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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Friday, 19 December 2003
The movement of the Imperial Bushmen to Bulawayo, 1900
Topic: BW - NSW - NSWIB

New South Wales Imperial Bushmen

The movement of the Imperial Bushmen to Bulawayo, 1900


Bulawayo on the morning of Mafeking Day

[From: Sydney Mail, 21 July 1900, p. 146. ]


Bulawayo must have been an exciting town to live in at the turn of last century. The first picture is of Bulawayo township taken from the highest point in the city. The photograph gives a good summary of the condition and layout of the town in Rhodesia, 23 May 1900.

One obvious point that is readily visible is that Bulawayo on the morning of Mafeking Day displayed lots of bunting but there is not a soul in sight.

When the Canadian artillery passed through the town, it was such a spectacle that the whole town turned out to see the procession.


Canadian Artillery passing through Bulawayo.

[From: Sydney Mail, 21 July 1900, p. 146. ]


Judging by the hight turnout of citizens, all white, the coming of the Canadians must have been very reassuring for the local population.

Following on just behind the Canadians were the Australians riding on the mule wagons. In this next picture, members of the Imperial Bushmen were hitching rides on the mule carts. Because of transport shortages, the men were literally loaded to the gunwales.


Imperial Bushmen travelling to Bulawayo on mule carts.

[From: Sydney Mail, 21 July 1900, p. 147. ]


Due to problems with horses, the use of mule carts was seen to be the easiest way to move large numbers of Imperial Bushmen quickly across Rhodesia.

Another group of Imperial Bushmen did everything to confound the Boer. Here is a troop of Bushmen riding prone on a low sided, sand bagged wagon guarding the procession from any potential of attack by the crafty Boer.


Imperial Bushmen as train guards.

[From: Sydney Mail, 21 July 1900, p. 146. ]


By all accounts, this was a most uncomfortable way to travel. The train made it quick but the accommodation was less than comfortable. It was difficult to maintain the prone position for very long, especially with a rifle in hand. One person left a description of this type of travel:

While it was possible to make oneself fairly comfortable in a Wolseley bed when in camp, you can never get comfortable on the hard floor of a truck; you have no protection against the "upward bumps."

Quoted from The Story of the Bushmen by James Green, William Brooks & Co, Sydney, 1903, at p. 24.


Further Reading:

Boer War - NSW 

New South Wales Imperial Bushmen

New South Wales Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The movement of the Imperial Bushmen to Bulawayo, 1900

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 13 June 2010 6:03 PM EADT
South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: CAR to CHA
Topic: BW - Boer War

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902

Australian Participation - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: CAR to CHA



The following is an alphabetical roll of all Australians known members of the many military formations which embarked overseas during the South African (Second Boer) War, 1899-1902.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

Service Number;

Rank on Embarkation;

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Service unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.


Embarkation Roll: CAR to CHA


470 Trooper Joseph Lot CARLILINI, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

142 Private William Cameron CARLIN, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

250 Private Norman CARLISLE, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

1096 Sergeant Robert CARLISLE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

2881 Private John S CARLYON, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

21 Private Alfred Ernest CARMAN, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

2822 Trumpeter David Joseph CARMICHAEL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

603 Trooper John Henry CARMICHAEL, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

32 Private Ernest CARMODY, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

1398 Trooper John CARMODY, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

278 Private John Patrick CARMODY, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

38 Private William CARMODY, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

63 Trooper Thomas Broughton CARNE, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

1294 Private William Brown CARNEGIE, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

334 Private SJ CARNELL, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

105 Trooper George CARNEY, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

105 Private George CARNEY, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

491 Private Robert CARNIE, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

Trooper R CARNIS, Kitchener's Fighting Scouts.

588 Saddler Sergeant Charles CAROLAN, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

1282 Trumpeter John Paul CAROLIN, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

63 Private Herbert Victor CARPENDALE, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

1785 Trooper Alfred S CARPENTER, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

430 Private Charles CARPENTER, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

Trooper CN CARPENTER, Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry.

258 Trooper George CARPENTER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

29 Private George Edward CARPENTER, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

2172 Trooper Stanley Leslie CARPENTER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

1670 Private Arthur CARR, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

250 Private Henry James CARR, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

232 Private Henry Stedman CARR, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

441 Private James CARR, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

957 Corporal James Patrick CARR, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

36 Private Patrick CARR, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

324 Private Sydney Joseph CARR, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

363 Private Thomas Edward Page CARR, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

292 Corporal William Maitland CARR, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

2833 Gunner Charles CARRADUS, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

33486 Trooper AEH CARRICK, 2nd Scottish Horse.

95 Trooper James CARRICK, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

36968 Trooper PW CARRICK, 1st Scottish Horse.

90 Private F CARRIGG, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

426 Private Cyril Wellington CARRINGTON, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

264 Private Patrick CARROL, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

71 Private Charles James CARROLL, 3rd West Australian Bushmen.

2740 Trooper George CARROLL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

445 Private George Johnston CARROLL, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

1659 Trooper Henry I CARROLL, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

1523 Corporal James William CARROLL, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Captain John Walter Maxwell CARROLL, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

509 Trooper Michael CARROLL, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

509 Private Michael CARROLL, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

35 Private Patrick CARROLL, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

674 Private Phillip Joseph CARROLL, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

510 Private Thomas CARROLL, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

340 Corporal Thomas CARROLL, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

252 Lance Corporal William CARROLL, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

2018 Trooper William John CARROLL, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

118 Sergeant Charles George CARRUTHERS, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

206 Private John Stewart CARRUTHERS, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

21 Private AE CARSON, 1st South Australian Mounted Rifles.

2281 Private Walter Eastwood CARSON, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

334 Trooper Frank CARSONS, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

492 Private Samuel Henry CARSONS, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

Lieutenant Harold Grafton CARSTAIRS, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

Captain Harold Grafton CARSTAIRS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

A CARTER, Brabant's Horse.

39683 Trooper AJ CARTER, 2nd Scottish Horse.

1131 Private Alfred Percy CARTER, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Lieutenant Alleyne Charles CARTER, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

1153 Trooper Arthur GP CARTER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

357 Private Charles Reginald CARTER, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

300 Private Edward Gregson CARTER, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

2843 Trooper Frank Anderson CARTER, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

597 Private Frederick Howard CARTER, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

G CARTER, Prince of Wales' Light Horse.

10 Trooper George CARTER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

128 Private George James CARTER, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

86 Trooper Henry CARTER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

2609 Trooper Henry CARTER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

603 Private Herbert CARTER, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

342 Private Herbert CARTER, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Lieutenant Hubert Reginald CARTER, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

592 Trooper Joel Brien CARTER, 6th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

2155 Private John Charles CARTER, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

244 Private John Hugh CARTER, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

345 Private Joseph Richard CARTER, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

853 Private Richard CARTER, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

2606 Squadron Sergeant Major Samuel Henry CARTER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

107 Farrier Sergeant Thomas James CARTER, 2nd South Australian Mounted Rifles.

267 Private Wharton CARTER, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant William B CARTER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

762 Trooper William Beveridge CARTER, NSW Lancers.

1040 Private William Daniel CARTER, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

69 Trooper William Daniel CARTER, 2nd South Australian Mounted Rifles.

302 Trooper William George CARTER, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

549 Squadron Sergeant Major William Henry CARTER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

743 Lance Corporal William Henry CARTER, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

193 Trumpeter William Robert CARTER, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

138 Private William Thomas CARTER, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

Corporal CARTER, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

448 Trooper Frank CARTHEW, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

119 Trooper Charles CARTIS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

227 Trooper Charles Lewis CARTWRIGHT, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

160 Trooper Michael Augustine CARTWRIGHT, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

222 Private John CARVER, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

223 Quartermaster Sergeant William CARVER, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

423 Trooper TEW CASE, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

489 Sergeant William Wilson CASEMENT, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

12 Trumpeter Daniel CASEY, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

377 Private Edward Chaplin CASEY, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

135 Private Edward Joseph CASEY, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

152 Trooper Edwin CASEY, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

118 Private James Desmond CASEY, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

93 Private James John CASEY, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

376 Private James John CASEY, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

20 Private Jeremiah Joseph CASEY, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

40093 Trooper JO CASEY, 2nd Scottish Horse.

2190 Trooper John Herbert CASEY, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

229 Private T CASEY, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

869 Private Thomas Charles William CASEY, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

Lieutenant Lachlan John CASKEY, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

31566 Lance Corporal Samuel George CASON, 2nd Scottish Horse.

31568 Trooper William Moses Carlgle CASON, 2nd Scottish Horse.

85 Trooper L CASROTTI, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

845 Corporal Walter Edmund CASS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

352 Trooper Frederick CASSELTINE, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

393 Trooper Michael CASSEY, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

450 Private Edward CASSIDY, 6th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

2272 Private John Patrick CASSIDY, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

138 Private William Robert CASSIDY, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

16 Lance Corporal Claude Clement CASTINE, 2nd South Australian Mounted Rifles.

438 Trooper Henry CASTLE, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

758 Trooper TE CASTLE, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

1271 Sergeant Thomas E CASTLE, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

170 Private Thomas James CASTLE, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

1006 Shoeing Smith Joseph CASTLES, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

61 Private Joseph CASTLES, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

432 Private William John CASTLES, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1436 Trooper James CASTRAY, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

128 Corporal George Edwin CATCHLOVE, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

1005 Private George James Leyland CATCHLOVE, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australian.

2939 Trooper William Henry Bright CATES, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

33 Private John CATHCART, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

140 Private Alexander John King CATON, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1926 Trooper Alfred John CATT, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

2274 Private Alfred James CATTANACH, 4th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

1686 Private Harry CATTANACH, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

336 Trooper Thomas Joseph CATTERMOLE, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

Francis CAUGHEY, Bushveldt Carbineers.

451 Private Francis John CAUGHEY, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

1576 Private Frederick H CAUGHEY, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

289 Private Walter John CAUNT, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

176 Trooper Charles CAUVIN, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

1748 Trooper Daniel CAVANAGH, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

848 Private George CAVANAGH, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1450 Private John Patrick CAVANAGH, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Trooper T CAVANAGH, Cape Railway Pioneer Regt..

1352 Private Thomas CAVANAGH, Army Medical Corps, Commonwealth.

1352 Private Thomas CAVANAGH, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

235 Private Walter CAVANAGH, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

1110 Private William CAVANAGH, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

3234 Trooper William CAVANOUGH, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

12 Private James McLelland CAVAYE, 2nd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

Lieutenant James McLelland CAVAYE, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

673 Private James McLelland CAVAYE, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

103 Private Alfred Noble CAVE, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

230 Private Frank CAVELL, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

49 Private Charles CAVENDER, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

939 Trooper Walter William CAVILL, NSW Lancers.

452 Trooper John CAVIN, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

Corporal W CAWEY, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

268 Private Charles CAWTHORN, 2nd Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen.

504 Private Ross CAYFORD, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

205 Private Aubrey Bruce Cooper CECIL, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

99 Private Egerton Burleigh Cooper CECIL, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

2878 Driver Charles CEDERBERG, A' Bty. Royal Australian Artillery.

2870 Trooper David Oliver CHADWICK, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

174 Private Edward Andrew CHADWICK, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

498 Private George Alfred CHADWICK, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

514 Private John Colin CHADWICK, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

381 Trooper John Henry CHALKER, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

392 Trooper William Arthur CHALKER, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

380 Corporal William Edward CHALKER, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

9 Trooper Frederic CHALLEN, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

237 Sergeant William Samuel CHALLENGER, 2nd Victorian Mounted Rifles.

430 Trooper William Frederick CHALLINGER, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

123 Lance Corporal George CHALLIS, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

217 Private Allan CHALMERS, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

363 Trooper Arthur CHALMERS, 5th Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

297 Trooper Charles William CHALMERS, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

1369 Private Claude CHALMERS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

2 Corporal Cyril Roderick Alleyne CHALMERS, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.

10 Private Frederick Royden CHALMERS, 1st Tasmanian Mounted Infantry.

Captain Henry Black CHALMERS, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

533 Private J CHALMERS, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

645 Private James McCracken CHALMERS, 2nd Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

79 Private Edwin CHAMBERLAIN, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

362 Private Thomas CHAMBERLAIN, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

124 Private William Allen CHAMBERLAIN, 1st Queensland Mounted Infantry.

1328 Private Thomas Cecil CHAMBERLAYNE, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

1328 Private Thomas Cecil CHAMBERLAYNE, Australian Army Medical Corps, South Australia.

1723 Trooper Arthur CHAMBERS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

37 Orderly Room Sergeant Charles Herbert CHAMBERS, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

1596 Private Francis Joseph CHAMBERS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

389 Private Henry McKean CHAMBERS, 3rd Victorian Bushmen.

121 Sergeant James CHAMBERS, 7th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Queensland.

2746 Trooper James Richard CHAMBERS, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

1085 Private Michael James CHAMBERS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1234 Private Samuel CHAMBERS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

1727 Trooper William CHAMBERS, 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

1171 Private William CHAMINGS, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

100 Trooper George H CHAMPION, 1st Battalion Australian Commonwealth Horse, New South Wales.

181 Trooper Harry CHAMPION, 4th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

234 Trooper Leslie CHAMPNESS, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

1309 Private Albert CHANDLER, Army Medical Corps, Commonwealth.

1309 Private Albert CHANDLER, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

1491 Trooper Albert Henry CHANDLER, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

207 Lance Sergeant Albert Henry CHANDLER, 3rd NSW Imperial Bushmen.

230 Trooper Albert Henry CHANDLER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

901 Trooper Charles CHANDLER, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

241 Trumpeter ER CHANDLER, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

12 Private Frederick Henry CHANDLER, 4th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

1355 Trooper HC CHANDLER, Bethune's Mounted Infantry.

133 Private Joseph William CHANDLER, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, South Australia.

1604 Private Percival Samuel CHANDLER, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

Trooper WH CHANDLER, Brabant's Horse.

131 Private Robert CHANT, 2nd Tasmanian Bushmen.

130 Private Walter Herbert CHANT, 2nd Tasmanian Bushmen.

4 Corporal William CHANT, 1st New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

459 Trooper John Courtney CHANTER, NSW Citizens' Bushmen.

291 Private William Wenton CHAPLIN, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Tasmania.

454 Trooper AG CHAPMAN, 1st Scottish Horse.

1425 Trooper Alfred CHAPMAN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

Captain Alfred Ernest CHAPMAN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

1316 Private Alick CHAPMAN, Army Medical Corps, Commonwealth.

1316 Private Alick CHAPMAN, Army Medical Corps, NSW.

11 Private Archibald Duncan Campbell CHAPMAN, 3rd Queensland Mounted Infantry.

452 Private Charles Ernest CHAPMAN, 4th Victorian Imperial Bushmen.

38321 Lance Corporal CHW CHAPMAN, 2nd Scottish Horse.

117 Private FJ CHAPMAN, 6th Australian Commonwealth Horse, Victoria.

395 Private James CHAPMAN, 8th Australian Commonwealth Horse, West Australia.

31569 Lance Corporal James Albert CHAPMAN, 2nd Scottish Horse.

95 Private James Francis CHAPMAN, 4th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

1511 Sergeant John CHAPMAN, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles.

232 Private John Russell CHAPMAN, 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen.

318 Trooper Leslie John CHAPMAN, 5th South Australian Imperial Bushmen.

649 Trooper Oscar Frederick CHAPMAN, 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles.

729 Sergeant William CHAPMAN, 3rd NSW Mounted Rifles.

William CHAPMAN, Bushveldt Carbineers.

679 Private William CHAPMAN, NSW Imperial Bushmen.

892 Trooper William CHAPMAN, NSW Lancers.

128 Private William Henry CHAPMAN, 5th West Australian Mounted Infantry.

Trooper WJ CHAPMAN, Bushveldt Carbineers.


Further Reading:

Boer War, 1899 - 1902 

South African (Second Boer) War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: South African (Second Boer) War: 1899-1902, Embarkation Roll: CAR to CHA

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 27 April 2010 5:57 PM EADT
Mafeking Day Victory Parade, Bulawayo, 23 May 1900
Topic: BW - NSW - NSWIB


New South Wales Imperial Bushmen

Mafeking Day Victory Parade, Bulawayo, 23 May 1900

Canadian Contingent leading the parade to celebrate Mafeking Day at Bulawayo, 23 May 1900.

[Sydney Mail, 21 July 1900, p. 147.]


While the Imperial Bushmen were making their way through Rhodesia, the siege at Mafeking ended with a British victory. 

A good contemporary account of this occasion is in the book of:

H. W. Wilson, "With the Flag to Pretoria: A History of the Boer War, 1899-1900", London, 1901. CHAPTER XXV, The Relief of Mafeking.

By the time the first units from the Imperial Bushmen arrived at Bulawayo, the second largest city in Rhodesia, the good folk were ready to let their hair go and celebrate the victory. Part of the victory celebrations was the participation in a Victory Parade by those members of the Imperial Bushmen's Contingent at Bulawayo. So on 23 May 1900, the Imperial Bushmen marched alongside their Canadian allies. Below is a photograph of the march past led by the Canadian contingent.

In the background of the photograph, the Imperial Bushmen can be seen marching along in their various troop formations. The Canadians in the lead seem to cut fine figures in their highly decorative uniforms. These highly visible dress coats had to be discarded very quickly when facing the Boers on the Veldt as they became instant targets for accurate Boer sniping.

Apart from a good day by all, that Blue Brand Aerated Water Factory sure beats having a Coke.

One way to finish this item off is to cite the highly forgetable poem penned by William Topaz McGonagall, poet and tragedian of Dundee, who still is widely hailed as the writer of the worst poetry in the English language...

The Relief of Mafeking

Success to Colonel Baden-Powell and his praises loudly sing,
For being so brave in relieving Mafeking,
With his gallant little band of eight hundred men,
They made the Boers fly from Mafeking like sheep escaping from a pen.

'Twas in the year of 1900 and on the 18th of May,
That Colonel Baden-Powell beat the Boers without dismay,
And made them fly from Mafeking without delay,
Which will be handed down to posterity for many a day.

Colonel Baden-Powell is a very brave man,
And to deny it, I venture to say, few men can;
He is a noble hero be it said,
For at the siege of Mafeking he never was afraid.

And during the siege Colonel Baden was cheerful and gay,
While the starving population were living on brawn each day;
And alas! the sufferings of the women and children were great,
But they all submitted patiently to their fate.

For seven months besieged they fought the Boers without dismay,
Until at last the Boers were glad to run away;
Because Baden-Powell's gallant band put them to flight
By cannon shot and volleys of musketry to the left and right.

Then long live Baden-Powell and his brave little band,
For during the siege of Mafeking they made a bold stand
Against yelling thousands of Boers who were thirsting for their blood,
But as firm as a rock against them they fearlessly stood.

Oh! think of them living on brawn extracted from horse hides,
While the inhuman Boers their sufferings deride,
Knowing that the women's hearts with grief were torn
As they looked on their children's faces that looked sad and forlorn.

For 217 days the Boers tried to obtain Mafeking's surrender,
But their strategy was futile owing to its noble defender,
Colonel Baden-Powell, that hero of renown,
Who, by his masterly generalship, saved the town.

Methinks I see him and his gallant band,
Looking terror to the foe: Oh! The sight was really grand,
As he cried, "Give it them, lads; let's do or die;
And from Mafeking we'll soon make them fly,
And we'll make them rue their rash undertaking
The day they laid siege to the town of Mafeking."

Long life and prosperity to Colonel Baden-Powell,
For there's very few generals can him excel;
And he is now the Hero of Mafeking, be it told,
And his name should be engraved on medals of gold.

I wish him and his gallant little band every success,
For relieving the people of Mafeking while in distress;
They made the Boers rue their rash undertaking
The day they laid siege to the town of Mafeking.

For during the defence of Mafeking
From grief he kept the people's hearts from breaking,
Because he sang to them and did recite
Passages from Shakespeare which did their hearts delight.


At least McGonagall's heart was in the right place. McGonagall's name was made with his publication of the famous "Tay Bridge Disaster" poem. If for no other reason than its forced doggerel, this poem about Mafeking lives on in the collections of English literature.


Further Reading:

Boer War - NSW 

New South Wales Imperial Bushmen

New South Wales Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Mafeking Day Victory Parade, Bulawayo, 23 May 1900

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 13 June 2010 5:44 PM EADT
Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, 1st Australian Horse, Roll of Honour
Topic: BW - NSW - Aust H

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

Roll of Honour

1st Australian Horse

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 1st Australian Horse and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 1st Australian Horse or another unit during the Boer War.


Roll of Honour


John Alexander Stewart ANDREW


William Thomas BONNER


Michael Joseph COMMINS

Reginald Belmore COX




Horace William GILCHRIST

George Allman GRIFFEN


Walter Jospeh JAMES


Keith Kinnaird MACKELLAR

William Patrick MEEHAN


Robert Frank WILSON


Lest we forget


Further Reading:

1st Australian Horse

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 1st Australian Horse, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 10 May 2010 1:20 PM EADT
Thursday, 18 December 2003
Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, New South Wales Army Medical Corps, Roll of Honour
Topic: BW - NSW - AAMC

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

Roll of Honour

New South Wales Army Medical Corps

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the New South Wales Army Medical Corps and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the New South Wales Army Medical Corps or another unit during the Boer War.


Roll of Honour






John Joseph KELLY


Walter H LONEY




Thomas SMITH


Lest we forget



Further Reading:

New South Wales Army Medical Corps

New South Wales Army Medical Corps, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, New South Wales Army Medical Corps, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 14 March 2011 9:03 AM EADT

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