The following is an alphabetical roll of all Australians known members of the many military formations which embarked overseas during the South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902.
423 Private Charles M PACEY, Army Medical Corps, NSW.
470 Private John Dennis PACHOLLI, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.
1028 Private Charles Harrison PACKARD, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.
180 Trooper Charles Harrison PACKARD, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
154 Private Charles PACKETT, 2nd Tasmanian Bushmen.
108 Private Edwin PACKETT, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.
989 Private Bernard Henry PADDICK, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.
336 Private Clive PADMAN, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.
3219 Trooper Horace Lelliott PADMAN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.
1227 Private William Gering PAGDEN, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
40 Private Albert James PAGE, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.
49 Trooper Albert Stephen PAGE, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
35 Private Algernon Montford Treherne PAGE, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.
307 Private Charles Hale PAGE, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.
306 Private Dudley Harold PAGE, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.
2071 Lance Corporal Eustace Amstey PAGE, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.
215 Private Francis Neville PAGE, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.
366 Trooper Frank PAGE, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
2188 Trooper Frank PAGE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
341 Private Frank PAGE, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.
489 Trooper Henry PAGE, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.
90 Trooper HJ PAGE, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.
88 Private John PAGE, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.
66 Private Julian Lambert Russel PAGE, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.
308 Corporal Julian Lambert Russell PAGE, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.
9 Corporal Louis Sydney Eccles PAGE, 1st Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.
2949 Trooper William PAGE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
36877 Trooper G PAHNKY, 1st Scottish Horse.
2856 Corporal Alfred PAINE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
421 Private George PAINE, NSW Imperial Bushmen.
2703 Trooper William Henry PAINTER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.
155 Trooper Wm. Arundel PAINTER, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
90 Private Joseph PALAZZI, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.
124 Saddler Sergeant Silvio Alfred PALAZZI, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.
402 Private Ralph Von PALESKE, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.
103 Private William PALFREY, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.
2004 Trooper Joseph PALLIER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
879 Trooper William PALLIER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
Albert Alexander PALMER, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
157 Trooper Albert Thomas PALMER, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
22 Private BB PALMER, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
206 Private Ellis Richard PALMER, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.
643 Private George Robert PALMER, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
209 Trooper Harold Prelin PALMER, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
293 Private Harry Woods PALMER, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.
44 Private Henry Godfrey PALMER, 2nd West Australian Mounted Infantry.
Lieutenant Herbert Appleton PALMER, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
423 Private James Robert PALMER, NSW Imperial Bushmen.
405 Trooper JH PALMER, 1st Scottish Horse.
1086 Trooper Lawrence Alfred PALMER, 1st Australian Horse.
502 Trooper Percy George Caspar PALMER, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
617 Private Richard PALMER, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.
Lieutenant Roger Wingham PALMER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
781 Trooper Roger Wingham PALMER, NSW Lancers.
449 Private Rupert TS PALMER, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.
155 Private William PALMER, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.
153 Trooper William Thomas PALMER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.
28 Private GR PALTRIDGE, 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles.
593 Trooper John Snow PAMIENTER, 6th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
528 Private James Albert PANNAN, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.
321 Staff Sergeant Frederick William PANTLIN, Army Medical Corps, NSW.
502 Private Frank PANTON, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.
222 Trumpeter William PAPWORTH, NSW Lancers.
92 Private Charles Arthur PARISH, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.
431 Private Charles John PARISH, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.
592 Private Leslie Robert PARISH, NSW Imperial Bushmen.
507 Private Andrew PARK, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.
Trooper A PARKER, Scottish Horse.
18 Private Alfred James PARKER, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.
217 Private Arthur James PARKER, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.
717 Private Charles PARKER, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
Lieutenant Charles Albert PARKER, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.
Captain Charles Albert PARKER, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.
324 Private Charles Edward PARKER, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.
103 Trooper Edwin PARKER, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
Lieutenant Francis Maitland W PARKER, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.
31699 Armourer Sergeant George Anderson PARKER, 2nd Scottish Horse.
121 Lance Corporal Harold Myborn PARKER, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.
Henry PARKER, Driscoll's Scouts.
2973 Driver Herbert PARKER, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.
3631 Trooper Hilton Thomas PARKER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.
3631 Trooper Hilton Thomas PARKER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
41071 Trooper HP PARKER, 2nd Scottish Horse.
798 Private John PARKER, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
186 Private Martin PARKER, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.
1979 Private Peter Albert PARKER, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.
Trooper R PARKER, Prince of Wales' Light Horse.
15 Private Richard Wilson PARKER, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.
296 Private Robert PARKER, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.
140 Private Walter PARKER, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.
237 Lance Corporal Adam PARKES, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.
144 Sergeant Sydney Ernest PARKES, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.
1482 Trooper WE PARKES, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
Private R PARKHILL, Roberts' Horse.
1730 Trooper Robert PARKHILL, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
37 Private Robert PARKHILL, Army Medical Corps, NSW.
Lieutenant Thomas PARKIN, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.
31701 Trooper William John PARKIN, 2nd Scottish Horse.
41016 Trooper JH PARKINS, 2nd Scottish Horse.
31702 Trooper Christopher PARKINSON, 2nd Scottish Horse.
191 Trooper Edward PARKINSON, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
1714 Trooper Frederick William PARKINSON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
163 Private James PARKINSON, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.
1798 Trooper Thomas PARKINSON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
20 Private William PARKINSON, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.
156 Lance Corporal William Frederick PARKINSON, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.
Lieutenant PARKINSON, Kimberley Light Horse.
Trooper PARKINSON, Kitchener's Horse.
395 Trooper Arthur Philip PARMITTER, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
44 Trooper Thomas William PARNABY, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.
31700 Trooper Arthur PARNCUTT, 2nd Scottish Horse.
90 Private James PARNELL, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.
164 Trooper Lawrence PARNELL, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
William PARNELL, Bushveldt Carbineers.
1556 Trooper Samuel Herhert PARR, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
305 Trooper William Andrew PARR, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.
2731 Trooper Lewis Cornelius PARRISH, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
386 Private Arthur Kercy PARROTT, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.
1213 Private Henry PARROTT, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
422 Private John H PARROTT, Army Medical Corps, NSW.
484 Lance Corporal Stanley Hamilton PARROTT, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
Lieutenant Colonel TS PARROTT, Special Service Officer.
134 Private Albert PARRY, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.
2906 Private Ernest PARRY, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.
George PARRY, Kitchener's Horse..
294 Trooper Henry John PARRY, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
1335 Private Herbert Henry PARRY, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
901 Trooper Sidney Carew McDonald PARRY, 1st Australian Horse.
286 Corporal Sydney PARRY, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
Trooper PARRY, Kaffrarian Rifles.
Trooper PARRY, Kitchener's Horse.
915 Private Alexander James PARSELL, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
49 Corporal Frederick PARSELLE, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.
446 Trooper Edwin George PARSONS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
817 Quartermaster Sergeant John Williams PARSONS, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.
120 Trooper JW PARSONS, 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles.
3209 Trooper Samuel PARSONS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.
2223 Private Wesley PARSONS, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
812 Private Wesley PARSONS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
51 Private William PARSONS, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.
1637 Trooper William Frederick PARSONS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
541 Sergeant Albert PARTINGTON, 6th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
517 Private Edgar George PARTRIDGE, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.
42 Private Frederick George PARTRIDGE, 3rd West Australian Bushmen.
297 Trooper William Benjamin Henry PARTRIDGE, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
403 Private William Benjamin Henry PARTRIDGE, NSW Imperial Bushmen.
49 Private Montagu Gordon Charles PASCO, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.
1035 Trooper Hilton Harcourt PASCOE, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.
1035 Trooper Hilton Harcourt PASCOE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.
Sergeant PASSANT, Border Horse.
255 Private David PASSERINI, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.
1231 Private William Forest PASSMORE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
175 Private Charles Irving PATEMAN, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.
2745 Trooper Stephen Thomas PATEMAN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
113 Trooper Wilfred Stuart PATEMAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.
81 Sergeant Harry PATEN, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.
461 Squadron Sergeant Major Harry PATEN, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.
878 Private Albert PATERSON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
562 Private Andrew PATERSON, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.
2182 Trooper Douglas Fawcett PATISON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
349 Private James PATON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.
245 Private Thomas PATON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.
840 Trooper JW PATRICK, 1st Scottish Horse.
220 Private Thomas Henry PATRICK, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.
748 Private William PATRICK, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
516 Trooper Arthur John PATTEN, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
4 Sergeant Charles PATTERSON, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.
751 Private Ernest Edward PATTERSON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
84 Private Frederick PATTERSON, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.
41110 Trooper HS PATTERSON, 2nd Scottish Horse.
806 Private James Benjamin PATTERSON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
Lieutenant James Harold PATTERSON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
389 Trooper John Alexander PATTERSON, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
216 Private John Hugh PATTERSON, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.
1254 Trooper Richard PATTERSON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
Major William George PATTERSON, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
336 Private Arthur Thomas Abraham PATTINSON, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.
436 Private David Simpson PATTINSON, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
77 Private Henry PATTISON, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.
1364 Trooper Arthur Charles PATTON, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
33365 Trumpeter Sergeant Major AE PAUL, 2nd Scottish Horse.
568 Private Andrew Cameron PAUL, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
173 Private Andrew Cameron PAUL, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.
2626 Trooper AW PAUL, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.
2072 Private Charles Herbert PAUL, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.
D PAUL, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.
23 Trooper G PAUL, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
213 Private George PAUL, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.
1123 Sergeant George PAUL, NSW Imperial Bushmen.
122 Private George Henry PAUL, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.
43 Staff Sergeant H PAUL, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
94 Private Harold PAUL, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.
275 Corporal Henry PAUL, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.
216 Trooper Henry H PAUL, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
2 Company Quartermaster Sergeant John Keating PAUL, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.
218 Private Richard Arthur PAUL, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.
912 Private Alfred Edward PAULETT, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
1248 Private Norman PAULIN, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
Trooper FJ PAULL, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.
216 Shoeing Smith S PAVEY, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
76 Private John Waddell PAVITT, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
351 Private Frederick PAWLA, Army Medical Corps, NSW.
223 Private Edward Ernest Horace PAYNE, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.
139 Corporal George PAYNE, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
475 Trooper George PAYNE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.
326 Private George Herbert PAYNE, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.
638 Private George Herbert PAYNE, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.
811 Trooper Henry William PAYNE, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.
41 Trooper John Edward PAYNE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.
285 Trooper John Henry PAYNE, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
189 Sergeant John Henry PAYNE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.
154 Trooper John Rudolph Stuart PAYNE, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
477 Trooper Joseph Henry PAYNE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.
726 Private Reuben PAYNE, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
269 Corporal Robert PAYNE, NSW Imperial Bushmen.
230 Private Stephen PAYNE, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.
41 Private Victor Harold PAYNE, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.
1116 Private Walter Ernest PAYNE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
1056 Private William John PAYNE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.
Corporal PAYNE, Brabant's Horse.
1335 Private Oliver Arthur PAYNTER, Army Medical Corps, NSW.
1335 Private Oliver Arthur PAYNTER, Australian Army Medical Corps, South Australia.
464 Trooper E PAYTON, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.
30748 Trooper AT PEACOCK, 2nd Scottish Horse.
345 Sergeant AT PEACOCK, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
214 Private Frederick PEACOCK, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.
Private PC PEACOCK, Driscoll's Scouts.
484 Trooper Albert Henry Prince PEAKE, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
394 Trooper George Alfred PEAKE, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
2719 Sergeant Frank Arthur PEAKLE, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.
Charles PEARCE, South African Light Horse.
201 Trumpeter Clement Andrew PEARCE, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.
331 Trooper Frederick Gibbs PEARCE, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
734 Private Frederick James PEARCE, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
437 Trooper Frederick John PEARCE, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.
349 Private George Henry PEARCE, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.
2868 Private George R PEARCE, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.
530 Squadron Sergeant Major Henry PEARCE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.
138 Private Herbert Frederick PEARCE, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.
Lieutenant John William PEARCE, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.
Lieutenant Norman Matthew PEARCE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.
Captain R St J PEARCE, Special Service Officer.
153 Trooper Walter Henry PEARCE, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.
101 Private Wellington Henry PEARCE, 'A' Sqn. NSW Mounted Rifles.
93 Private William Henry PEARCE, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.
50 Private William John PEARCE, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.
1087 Trooper Richard Hawke PEARD, 1st Australian Horse.
968 Corporal William Ernest PEARD, 1st Australian Horse.
337 Private John PEARMAN, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.
1337 Private William Joseph PEARSALL, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.