Topic: BW - NSW - NSWMR_A
"A" Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles
Antill Letter, 22 March 1900
The following transcript is of a letter written by Captain John Macquarie Antill, Officer Commanding the New South Wales Mounted Rifles contingent to South Africa to the New South Wales Chief Staff Officer and Assistant Adjutant General Colonel Henry Douglas Mackenzie.
22 March 1900
The Assistant Adjutant General
My last was written from Abraham's Kraal from which place we moved by two night marches to our present camp 4 miles west of the town, where it is understood we remain for 2 or 3 weeks for remounts and to rest the horses, which are in the lowest condition from the little or no rations available for the past month. Yesterday full rations were issued for man and beast for the first time, but the horses are in such a reduced state, that with the cold weather coming on that it is doubtful whether they will show much improvement for some time. The following men, Privates Spearing, Sharpe H, Pearse, Miller and Kirkland have gone to hospital it is feared suffering from Enteric, the result no doubt of the polluted water at Paardeberg. These dropped en route sick, viz, Symonds, Bateup, Gosper, Trevitt and Potts have not yet reported so I am unable to say if yet discharged. The six wounded are also in the lines of communication but doing well. The discipline of all ranks is excellent and their work everything which can be desired. Captain Osborne (late Queanbeyan)) has been serving as a Captain in the Irregular Horse, Natal, this corps is mustering out and he was asking for a commission with me. As Lieutenant Lee has gone to the Mounted Infantry and Lieutenant Tooth hears from England of his early appointment to the Imperial Service, I will be glad to have this Officer's services and ask for approval of his appointment as Lieutenant. My officers Lieutenant Maclean and Onslow give me every assistance and I am glad to be able to give the very best reports of them. A lot of sickness such as enteric and dysentery is showing amongst all troops, the latter being very common. I cabled the death of Abrahams last week to General Officer Commanding.
Your Obedient Servant
JM Antill
Commanding NSWMR
Previous: Antill Letter, 12 March 1900
Next: Antill Letter, 15 April 1900
War Diaries and Letters
All War Diaries and letters cited on this site should be read in conjunction with the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, War Diaries and Letters, Site Transcription Policy which may be accessed at:
Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, War Diaries and Letters, Site Transcription Policy
Further Reading:
New South Wales Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron
New South Wales Mounted Rifles, "A" Squadron, Roll of Honour
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: "A" Squadron, NSW Mounted Rifles, Antill Letter, 22 March 1900