"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess
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Monday, 18 November 2002
New South Wales Citizens' Bushmen's Contingent, Thomas Alfred Machattie Topic: BW - NSW - NSWCBC
New South Wales Citizens' Bushmen's Contingent
Thomas Alfred Machattie
Thomas Alfred Machattie
Thomas Alfred Machattie
Thomas Alfred Machattie was commissioned as a Captain as part of the New South Wales Citizens' Bushmen's Contingent. He was allotted to "C" Squadron. He was wounded in the arm at Rustenburg, 7 July 1900. Machattie was invalided to Australia on 5 October 1900.
New South Wales Citizens' Bushmen's Contingent, Richard Essington Zouch Topic: BW - NSW - NSWCBC
New South Wales Citizens' Bushmen's Contingent
Richard Essington Zouch
Richard Essington Zouch
Richard Essington Zouch
Richard Essington Zouch was born 23 August 1848, was christened 26 December 1849 in Bong Bong, NSW, and died 7 November 1917 in Byron Bay, NSW. He was buried in Bong Bong, NSW.
Richard Essington Zouch's father, Henry Zouch who was well known around the Goulbourn region near Lake George.
Australian Dictionary of Biography, Online Edition
In 1887, Richard Essington Zouch married Emily Mary Throsby who was born in 1864 at Wollongong, NSW, and died 1943 in Chatswood, Sydney, NSW. Together they had eight children:
Mary M (1887)
Henry (1888)
Essington L (1890)
Margaret E (1892)
Christina J (1893)
Maynard T L (1895)
Marcia T (1897)
Joan B (1898)
Richard Essington Zouch was commissioned as Second Lieutenant, 1 January 1898 with the Goulburn Troop which was part of "B" South Eastern Squadron. His commission cancelled on 30 December 1898.
Richard Essington Zouch received a commission as part of the New South Wales Citizens' Bushmen's Contingent. He was allotted to "A" Squadron. During service he was promoted to Lieutenant. Richard Essington Zouch ended his service with the award of Mentioned in Despatches on 14 April 1901 and the Queen's South African Medal. He returned to Australia on 11 June 1901.
Richard Essington Zouch received a commission as Captain with the 1st Australian Commonwealth Horse (NSW) and was allotted to "A" Squadron.
On his return to Australia Richard Essington Zouch was granted the honorary rank of Captain which he retained for the rest of his life.
The son of Richard Essington Zouch, Essington saw service with the 7th Light Horse Regiment in the AIF. Essington Died of wounds on 17 November 1917.
On Monday, 29 January 1900, James Knox turned up with his saddle to Randwick Race Track in Sydney and enrolled with the NSW Citizens' Bushmen. After a couple days rigorous testing which involved a medical, a shooting test and a riding test.
Sydney Mail, 3 February 1900, p. 256.
Knox was amongst the first 125 men to be attested in the NSW Citizen's Bushmen Contingent.
128 Trooper James Knox
James Knox was born 1872 at Chuton, Victoria. A labourer by trade, Brunning enlisted in the NSW Citizens' Bushmen becoming 128 Trooper James Knox and allotted to "A" Squadron. Knox is not recorded in Murray but he appears in the list constructed in the Sydney Mail edition of 17 February 1900, p. 376 and also in the book by James Green, The Story of the Australian Bushmen, p. xii.. At the end of the month, on 28 February 1900, the men of the contingent boarded the SS Atlantian from Cowper Wharf where they remained for the next 24 hours. The next day, following Admiralty rules, on 1 March 1900, the ship departed Sydney Heads for South Africa. Knox appears to have been discharged in South Africa to allow him to join Kitcheners Horse. He died on 24 June 1901, although the circumstances are unknown.
41 Trooper John Theodore Brunning, NSW Citizens' Bushmen
On Monday, 29 January 1900, John Theodore Brunning turned up with his saddle to Randwick Race Track in Sydney and enrolled with the NSW Citizens' Bushmen. After a couple days rigorous testing which involved a medical, a shooting test and a riding test.
John Theodore Brunning after attestation and allotment to "A" Squadron
At the end of the month, on 28 February 1900, the men of the contingent boarded the SS Atlantian from Cowper Wharf where they remained for the next 24 hours. The next day, following Admiralty rules, on 1 March 1900, the ship departed Sydney Heads for South Africa.
41 Trooper John Theodore Brunning
John Theodore Brunning was born 1876 at Queanbeyan, NSW. A stock rider by trade, Brunning enlisted in the NSW Citizens' Bushmen becoming 41 Trooper John Theodore Brunning and allotted to "A" Squadron. Brunning is recorded in Murray, p. 76. Brunning took part in the action at Elands River. Brunning was awarded the Queen's South African Medal with the Cape Colony and 1901 bar.
New South Wales Citizens Bushmans Contingent (NSWCBC), Roll of Honour, Edward Brown Chesher Topic: BW - NSW - NSWCBC
New South Wales Citizens Bushmans Contingent (NSWCBC)
Roll of Honour
Edward Brown Chesher
Edward Brown Chesher's name on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial
Edward Brown Chesher
Service number: 333
Rank: Lance Corporal [L/Cpl]
Unit: NSW Citizens Bushmen, "C" Squadron
Service: Colonial Military Forces
Conflict: South Africa, 1899-1902
Date of death: 2 September 1900
Place of death: Kaneel Poort
Cause of death: Killed
Source: AWM142 Roll of Honour cards, War in South Africa, 1899-1902
Edward Brown Chesher
[Sydney Mail, March 1900]
Edward Brown Chesher
[Town & Country, March 1900]
Edward Brown Chesher
[Town & Country, December 1900]
A brief military biography of Edward Brown Chesher
Regimental number
Church of England
Farm Labourer
Eugowra Springs, NSW
Marital status
Date of Birth
3 June 1879
Age at embarkation
Next of kin
Father, Donald Chesher (1844 - 13 October 1908), Eugowra Springs, NSW
Other Family
Mother: Isabel Mary neé Anderson (1850 - 13 February 1887)
Siblings: Donald Chesher, born 14 November 1872 at Abercrombie River, Oberon NSW, Reg. Hartley, Certificate No. 11748, (D. 25 May 1910). George Chesher, born 17 June 1874 at Trunkey Creek NSW, Reg. Hartley, Certificate No. 12195, (D. July 1942). Annie Chesher, born 1876 at Eugowra, Reg. Molong, Certificate No. 14827, (D. 25 November 1940). Christina Chesher, born 1877 at Eugowra, Reg. Molong, Certificate No. 15329, (D. 24 April 1919). Edward Brown Chesher, born 3 June 1879 at Eugowra Springs, Reg. Molong, Certificate No. 17420, (D. 2 September 1900). Arthur P Chesher, born 1881 at Eugowra, Reg. Forbes, Certificate No. 15033, (D. 1882). Richard F Chesher, born 1883 at Eugowra, Reg. Forbes, Certificate No. 17129, (D. 1940). John Douglas Chesher, born 1884 at Eugowra, Reg. Forbes, Certificate No. 18829, (D. 1969). William M Chesher, born 1886 at Eugowra, Reg. Forbes, Certificate No. 20351, (D. 1886).
Badly wounded and captured by Boers during ambush at Elands River, 2 September 1900. Boer report of 22 September 1900 that Chesher died of wounds. Place of burial unknown. Memorialised at Petronella, 14 kms north of Pretoria, South Africa
Notification of Chesher's capture.
[Town & Country, September 1900]
Obituary in a local (unknown) newspaper.
Under the African skies, the Petronella Boer War Memorial
[Chesher's name is third from the top although incorrectly listed with the Queensland Imperial Bushmen.]
Acknowledgement: Many thanks are given to Helen Reichenbach who has generously made available photographs, newspaper articles and other information about Edward Brown Chesher for this site.
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