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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Monday, 8 December 2003
South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: EAD to ELM
Topic: BW - Boer War

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902

Australian Participation - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: EAD to ELM



The following is an alphabetical roll of all Australians known members of the many military formations which embarked overseas during the South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

Service Number;

Rank on Embarkation;

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Service unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.


Embarkation Roll: EAD to ELM


809 Trooper Henry H EADE, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

5117 Trooper Henry Hazell EADE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

388 Trooper James EADEN, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

1335 Trooper Michael EADES, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

135 Trooper Charles EADIE, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1712 Corporal James EADIE, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

425 Trooper Thomas EADIE, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

2416 Lance Corporal William Aitken EADIE, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

370 Trooper Frank William Austin EAGAR, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

Trooper John EAGER, Scottish Horse.

180 Private John Francis EAGER, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

357 Private AE EAGLE, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

1140 Trooper Alfred EAGLE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

165 Private Alexander William EAGLETON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1847 Private P EAGON, Cape Railway Pioneer Regt..

253 Private Francis Edgar EALES, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

254 Private Edward EAMES, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

382 Private Edward EAMES, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

812 Trooper William EAMES, 1st Australian Horse.

Major William L'Estrange EAMES, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

226 Private Henry John EARBY, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

53 Private Francis George EARL, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

41 Private Frederick Halson EARL, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

2879 Private William EARL, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

1409 Private William EARL, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

117 Private William Henry EARL, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

103 Private J EARLE, 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles.

31591 Trooper Walter Reynold EARLE, 2nd Scottish Horse.

111 Private Claude Tasman EARNSHAW, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

319 Private Edwin Walter EARNSHAW, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

251 Quartermaster Sergeant EW EARNSHAW, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

48 Private John Henry EASBY, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

3106 Lance Corporal John Henry EASBY, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

220 Private Sydney Ernest EASDON, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

1944 Trooper Fred EASEY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

30 Private George EASLEA, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

232 Private Thomas EASLEA, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

631 Private Thomas EASLEA, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

70 Trooper Albert John EASTAUGHFFE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

180 Trooper Charles D EASTAUGHFFE, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

3468 Trooper Henry Ernest EASTCOTT, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

89 Trooper John Edward Henry EASTCOTT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

Trooper Robert EASTEARLY, Kitchener's Scouts.

3022 Driver WH EASTERBROOK, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

3526 Lance Corporal William Herbert EASTERBROOK, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Stewart EASTERN, Kitchener's Horse.

475 Private Edwin EASTHER, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

253 Trooper Ronald Edward EASTHER, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

881 Private Francis Paul EASTON, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

346 Private Frank EASTON, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

281 Private Thomas EASTON, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

41091 Saddler GW EATHER, 2nd Scottish Horse.

69 Trooper Harry EATHER, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

535 Trooper James EATHER, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1505 Trooper James EATHER, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

231 Trooper James EATHER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

433 Private Robert EATHER, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

R EATHERLEY, Kitchener's Horse..

31593 Trooper George EATON, 2nd Scottish Horse.

35470 Trooper JK EATON, 1st Scottish Horse.

353 Private Frederick Ernest EAVES, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

1136 Private Frederick Ernest EAVES, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

549 Private John EBBS, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

Lieutenant Gus. EBELING, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Warrant Officer Richard EBERLING, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

3568 Trooper William James EBERY, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

19 Trooper Gustave A EBLING, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant Alfred EBSWORTH, 1st Australian Horse.

2892 Private Percy Joseph ECCLES, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

10 Private Percy Joseph ECCLES, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

2834 Private John Joseph ECCLESTON, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

Captain Richard Boyd ECHLIN, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

Captain Richard Boyd ECHLIN, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Captain Robert Boyd ECHLIN, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

2761 Private Percy Cyril Wheaton ECKERSLEY, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

Lieutenant Arthur Grant ECKFORD, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

363 Private Henry T EDBROOK, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

580 Private Edwin Thomas EDDY, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Major George A EDDY, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

47 Trooper William Lawrence EDDY, 1st Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

513 Sergeant Harry EDE, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

350 Private Henry EDE, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

908 Private William Valentine EDEN, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

41 Private Bertram Kinmond EDGAR, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Joseph EDGAR, Rimmington's Guides.

1708 Trooper Joseph Henry EDGAR, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

19 Private Walter Arthur EDGAR, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

707 Private William Rae EDGAR, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

80 Private Arthur EDGE, 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles.

220 Sergeant Arthur EDGE, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

1611 Private John William Davis EDGE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

2199 Corporal Percy EDGE, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Second Lieutenant James Gibson EDIE, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

5243 Trooper G EDINGER, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

1169 Private William James EDINGTON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Trooper EDLIN, Kaffrarian Rifles.

24301 Trooper R EDMISTON, 1st Scottish Horse.

280 Private Charles John EDMONDS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1169 Trooper Michael EDMONDS, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

343 Private Alfred EDMUNDS, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

36 Private Frederick John EDMUNDS, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

361 Private George EDMUNDS, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

347 Trooper Robert Hugh EDMUNDS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

121 Trooper Thomas EDMUNDS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant William H EDMUNDS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

305 Private William Thomas EDMUNDS, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

7 Sergeant James Robertson EDNEY, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

117 Warrant Officer John R EDNEY, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

358 Private William Patrick EDWARD, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

556 Trooper Arthur EDWARDS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

3524 Trooper Arthur Robert EDWARDS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

702 Private Arthur Robert EDWARDS, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

465 Private CH EDWARDS, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

Captain Charles Augustus EDWARDS, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

255 Private David Renfrew EDWARDS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

342 Private Edward EDWARDS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

92 Private Edward EDWARDS, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

26 Private Edward Emmanuel EDWARDS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

41027 Trooper F EDWARDS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

36 Private Frederick Francis EDWARDS, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.

111 Sergeant Frederick Francis EDWARDS, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

349 Trooper Frederick Herbert EDWARDS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

1301 Private Frederick William EDWARDS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

3598 Trooper Garrett John EDWARDS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

237 Private Henry John EDWARDS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

2066 Private Henry William EDWARDS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

230 Trooper Henry William EDWARDS, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

31594 Trooper Herbert John EDWARDS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

206 Sergeant James HV EDWARDS, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

11 Private John EDWARDS, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.

3478 Trooper John Gunn EDWARDS, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

152 Private John William EDWARDS, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

403 Lance Corporal Leonard Douglas EDWARDS, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

306 Trooper Louis Ernest EDWARDS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1964 Private Morris George EDWARDS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

41 Company Sergeant Major Percy M EDWARDS, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.

249 Corporal Richard Edward EDWARDS, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

826 Private Robert Duncan EDWARDS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

33553 Trooper RW EDWARDS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

112 Private Samuel William EDWARDS, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

1212 Trooper Sydney L EDWARDS, Kitchener's Fighting Scouts.

Corporal T EDWARDS, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

174 Trooper Thomas EDWARDS, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

215 Trooper Thomas EDWARDS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

38213 Trooper TJ EDWARDS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

Major Vernon Harridge EDWARDS, Special Service Officer.

2708 Gunner Walter EDWARDS, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

39697 Trooper WF EDWARDS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

188 Private William EDWARDS, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

291 Private William EDWARDS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

272 Lance Corporal William Alfred EDWARDS, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

William Alfred EDWARDS, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

161 Private William Herbert EDWARDS, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

Lieutenant EDWARDS, Bushveldt Carbineers.

949 Lance Corporal Horace EDWELL, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

272 Private A EELES, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

949 Private Arthur EGAN, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

336 Corporal Arthur Peter EGAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

406 Corporal Cornelius Joseph EGAN, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

35410 Trooper H EGAN, 1st Scottish Horse.

48 Trooper James Patrick EGAN, 1st Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

89 Private Michael EGAN, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

233 Private Mickel EGAN, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

2699 Trooper Norman William EGAN, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

2573 Trooper Samuel Robert EGAN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

880 Trooper Thomas Kennedy EGAN, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1302 Trooper WF EGAN, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

292 Private William EGAN, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

206 Private William Thomas EGAN, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Trooper WT EGAN, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

25925 Trooper FJ EGGLESTON, 1st Scottish Horse.

1255 Sergeant WA EGGLESTON, 1st Scottish Horse.

1408 Corporal John Robert EGGLETON, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

532 Private John Robert EGGLETON, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

407 Trooper Roland John EGGLETON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

925 Private John EISEMAN, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

175 Trooper Charles EISENMANGER, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

420 Private Charles Henry EISENMANGER, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

11 Shoeing Smith Nils Peter EKBLAD, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

17 Private Harry EKERT, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.

212 Private Aubrey Tom Johnstone ELCOATE, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

476 Private Bertram Weatherly ELCOATS, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

330 Private James Hugh Clifford ELDER, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

390 Private Edgar ELDRIDGE, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

236 Private Frederick ELLENTON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

35 Private Robert ELLETSON, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

7 Trooper George ELLEY, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

599 Private Edward Patrick ELLIGATE, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

89 Private Edward Patrick ELLIGATE, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

39 Trooper JW ELLIOT, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

308 Private William ELLIOT, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1535 Trooper Arthur ELLIOTT, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

128 Private Arthur Bowen ELLIOTT, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

360 Private Curtis Dyce ELLIOTT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

3332 Trooper Edwin Robert ELLIOTT, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

35 Trooper Frederick ELLIOTT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

534 Private George Alexander ELLIOTT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

68 Private GW ELLIOTT, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

121 Private Harold Edward ELLIOTT, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

3243 Trooper James ELLIOTT, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

878 Trooper James ELLIOTT, NSW Lancers.

1210 Farrier Sergeant Jobe Robin ELLIOTT, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

944 Private John Robins ELLIOTT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

38 Private John Theop ELLIOTT, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.

2744 Trooper Leslie Herbert Daniel ELLIOTT, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

46 Private Reginald Aynsley ELLIOTT, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1044 Private Ronald ELLIOTT, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

1416 Private Rowland ELLIOTT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

3465 Trooper Thomas ELLIOTT, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

1601 Trooper W ELLIOTT, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

2425 Private Walter ELLIOTT, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

Trooper WF ELLIOTT, Border Horse.

295 Private William Walter ELLIOTT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant ELLIOTT, Border Horse.

263 Shoeing Smith AE ELLIS, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

131 Private Aubrey Thomas ELLIS, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

31830 Sergeant C ELLIS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

3155 Driver ECB ELLIS, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

552 Private Frederick Mortimer ELLIS, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

George ELLIS, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

196 Private George Arthur ELLIS, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1468 Trooper George L ELLIS, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

33830 Trooper H ELLIS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

2840 Private Herbert John ELLIS, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

1688 Trooper J ELLIS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

2209 Company Quartermaster Sergeant James ELLIS, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

492 Corporal James ELLIS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

10 Trooper James Matthew ELLIS, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

181 Private James Winton ELLIS, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

185 Trooper John ELLIS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

498 Trooper John ELLIS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

801 Private John Aloysius ELLIS, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

368 Trooper Joseph Albert ELLIS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

10 Joseph Matthew ELLIS, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1403 Private L ELLIS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

85 Private Leslie Morton ELLIS, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.

48 Private Thomas ELLIS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

891 Trooper Walter M ELLIS, NSW Lancers.

2770 Trooper William Charles ELLIS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

999 Trooper William John ELLIS, 1st Australian Horse.

57 Private Charles Edgar ELLISON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1045 Private William Erskine ELLISON, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

282 Private Walter Henry ELLSON, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

1314 Trumpeter George ELLSWORTH, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1628 Trooper John Edmond ELLWOOD, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

1631 Corporal Thomas Frederick ELLWOOD, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

4 Trooper George William ELLY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

49 Private H Augustus ELMHIRST, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

205 Private Ernest Theophilus ELMORE, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

51 Private John Turner ELMS, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.


Further Reading:

Boer War, 1899 - 1902 

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: EAD to ELM

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 April 2010 10:13 PM EADT
Sunday, 7 December 2003
South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: ELP to EZZ
Topic: BW - Boer War

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902

Australian Participation - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: ELP to EZZ



The following is an alphabetical roll of all Australians known members of the many military formations which embarked overseas during the South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

Service Number;

Rank on Embarkation;

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Service unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.


Embarkation Roll: ELP to EZZ


1323 Sergeant Harold Edward ELPHICK, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

1323 Sergeant Harold Edward ELPHICK, Australian Army Medical Corps, South Australia.

1 Private Thomas ELSTON, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

860 Trooper William ELSTON, NSW Lancers.

27 Private William Ernest ELSTON, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant William Ernest ELSTON, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

324 Private W ELTRINGHAM, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

308 Trooper Thomas Henry ELVIN, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1001 Trooper Paul Leonard ELWELL, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Lieutenant Herbert Arthur Austin EMBLING, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Private A EMERY, Brabant's Horse.

311 Trooper Arthur EMERY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

8 Sergeant James Thomas EMERY, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1246 Private James Thomas EMERY, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

234 Trooper Lewis EMERY, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

263 Corporal Percy EMERY, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

153 Private Percy Alexander EMERY, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

382 Private Charles EMKE, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Farrier Sergeant H EMMERSON, Johannesburg Mounted Rifles.

283 Private Norman EMMERSON, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

1322 Private Walter Thomas EMMERSON, Army Medical Corps, Commonwealth.

1322 Private Walter Thomas EMMERSON, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

25 Trooper WH EMMERTON, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

351 Private JH EMMETT, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

965 Private Robert John EMMETT, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

731 Private William George EMMETT, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

86 Private Joseph ENEVER, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

442 Private Philip ENEVER, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1362 Private Henry ENGELKE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

317 Corporal Patrick Joseph ENGLISH, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

830 Private David Francis ENNIS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

2293 Private Edward Patrick ENRIGHT, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

429 Private Michael ENRIGHT, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

33 Private Anderw William EPPLE, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

159 Private Gustav Aage ERICKSEN, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

240 Shoeing Smith Louis ERIXSON, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

703 Trooper Cyril Poulton ERRATT, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

365 Trooper Arthur William ERRINGTON, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

198 Trumpeter Jas. John ERRINGTON, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

298 Trooper Philip ERRINGTON, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

269 Trooper Charles ERROCH, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

284 Private Peter ERSKINE, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

175 Private Charles ERWOOD, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

49 Private Ronald Douglas Walley ESDAILE, 2nd West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant Ronald Douglas Walley ESDAILE, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

632 Trumpeter William ESDALE, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

1280 Trooper Alexander ESLER, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

5 Sergeant Hugh James ESLER, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant Hugh James ESLER, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1392 Private Samuel ESLER, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

772 Private Bertie ESMORE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

122 Trooper Beecher ESPIE, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1185 Private Daniel ESPIE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

625 Private William Henry ESSEX, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

5118 Saddler Sergeant Alexander ESSLER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

180 Private Charles Douglas ESTAUGHFFE, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

851 Corporal Edmund ETHELL, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

698 Private Donald Wallace EUNSON, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

2102 Trooper Patrick EURELL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

873 Trooper AJ EVA, 1st Scottish Horse.

490 Trumpeter Arthur Henry EVA, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

Sergeant Albert EVANALL, Scottish Horse.

271 Lance Corporal Alexander Arthur EVANS, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

85 Private Alfred EVANS, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

58 Private Alfred EVANS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

506 Trooper Archie Albert EVANS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

923 Trooper Bertie F EVANS, NSW Lancers.

918 Private David EVANS, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

1468 Private David EVANS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

125 Trooper Edgar EVANS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

96 Private Edward EVANS, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Edward EVANS, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

18 Trooper Edward James EVANS, 2nd South Australian Mounted Rifles.

66 Private Edward James EVANS, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

452 Sergeant Edward James EVANS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

160 Private Edwin EVANS, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

88 Private Ernest Chambers EVANS, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.

2067 Private Francis John EVANS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

555 Trooper Frederick William EVANS, 6th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

2562 Shoeing Smith George Fitzroy EVANS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

843 Private Graham Berry EVANS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

47 Private Graham Berry EVANS, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

Private H EVANS, Brabant's Horse.

1633 Trooper Harry EVANS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

Lieutenant Harry Foster EVANS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

129 Private Harry John EVANS, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

31952 Trooper Henry EVANS, 2nd Scottish Horse.

370 Private Henry George EVANS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

191 Saddler Howard EVANS, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

389 Private J EVANS, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

479 Sqn.QMSgt. James EVANS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

384 Private John EVANS, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

472 Private John EVANS, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

1754 Trooper John Frederick EVANS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

47 Private John Joseph EVANS, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1905 Private Maurice John EVANS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

1674 Trooper Ralph EVANS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

310 Private Ralph EVANS, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

292 Private Rees EVANS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

26 Private Richard Edward EVANS, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

244 Private RJ EVANS, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

1215 Private RM EVANS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

151 Trooper Sidney EVANS, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

142 Trooper Sidney Charles EVANS, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

479 Private Sydney Lechmere EVANS, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Lieutenant Tyrell George EVANS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

572 Corporal Tyrrell George EVANS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

25 Corporal Walter Clement EVANS, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

40 Trooper Walter E EVANS, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

241 Private Walter James EVANS, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

46 Private William EVANS, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant William Bryan EVANS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

573 Corporal William Turrell EVANS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant EVANS, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

356 Saddler Sergeant Albert A EVERALL, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

62 Sergeant William John EVERALL, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

1139 Saddler William John EVERALL, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

437 Trooper Charles Manuel EVERETT, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

1420 Lance Corporal Frederick A EVERETT, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

3272 Trooper John William EVERETT, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Captain William Frank EVERETT, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

98 Private HE EVERSLEY, 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles.

140 Private Reginald Horace EVES, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

669 Private Reginald Horace EVES, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

101 Private AE EWENS, 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles.

428 Sergeant Arthur Edwin EWENS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

10 Trooper CE EWENS, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

63 Trooper Clifford Woolley EWENS, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

557 Trooper William Reynolds EWENS, 6th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

99 Private Charles Henry EWINS, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant Arthur Reginald EXCEL, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

231 Private Arthur Reginald EXCELL, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

9498 Private John EXON, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

Trooper Arthur EYLES, South African Light Horse.

287 Trooper Ernest James Stratford EYRE, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

515 Trooper Leslie George EYRE, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

25 Private Thomas EYRES, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

283 Private George Ephraim EZZEY, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1385 Trooper Albert EZZY, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

170 Trooper Frederick James EZZY, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

17 Trooper Frederick James EZZY, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

438 Private Leslie EZZY, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.


Further Reading:

Boer War, 1899 - 1902 

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: ELP to EZZ

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 April 2010 10:15 PM EADT
Saturday, 6 December 2003
South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: FAB to FIS
Topic: BW - Boer War

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902

Australian Participation - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: FAB to FIS



The following is an alphabetical roll of all Australians known members of the many military formations which embarked overseas during the South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

Service Number;

Rank on Embarkation;

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Service unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.


Embarkation Roll: FAB to FIS


382 Private WA FABIAN, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

499 Private Joseph Thomas FACEY, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

449 Trooper Alfred Herbert FACKENDER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

260 Corporal Cecil Clyde FACY, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

80 Private Hedley Hastings FACY, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.

160 Corporal Wilfred James FACY, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

Captain Patrick FAGAN, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

119 Private William FAGAN, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

1192 Private James Joseph FAHEY, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1194 Private Joseph FAHEY, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

228 Private Conrad FAHLE, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

479 Trooper D FAICHNEY, 1st Scottish Horse.

476 Corporal J FAICHNEY, 1st Scottish Horse.

480 Corporal W FAICHNEY, 1st Scottish Horse.

349 Sqn.QMSgt. Thomas Francis Gordon FAINE, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

383 Private William Noble FAIRBARN, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

2809 Acting Bombadier Frank FAIRLAMB, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

470 Shoeing Smith Archibald Douglas FAIRLIE, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

447 Private Alfred FAIRWEATHER, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

40109 Trooper AL FAITHFULL, 2nd Scottish Horse.

407 Sergeant Robert B FALCONER, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

108 Private Peter FALLA, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

609 Corporal Samuel Reginald FALLICK, NSW Lancers.

65 Private Richard FALLIS, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

626 Private Richard FALLIS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

2727 Trooper Richard FALLON, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

46 Private David FALOON, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

1631 Private John FANNING, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

530 Private James FANTON, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

105 Trooper Thomas E FARDELL, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

1452 Private Hare FARGUSON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

160 Private Thomas FARISH, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

2080 Private Alfred Joseph FARLEY, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

136 Lance Corporal Frederick Hammond FARLEY, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

30 Sergeant Frederick Hammond FARLEY, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

40 Private Patrick Henry FARLEY, 2nd West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant Frederick Charles Edward FARLOW, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

70 Trooper Joseph James FARLOW, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

146 Private Alfred James FARMER, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

241 Private Arthur William FARMER, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

431 Trooper C FARMER, 1st Scottish Horse.

41030 Trooper E FARMER, 2nd Scottish Horse.

129 Private Edward Henry FARMER, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

803 Private Fred William FARMER, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Lieutenant Herbert FARMER, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

31598 Trooper Thomas FARMER, 2nd Scottish Horse.

36 Trooper Arthur Hilton FARNELL, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

130 Private Herbert Jermyn FARNSWORTH, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

1600 Trooper Herbert Alfred FARR, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

744 Private Arthur FARRANT, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

78 Private FE FARRANT, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

232 Trooper Thomas Montague FARRANT, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

2680 Trooper William FARRANT, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

306 Lance Corporal Julian Gordon Knowles FARRAR, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

1821 Trooper Wilfred FARRAR, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

143 Trooper W FARREL, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

526 Private Alexander FARRELL, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

645 Trooper Edward N FARRELL, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

3610 Trooper John FARRELL, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

82 Private John Joseph FARRELL, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

3499 Trooper Martin FARRELL, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

2149 Trooper Patrick FARRELL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

328 Trooper Stanislaus Joseph FARRELL, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

929 Trooper Thomas Mathew FARRELL, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

39 Private Walter FARRELL, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

80 Private William FARRELL, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

80 Private William FARRELL, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

2037 Trumpeter William FARRELL, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

1347 Private William Arthur FARRELL, Army Medical Corps, Commonwealth.

1347 Private William Arthur FARRELL, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

156 Private William Robert FARRELL, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

693 Private William Robert FARRELL, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

Private FARRELL, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

219 Private Bernard Joseph FARRELY, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

2339 Trooper Thomas FARREN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

557 Private James Farish FARRER, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

159 Private Joseph FARRINGTON, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

710 Lance Corporal Gregory FARRY, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

216 Private Michael FARRY, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

561 Trooper Edwin Benjamin FAULKNER, 6th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

235 Trooper Percy FAULKNER, NSW Lancers.

3466 Trooper Wellington Thomas FAULKNER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

171 Trooper William Edward FAULKNER, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

52 Private JL FAWCETT, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

328 Corporal John Lowe FAWCETT, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

2298 Trumpeter Thomas FAWCETT, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

867 Private Thomas Liddle FAWCETT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

605 Trooper George Richard FAWK, 6th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

266 Quartermaster Sergeant James Robertson FAWNS, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Lieutenant James Robertson FAWNS, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

41 Sergeant Francis Xavier FAY, 2nd South Australian Mounted Rifles.

863 Private John FAY, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

912 Trooper C FEATHERSTONE, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

631 Trooper CL FEATHERSTONE, 1st Scottish Horse.

307 Private Percy George FEATHERSTONE, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

Lieutenant Cuthbert FEATHERSTONHAUGH, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

82 Private Charles Albert FECHNER, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

171 Private Gustavus Henry FECHNER, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

172 Private John William FECHNER, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

505 Private Gustavus Henry FECKNER, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

1141 Trooper RG FEEHILY, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

109 Corporal Roger B FEEHILY, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

91 Trooper JP FEENEY, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

156 Private William Patrick FEGAN, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

31607 Trooper John FELGATE, 2nd Scottish Horse.

214 Private Isaac FELLOWS, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

60 Private Frank Best FELSTEAD, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

2392 Corporal David FELTS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

176 Trooper Enoch Elijah FENN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

427 Trooper William Thomas FENN, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

338 Private Henry Williamson FENNER, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

356 Trooper John Edward FENNESSEY, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

382 Private Charles Henry FENTON, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

45 Corporal Edward FENTON, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

1376 Private Edward FENTON, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

480 Private Henry Clarke FENTON, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

480 Corporal HL FENTON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

2693 Trooper James Thomas FENTON, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

109 Trooper Lindsay Charles FENTON, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

195 Private T FENTON, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

317 Trooper George T FENWICK, NSW Lancers.

465 Private John Frederick FENWICK, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

40 Lance Corporal WE FENWICK, 3rd South Australian Citizens' Bushmen.

83 Private William Edward FENWICK, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

84 Trooper Charles FERBRACHE, 2nd South Australian Mounted Rifles.

1060 Corporal Alexander Robert Leslie FERGUSON, 1st Australian Horse.

2214 Private Augustus Theodore FERGUSON, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

2132 Sergeant Benjamin Furney FERGUSON, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

109 Private Charles FERGUSON, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant Charles C FERGUSON, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

2022 Private Charles Vernon FERGUSON, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

666 Trooper Henry Donald FERGUSON, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

360 Private James FERGUSON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

718 Saddler John FERGUSON, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

114 Private John Maxwell FERGUSON, 1st West Australian Mounted Infantry.

2924 Lance Corporal John Maxwell FERGUSON, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

191 Private John Norman Victor Mclean FERGUSON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

147 Private Kenneth FERGUSON, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1188 Corporal Kenneth FERGUSON, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

154 Private Leonard Tordiffe FERGUSON, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

328 Trooper Leslie FERGUSON, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

268 Trooper Max Beresford FERGUSON, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Lieutenant RH FERGUSON, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

283 Private Samuel FERGUSON, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

116 Private Samuel Cornelius FERGUSON, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

143 Private Thomas FERGUSON, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

159 Private Tom Tierney FERGUSON, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

894 Private William FERGUSON, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

Lieutenant William Isaac FERGUSON, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

Captain William Isaac FERGUSON, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

157 Private Albert Ernest FERGUSSON, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

50 Trooper Benjamin Thomas FERGUSSON, 1st Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

78 Private William Henry FERN, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

136 Private Thomas Ernest FERNLEIGH, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

231 Sergeant AE FERRIE, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

167 Private Albert E FERRIE, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

490 Lance Corporal John Meredith FERRIER, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

209 Corporal John Meredith FERRIER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

185 Private Duncan FERRIES, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

97 Private Albert Abraham FERRIS, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

960 Trooper Cecil Ernest FERRIS, NSW Lancers.

138 Private Charles FERRIS, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

46 Private Frederick Aston FERRIS, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

353 Private Hugo Charles John FERRIS, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Trooper John J FERRIS, South African Light Horse.

Sergeant FERRIS, Scottish Horse.

320 Sergeant Roland Jaspar FERRY, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

51 Trooper Hubert Harry FETCH, 2nd South Australian Mounted Rifles.

Lance Corporal G FETHERSTONE, Kitchener's Fighting Scouts.

478 Lance Corporal Cuthbert FETHERSTONHAUGH, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Corporal Claude A FETTER, Scottish Horse.

31603 Lance Corporal Claude FETTES, 2nd Scottish Horse.

599 Trooper Franz Gustav AL FETTING, NSW Lancers.

28 Private Ernest John FEWINGS, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

1705 Trooper William Newton FEWKES, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant Evelyn Alexander Wilson FFRENCH, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

369 Private Robert FFRENCH, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant Carlo Ferruccio FIASCHI, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

800 Trooper Carlo Ferruccio FIASCHI, NSW Lancers.

Major Thomas Henry FIASCHI, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

336 Lance Sergeant Charles W FIDDEN, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

407 Private Albert Edward FIDGE, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

94 Private WH FIDLER, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

2139 Private Daniel Newbury FIELD, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

41028 Trooper EJ FIELD, 2nd Scottish Horse.

3276 Trooper George FIELD, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

412 Private Henry Francis FIELD, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

102 Private John FIELD, 'A' Sqn. NSW Mounted Rifles.

409 Private Matthew James FIELD, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant Percy Henry Guy FIELDEN, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

96 Private Arthur William FIELDING, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

178 Private Ernest Victor FIELDING, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Private FIELDING, 2nd Tasmanian Bushmen.

37 Lance Sergeant John Thomas FIELDS, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

491 Private W FILBEY, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

40 Private Thomas FILBY, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1374 Saddler Arthur FILCAR, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Lieutenant Leslie Edward FILNEY, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

535 Trooper Herbert James FIMISTER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

1816 Trooper DD FINCH, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

452 Trooper HW FINCH, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

462 Lance Corporal Kenneth John Stuart FINCH, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

263 Private Walter Henry FINCH, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

490 Farrier Sergeant William Henry FINCH, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

135 Farrier Sergeant William Henry FINCH, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

516 Private William Nathaniel FINCHAM, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1594 Trooper Alexander FINDLAY, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

13 Trooper James George FINDLAY, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

361 Trooper Charles FINERAN, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

Lieutenant T FINIS, Scottish Horse.

1712 Trooper JC FINLAY, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

708 Private John Gordon FINLAY, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

287 Private Alexander FINLAYSON, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

172 Sergeant George James FINLAYSON, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

Sqn.QMSgt. George James FINLAYSON, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Harvey FINLAYSON, Cape Mounted Police.

128 Corporal John McKay FINLAYSON, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

33 Corporal Thomas William FINLAYSON, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

427 Private William Randolf FINLAYSON, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

414 Private Francis A FINLEY, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

325 Private George FINMORE, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

1444 Private Bertram S FINN, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

316 Private Michael FINN, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

296 Trooper William FINN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

2685 Trooper William FINN, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

Lieutenant Arthur John FINNERTY, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

159 Private Dudley FINNEY, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

389 Private Robert Edwin FINNEY, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

736 Trooper William D FINNIE, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

325 Trooper James FINNIGAN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

737 Lance Corporal George James FIRMAN, 1st Australian Horse.

24 Private Thomas FIRNS, 2nd West Australian Mounted Infantry.

51 Trooper Albert Alex. Crossley FIRTH, 1st Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

315 Private John FIRTH, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1603 Private Henry M Matheison FISCHER, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

70 Private Patrick John FISHBOURNE, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

360 Lance Corporal William R FISHBURN, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

101 Private Albert FISHER, 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry.

335 Private Benjamin FISHER, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

256 Private Cecil FISHER, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Warrant Officer Charles Edward FISHER, NSW Lancers.

31605 Trooper Charles William Albert FISHER, 2nd Scottish Horse.

199 Trooper David Roaden FISHER, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

300 Corporal Edward FISHER, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

2855 Gunner Frederick FISHER, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

1357 Private Harold Arthur FISHER, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

290 Private Hugh Addison FISHER, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

1212 Farrier Sergeant James FISHER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1297 Private James FISHER, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

29 Private John James FISHER, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

31595 Trooper R FISHER, 2nd Scottish Horse.

38 Shoeing Smith Walter Ingram FISHER, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

374 Private William JW FISHER, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

379 Private William Newton FISHER, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

Trooper FISHER, Brabant's Horse.


Further Reading:

Boer War, 1899 - 1902 

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: FAB to FIS

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Friday, 30 April 2010 9:05 AM EADT
New South Wales Infantry Contingent, Contents
Topic: BW - NSW - NSW Inf


New South Wales Infantry Contingent






New South Wales Infantry Contingent, Outline
Recruitment of the Infantry Contingent 
Legge's Letters
Legge Letter 6 December 1899
Legge Letter 28 December 1899
Legge Letter 28 February 1900


Nominal Roll

New South Wales Infantry Contingent, Nominal Roll


Photographs of Members

New South Wales Infantry Contingent, Unit Photographs 



Roll of Honour

New South Wales Infantry Contingent, Roll of Honour  

Lest we forget



Further Reading:

New South Wales Infantry Contingent

New South Wales Infantry Contingent, Roll of Honour 

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: New South Wales Infantry Contingent, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Saturday, 9 April 2011 11:15 PM EADT
Friday, 5 December 2003
New South Wales Infantry Contingent, Outline
Topic: BW - NSW - NSW Inf


New South Wales Infantry Contingent



Map illustrating the activities of the New South Wales Mounted Rifles in South Africa, 1900.

[From: Chamberlain, M., The Australians in the South African War 1899-1902, Canberra, 1999.]


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 28 - 40A.


Captain Legge, Officer Commanding NSW Infantry



"A" Squadron Mounted Rifles.

This was originally a draft from the regiment of New South Wales Mounted Rifles, which had been in existence for some years before the war and served upon the partial-payment system. It still figures in the Army list as the 2nd Australian Light Horse, "New South Wales Mounted Rifles'' on the Militia establishment. (Allied with "King Edward's Horse"; the King's Oversea Dominions Regiment.) The squadron comprised a picked body of especially smart men; good shots and daring riders; excellently mounted; and it did exceptional service during the war.

The establishment authorized in the first instance was as for Lancers, omitting "Major" and substituting 98 privates for 97.

The squadron at first consisted of 4 officers and 100 others, with 104 horses and 3 carts. It was despatched on 3rd November; 1899, and was shortly afterwards followed by a draft of 25 sergeants and rank and file; with 25 horses. One medical officer joined in South Africa, and 6 men were enrolled there. Of these details, 8 were killed or died, 5 were struck off the strength in South Africa, l officer was commissioned in the Imperial Army, and 2 men were sent back respectively from Albany and Cape Town; 4 officers and 113 men returned to Australia.

Subsequent to the departure of the squadron, however, a second Contingent had been formed, comprising "B," "C;" and "D" Squadrons, "1st Regiment, New South Wales Mounted Rifles;" despatched on 17th January, 1900 (vide record). The first Contingent, consisting of the squadron now referred to, and a company of Infantry (vide record) which left in the same ship, became absorbed as "A" and "E" squadrons respectively of this regiment; the company being mounted at the seat of war.


The SS Aberdeen embarking from Sydney, 3 November 1899


As already stated, the squadron embarked at Sydney on the transport Aberdeen, 3rd November, 1899; arrived at Cape Town on 6th December, disembarked on the following day. Embarked again at Cape Town on the Transport Orient. 13th December, 1900, called at Albany and Melbourne, arrived at Sydney, and disembarked, 8th January, 1901.

References to Orders

Formation GO NSW 107/99
Pay and Allowances GONSW107/99, 112/99, 88/00
Command GONSW116/99
Conditions and Service GONSW107/99
Officers GONSW110/99
Establishment GONSW108/99
Embarkation GONSW116/99, 123/99, 124/99.


Uniform consisted of brown F.S. jackets and pants, with puttees and hats.

Arms and equipment

M.E. rifles and long bayonet, bandolier and cartridge belt, with supporting braces.

Fully horsed and provided with saddles.

Regimental transport was also provided.

"E" Squadron Mounted Rifles.

The corps, under the command of Captain J. G. Legge, accompanied General Clements' column from Arundel via Colesberg to Norval's Pont, Orange River, thence through the south-western portion of the Orange Free State to Bloemfontein.

At Bloemfontein the corps, under the command of Captain W. Holmes, joined General Ian Hamilton's column as. portion of De Lisle's (II. M.I) corps, and proceeded thence to Pretoria, Diamond Hall, &c.

On 13th June, 1900, Captain F. A. Dove assumed command, vice Holmes (wounded and invalided). The corps returned to Pretoria and took part in the campaign against De Wet and De La Rey, under Generals Hunter, Broadwood, Lord Kitchener, and Clements respectively, operating in the Transvaal and northern part of Orange River Colony.

Returned to Kroonstadt, thence by rail to Cape Town; embarked December, 1900, on board SS Orient; called at Melbourne on 6th January, 1901, and arrived at Sydney on 8th January, 1901.

Detailed list of engagements attached hereto.

The casualties were as follows:

Killed in action5
Died of wounds2
Died of enteric4

Principal Engagements in which Corps took part.

With Major-General Clements' Column

Relief of Colesberg, 3rd February to 7th March, 1900. Actions at Slingersfontein, 10th February, 1900; The Kloof (Cole's Cop), 11th February; Mader's Aarm, 11th February; Vaal Kop, 12th February; Rensburg, 14th February; Frandel, 15th February; Plewman's Farm, 17th February; Kuilfontein, 17th February; Woolvefontein, 20th February; Norval's Pont, 7th March.

Advance on Bloemfontein, 15th March to 4th April, 1900. Capture of the following towns in the Orange Free State:- Phillipolis, 21st March; Jagersfontein, 27th March; Fauresmith, 27th March; Koffyfontein, 28th March; Petrusburg, 2ndApril.

With General Ian Hamilton's Column, Bloemfontein to Diamond Hill, 22nd April to 12th June.-Action at Boesman's Kop, 23rd April; Watervaal Drift, 24th April; Waterworks, 25th April; Israel's Poort, 25th April. Battle of Houtnek (Thaba 'Nchu), 30th April and 1st May. Action at Kaffir's Kraal, Roodepoort, 4th May - Capture of Winburg, 5th May. Battle of Zand River, 10th May. Capture of Ventersburg, 11th May. Advanced Guard action, Lindley, 20th May. Rearguard action, Rhenoster River, 21st May. Klipriversburg, Battle of Doornkop, 29th May. Johannesburg, 31st May. Capture of Pretoria, 4th June. Battle of Diamond Hill, 11th and 12th June.

Campaign against De Wet. Capture of Heidelberg.

June:- Capture of Villiersdorp, Frankfort, Reitz, and Bethlehem.

July:- Actions around Bethlehem. Actions at Palmietfontein, Vredefort, ainje, Lindeque Drift.

August:- Relief of Elands River Post. March to Pretoria, via Rustenburg.

September:- To Machadodorp. Operations against De La Rey in the Magaliesberg. Several actions and skirmishes with General Clements' column. Return to Pretoria. With De Lisle's force. Operations against De Wet in northern Orange River Colony. Skirmishes about Heilbron and (October) Vredefort. Two days' fight at Witkoppies and Reitzburg. Capture of Potchefstroom.

27th October:- Successful fight with De Wet at Rensburg Drift. Capture of Krupp gun and wagons.

November:- Action at Bothaville. Capture of seven guns.

Services and honours

Legge, Captain J. G. (promoted major and afterwards Lieut.-Colonel):-
Operations in Cape Colony, Orange Free State, and. Transvaal, December, 1899, to November, 1900. Actions at Colesberg. Advance on Kimberley. Actions at Johannesburg, Pretoria, Diamond Hill, Elands River, Venterskroon, Bethlehem, Wittebergen, and Bothaville. Subsequently Intelligence Officer to Col. De Lisle's column, 1901-2. Queen's Medal with four clasps. King's Medal with two clasps.

Holmes, W., Lieutenant (promoted captain):-
Operations in Cape Colony, Orange Free State, and Transvaal, 1899 to November, 1900. Actions at Colesberg. Advance on Kimberley, Houtnek, Vet River, Zand River, Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Diamond Hill, at which latter wounded 12th June, 1900. Despatches, London Gazette, 16th April, 1901. D.S.O. Queen's Medal with four clasps.

Dove, Lieutenant F. A.:-
Operations as above. Wounded at Mader's Farm, 26th February, 1900. Despatches, London Gazette, 16th April, 1901. D.S.O. Queen's Medal with five clasps. (Lieutenant Dove was promoted captain and served subsequently as adjutant 3rd Battalion A.C.H., and S.O. to Australian Brigade, Newcastle, Natal.)

Logan, Lieutenant M. W.-
Operations in Cape Colony and Orange Free State, December, 1899 to day, 1900. Actions at Colesberg. Advance on Kimberley. Actions at Vet River and Zand River. Queen's Medal with two clasps.

Edwards, Lieutenant (A.M.C.) E. A. -
Vide A.M.C.

The majority of the Contingent earned the following clasps:-

(1) Relief of Kimberley,

(2) Paardeberg,

(3) Driefontein,

(4) Johannesburg,

(5) Diamond Hill,

(6) Wittebergen.


Extracts from Report of Captain J. G. Legge.

February, 1900:- On 20th February we went out with a force to repel an attack upon our right rear. One division, under Lieutenant Dove, was escort to some of the guns, where, unfortunately, Private Atchison was killed by a shell, together with his horse; Private Southey was also wounded.

With the other three divisions, reinforced by the Victorian Mounted Rifles, we were sent to occupy some kopjes in front. After crossing with two divisions under fire, and taking two ridges, we received an order to retire, which it appears was never meant for us. The men retired under a very heavy fire and kept their heads well. Finding the order was never intended for us, we again went across, and by evening drove the Boers along 5 miles of ridges. We were assisted greatly by a cross-fire from our artillery.

At dusk we were, with 55 rifles and 20 in reserve, opposed to 200 Boers in a farm and on the opposite ridge. The rest of our men were holding the other part of the ridge already taken. Here we came to a stop, and had a furious rifle duel, which the Boers finished up by firing shrapnel from an invisible gun at about 1,000 yards. They also used explosive bullets. We had good cover, however, and had no other loss. The whole of the company fought well under a heavy fire, and it is really wonderful how we escaped without loss.

As my orders were to secure all the positions I took, I had to move from one point to another, and entrusted the firing line to Lieutenant Holmes, who acted with great dash and coolness. At night we received orders to return to the guns and went back to camp with them. The Boers retired from the vicinity during the night. Major Enthoven, R.A., was kind enough to send over a message saying "We could not have done better."

After a reinforcement of guns on the 22nd February, our force advanced west, and another force from the camp attacked the Boers on the south, and gave them a heavy shell fire. Lieutenant Dove did an excellent piece of scouting on the right with his division, and drove off the Boor patrols, thus rendering the advance of the guns possible.

About 3 p.m. the Boers retired in great haste, making north, and we returned to camp at night.

The last fortnight has been extremely trying on both men and horses; through broken rest, irregular and deficient food and water. The latter is not due to the A.S.C., but to the rapid moves we have to make as mounted men.

Extracts from report of Captain W. Holmes

28th April:- In camp, Israel's Poort: Detailed Lieutenant Dove and 25 men to scout in the vicinity of Thaba Mountain and Houtnek. Lieutenant Dove was instructed to locate the position of the Boor laager. In this duty he was eminently successful, and received the commendation of General Ian Hamilton and Colonel De Lisle. As a result of this reconnaissance, the battle of Houtnek was fought two days later.

30th April:- Marched at daylight, and came into collision with the enemy, who were strongly posted at Thaba Mountainn and Houtnek. Lieutenant Dove and 28 men were detached from my command for scouting work; with the remainder I was ordered to occupy an advanced kopje, which proved to be an important strategical point. Remained in possession all day under very heavy fun (shrapnel and rifle) from front and right flank. At night retired to a farm house. No casualties.

Re-occupied the position of the previous day before dawn. Remained there under an exceedingly heavy fire until about noon, when I was ordered to withdraw as best I could, as the Infantry was advancing to attack. As the best means of leaving the position, I determined to retire at the gallop by groups of four, widely extended, to another hill about ¾ mile in rear. In this retirement Private V. V. Smith was killed and Privates Lewis, Tweedie, and Maxwell, wounded, and two horses killed.



Further Reading:

New South Wales Infantry Contingent

New South Wales Infantry Contingent, Roll of Honour 

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: New South Wales Infantry Contingent, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 4 April 2011 12:03 PM EADT

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