Topic: BatzG - Aug 1915
The August Offensive
Gallipoli, August 1915
Artillery Support Memorandum
From General Staff, A. & N.Z. Army Corps, to N.Z. & A. Div.
Please refer to Appendix "A" Action of Artillery, in Support of forthcoming operations, Naval portion. For programme of "COLNE" first portions substitutes:
At 2100 puts searchlight on Old No. 3. Post front trenches, shells till 2100; keeps light on, and from 2120 to 2130, shells rear and front trenches, last five minutes heavily, then switches light off.
Not to be republished in orders which reach lower than Bde Staffs.
Instructions for Major-General Sir Alex. Godley, K.C.M.G, C.B. Commanding N.Z. and Aust. Div.
Ref. Map of Gallipoli 1/20,000: Map of area occupied by Aust. and New Zealand Army Corps; and Anzac Trench Diagram No. lll.
1. Under instruction from General Headquarters, an attack in as great strength as possible, is to be delivered by night against the CHUNUK BAIR RIDGE, which is to be followed by a covering attack from that ridge and from No. 4. Section against BABY 700.
2. This task is allotted to you. The force at your disposal is.
N.Z. & A. Div.13th Division, less:69th Brigade (Howr) R.F.A.1 Coy, Divisional Engineers.38th Brigade, less 1 battalion.1 Field Ambulance.29th (Indian) Infantry Brigade.I.M.A. Brigade less 1 section.
Additional artillery support will be given as detailed in Appendix "A", which is being distributed to the Divisional Artillery Commanders, to all Battery Commanders, and to the Naval Commanders concerned.
The Army Corps Commander wishes you to detail the 1st L.H. Brigade with a portion of your Ambulance units, under Brig-General Chauvel, to hold No. 3. Section, and to add to the force at his disposal, 2 companies of the 40th Brigade, and a proportion of Ambulance requirements. With this force he is:(a) To secure the front usually held in No. 3 Section, less COURTNEY'S POST, which is to be taken over by the Australian Division.
(b) to assist the assault to be delivered against the NEK and the trenches east of it.4. The Army Corps Commander wishes you to detail the 3rd L.H. Brigade under Brig-General Hughes, to No.4.section and to add the following to his command:
This entails an attack on the "I" trenches in front of QUINN’S POST, to secure these as a means of preventing reinforcements reaching the enemy opposing the assault on BABY 700, and of assisting a later advance on MORTAR RIDGE.
The officer entrusted with this operation should be restricted to the "I" trenches, and such trenches North and South of them as are necessary to secure his position there. The timing of this assault will naturally depend on that from No. 4. Section viz, at 4.30 a.m. on August the 7th unless orders are received to the contrary. It is for the consideration of Brig-General Chauvel, whether in view of the assistance, the garrison of POPE'S HILL can give in covering fire for the assaults from No. 4. Section and QUINN'S POST, the action of that garrison should be confined to fire support or include offensive action, which, if undertaken, trust be vigorous. A copy of the instructions given to GOC Australian Division, is attached for the Information of Brig-General Chauvel as to the action being taken with regard to GERMAN OFFICER’S TRENCH, and a copy of Appendix "A" is also attached.2 guns, 26th Mountain Battery.
Details of the N.Z. Field Troop ensuring that Brig-General Hughes has with him, sufficient men acquainted with the mining situation, to make full tactical use of the mines, and galleries on RUSSELL'S TOP.
One Field Coy., 13th Division.Two Battalions 40th Brigade, less 2 companies.A proportion of Ambulance requirements from the units at your disposal.
A copy of Appendix "A" is attached for his information. With this force he is to:(a) Occupy and hold No. 4. Section down to the sea.(b) Assault and secure the trenches on the NEK (Group “A” on Trench Diagram); and those of the BABY 700 and CHESSBOARD positions - as far South as is necessary to secure his right flank and as far to the East as the trenches of D group, which are all to be taken.(c) If, and when the situation admits, advance to meet your forces approaching from the direction of the CHUNUK BAIR and assist in their operations outlined in Para Ill, below. The attack will be delivered at 4.30 a.m. on August 7th, unless orders are given to the contrary. Troops will be resting during the night as much as possible. If the assault is postponed, the troops should remain in readiness to attack at half-an-hour's notice. A copy of the instructions given to G.O.C. Australian Division is attached for the information of Brig-General Hughes as to the action being taken in regard to GERMAN OFFICER'S TRENCH.5. With the remainder of your force you will:(a) Clear the line Destroyer HILL (exclusive) - TABLE TOP - to BAUCHOP’S, commencing at 9.p.m.on August 6th, with the destroyer action detailed in Appendix "A".
(b) Move strong columns across the AGHYL DERE to:(1) Clear off enemy from the DEMANGELIK DERE thus assisting directly the operations of out troops further north, who will be using the beach as close to us, as the mouth of the ASMAK DERE. (sq.91)
(2) Attack the line, HILL 305 - CHUNUK BAIR RIDGE moving in the area bounded approximately by the line KAIAJIK AGHALA - DAGH CHESHME and by the Northern limit you set on the movement of (c).These operations are to be timed so as to reach the lower slopes of the DEMANGELIK DERE at 10.30 p.m. on August 6th.
(c) Move a force up all available approaches to the CHUNUK BAIR RIDGE - objective CHUNUK BAIR RIDGE about 161 - SU YATAGAH - main ridge North of CHUNUK BAIR.
These moves are to follow on each other without delay, and you should impress on the Commanders entrusted with each, that the objective to be reached, is to be aimed, at whatever the progress of columns in other parts, as the success of one move will go far to ensure the success of the whole. A system of flares is to be arranged to show the Navy the position reached by your advanced troops at dawn on August 7th.This is to consist of a Naval green light burned at 3.25 a.m., and again at 3.32 a.m. by each battalion in the front line along the position occupied by its most advanced troops. Care is to be taken to place the flare where it will be shaded from the direction of the enemy. If the CHUNUK BAIR RIDGE has been reached the flares will be burned a little down our side of the slope. The greatest care is t o be taken to conceal unusual movement, by day, and lights noise and smoking at night during the operation are to be rigorously forbidden. Absolute silence to be observed, while troops are moving into positions.
6. You will be guided in your action after the success of the above operations, by, the following considerations:-(1) The continued occupation of Hill 305, and the CHUNUK BAIR RIDGE, is essential to the success of the main operation. The ground taken is therefore to be consolidated without delay, and made impregnable against counter-attack.
(2) Preparations are to be made immediately for an advance from the direction of CHUNUK BAIR, to cooperate with the attack on BABY 700, which is to be delivered by No. 4 Section.
As soon as it is known that the force detailed for this will be ready to advance intimation of the approximate hour will be sent to Army Corps H.Q.
(3) The operation in (2) involves an advance down the spurs to the east of BATTLESHIP HILL, and the consequent and necessary clearing of the ground, East of our present position, and this advance, if your strength admits, is to be pressed down to the line QUINN’S POST - Cross roads near SCRUBBY KNOLL. (sq.80.Z.4.).
7. Casualty clearing stations are being established:(a) In ANZAC COVE, to deal with evacuations down MONASH GULLY and South thereof.
(b) At the barrier on the beach just North of MULE GULLY.
(c) Near No. 2. Post.
Cases brought down to these will be dealt with before removal to the Casualty Clearing Stations at dressing stations arranged by you in:(a) MONASH GULLY.
(b) N.Z. Field Ambulance Dressing Station (MULE GULLY).
(c) A station to be opened by you near No.2. Post early on the 7th.
8. Arrangements for replenishment of ammunition and water, are detailed in attached Appendix "Z”, of which copies are also attached for the information of O.C.’s, Nos.3 and 4 Sections.
9. From 8 p.m. on August 6th till 4 a.m, on August 7th the Beach Road from RESERVE GULLY Northwards, is to be reserved for forward movement of troops and animals. The covered way to No. 2 Post, is to be reserved for all rearward movement, after the hour by which you cease to require it for forward movement of troops. This hour should be intimated by you to all concerned. The provisions of this paragraph are to be made widely known in your command, and your arrangements for traffic control on the night of August 6th/7th, and on the 7th, should include steps to ensure their not being infringed.
10. The Army Corps Centre will be at it's present site till further orders.
Further Reading:
The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: The August Offensive, Gallipoli, August 1915, Artillery Support Memorandum