Topic: BW - Tas - 2TIB
2nd TIB
2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen
Map illustrating the activities of the 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen in South Africa, 1901-1902.
[From: Chamberlain, M., The Australians in the South African War 1899-1902, Canberra, 1999.]
In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.
Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 561 - 562.
Fourth (Second Imperial Bushmen) Contingent.
Consisted of two Companies (or Squadrons), enrolled upon a system similar to that which obtained in constituting the previous Contingent. Rates of pay, equipment, etc., as before. The establishment comprised a small Battalion staff, consisting, in the first instance, of:
1 Lieutenant-Colonel (Commanding),
1 Lieutenant (Medical Staff),
1 Regimental Sergeant-Major,
1 Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant, and
1 Transport Sergeant.
To these were added an adjutant, appointed from the Company officers, and an Orderly Room Sergeant, also drawn from “A” Company.
Each Company establishment included:
1 Captain,
4 Subalterns,
1 Colour-Sergeant,
1 Quartermaster-Sergeant,
1 Farrier-Sergeant,
3 Sergeants,
2 buglers, and
109 rank and file.
Departure and Return.
The 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen left on 27th March, 1901, comprising -12 officers, 241 others, with 289 horses. Six were killed or died ; 10 officers and 6 others were struck off in South Africa; 2 officers were appointed from the ranks ; 1 N.C.O. obtained an Imperial commission. The remainder returned to Tasmania.
Promotions, etc
Lieutenant J. M'Cormick, to Adjutant, 27th March, 1901.
Lieutenant H. Hallam, to Transport Officer, 6th June, 1901.
Lieutenant M. H. Swan, to Paymaster, 1st August, 1901.
2nd Lieutenant F. R. Chalmers, to 1st Lieutenant, 1st August, 1901.
Colour-Sergeant A, J. P. Suche, to 2nd Lieutenant, 27th April, 1901.
Corporal G. L. McIntyre, to Provisional Lieutenant, 19th February, 1902.
Sergeant G. Shaw, promoted Lieutenant from 1st Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.
Trooper L. H. Laughton, promoted Lieutenant from 1st Tasmanian Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.
Lance-Corporal Brownell received an Imperial commission.
For promotions other than Commissions, aide Nominal Roll.
The Contingent embarked at Hobart on the transport Chicago, on 27th March, 1901, and landed at Port Elisabeth on 24th April.
Their service was in Cape Colony, under General French; and may be summarized as follows:-
8th, 9th, and 10th May-Ganna Hoek, driving Scheeper's Commando out of Craddock District; joined General Scobell's Column, operating still about Craddock ; joined Colonel Gorring's "Flying Column."
1st June - Fight at Aliman's Fontein.
8th June - Fight at Rietfontein, Malan's Commando.
3rd July - Fight near Zuurberg.
29th July - Fighting near Schilder Krans.
1st August - Chased enemy into Munro's Column.
13th August - Fight at Roodepoort, captured Commandant Erasmus, Cachet, and others of Kruitsinger's Commando.
14th August - Fight with Kruitainger at Lamenkronst.
16th August - Chased Kruitzinger across Orange River.
16th September - Surprised Commando at Wildeschutt's Berg, capturing some prisoners; operations against Smut's Commando in Drakensberg district.
21st October - Fight with Van Reenan's Commando.
23rd November - Captured Commandant Beaters and ten others.
February, 1902 - Operations with 17th Lancers in Bamboo Mountain.
On the 18th February, 1902 - Captured and shot Commandant Judge Hugo at Grootfontein.
10th March - Captured Commandant Rhudolph at Klein Taffelberg.
Soon after landing the Corps was engaged with Scheepers at Ganna Hoek Cape Colony, where Trooper Warburton was killed. Trooper Brownell distinguished himself in this affair and afterwards received a commission in the Imperial Army. On the 19th May, the Tasmanians joined Scobell's Column, which was one of the most successful. On the let June, they passed to Colonel Gorring, whose force was formed into a Flying Column, without wheeled transport.
On 13th February, 1902, Colonel Doran took over the Column, and the Contingent served under him until 4th May. On 18th February, they suffered several casualties, and the strain on men and horses was very great; but the Column did excellent work, and was frequently complimented by General French and Lord Kitchener. The various leaders commended the Contingent for fearlessness, good horsemastership, and cheerful endurance of the greatest hardships. On 18th August, 1901, Sergeant-Major Young, of the Cape Police, with Quartermaster Sergeant Lynes, Sergeant Coombes, and eight other Tasmanians, charged a kopje where the enemy were strongly entrenched, and captured Commandant Erasmus and others. Young obtained the Victoria Cross.
The Contingent were several times successful in capturing influential Boer leaders. For twelve months they were incessantly employed; long marches often being undertaken by night, followed by actions with the Commandoes of Kruitzinger, Scheepers, Myberg, and others.
On the 22nd May, 1902, the Contingent embarked on the transport Manila at Durban, and arrived in Tasmania on 25th June, having called at Albany, Adelaide, and Melbourne en route. Disbanded on 30th June.
Further Reading:
2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen
2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen, Outline