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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Saturday, 1 May 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: WIL to WOO
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: WIL to WOO


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


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Embarkation Roll: WIL to WOO


Albert WILSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert WILSON, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Albert Allan WILSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Arthur WILSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Albert Charles WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert James WILSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Alec WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Simpson WILSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Vance WILSON, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Alfred WILSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Allen John WILSON, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Allen Lichfield WILSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald David WILSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald Woodville WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Arthur WILSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Allister WILSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Edward WILSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Ernest WILSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Ernest WILSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Arthur George WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur George WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Henry WILSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Hugh WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Aubrey Victor WILSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Augustus George Maryon WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Barrwise Carr WILSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Sturt WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles WILSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Charles Peter WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence WILSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Clement George WILSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Inskip WILSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

David WILSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

David WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

David Aitken WILSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

David Gardiner WILSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

David George WILSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Douglas WILSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Watson WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Findlater WILSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Henry WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin Thomas WILSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Edwin Thomas WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Elliot Gratton WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Drummond WILSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Radcliffe WILSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest WILSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Henry WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Ernest WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Garde Wesley WILSON, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Francis Robert Paton WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Ness WILSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick WILSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick WILSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

George WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

George Alfred WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

George Edwin WILSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

George Harold WILSON, General Service Reinforcements.

George Henry Hercules WILSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

George Herbert WILSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

George Richard WILSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

George Russell WILSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George Thomas WILSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George William WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Gilbert Nicol WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Glen Cairn WILSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon McLeod WILSON, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Gordon Westbrook WILSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Graeme Lang WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Guy Irwin WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold WILSON, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Harold Waissen WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry WILSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Harry WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Bradley WILSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Noel WILSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Sydney WILSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Joseph WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Frederick WILSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert Vincent WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Herman WILSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Horace Leslie WILSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Howard WILSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh WILSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh WILSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Ivor Murray WILSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James WILSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James WILSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James WILSON, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

James WILSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

James WILSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

James WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James WILSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James WILSON, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

James Alexander WILSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James Alexander WILSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James Alexander WILSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

James Andrew Gratten WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

James Edward WILSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

James Edward John WILSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

James Frederick WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James Joseph WILSON, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

James Joseph Reginald WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James Robert WILSON, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

James William WILSON, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

James William Henry Alfred WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John WILSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John WILSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John WILSON, General Service Reinforcements.

John WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Alexander WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John Alexander WILSON, Light Horse Reinforcements.

John Ernest WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

John George WILSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Harold Theodore WILSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Lancelot WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John William WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph WILSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph WILSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph WILSON, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Kevin WILSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Lachlan Chisholm WILSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Jennings WILSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Leslie WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Samuel WILSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Lindsay Edward Bertram WILSON, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Lisle Christian Palliser WILSON, General Service Reinforcements.

Mark Hume WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Martin Henry WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Montague WILSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Neville Templeton WILSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Norman WILSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Claude WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman John WILSON, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Oliver Gourley WILSON, Cable Signal Section.

Percival WILSON, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Percy Alfred WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Edward WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Phillip Andrew WILSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Ray Bede WILSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Raymond WILSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Joseph WILSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Richard James WILSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Beaumont WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Christian WILSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert George WILSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Richard WILSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Roland Cooper WILSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Roland William WILSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Roscoe Pearce WILSON, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Roy Gardyn WILSON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Grant Denham WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel WILSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Samuel Roy WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Septimus Frontine WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Sidney WILSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Alfred WILSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Alfred WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Frederick WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley William WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Herbert WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Herbert WILSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Forgan WILSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Thomas Keen WILSON, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Thomas Wright WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor Oswald WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Walter WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter J. WILSON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Richmond WILSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter William WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William WILSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William Charles WILSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William Clark WILSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Egar Gordon WILSON, General Service Reinforcements.

William Ernest WILSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William George WILSON, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

William Herbert WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Hunt WILSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William James WILSON, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William James WILSON, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William John WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William John WILSON, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

William Joseph WILSON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Robert WILSON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Wallace WILSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Windham Harold WILSON, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Wright Trevor WILSON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward William Richard WILSON , General Service Reinforcements.

James Wilks WILSON aka Henry GRAHAM, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Meredith WILSON-GREEN, General Service Reinforcements.

Frank WILTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Edward WILTON, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George WILTSHIRE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert James WILTSHIRE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles William WIMSHURST, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Jack WINCH, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John WINCH, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Arthur WINCHESTER, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Samuel Robert WINCHESTER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Cyril Tom WINDEBANK, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Robert WINDEYER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Robert WINDEYER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward WINDEYER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Philip WINDLE, General Service Reinforcements.

Herbert WINDLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert WINDLEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Hugh McKenzie WINDOVER, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Leslie Jack WINDSOR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Lowe Dare WINDSOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Levi WINDSOR, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Sidney WINDSOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph George WINES, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Robert WINFEILD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Charles Ernest WINFIELD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Alfred WINFIELD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Malcolm Henry WINFIELD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George James Argent WING, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Roy William WING, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Redvers WINGFIELD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Irvine William WINGFIELD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Melbourne WINGROVE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph George WINKEL, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert John Alfred WINKLER, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John James WINKLER, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles John Newton WINKS, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Nnorman WINN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Wylie WINNETT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James WINSLADE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter WINSLADE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Henry WINSLETT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman WINSTANLEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy John Rowland WINTEN, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan George WINTER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Anthony William WINTER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward WINTER, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Henry Scarf WINTER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Marseilles Haydon John WINTER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Raymond WINTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Raymond WINTER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Walter WINTER, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William Leonard WINTER, 1st Light Horse Signal Troop.

Clifford William WINTERBOTHAM, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

John thomas WINTERBOTTOM, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor John Francis Moynihan WINTERBOTTOM, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Marshall WINTERE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Clarence John WINTERFIELD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry WINTERFORD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Charles WINTERS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

James WINTERS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William WINTERS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred Thomas WINTERTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Percy WINTERTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Ernest WINTERTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Ernest WINTERTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Adams George WINZER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry WIRGES, General Service Reinforcements.

Frederick Cave WISBEY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Albert WISE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Edward WISE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick William Crawford WISE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George William WISE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry John WISE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John Oswald WISE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert WISE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas WISE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Albert WISE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis WISEMAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James Henry WISEMAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph WISEMAN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon Alexander WISHART, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Clifton WISHART, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John WISHART, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Charles WISHART, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Robert WISHART, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Noble WISHART, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Robert Watmaugh WISHART, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Robertson WISHART, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

George WISKENS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Robert WISKIN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Graham WITHAM, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Clement WITHERS, General Service Reinforcements.

Alfred WITHERS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred William WITHERS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Percy WITHERS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Clive William WITHERS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

John Daniel WITHERS, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Joseph Vincent WITHERS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Michael Augustine WITHERS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Phillip Harold WITHERS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard Arthur WITTEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Henry WITTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Edric Leigh WITTS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Eric WITTS, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Russell Gordon WITTS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie Thomas WOGAS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Theodore WOHLING, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter James WOLD, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Donald Phillip Tullie WOLLASTON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward WOLLASTON, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

John WOLSLEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Edward WOMACK, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Trevor WOMBWELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Stanley WOMERSLEY, General Service Reinforcements.

Edward WOMERSLEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Rupert Newlands WOMERSLEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander WOOD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred John WOOD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Andrew James WOOD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Arthur Albert WOOD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Richard WOOD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles WOOD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Michael WOOD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Norman WOOD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Duncan McRae WOOD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar WOOD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Edmund Joseph WOOD, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Oswald WOOD, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Alfred WOOD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Irvine WOOD, Light Horse Reinforcements.

Frederick Henry WOOD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

George WOOD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

George Harford WOOD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

George Henry WOOD, General Service Reinforcements.

Harold Edward WOOD, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Harold Edwin WOOD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Harry WOOD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Adam WOOD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

John Charles WOOD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

John Malcolm WOOD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Nathaniel Edward WOOD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Nineveh WOOD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Norman Baker WOOD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy WOOD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Sidney WOOD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Ernest Leslie WOOD, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

William Alfred WOOD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

William George WOOD, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William King WOOD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Rigby WOOD, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William Walter WOOD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: WIL to WIL

Next:  WOO to WRI


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: WIL to WOO

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 3 April 2010 2:50 PM EADT
Boer War - New Zealand, Roll of Honour
Topic: BW - NZ

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

New Zealand

Roll of Honour


Poppies on the Auckland Cenotaph plinth


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the New Zealand Expeditionary Force who are known to have served and lost their lives during the Boer War, 1899 - 1902.


Roll of Honour


9103 Farrier Quartermaster Sergeant Sydney Charles A'COURT.


800 Trooper John Kenneth ALLAN.

4605 Trooper Duncan ANDERSON.

522 Trooper Thomas George ANDERSON.

720 Trooper William ANDERSON.

7992 Trooper Robert Ernest ANSLOW.

7263 Trooper Leslie Hamar ARDEN.

Trooper Walter Douglas ARMSTRONG.

2447 Trooper George ASHBY.

4501 Trooper Joseph William ASHMORE.

2574 Trooper James Hattersley ATKINSON.


2576 Trooper Ernest Robert BARRAR.

8523 Trooper Benjamin BENNETT.

Lieutenant W.J. BERRY.

Lieutenant William John BERRY.

1163 Trooper Philip Coster BEST.

Trooper Frederick BLUNT.

8923 Trooper Albert Harry BLYDE.

116 Trooper Harold Joseph BOOTH.

4139 Trooper George Norton BORLASE.

1371 Trooper Oscar BOTTOM.

501? Trooper F. BOURN.

621 Trooper Maurice BOYCE.

Lieutenant Henry L. BRADBOURNE.

83 Sergeant James Henry Alexander BROCK.

314 Trooper Frederick Saville BROOME.

5457 Trooper Albert Evans BROWN.

4266 Trooper Charles Frederick BROWN.

2345 Trooper Joseph BROWN.

6034 Trooper Victor BROWN.

4387 Trooper David BRUCE.

6035 Trooper James BRUCE.

6317 Trooper John BURKE.

114 Trooper Henry BURROUGHS.


203 Corporal William Joseph BYRNE.


2226 Trooper William CALDWELL.

5898 Trooper Dugal Archibald CAMERON.

1302 Trooper Robert Alan CAMERON.

6048 Trooper Michael CANTY.

Trooper F.W. CEDRILL.

186 Sergeant Stanley Douglas CHAPMAN.

1617 Trooper Daniel CLARKE.

Corporal CLARKSON.

4270 Trooper Harry COLLINS.

9635 Trooper Hugh Edward COLLISON.

785 Shoeing Smith William Charles COLVIN.

119 Trooper John Vaille Douglas CONNELL.

4400 Trooper John CONNIHAN.

1062 Trooper Douglas Malcolm CORSON.

2499 Sergeant John Thomas COTTER.

6319 Private Henry William CRAIG.


435 Corporal Rodney Talbot DEVEREUX.

4616 Trooper Albert Henry DEVINE.

127 Harold Lissaman DICKINSON.

4281 Trooper William DONKIN.

3225 Trooper Egbert John DOWSON.

4516 Trooper Thomas Henry McDougall DRENNAN.

327 Trooper Arthur William DUDLEY.

4365 Sergeant George Andrew DUNGAN.


379 Trooper William George EARLE.

2330 Corporal Herbert Augustine EDWARDS.

89 Trooper Charles Henry ENDERBY.



2716 Private James FARRELL.

5888 Shoeing-Smith David Bassett FERRAR.

4622 Trooper Harry FINCH.

4525 Corporal Alfred FIRTH.

6334 Trooper William Swayne FLEETWOOD.

4523 Trooper Peter FLETCHER.

9242 Corporal David FOGARTY.

2365 Gunner Frederick William Duncan FORBES.

Lieutenant William George FORSYTHE.

6123 Trooper William FOSS.

8025 Trooper George Clarke Dunbar FOWLER.

Lieutenant Colonel Fredrick Wyatt FRANCIS.

1480 Trooper Harold FRANKHAM.

642 Trooper George William FRANKS.

3816|34455 Trooper W. FRATER.

307 Trooper Tom Murray FREEMAN.


4531 Trooper Peter GEORGE.

3732 Trooper Hugh Cameron GILLIES.

5484 Trooper Frank GOMEZ.

3738 Trooper Frederick GOODE.

348 Trooper William Joseph GOODLAND.

70 Trooper Keith Gunion GORRIE.

104 Sergeant Samuel Walker GOURLEY.

8693 Trooper Reginald GRAHAM.

4290 Trooper Hunter McEwen GREIG.


2369 Bombardier Ernest Walter HARRIS.

6126 Trooper James Alfred HARRIS.

337 Trooper Arthur Henry HARRISON.

Captain John Allen HARVEY.

9578 Trooper John HAWKSWORTH.

23 456 Trooper George HEAPWORTH.

430 Trooper Thomas Alexander HEMPTON.

358 Sergeant Sidney James HENDERSON.

4714 Trooper Thomas Spencer HICHENS.

3498 Trooper Irving Stanley HURREY.

734 Trooper George HYDE.


2483 Trooper Ralph Vincent JAMES.

53 Trooper James JENKS.

394 Trooper William Aubrey JENNINGS.

6063 Trooper John Henry JONES.

2378 Trooper Arthur William KENDALL.

2689 Corporal Horace KING.


4540 Trooper James KIRKWOOD.

1088 Trooper Seth KYLE.


8043 Trooper Robert LAING.

1077 Trooper John Robert LAMONT.

5726 Trooper William LAWRENCE.

2331 Sergeant George LEECE.

Corporal Raymond W. LETTS.

1380 Trooper Thomas Percival LINES.

5365 Trooper William John Joseph LORANGE.

4242 Sergeant Major Daniel Joseph LOVE.

6071 Trooper Francis David LOWE.

5806 Trooper John Neighoff LUNN.


6084 Trooper Archibold Hutchinson MACDONALD.

1305 Trooper Septimus MACDOUGALL.

6085 Trooper John MALONEY.

8587 Trooper Rudolph MANNING.

5091 Trooper Lewis Hewson MARCKS.

1709 Trooper Thomas Orema MARTIN.


3631 Private William MATTHEWS.

2389 Bombardier John Beard MAYS.

461 Trooper Colin MCDONALD.

1125 Trooper Donald MCINTOSH.

672 Trooper Robert MCINTYRE.

3842 Trooper Alexander Henry MCKAY.

2624 Trooper Daniel MCKAY.

2692 Trooper Louis J. MCKAY.

6825 Lieutenant Robert MCKEICH.

1304 Trooper Kenneth Duncan MCKENZIE.

308 Farrier Sergeant Mathew MCKINNEY.

4563 Trooper Archibold MCLEAN.

4321 Trooper Robert MCLEAN.

4557 Trooper Thomas MCLEW.

Trooper Thomas MCMILLAN.


Sergeant H. MILE.

363 Quartermaster John Isaac MOELLER.

1673 Sergeant W.N. MOFFATT.

666 Saddler William Nelthorpe MOFFATT.

4424 Trooper William Gibb MONAHAN.

9073 Trooper Edward Charles MONSTEDT.

3844 Private William John MOORE.

3635 Sergeant William MOORE.

668 Trooper Robert William MORRISS.

2629 Trooper Joseph Michael Francis MURPHY.


4637 Lance Corporal Percy NATION.

Lieutenant Arthur Cormack NEAVE.

1671 Trooper Peter NELSON.

6379 Trooper Lewis Oscar NEWSHAM.

4370 Sergeant Arthur Robert NOONAN.


4324 Trooper James O'DWYER.

9075 Trooper Bertie O'NEIL.

3006 Trooper Harry Ernest OPPENHEIM.

6092 Trooper Robert OSBORNE.


3536 Trooper Francis Edward PAHL.

171 Trooper Edwin Henry PALMER.

385 Lieutenant John Henry PARKER.

679 Corporal Campbell PARKINSON.

3646 Trooper William Charles Edward PARTRIDGE.

4713 Trooper Nathaniel Laidlow PATERSON.

79 Trooper John Macintosh PATTERSON.

6122 Trooper Alfred Edward PEARSON.

4244 Sergeant William Henry PEPPER.

678 Trooper Luke PERHAM.

2635 Trooper Thomas Herbert PHILPOTT.

380 Thomas William POOLE.


3277 Trooper William Frederick RAYNES.

386 Sergeant Alexander McGregor REID.

4645 Farrier Leonard Greenwood RETTER.

2734 Trooper Joseph Preecy ROBERTS.

3788 Trooper Robert MacKay ROBERTSON.

4439 Lance Corporal William RODDICK.

6104 Trooper Percy ROGERS.

608 Lieutenant Alexander Don ROSS.

683 Sergeant Harry Robert RULE.

4659 Corporal Albert Henry RUSSELL.

717 Frederick RUSSELL.

82 Trooper Dennis Joseph RYAN.

Lieutenant Francis James RYAN.


1081 Trooper John SALTER.

687 Trooper J.W. SANSOM.

1335 Trooper John Frederick Hyde SAXON.

4570 Trooper Alexander SCOTT.

686 Trooper Thomas Lorimer SCOTT.

853 Trooper William SCOTT.

6135 Trooper George Catlin SIMPSON.

Trooper Harry SKINNER.

2297 Trooper Cecil Warwick SMITH.

695 Trooper Charles E. SMITH.

480 Trooper Lionel Eric SMITH.

418 Farrier Sergeant Robert Edward SMITH.

3331 Sergeant Major Sidney SMITH.

4443 Trooper William SMITH.

1057 Trooper J. SORENSEN.

1057 Trooper John SORENSON.

3665 Trooper Basil Edward St John STEPHENS.

4442 Trooper Walter STEVENSON.

3795 Trooper William Henry STOCK.

3423 Trooper Henry STRAWBRIDGE.


Gunner Alfred John Alexander TARLIN.

71 Sergeant Leonard Mathews TARRANT.

4368 Trooper Herbert Eli TIMS.

697 Lance Corporal Ernest B. TOSWILL.

3428 Trooper John Henry TRENEARY.

Captain Robert George TUBMAN.

756 Captain Piers Lloyd TUDOR.

Lieutenant D.G. TURLESTON.

4449 Farrier Sergeant Owen Herbert TURNER.

1343 Lieutenant Thomas Gregory Herd TWISTLETON.


701 Lance Corporal Robert Henry Bramley UPTON.


3430 Trooper Lawrence WALSH.

797 Trooper W.P. WALTERS.

1054 Trooper Charles Kefford WARD.

6119 Trooper Arthur Levelis Hine WAY.

6115 Trooper William Henry WHETTER.

6016 Trooper David Lunam WHITEHEAD.

4459 Trooper Alfred John WHITNEY.


777 Trooper Clement Edward WIGGINS.

440 Trooper Edward Abraham WIGMORE.

1476 Trooper George WILKINS.

512 Trooper Herbert George WILLIAMS.

2416 Trooper Thomas WITHERS.

2659 Trooper Archibald WOOKEY.

4582 Trooper John Henry WRIGHT.

4705 Sergeant Frederick William WYLIE.

91 Trooper John WYLLIE.


486 Trooper William YEWDALL.

1501 Trooper Henry Mathew YORKE.

2313 Trooper James Longhurst YOUNG.


Lest we forget


Further Reading:

Boer War - New Zealand

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War - New Zealand, Roll of Honour 

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Monday, 17 January 2011 7:07 AM EAST
Friday, 30 April 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: WOO to WRI
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: WOO to WRI


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: WOO to WRI


Frederick George James WOODALL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Jack Leslie WOODALL, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Samuel WOODALL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Clement Warner WOODBERRY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Norman WOODBINE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur WOODBRIDGE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Cowell WOODBRIDGE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Watson WOODBURN, General Service Reinforcements.

William John WOODBURY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur James WOODCOCK, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald George WOODCOCK, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William WOODCROFT, General Service Reinforcements.

Mervyn Cyrnos WOODD, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John Donald WOODFIELD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Reginald WOODFIELD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry WOODFORD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William James WOODFORD, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Archie WOODGATE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Joseph WOODGATE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Oswald WOODGER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Barder Bardet WOODHAM, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin WOODHEAD, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin WOODHEAD, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Royce WOODHEAD, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Norman WOODHOUSE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Dougald WOODHOUSE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Edmund WOODHOUSE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward WOODHOUSE, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Gilbert Henry WOODHOUSE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Thomas WOODHOUSE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude Clifton WOODLAND, General Service Reinforcements.

James Oswald WOODLAND, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Douglas WOODLANDS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Malachie WOODLOCK, General Service Reinforcements.

James Samuel WOODMAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Bernard Martin WOODNUTT, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Arthur Charles WOODROFFE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude Edward WOODROW, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

David Douglas WOODROW, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George Laurie WOODROW, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur WOODS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Cecil Noel WOODS, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.

Cecil Talbot WOODS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles John William WOODS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Charlie WOODS, General Service Reinforcements.

Christopher WOODS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Clyde William WOODS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward Thomas WOODS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric WOODS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Moritz WOODS, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest James WOODS, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest William WOODS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis Maitland WOODS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank WOODS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Horace WOODS, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

Geoffrey Basil WOODS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

George Clarence WOODS, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Gus Raymond WOODS, General Service Reinforcements.

Harold Victor WOODS, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Harry WOODS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

James Joseph WOODS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

John Collier WOODS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Martin WOODS, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

John Thomas WOODS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph WOODS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Thomas WOODS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Lawrence Albert WOODS, General Service Reinforcements.

Michael Joseph WOODS, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Noel Linwood WOODS, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Shaw WOODS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Wray WOODS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley WOODS, 4th Light Horse Signal Troop.

Stanley George WOODS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Howard WOODS, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Thomas John WOODS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Victor John WOODS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William WOODS, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Hamilton WOODS, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

William Harry Rankin WOODS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry WOODS, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

William Howie WOODS, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William John WOODS, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Stanley Arthur WOODWARD, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney WOODWARD, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Walter WOODWARD, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

William James WOODWARD, General Service Reinforcements.

Percy Severn Roy WOODYATT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Ernest WOOF, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

James WOOKEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman WOOKEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred WOOLBANK, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman WOOLCOCK, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

George Griffiths WOOLCOTT, General Service Reinforcements.

Harry Lewis Cobley WOOLCOTT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas WOOLEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Hilton WOOLFE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Hilton WOOLFE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William Ronald WOOLFORD, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Oliver William WOOLFREY, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Vernon Victor Charles WOOLHOUSE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur Thomas WOOLLARD, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Storey WOOLLARD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert WOOLLEN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Samuel WOOLLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George Joseph Arthur WOOLLEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry WOOLLEY, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Leonard WOOLLEY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Peter John WOOLMAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Stewart Chris WOOLNOUGH, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William WOOLRIDGE, General Service Reinforcements.

Alfred Henry WOOLVEN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

George Harry WOOLVEN, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Duncan WOON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard Ray WOON, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John WOOSNAM, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Alfred Clive WOOSTER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George WOOSTER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

William Ernest WOOTEN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Edward WOOTTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Fennell WORBOYS, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Leonard WORCESTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Richard WORDEN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Gerald WORDSWORTH, 1st Light Horse Brigade.

Robert Harley WORDSWORTH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred WORFOLK, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

William James WORK, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles WORKMAN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Edward WORKMAN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Reuben Amos WORLAND, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Ernest WORRALL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George David WORRALL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Rewa WORRALL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Roy WORRALL, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Adolph WORRELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank WORRELL, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric Keen WORSLEY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Walter WORSLEY, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.

Frederick William WORSLEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Garrett WORSLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Charles Benjamin WORSLEY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Stephen John WORTH, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Claude WORTHINGTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank WORTHINGTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frank WORTHINGTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry WORTHINGTON, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Sydney Herbert WORTHINGTON, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Richard WORTHINGTON aka Henry Richard DERRETT, General Service Reinforcements.

Carl Frederick WORTHY, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Raymond WORTLEY, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Ronald Lewis WOTTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Francis WOTZKO, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry WRAGG, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Clement Lionel Egerton WRAGGE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

George William James WRAIGHT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Sidney WRAITH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Sydney WRAITH, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Merville William Edward WRAXALL, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.

Bertie Howard WRAY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frendenstein Thomas WRAY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

George WRAY, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Hilton WRAY, General Service Reinforcements.

Stanley Mathews WREFORD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry Clive Duval WREN, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph WREN, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Christie New WRIDE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: WIL to WOO

Next:  WRI to WYV


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: WOO to WRI

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Thursday, 15 March 2012 11:29 AM EADT
18th/25th/10th Australian Light Horse, Contents
Topic: Militia - LHW-18/25/10

18th/25th/10th ALH

18th/25th/10th Australian Light Horse


Western Australian Mounted Infantry [1900 - 1903]
18th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1903 - 1912]
25th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1912 - 1918]
10th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1918 - 1942]
10th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Recce Battalion [1918 - 1942]
10th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse [1942 - 1944]
"A" Squadron 10th Western Australian Mounted Infantry [1948 - 1952]
10th Western Australian Mounted Infantry [1952 - ]

Spectemur Agendo - Let us be judged by our deeds

Regimental March -  Marching Through Georgia

South Africa 1899 - 1902 

Allied with: King Edward's Horse (The King's Overseas Dominions Regiment).


Western Australian Mounted Infantry


The Western Australian Mounted Infantry or known by its common acronym, the “WAMI”. The Regiment was raised on 7 June 1900 as a consolidated mounted formation incorporating the volunteer cavalry units scattered around the southern region of the state of Western Australia. Into the fold came the Bunbury Rifle Volunteers, Mounted Infantry Section which itself was only formed on 20 January 1900 as the mounted section for the Bunbury Rifle Volunteers. This squadron sized formation drew on Troops located at Bunbury, Harvey, Donnybrook and Brunswick Junction. Another squadron came from the Pinjarra Mounted Infantry. Pinjarra had a long tradition of mounted units although none survived. The Pinjarra Mounted Infantry began on 1 March 1900 while the third squadron came from the Geraldton Mounted Infantry which was formed on 1 April 1900. A fourth squadron was created after June 1900 based around the Perth metropolitan area.

After the Commonwealth reorganisation of 1903, the Regiment was renamed to the 18th Australian Light Horse Regiment but still retained the Western Australian Mounted Infantry territorial title within its name. Similarly with the introduction of universal training in 1912, the reorganisation of that year brought with is a name change to 25th Australian Light Horse Regiment but again, the Regiment retained the Western Australian Mounted Infantry territorial title.

During the Great War, the WAMI formed the basis for recruiting the AIF Western Australian Regiment, the 10th Light Horse Regiment. This formation served in Egypt, Gallipoli, the Sinai, Palestine and Syria. On return of the Regiment in 1919, it was decided to retain this name in the Militia Regiment and so another name change occurred and henceforth the 25th was known as the 10th (WAMI) Light Horse Regiment, a name it has retained through all different permutations of this unit until the current day.



Training by Lieutenant Colonel Noel Murray Brazier, 1914 


Regimental Structure 1900-1920

This section explores the evolution of the Regiment from its first origins as a Commonwealth formation. Each year maps the movement of men and often locations of the various Squadrons and Troops. To get the flavour of the Regiment, it is best to begin the journey at 1900 and follow though each year till the end.

Western Australian Mounted Infantry

Western Australian Mounted Infantry, 1900

Western Australian Mounted Infantry, 1901

Western Australian Mounted Infantry, 1902

Western Australian Mounted Infantry, June 1903


18th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse

18th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1903

18th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1904

18th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1905

18th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1906

18th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1907

18th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1908

18th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1909

18th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1910

18th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1911

18th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, June 1912


25th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse

25th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, December 1912

25th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1913

25th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1914

25th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1915

25th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1916

25th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1917

25th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1918


10th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse

10th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1919

10th (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) Australian Light Horse, 1920



Further Reading:

18th/25th/10th Australian Light Horse

West Australian Militia

Australian Militia Light Horse


Citation:  18th/25th/10th Australian Light Horse, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 10 July 2010 2:37 PM EADT
Thursday, 29 April 2004
Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: WRI to WYV
Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z


Australian Light Horse - Full Index

Embarkation Roll: WRI to WYV


The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.

Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:

First Names;

Family Name;

If applicable, any false name employed; and,

Embarkation unit.



Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.

Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.

Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.


Finding more about a service person.

Embarkation Roll: WRI to WYV


Albert WRIGHT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Edward WRIGHT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander Robertson WRIGHT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred WRIGHT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred WRIGHT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred WRIGHT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred WRIGHT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Alfred William WRIGHT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Allan Leslie WRIGHT, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Archibald WRIGHT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Barclay Thomson WRIGHT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin Vale WRIGHT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Bernard WRIGHT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Cedric Bollen Randell WRIGHT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Charles Percival WRIGHT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Clive Vincent WRIGHT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Darcy Braidwood WRIGHT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

David Moncrieff WRIGHT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Duncan Claude WRIGHT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Edgar Alma Mark WRIGHT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward WRIGHT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward John Woods WRIGHT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward William WRIGHT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Eric William Harold WRIGHT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Denton WRIGHT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Gordon WRIGHT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Esmond Stephen Kennard WRIGHT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank WRIGHT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Frank WRIGHT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Alexander WRIGHT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Charles Wentworth WRIGHT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Charles Wentworth WRIGHT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick Joseph WRIGHT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George WRIGHT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

George Alfred WRIGHT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

George Henry WRIGHT, General Service Reinforcements.

George Plant WRIGHT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

George William WRIGHT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Gilbert Sylvester WRIGHT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Gordon Francis WRIGHT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold WRIGHT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold Sidney WRIGHT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Harold William WRIGHT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry WRIGHT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Harry WRIGHT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Patrick WRIGHT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Herbert WRIGHT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Horace George WRIGHT, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Hugh WRIGHT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

James WRIGHT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John Baker WRIGHT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

John Dorman WRIGHT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

John Henry WRIGHT, 14th Light Horse Regiment.

John Robert WRIGHT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

John Wilfred Clarence WRIGHT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John William WRIGHT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

John William WRIGHT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Joseph Albert WRIGHT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Leslie George WRIGHT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Lew WRIGHT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Lionel Albert WRIGHT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Louis Australia WRIGHT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Maxwell Edward WRIGHT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Neville Thomas WRIGHT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Norman Henry WRIGHT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald George WRIGHT, General Service Reinforcements.

Robert WRIGHT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Sidney William WRIGHT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Stephen WRIGHT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Theodore George WRIGHT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Charles WRIGHT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Garfield WRIGHT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Shields WRIGHT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Stanley WRIGHT, 11th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter Henry WRIGHT, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

William WRIGHT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William WRIGHT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

William WRIGHT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.

William Alfred Scott WRIGHT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

William Edward WRIGHT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

William Henry WRIGHT, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

William Henry WRIGHT, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

William James Lockrey WRIGHT, General Service Reinforcements.

William Leckey Ferguson WRIGHT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William Thomas WRIGHT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

William Thomas WRIGHT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Harold WRIGHT aka Harold HARRIS, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Herbert John WRIGHTMAN, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Bertram WRIGHTSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert Jackson WRIGLEY, 1st Light Horse Signal Troop.

Leslie WRIGLEY, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Willie WRIGLEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Earle Joseph Sinclair WROTH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Forrest Guy Eddison WROTH, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest William Julius WRUCK, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Benjamin George WUCHATSCH, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick WUNDENBERG, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick WUOTI, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Roy Dunow WURFEL, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Ernest Magnus WURTH, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Harry WYARD, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Albert William Joseph WYATT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Frederick William Fowler WYATT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry Joseph WYATT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Issac Charles WYATT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

John WYATT, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

Victor Albert WYATT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

William Harold Leslie WYATT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

William James WYATT, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Seabert WYETT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Reginald Graham WYETT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Sidney Field WYETT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

David James WYKES, General Service Reinforcements.

Leonard Montgomery WYKES, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.

Leo Thomas WYLD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

George Robert WYLDE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Percy Albert WYLDE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Cyril Robert WYLDES, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Allan Carswell WYLES, General Service Reinforcements.

Arthur Keith WYLIE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

Edward WYLIE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

James WYLIE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William WYLIE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.

William Carey WYLIE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank Allan Percy WYLLIE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.

John Frederick WYLY, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

John WYMAN, General Service Reinforcements.

Leo John WYMAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment.

Alexander WYND, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank WYND, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Frank WYND, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Arthur WYNDHAM, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Cedric WYNDHAM, 12th Light Horse Regiment.

Hugh Leslie WYNDHAM, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

William Gordon WYNDHAM, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Bernard Wallace WYNN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

John Harrington WYNN, General Service Reinforcements.

Sidney Ellis WYNN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Sylvester Alfred WYNN, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Thomas Jack WYNNE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.

Wallace Gordon WYNNE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.

Walter WYNNE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.

Edward William WYNNIAT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.

Henry WYNTER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

John Delamore WYNTER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.

Roy WYNTER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

Thomas William WYNTER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.

Robert Spencer WYVILL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.


Previous: WOO to WRI

Next:  YAL to YUM


Sources Used:

National Archives Service File.

Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.

Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.

Collected Records of Steve Becker.


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Light Horse - Full Index

The Light Horse

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: WRI to WYV

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 3 April 2010 2:53 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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