Aleck STEWART, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander STEWART, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander STEWART, General Service Reinforcements.
Alexander Gordon STEWART, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander William STEWART, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Andrew STEWART, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles STEWART, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Arthur James STEWART, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Grant STEWART, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Daniel STEWART, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
David Francis Luke STEWART, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
David Hall STEWART, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Donald STEWART, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Donald Edward STEWART, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Donald James Ross STEWART, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Dudley STEWART, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Bryan STEWART, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward James STEWART, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest George STEWART, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Ewen Gore STEWART, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Francis James STEWART, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Francis Leonard STEWART, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Frank Alfred STEWART, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Galloway STEWART, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
George STEWART, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
George Shaw STEWART, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
George Wilfred STEWART, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold William STEWART, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
Hartley James STEWART, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert STEWART, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert STEWART, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Herbert Gordon STEWART, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert William STEWART, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert William STEWART, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Houston Thomas STEWART, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Hugh John STEWART, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
James STEWART, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
James STEWART, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
James STEWART, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
James STEWART, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.
James Alexander STEWART, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
James Alexander STEWART, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
James Alexander STEWART, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
James Douglas STEWART, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
James Mcfarlane STEWART, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
John STEWART, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
John STEWART, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
John STEWART, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
John Allen Grant STEWART, 2nd Light Horse Signal Troop.
John Peter George STEWART, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
John Powell McKenzie STEWART, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
John Provins STEWART, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
John William STEWART, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
John William STEWART, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Lawrence STEWART, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie William STEWART, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie William STEWART, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Maxwell Graham STEWART, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Oswald STEWART, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Peter STEWART, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Raymond Ellsmore STEWART, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard Thomas STEWART, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Henderson STEWART, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Joseph STEWART, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Joseph STEWART, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Roy Matthew STEWART, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Samuel STEWART, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Samuel John STEWART, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Sydney John STEWART, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas STEWART, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas STEWART, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas STEWART, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Thomas Campbell STEWART, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Walter STEWART, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
William STEWART, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
William STEWART, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
William STEWART, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
William STEWART, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
William STEWART, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
William STEWART, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
William Henry STEWART, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
William Henry STEWART, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
William John STEWART, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
William Potts STEWART, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Previous: SMI to STA
Next: STH to SUL
Sources Used:
National Archives Service File.
Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.
Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.
Collected Records of Steve Becker.
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.
Further Reading:
Australian Light Horse - Full Index
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: STA to STE