Topic: BatzP - 3rd Gaza
The Third Battle of Gaza
Palestine, Z - 2, 29 October 1917
Egyptian Expeditionary Force War Diary Account
War Diary account of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, Z - 2, 29 October 1917.
The transcription:
Kelab Kilo 207
29 October 1917
0653 - All clear report received from Desert Mounted Corps.
0745 - XX Corps report all clear.
0802 - XX Corps report situation normal and that patrols reported considerable movement southwards on Gaza - Bir Saba road at intervals of about 15 minutes.
0817 - Wire received from XXI Corps saying that artillery has continued bombardment according to programme.
0829 - 53rd Division wired that Enemy aircraft has dropped 5 small bombs at 0725 on S23B Central.0840 - 53rd Division Artillery reported that 3 bombs had been dropped at S17B3.5 at 0755.
0926 - Desert Mounted Corps report the situation to be normal.
1016 - 7th Mounted Brigade wired that 3 small bombs were dropped at 0745 at water troughs in Wadi Imalaga but without doing any damage.
1246 - Wire to Colonel Newcombe asking whether he required any more supplies to be stored at Asluj.
1255 - Wired XX Corps saying that daily ammunition expenditure action had not been received by DOI and instructing them to send those for 27th and 28th instant as early as possible and future returns daily.
1540 - Wired Defences El Arish that the 96th Anti Aircraft Section would move by rail to Karm at once.
General Officer Commanding XX Corps was asked to convey the Commander in Chief's appreciation of the conduct of the 8th Mounted Brigade on the 27th instant to the Brigadier General commanding.
1830 - Wire from XX Corps saying that small cavalry posts have been established on Points 820, 810 and Hill 720.
1828 - Royal Flying Corps reconnaissance reports no hostile movement or concentration on Gaza Hareira tactical area.
1837 - Desert Mounted Corps reports situation normal and that 3rd Australian Light Horse Brigade group moved to Khalasa at 1700. An enemy aeroplane flew over Esani at 1610.
1839 - Report received from XXI Corps that bombardment by heavy artillery had been carried out according to programme and that enemy artillery had been occasionally active on Sampson's ridge and Queens Hill.
1940 - Evening report to London and Baghdad saying that the concentration was proceeding according to plan and that there was no hostile action. The railway bridge over wadi south of Sheria has been damaged by our artillery.
(ii) Miscellaneous
High Commissioner was asked to obtain the Authority of the Egyptian Government for the ??? in Fort Raml at Aboukia of a reserve required in connection with scheme for fire protection of aviation buildings.
See: Egyptian Expeditionary Force War Diary, 26 October 1917, AWM4, 1/6/18 Part 1
Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy
Further Reading:
The Third Battle of Gaza, Palestine, Z - 2, 29 October 1917
The Third Battle of Gaza, Palestine, Z - 2, 29 October 1917, Roll of Honour
The Third Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 October 1917 - 2 January 1918
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: The Third Battle of Gaza, Palestine, Z - 2, 29 October 1917, Egyptian Expeditionary Force War Diary Account