"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess
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The Western Australian Mounted Infantry or known by its common acronym, the “WAMI”. The Regiment was raised on 7 June 1900 as a consolidated mounted formation incorporating the volunteer cavalry units scattered around the southern region of the state of Western Australia. Into the fold came the Bunbury Rifle Volunteers, Mounted Infantry Section which itself was only formed on 20 January 1900 as the mounted section for the Bunbury Rifle Volunteers. This squadron sized formation drew on Troops located at Bunbury, Harvey, Donnybrook and Brunswick Junction. Another squadron came from the Pinjarra Mounted Infantry. Pinjarra had a long tradition of mounted units although none survived. The Pinjarra Mounted Infantry began on 1 March 1900 while the third squadron came from the Geraldton Mounted Infantry which was formed on 1 April 1900. A fourth squadron was created after June 1900 based around the Perth metropolitan area.
After the Commonwealth reorganisation of 1903, the Regiment was renamed to the 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment but still retained the Western Australian Mounted Infantry territorial title within its name. Similarly with the introduction of universal training in 1912, the reorganisation of that year brought with is a name change to 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment but again, the Regiment retained the Western Australian Mounted Infantry territorial title.
During the Great War, the WAMI formed the basis for recruiting the AIF Western Australian Regiment, the 10th Light Horse Regiment. This formation served in Egypt, Gallipoli, the Sinai, Palestine and Syria. On return of the Regiment in 1919, it was decided to retain this name in the Militia Regiment and so another name change occurred and henceforth the 25th was known as the 10th (WAMI) Light Horse Regiment, a name it has retained through all different permutations of this unit until the current day.
Uniform - Khaki
Plume - Emu Feathers
District: Western Australia
Western Australian Mounted Infantry
The WAMI (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) was known later as 18th Australian Light Horse, 25th Australian Light Horse and finally the 10th Australian Light Horse.
Regimental Structure 1900-1920
This section explores the evolution of the Regiment from its first origins as a Commonwealth formation. Each year maps the movement of men and often locations of the various Squadrons and Troops. To get the flavour of the Regiment, it is best to begin the journey at 1900 and follow though each year till the end.
Below is a brief historical outline from RK Peacock, Evolution of Australian Light Horse Regiments 1841-1935, Unpublished MSS, c.1936, p. 22.
This regiment owes its origin to the formation, in 1960, of a mounted corps of rifles at Launceston. In 1861 the corps carried the designation of Launceston Mounted Rifles for two years (1863). In this year there was also formed at Hobart a mounted corps known as the Rocket Troop. By 1865 the corps at Launceston had evolved itself into what was known as the 1st Light Cavalry Corps and remained as such until 1887.
During the year 1899 a division of Tasmania Mounted Infantry was formed at Ulverstone and in 1900 the Mounted Infantry in Tasmania consisted of one company at Hobart and a division each at Ulverstone, Brown"s River, Brighton, Sorrell and Deloraine. On the Federal re-organisation of 1903 the company at Hobart, the Ulverstone division (or troop which it then was) together with a troop from Ross, were formed into the 12th Australian Light Horse Regiment. In 1912 the 12th became the 26th Light Horse (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry) continuing as such until 1921 when its designation was altered to 22nd Light Horse (Tasmanian Mounted Infantry).
This section explores the evolution of the Regiment from its first origins as a Commonwealth formation. Each year maps the movement of men and often locations of the various Squadrons and Troops. To get the flavour of the Regiment, it is best to begin the journey at 1900 and follow though each year till the end.
Preparing the first Australian contingents for South Africa Topic: BW - Boer War
Australian Contingents for South Africa
NSW Mounted Infantry
[From: Town and Country Journal, 28 October 1899, p. 39.]
The following is an extract from the newspaper Town and Country Journal, 28 October 1899, p. 14.
All arrangements are therefore being pushed forward, with a view to getting the men away at the end of the month.
Major-General French, who is still suffering from the effects of an attack of Influenza, was very busy on Saturday in consultation with his staff, and was also seen by the Premier and Mr. See, Minister for Defence. Afterwards our representative was favoured with an interview with Colonel. Mackenzie, the A.A.G., and was informed that It had been definitely decided to send the following men:
One unit (125 men) of Infantry; one unit (125 men) of Mounted Rifles; one-half bearer company; one-half field hospital. It has not yet been decided whether the additional Lancers, to bring up the strength of the squadron to 125, will be sent or not. At present their strength is about 90 men. Rates of pay are to be as follow:
Rates of Pay per day divided as
Per Day
Deferred Pay
Company sergeant-majors
Staff sergeants
Warrant officers
Per day
Field Allowance
In view of the acceptance by the Imperial authorities of a unit of the New South Wales Army Medical' Corps for service with the imperial forces in South Africa, and the passing of the vote of £30,000 in Parliament, the history and description of the work done by the corps may be of interest. Colonel Williams, P.M.O., commanding military services at the Victoria Barracks, furnished our representatives with the following particulars:
"In 1886," said the Colonel, "when the Soudan Contingent from this colony was organised, no medical service for duty with the troops in the field was in existence in New South Wales however, to meet the requirements of the contingent, a small corps was specially organised by myself, an I was the principal medical officer of the contingent, the corps being equipped as well as the circumstances and means at my disposal permitted.
This extemporised ambulance corps of forty of all' ranks was the starting point of the present medical services of New South Wales, for in 1887 submitted a scheme for the formation; of a corps, on partially paid lines, which was known as the Medical Staff Corps. In 1891 a small permanent section of ten non-commissioned officers and men were added, to carry out the daily routine of the Garrison Hospital Ambulance Depot and general duties. In 1898 the title Medical Staff Corps was abolished by Royal warrant, and that of the Royal Army Medical Corps substituted in the Imperial service. New South Wales and Queensland have followed on the same lines; naturally, however, omitting the word 'Royal'. The organisation and present establishment of the New South Wales Army Medical Corps is as follows:- Colonel Williams, P.M.O., and officer commanding medical services; (a) permanent section, consisting of 4 N.C.O.'s and 5 privates; (b) partially-paid establishment, two companies, A and B, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Vandeleur Kelly, who has with him Captains Green and Roth and Lieutenants Martin and Hall. Lieutenant Beauman fills the position of quartermaster, and Warrant-officer Bond is the regimental sergeant-major and staff instructor. In addition to these there is a medical officer on the P.P. establishment attached to B and C Batteries, N.S.W. Field Artillery; to the N.S.W. Artillery Regiment, and to 1, 2, 3, and 4 Regiments of Infantry."
Colonel Williams also furnished the following additional information: The volunteer establishment consists of officers only, who are principally resident in the country districts where they are attached, doing duty with the military unit of their district. These officers are some 36 in number, and have done, and are still doing, remarkably good work. The Reservists, formed with a view of being able to bring the peace establishment of the medical services up to war footing, are required to have a recognised ambulance certificate in "first aid," and to qualify in field ambulance duties, putting in a certain number of drills every year. They do not receive pay, but are provided with a serviceable "khaki" uniform. This movement has proved a great success, and promises to become more popular. The Army Nursing Service Reserve is a lately-formed unit, organised on the lines of the Army Nursing Service Reserve of the Imperial Service, and numbers 26. The lady superintendent is Miss Gould, a member of the Royal British Nursing Association; and the superintendent, Miss Bligh Johnston, senior nurse at Sydney Hospital. The necessary qualifications for admission to this nursing reserve are of the highest order, none but nurses with nursing certificates of at least three years' training in large civil hospitals being eligible. A distinctive uniform for the Army Nursing Service Reserve has been adopted, and will shortly be issued.
The following is a short description of the duties of the various divisions of the Medical Service: The principal medical officer (who is the only permanently employed officer) Is responsible for the drill, discipline, training, and efficiency of the medical services of the colony, medical examination of recruits, the sanitary and statistical subjects, the supply of medical stores, and the administration of the medical services of the military forces of the colony. Lieutenant-colonel Kelly and the officers of the partially-paid corps carry out the training of the companies under their command, with the various ambulance drills and Sell exercises, and are to be congratulated on the present state of efficiency of the corps. These officers are slag available for departmental duties. The officers attached to regiments conduct the medical examination of recruits. for their individual regiments, the training of the regimental stretcher-bearers, and also attend with their regiment at continuous training, district camps, and, any parades as ordered. The special training of the army nursing service reserve is to be so based as to afford every opportunity of acquiring a knowledge of the special duties and routine as laid down for the conduct of military hospitals In the case of any war threatening the colony the services of these ladies would be invaluable. The ambulance depot at Victoria Barracks shows ambulances, transport-carts, harness, and all medical and surgical field equipment ready for issue and immediate service; and as Imperial patterns have been adopted throughout, no contusion can possibly arise when "on service" conditions with the Army Medical, Corps of the Imperial service.
These particulars will show why, as asserted by Colonel William, the Corps can be rear to the front at a very short notice.
The Army Medical Staff Corps will probably be armed, prior to proceeding to the smut, with .303 carbines in lieu of the swords which they at present carry. It is not yet known whether the carbines will be handed out before their departure from New South Wales or by the Imperial author ties on the arrival of the corps in South Africa. It is suggested that each man should be provided with fifty rounds of ammunition, to be carried in a bandoleer fixed to the tunic.
The headquarters of the Army Medical Corps, at the rear o the Garrison Hospital, in the Victoria Barracks, were very busy on Tuesday. Lieutenant-colonel Vandeleur Kelly and Captain Roth were still engaged in the medical examination, of the volunteers, and, despite the repeated announcement that none but trained men would be accepted numbers of men presented themselves far examination who had never seen service in any form. The officers, however, quickly found out these men apparently by the way in which they began to divest themselves of their clothing, and they were speedily shown the door.
The Army Medical Corps contingent will consist of 87 officers and men, made up as follows:
Half-bearer Company: One captain, one lieutenant, one warrant officer, one quartermaster sergeant, one compounder, two sergeants, one corporal, one trumpeter, two privates as cooks, sixteen privates as bearers, and two privates as servants, with a transport brigade of , one sergeant, one collar maker, one shoeing smith, three, waggon corporals, one trumpeter, two privates as waggon orderlies, and sixteen privates as drivers - a total of 54 men. The Field Hospital will have a total strength of 33 officers and men, viz., two captains, one lieutenant, one ward master, one steward, one compounder, one corporal as each storekeeper, and one as clerk, six privates as ward orderlies, one private as cook, one private as pack storekeeper, one private as washerman, three privates an servants; with a transport brigade of one sergeant, one corporal, one shoeing and carriage smith, and nine privates as drivers. The equipment, which includes a field hospital of fifty beds, consists of five ambulance wagons, six transport carts, one water cart, three Maltese carts, fifty-eight horses, with beds, bedding, stores, drugs, tents, men's kits and accessories. The total weight of the equipment exclusive of waggons and carts, is about six tons.
The names of the following officers and non-commissioned officers have been submitted to the Government for approval by the P.M.O., Colonel Williams; Captains Fiaschi, Green, and Perkins, Lieutenants Edwards and Martin, Warrant officers Bond (staff-instructor) and Mason, Quartermaster-sergeant Mills, Sergeant-major Hadfield, Sergeants Eberling, Hindmarsh, and Corporal Rose. The names of the privates selected have not been divulged, and the men are now quartered in tents in the square at the back of the Garrison Hospital, where they will remain until they leave for embarkation on the Kent.
Since they knew definitely what was to be done, the military authorities have been as busy as bees getting ready. At first it was stated that men would not be selected from the volunteer forces, but it was incorrect. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Regiments of the Partially-paid Force were each allowed to send up thirty men. The 6th (Scots), 6th (Australians), 7th (St. George's), and 8th (Irish) Rifles of the Volunteer Force were each allowed to send up twenty men. This gives a total of 200 for the picking of the 125 who will compose the unit.
Late on Tuesday one of our representatives was informed on very good authority that the officers chosen to command the infantry contingent are as follow:
In Command - Captain J. G. Legge, of the General Staff and Adjutant of the 2nd Infantry Regiment. Captain Legge is an exceedingly smart and capable officer, of great all-round attainments, and it is certain,- that under his command the New South Wales Infantry unit will be handled with skill, care, and every possible precision.
Second in Command - Captain W. Holmes, of the 1st Regiment.
Second Subaltern - Captain F. A. Dove, of the 5th Regiment (Scots Rifles), who has the reputation of being one of the smartest volunteer officers in the colony.
Junior Subaltern - Lieutenant M. W. Logan, of the 1st Regiment.
When definite orders were received, by the agents for the steamer Kent to make preparations for receiving the first instalments of the N.S.W. Contingent for the Transvaal, no time was lost in removing the big vessel from her moorings in Neutral Bay to the Pyrmont Wharf. The steamer was berthed on Sunday, and, precisely on the stroke of 12 p.m. on Sunday, discharging operations were commenced. The freezing chamber hatches forward were removed, and a gang of men set upon discharging cartons of mutton, which had been stowed there. The Kent is practically a new steamer, and arrived at Sydney from New York for the first time on September 10. She is a splendid specimen of a modern carrier, and flies the Federal Steam Navigation Company's flag. The Kent is of large proportions; and was built at Newcastle-on-Tyne, her gross tonnage is 5490 tons, 420ft long, 64ft beam, and 27ft 7in depth.
The Aberdeen which is to take the balance of the contingent, is due to leave on November 3, but she may get away a day or two earlier. It may be of interest to note that a sister liner of the Aberdeen, the Australasian, took the Soudan contingent over. The Aberdeen is eminently adapted for transport work. In fact, she is one of the emergency troop ships down on the Admiralty list.
BEGA, Tuesday.-The send-off to the Bega Mounted Rifles for the Transvaal was a very brilliant affair, and took the form of a smoke concert at the School of Arts. The building was crowded, and many ladies eagerly sought admittance to the gallery, which was packed with the fair sex, While a good number occupied waste on the stage. Mr. Cowdroy occupied the chair. The toast of "The Queen" opened the proceedings. The band played the National Anthem, and then there was a great outburst of enthusiasm. Many stirring speeches were made, the speakers being Major Bland, Mr. Bingemann, and other leading townsmen. The Rev. Mr. Fitzpatrick made a brilliant speech on British love of liberty. A brigade of young ladies decorated the volunteers with Mizpah badges. At 7 o'clock sharp this morning the volunteers fell into the line. A great crowd assembled to see them off. Me. Cowdroy, on behalf of the townspeople, gave Sergeant Daley a few sovereigns for refreshments for the men al -along their way. As they rode through the streets many ladies showered flowers in abundance over them. They were escorted out of town by the mounted police and Town Band, which played appropriate airs. Many ladies followed on bicycles' and buggies, and some distance out provided refreshments for the men. During, this last leave-taking many of the ladies wept.
COOMA, Tuesday Afternoon Six members of the Volunteer Infantry have been selected to proceed to Sydney, in connection with the dispatch of troops for the Transvaal. These will submit themselves at headquarters to-morrow for inspection. They are: Sergeant John Blake, Privates Thomas Gaughan, James Johnson, W. Orr, C. D. Morrissey, and Albert Sheila. They left Cooma by mail train this afternoon.
INVERELL, Tuesday. William Bond, Peter M'Gregor, and Val. Arthur, of the local Mounted Rifles, left this morning to join the South African Contingent. The Mayor (Mr. Chas. Wilson), addressed dressed the men from the balcony of the Royal Hotel, and, on behalf of the citizens, bade them good-bye, saying that they showed their British pluck and courage by volunteering to take up arms for the motherland. Captain Merewether and Lieutenant M`Lean leave for Sydney tomorrow morning to join the contingent.
MARULAN, Tuesday. One resident of Marulan is going to the Transvaal. The police horse was called in yesterday to Goulburn, and is to be shipped to the seat of war.
NEWCASTLE, Tuesday. Great enthusiasm prevailed last night, when the first batch of local volunteers for the Transvaal left for Sydney for Inspection. The detachment consisted of Privates (I. S. Tratten, E. Poole, W. Crandle. T Blackall, G. Newton, H. Mair, and O. Levido, have been selected, subject to inspection in Sydney, to accompany the Army Medical Corps, which is to leave by the steamer Kent on Saturday. The men are all proficient in the duties required, and have been carefully drilled by Surgeon-Captain L. Estrange Tames and J. L. Beeston, A.M.C. Had it been known for a certainty that the men would be passed in Sydney for active service, there would have been a great demonstration here at the send-off. All are well and favourably l known in the district. Everything is in readiness at local headquarters for dispatching the balance of the local contingent when required.
TAMWORTH, Tuesday. Of the fifteen members of the Tamworth F Company, 4th Regiment, who volunteered for service in South Aides, only C: seven have succeeded in passing the required standard, viz., Corporal P. Woods, Corporal C. Brady, Privates J. Millington, R. Coupe, S. Rob son, W. Low, and J. Ireland. They will leave by tonight's mall train for Sydney, to undergo the final examination at the headquarters. Lieutenant H. Grace, of the Dubbo Infantry Company, 3rd Regiment, who has been attached to the local corps, for the past six months, left this morning to join the volunteers of the 3rd Regiment at the Victoria Barracks, Sydney: A large crowd assembled at the orderly-room last might to bid farewell to the members of- the company, who are leaving.
In the Queensland Legislative Assembly, Mr. Dawson's amendment, censuring the Government for making the offer of troops for South Africa without Parliamentary sanction, having been negatived at 10.30 p.m. on October 18 by 39 to 28, the debate was continued all night on the Premier's motion for the dispatch of troops. Strong speeches against sending the contingent were made by Messrs. M`Donnell and Givens, both Labor members. The motion for sending the contingent was put at 4.30 a.m. on October 19, and was carried on the voices, amidst cheers for the Queen and liberty.
At a special meeting of the Queensland, Cabinet on October 19, a proclamation was issued authorising the raising and enrolment for service is South Africa of a military force of volunteers, consisting of 250 officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of the Queensland Mounted Infantry, including the machine-gun section. The Government has chartered the steamer Cornwall for the transport of the troops. She will be at Pinkenbah Wharf, on October 28 for the purpose of embarking the troops. When .she left for the south she took a large number of carpenters on board, who have been busy fitting up the vessel for the accommodation of the troops and horses. A mobilisation camp was formed at Meeandah on October 19. Lieutenant-Colonel Ricardo will go in charge of the troops with the rank of Major.
The Queensland military authorities have purchased 50 horses from the Police Department for dispatch to South Africa with the troops, also 100 tons compressed fodder is Melbourne. The Government has decided to insure the lives of the men for 12 months for £250 each. Preparations for a great demonstration in Brisbane on the departure of the troops are being made. They will be reviewed on the Domain on Saturday afternoon, and will be entertained by the citizens at a dinner and smoke concert in the Exhibition Hall in the evening.
The Victorian Assembly on October 19 passed through all its stages a bill to authorise the dispatch of troops to South Africa, and provide £30,000 to defray the cost. The news of the British victories has caused great enthusiasm in the camp at Melbourne. Arrangements for their departure on Saturday are being pushed on rapidly, and the public demonstration is expected to be something memorable. The Chief Secretary of South Australia (who is also Minister for Defence) fence) has been invited by the Victorian Minister for Defence (Mr. M`Culloch) to be present as a guests at the parade and departure of the troops.
The Medic, which is to convey the Victorian, S.A., W.A., and Tasmanian contingents, berthed at Port Melbourne Pier on Monday. The crowd made a rush to get on board, but only those on business were allowed to pass. Additional berthing space has been set out forward; while on deck the stalls were ready to receive 205 horses. The pier is guarded by a cordon of police, and no delay will take place in transferring 30,000 carcasses of mutton and other cargo to the Medic's cool chambers.
WELLINGTON, Sunday.--The departure of the New Zealand contingent was the scene of unbounded enthusiasm and expressions of loyalty and patriotism. The troops, as they marched from the camp, were joined by thousands of People, who at times displayed the wildest enthusiasm, cheering the departing soldiers to the echo. The streets were thronged by people, large numbers being present from all parts of the colony. When Jervois Quay was reached the crowd was densely packed and volunteers representing corps from all parts of the colony, and numbering about 1,800, lined the approach to the staging, where speeches were delivered by various speakers. The Governor, Lord Ranfurly, said he felt sure, if the occasion arose, New Zealanders would do their duty nobly, and prove no unworthy descendants of that dauntless island race whose colours waved over us, and whose record was second to none. "This is Trafalgar Day," said his Excellency, "and may Nelson's motto be yours. The eyes of the world are upon you, and we in New Zealand wish you God-speed." The Premier, Mr. R. Seddon, referred to the fact that the New Zealand Parliament was the first in Australasia to sanction the sending of a contingent, and their quick dispatch reflected the greatest credit on all concerned. These men were going to battle for freedom, and help to maintain civilisation and liberty in the Transvaal. Imperial and colonial troops were going to fight shoulder to shoulder, and a bond of union would be formed that would last for ever. He felt sure the men would act bravely, and the result must be for the glory of New Zealand and the Empire. Between the addresses the band and a choir rendered "Soldiers of the Queen," "God Save the Queen”." and "Auld Lang Syne," the immense concourse of people taking up the choruses. This part of the proceedings was closed by the Bishop of Wellington, who read a special prayer, in which he hoped God would bless their arms, and pronounced the benediction. Hearty cheers were given for the contingent and Mr. Chamberlain (Secretary of State for the Colonies): The contingent then moved off to the wharf, and the troops embarked amidst a scene of great excitement. The Waikare was escorted to the Heads by seventeen steamers, carrying about 10,000 people. Amidst the firing of rockets, screeching of steamers' whistles, the cheering of thousands, martial music, and patriotic songs, the troopship passed through the Heads.
LAUNCESTON, Sunday. Arrangements have been made for farewelling the Tasmanian contingent on Friday next. The men arrive by special train from Hobart at noon, and will be entertained by the Mayor at the Albert Hall. Then they will parade and march from the city to the wharf. Special trains are to run from the country, and a great crowd is expected.
ADELAIDE, Sunday. - About 10,000 people visited the camp of the South Australian contingent which will leave for South Africa shortly, at the old Exhibition Ground. Captain James Hay, who was appointed as senior subaltern, will not accompany the contingent, owing to pressing private business, and another subaltern will have to be selected to fill his place.
Off to the war, Town and Country Journal, 4 November 1899 Topic: BW - Boer War
Australian Contingents for South Africa
Embarkation of the NSW Contingent, October 1899
The troops marching along Oxford Street, Paddington.
[From: The Town and Country Journal, 4 November 1899, p. 39.]
The following is an extract from the newspaper Town and Country Journal, 4 November 1899, p. 13.
The steamer Kent embarked 131 passengers on Saturday, including 38 of the Lancers and 91 of the Army Medical Corps, but there could not have been more enthusiasm if the occasion had been the sending off of a whole army corps. This demonstration seems out of proportion if we look at the mere practical side of the matter, for, of course, the sending away of 129 soldiers is a small affair when compared with the size of the forces engaged in the war, but the people have not looked at the question in the cold light of numbers. It is a matter of emotion, and the actual efficacy, of the small number is thus lost sight of. It has been thought the proper thing to express sympathy with Great Britain in the war in the Transvaal, and if the Home authorities had chosen to fix the number at ten times what they did the response would, no doubt, have been cheerful and complete. The demonstration on Saturday was, therefore, of significant value as a sign of public approval of the action of Parliament in sending the troops.
The troops were formed up at the Victoria Barracks. Altogether there must have been 1500 men on the ground. Major Bayly formed them up in regimental rotation. First came the R.A.A. (Field and Garrison), the New South Wales P. P. Artillery. (Field), the Lancers, the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Regiments; the Submarine Miners, the Engineers, the National Guard, the Army Service Corps, and the Army Medical Corps. With the Permanent Artillery Band in the centre of the ground, the rest of the troops were ranged round the asphalted parade ground, with the men of the Lancer contingent and the Army Medical Corps, who were to embark on board the Kent nearest to the Barrack gates. After them came the Police Band, and then the rest of the troops.
Just as 2 o'clock had struck a loud cheering was heard at the gates. The Governor, accompanied by Mayor Lindsay, A.D.C., the Archbishop of Sydney, with whom were the Rev. North Ash (chaplain to the forces), the Rev. Wallis MO, the Rev. J. Rose, the Rev. Dill-Macky, the Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, and the Rev. E. T. Beck, Mr Lyne, Mr. Wise, Mr. O'Sullivan, and Mr. See (Minister for Defence) drove onto the ground, where Colonel Mackenzie, Colonel Airey and Colonel Bayly received them. It was a most brilliant spectacle that must have caught the eyes of the visitors. The black square, embroidered with a deep fringe of scarlet, blue, yellow, and reddish-brown, edged with steel, tossing plumes, the shine of brass instruments, and at the back of it all the darker edge of civilians, was quite metamorphosed from its ordinary severe aspect.
The heavy squall drenched everyone and flooded the streets.
[From: The Town and Country Journal, 4 November 1899, p. 39.]
But, just as the distinguished party took up a position near the Artillery Band, immediately in front of the contingent in honour of which all this was being done, a heavy squall of wind and rain began to drive across the ground. In a minute everyone without a coat or umbrella was wet to the skin, and very few had coats. The Governor in a light suit, with an umbrella, fared just as badly as the ordinary onlooker with ditto. The ladies in white dresses (from the High school) suffered severely. Even as the rain commenced they presented the silver bugle to the Lancers - and did it with the most seeming promptitude, too. Major Lee briefly acknowledged the gift, and said it would always remind his regiment of the esteem and admiration of their fair friends in Sydney. Giving the bugle to a bugler, the latter blew long, clear, and loud, the Lancers' call to action.
The band struck up the hymn, "O, God! Our Help in Ages Past," and many of the onlookers joined in. Verse succeeded verse, while the pitiless rain fell, and turned everything to misery. The troops were wet through; most of the spectators were in a similar condition, and still the hymn went on. At last the A.A.G. could stand it no longer. Riding forward he held up his hand and the band stopped. "I told you twice before to stop!" he shouted above the rain and wind. Two long prayers and a lengthy harangue to those about to depart followed, till even the Governor, who was sheltering the form of the Archbishop beneath his umbrella, looked volumes. For the rain abated not a jot.
At last the Archbishop himself advanced, and in a voice of great emotion, pronounced the beautiful and solemn "Benediction." Then followed "God Save the Queen," sung by everyone.
Then, at last, the troops moved off, headed by the Governor in his carriage; the band of the R.A.A. stepped out manfully to "Soldiers of the Queen;" then came the Lancers, their light-brown uniforms dark with moisture, and the pennons on e lances hanging limp and sullen. Followed the Army Medical Corps; then came the Permanent Artillery, the P.P. Artillery (all companies), and the Police Band. Their tune was "The Union Jack." Next came more Lancers, and recently another band, that of the 1st Regiment, laying "Take Off Our Hats to the Queen." Third Regiment followed; then came the band of the 2nd Regiment ("Britannia the Pride of the Ocean"), then the 2nd Regiment; next the Submarine Miners and Engineers, and then the Scots pipers. Their band (silent) came next, followed by the Scots College boys, under Captain Levitus, and then the "Dandy Fifth" themselves. The Australians (6th) succeeded (the band playing "Sons of the Sea"), and close up came the 7th, with the Old Tune of the Old Line-"The British Grenadiers."
The Scottish Rifles.
[From: The Town and Country Journal, 4 November 1899, p. 24.]
The 8th (Irish) Regiment followed, and was succeeded by the National Guard, headed by Sir George Dibbs. The Army Service Corps brought up the rear of the procession, that must have been over a quarter of a mile long - and the very last man who stepped, through the gate was Major Bayly, with a wet jacket, but also with a load of responsibility off his mind. And then the city took up the tale.
Though the day was wet the streets were crowded. The troops left the Victoria Barracks precisely at 3 o'clock, and the appearance of the contingent was the signal for loud cheering, which, indeed, was continued almost unceasingly along the line of route - Oxford Street, by way of Bourke, William, and Park Streets to Pitt Street, and thence to the Quay. In several places in Oxford and William streets strings of bunting, dampened by the pouring rain, drooped across the roadway, while several private houses made loyal displays of British colours.
During, the several hours which preceded the time set down for the embarkation, crowds gathered around the approaches of the Quay, at the lower end of Pitt Street. From the middle of the Quay thoroughfare to the large iron gates of the German Steamship Company's Wharf, picket fence barricades had been erected, so that the crowed, thus restrained, formed an avenue, through which the soldiers could march to the roadway which skirts the wharves. By half-past 1 o'clock, many thousands had gathered, while thousands more were making their way to the spot from all approaches. All the available coigns of vantage on surrounding high buildings were availed of. The roof and windows of the fire station, at the corner of George Street, were crowded. So were the hotel balconies in the neighbourhood. The high platforms on the wharves, the fences which surrounded them, every ledge, in fact, which would bear the weight of or furnish foothold for a human being had its living freight. The long wait was, under the circumstances, somewhat tedious.
At last the troops arrived, and there was wave after wave of cheering. The departing troops lost no time in getting aboard, and there were then the unavoidable farewell scenes to be got through. At last these were finished, and the steamer moved from the wharf, on her way down the harbour. She cast anchor off Double Bay, and got finally away at 6 a.m. on Monday.
The Australian Rifles.
[From: The Town and Country Journal, 4 November 1899, p. 24.]
The total of passengers on board the Kent is 131, being 38 of the Lancers, 91 of the A.M.C., a Veterinary surgeon (Veterinary-Surgeon Lieutenant F. W. Melhuish), and a war correspondent (Mr. A. B. Paterson., of the "Sydney Morning Herald"). The total of horses is 152, being 131 for the Lancers, 49 for the A.M.C., and 2 for the war correspondent. There was also an uncontemplated passenger. Mr. S. Hordern, of Darling Point, kindly placed four pigeons belonging to himself and Mr. J. Wright, of Sussex-street, members of the Homing Pigeon Society, on board the Kent on Sunday, taking them in his yacht. One of the pigeons returned to Mr. Wright's place at Sussex Street about 8 o'clock on. Monday morning, with the following message from the ship:-
"Kent, 7.15 a.m.-Strong head wind, fairly heavy sea, vessel very steady, horses doing well. P.M.O. reports all well. Stowaway discovered on board -West, 14, Hurstville, apprentice Biddell Brothers, under bunks since Saturday, no food. He wishes to find his mother, who is a nurse in England, and is going with troops to Africa. P.M.O. suggests he" is the 'Little Boy at Manly." Fittings of ship, are apparently perfect, and horses right forward and aft are travelling well. Old mare that left sick now improving. All well on board. Consider we have made auspicious start. No ill effects from Saturday's wetting. Men send best wishes to those who are to follow."
A luncheon was given by Mr. Cox, one of the directors of the agents of the Kent, in the North German Lloyd's shed., Circular, Quay, at which over 500 persons were present, including the Governor, Premier, Mayor, and Primate. Patriotic speeches were made, and the toast of "The New South Wales Contingent" was duly honoured.
Following is the personnel of that portion of the contingent which departed by the Kent:
The NSW Lancers Contingent.
[From: The Town and Country Journal, 4 November 1899, p. 27.]
Captain and Temporary Major G.L. Lee. Lieutenant G.H. Allan. Lieutenant C.W.F.P. Roberts. Lieutenant R.M. Heron. W.O. C.E. Fisher. S.S.M. W. Winch. Sergeant C. Williams. Sergeant A. Livingston. Trumpeter A. V. Taylor. Trumpeter W. Papworth. S.S. W. Mullard. Trooper E. Lee. Trooper C. Fiaschi. Trooper R.M. Johnson. Trooper G. Whittington. Trooper W. G. Moon. Trooper L.D. Tunks. Trooper J.W. Muir. Trooper A.W.G. M'Millan. Trooper H.A. Artlett. Trooper A.B. Pettigrew. Trooper G.W. Davey. Trooper W. Stewart. Trooper G.E.L. Ramsay. Trooper J.A. Weston. Trooper J. Elliott. Trooper K. M'Pherson. Trooper L. Fetting. Trooper C. Lamb. Trooper A. A. Burgin. Trooper E. Wilson.
Trooper H. Sandon. Trooper A. Robinson. Trooper G. Bell. Trooper W. M. Ellis. Trooper W. Chapman. Trooper L. H. Griffiths. Trooper A. T. Bowman.
The New South Wales Army Medical Corps Contingent.
[From: The Town and Country Journal, 4 November 1899, p. 27.]
Colonel W.D.C. Williams. Captain and Temporary Major T.H. Fiaschi. Captain R. Roth. Captain T. A. Green. Captain A. E. Perkins. Lieutenant T. M. Martin. W.O. P. Mason, Permanent A.M.C. Sergeant R. Eberling, Permanent A.M.C. Sergeant J. Rose, Permanent A.M.C. Sergeant T. Render, Permanent A.M.C. Private H. Rigden, Permanent A.M.C. Private J. Harrison, Permanent A.M.C. W.O. J. Bond, Permanent Staff. Q.M.S. J.H. Mills, A.M.C. Sergeant Major D. Hadfield, A.M.C. Sergeant A.J. Hindmarsh, A.M.C. Bugler A. Blair, A.M.C. Bugler W. Davis, A.M.C. Private W. Cousens, A.M.C. Private P.F. Walker, A.M.C. Private G. Daggar, A. M. C. Private E. M'Kinley, A. M. C. Private F. Kenny, A. M. C. Private A. S. Tait, A.M.C. Private F. Goodhall, A.M.C. Private R. Parkhill, A.M.C. Private F. Aitken, A.M.C. Private J. Hannah, A.M.C. Private H. Longbottom, A.M.C. Private E. Widgery, A.M.C. Private A. Midgley, A.M.C. Private H.P. Legge, A.M.C. Private O. Levido, A.M.C. (Reserve). Private F. Blackall, A.M.C. (Reserve). Private G. Newton, A.M.C. (Reserve). Private A.F.W. Maters, A.M.C. (Reserve). Private G. Stratton, A.M.C. (Reserve). Sergeant W. Walpole, R.A.A. (Field). Driver J. H. Easby, R.A.A. (Field). Driver H. Norris, R.A.A. (Field). Driver F. Timmins, R.A.A. (Field). Driver J. Green, R.A.A. (Field). Driver W. Gill, R.A.A. (Field). Driver Colbourne, R.A.A. (Field). Driver W. Goole, R.A.A. (Field). Driver J. Maund, R.A.A. (Field). Driver G. Rose, "C" Battery, N.S.W.A. Regiment. Driver D: M. Cronin, "C" Battery, N.S.W.A. Regiment. Driver W., T. C. Colliver, "B" Battery, N.S.W.A. Regiment. Driver G. Downey, "C" Battery, N.S.W.A. Regiment. Driver J. Louden, "C" Battery, N.S.W.A. Regiment. Driver A. Inman, "C" Battery, N.S.W.A. Regiment. Private F. Harkness, R.A.A. (Garrison). Private J. Riglesford, R.A.A. (Garrison). Private E. Hitchens, R.A.A. (Garrison). Private A. Russell, R.A.A. (Garrison). Private L. Strong, R.A.A. (Garrison). Private W.D. Lewis, 1st Regiment. Private J. Oram, 2nd Regiment. Private A. Shapter, 2nd Regiment. Private J. Connolly, 2nd Regiment. Private F. Tawnley, 2nd Regiment. Private J. Healy, 2nd Regiment. Private R. Walton, 2nd Regiment. Private O. Stanton, 3rd Regiment, Private A. Dargin, 6th Regiment. Private J. Fraser, 5th Regiment. Private E. M'Namara, A.S.C. Private A. J. H. Gray, A.S.C. Private W. Collins, N.B. Private M'Naughton, N.B. Private H. Warren, N.A.V. Private G. Willey, R.A.A. (Field). Private F. Smith, R.A.A. (Field). Private G. Dart. Private J.S. Howarth. Private A. Matheson, R.A.A. (Garrison). Private W. Blestowe. Private C. White, R.A.A. (Garrison). Private J. Donnellan. Private G. Schofield, Police. Private E. Chamberlain, Police. Private J. Henry, Police. Private G. Selmes, Police. Private I. Goodsell, Police. Private A. Justin, Police. Private C. Lindfleld, Police. Private H.I. Ranson, Submarine Miners. Private T. Cox, Submarine Miners. Private C. Harrison, A.M.C. Private F. C. Airey.
Loading the horses onto the Kent.
[From: The Town and Country Journal, 4 November 1899, p. 39.]
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