Topic: AIF - ALH - A to Z
Australian Light Horse - Full Index
Embarkation Roll: TAB to TER
The following is an alphabetical roll of all members of the Australian Light Horse, AIF who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.
Each man is detailed on this reference list with the following information:
First Names;
Family Name;
If applicable, any false name employed; and,
Embarkation unit.
Note 1: All soldiers’ names are linked to the specific unit and date when embarkation occurred. By utilising the link, upon the Embarkation Roll is a brief military biography of the individual. Also on the page are details and picture of the ship in which embarkation occurred for that specific soldier.
Note 2: There are duplications of some names in the following list. The reason for this is that the soldier embarked on more than one occasion. This was the simplest way of resolving the problem of multiple entries for a single individual.
Note 3: In comparing this roll with the official Embarkation Rolls published by the Department of Defence during the Great War, it will be noticed that some names are absent. The reason for this lies in the fact that when the official Embarkation Rolls were compiled, last minute absentees for one reason or another were recorded as embarking whereas in actuality, no embarkation occurred. In addition, there are other names that have been included that do not appear in the official Embarkation Rolls and yet they embarked with that particular group.
Finding more about a service person.
Embarkation Roll: TAB to TER
Eric Frank TABOR, General Service Reinforcements.
John TACHON, General Service Reinforcements.
John TACKABERRY, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Nicholas D TACKABERRY, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
George TAFE, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
Frank Stanley Archer TAGGART, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
John Hamilton TAGGART, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Roy Archibald Houston TAGGART, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Rudolph Sidney TAILOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Rudolph Sydney TAILOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Norman TAIT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander Ersey TAIT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles David TAIT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Eric Fullerton TAIT, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Hubert TAIT, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.
James Alexander Murchison TAIT, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
John TAIT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
John Eric TAIT, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
Meithias Simmin TAIT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Peter TAIT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William Thomas TAIT, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Norman Thomas TALBETT, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur TALBOT, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Ashley TALBOT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Frank TALBOT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
George Norris TALBOT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Benjamin TALBOT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Benjamin TALBOT, General Service Reinforcements.
James TALBOT, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
John Maxwell TALBOT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie James TALBOT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Merritton George Surrey TALBOT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Hilliary TALBOT, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
John Thomas TALBOTT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert William John TALLENTIRE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Frans Victor TAMMINEN, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
John Francis Donohoe TAMPLIN, General Service Reinforcements.
Stanley TAMPLING, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Roy Charles TANCRED, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Donald TANNER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Richard TANNER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
James Edward TANNER, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie Harold TANNER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Noble Johnson TANNER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Owen Norman TANNER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Richard TANNER, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Sidney Arthur TANNER, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Sidney Edward TANNER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William Ewart TANNER, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William Hugh TANNER, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
George Leslie TANSELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
James Tompson TANSELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
James TANSEY, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Edwin TANWAN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Louis Herman TANZER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Eric Darcy TAPFIELD, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Lansley Edison TAPLIN, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Peter TAPP, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Slater TAPP, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
James TAPPENDEN, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Norman Charles TAPSALL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Reginald Charles TARBET, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
James Harold TARBOTTOM, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Jules Louis TARDENT, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Oswald Urbin TARDENT, 14th Light Horse Regiment.
Archibald TARGETT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Henry TARGETT, 1st Australian Wireless Squadron.
Robert James TARLINGTON, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander Gladstone TASELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Norman John Leslie TASSELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Affy Roy TATE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Albert Leslie TATE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Leslie TATE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest Murray TATE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick Royal TATE, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
George TATE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
George TATE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Gordon Edward TATE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Lyle TATE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Neville Keith TATE, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Reginald Kell TATE, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Roy TATE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Samuel Edward TATE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Samuel Edward TATE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Phillip Stanley TATNELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
William James TATNELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick TATT, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Alan TATTAM, 1st Light Horse Brigade.
George Percy Dykes TATTAM, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
James Percival TATTAM, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Edgar TATTERSALL, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
James TATTERSON, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
John Forrest TATTERSON, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Eric TAUNTON, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Percy TAVENER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Alan TAYLOR, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Alan James TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Albert Exton TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Alec TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander Angus TAYLOR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred TAYLOR, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred TAYLOR, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred Vincent TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Alfred William TAYLOR, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Allan John TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Clarence TAYLOR, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Frederick TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur Hartley TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Arthur John TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Cecil Edward TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Charles TAYLOR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Alfred TAYLOR, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles David TAYLOR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Edward TAYLOR, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Geoffrey TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Percy TAYLOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Charles William Alexander TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Claude Joseph TAYLOR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Clifford George TAYLOR, Light Horse Reinforcements.
Cyril TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Cyril Leslie TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Charles TAYLOR, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Leonard TAYLOR, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Mark TAYLOR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Edwin Ralph TAYLOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest Alexander TAYLOR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest Dean TAYLOR, General Service Reinforcements.
Ernest William TAYLOR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Francis George TAYLOR, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Francis James TAYLOR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Frank George TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Frank Lindsay TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Frank Vivian TAYLOR, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Fred Anthony James Waldon TAYLOR, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick TAYLOR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick George TAYLOR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick John TAYLOR, General Service Reinforcements.
Frederick Percival TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
George Albert TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
George Ernest TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
George Henry TAYLOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
George Henry TAYLOR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
George Horace TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Gerald Frederick TAYLOR, Light Horse Reinforcements.
Harold TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Harold TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold TAYLOR, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Ernest Mc. TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Hammond TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Harold John TAYLOR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Roy TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Roy TAYLOR, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Harry Hudson TAYLOR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Harry Walter TAYLOR, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Alexander TAYLOR, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Arthur TAYLOR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry John TAYLOR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Herbert TAYLOR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert Amone Robert TAYLOR, General Service Reinforcements.
Horace George Fermor TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Howard Hedley TAYLOR, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Jack Gleeson TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
James TAYLOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
James TAYLOR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
James Cyril TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
James Harold TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
James Leslie TAYLOR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
James Patrick TAYLOR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
James Raymond TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
James Robert TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
James Samuel TAYLOR, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
John TAYLOR, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
John TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
John TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
John TAYLOR, 1st Light Horse Signal Squadron.
John Baden Powell TAYLOR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
John Horace TAYLOR, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
John McKenzie TAYLOR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
John Norris TAYLOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
John Richard TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Laurie TAYLOR, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Lawrence Michael TAYLOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Leonard Harold TAYLOR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie TAYLOR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie Gordon TAYLOR, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie Vivian Halliday TAYLOR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Linus TAYLOR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Lorenzo Percy TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Maurice TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Murray Gleeson TAYLOR, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Oliver Frank Leopold TAYLOR, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Oscar TAYLOR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Oswald TAYLOR, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Oswald TAYLOR, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Oswell TAYLOR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Percy TAYLOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Percy Clifford TAYLOR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Phillip Edwin TAYLOR, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Reuben Edward TAYLOR, Light Horse Signal Reinforcements.
Rewi Radcliffe TAYLOR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard TAYLOR, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard TAYLOR, General Service Reinforcements.
Richard Vernon TAYLOR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Henry TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Signal Troop.
Roy Basil TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Stanley TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Stanley TAYLOR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Stanley Howard TAYLOR, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Stanley William TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Stanley William TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Sydney Ernest TAYLOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas TAYLOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Alex TAYLOR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Henry TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas James TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Richard TAYLOR, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Tom Braithwaite TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Vernon Aubrey TAYLOR, 12th Light Horse Regiment.
Victor Sewell TAYLOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Edward TAYLOR, General Service Reinforcements.
Wilfred Charles TAYLOR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
William TAYLOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
William TAYLOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
William TAYLOR, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
William TAYLOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
William TAYLOR, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
William Benjamin TAYLOR, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
William Douglas TAYLOR, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
William Edward TAYLOR, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
William Edward TAYLOR, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
William Frederick TAYLOR, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
William James TAYLOR, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
William Rupert TAYLOR, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
William Thomas TAYLOR, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
William Thomas Bruce TAYLOR, 14th Light Horse Regiment.
Ernest Thomas TEAGLE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Hugh TEAGUE, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
William Francis TEAGUE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Roy Vivian T. TEAKEL, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Joseph Edward TEAL, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Harold Oscar TEALE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Harry Stanley TEALE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick TEARE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Walter Donovan TEARE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
William Stephen TEARE, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Richard Noel Roe TEARNE, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Cyril Watson St George TEASDALE, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Jonathon Gordon John TEASDALE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Richard Clarence TEASDALE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
Herbert James TEATHER, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Charles Russell TEBB, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Charles Russell TEBB, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
Eric Eldridge TEBBUTT, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Harold Victor TEBBUTT, 6th Light Horse Regiment.
James Alphonsus TEDIMANN, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Norman Leonard TEEDE, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
William Henry TEES, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Edward Henry TEESDALE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
George TEGGE, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Henry Charles TEITZEL, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
Leslie Peter TEITZEL, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Bertie David TELFER, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
George Stanley TELFER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
George Stanley TELFER, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Wooldridge TELFER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Frank TELFORD, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Gideon Barry TELFORD, General Service Reinforcements.
James Clarence TELFORD, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Albert Victor TEMBY, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Horace Alfred TEMBY, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Frederick George TEMPEST, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Alexander TEMPLAR, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Percy Croft TEMPLAR, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
Gerald Cecil TEMPLE, 10th Light Horse Regiment.
Mordaunt Hepbourne TEMPLE, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Reginald William TEMPLE, 4th Light Horse Regiment.
Richard Charles Vandyke TEMPLE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert Leslie TEMPLE, 9th Light Horse Regiment.
Silvester Clarence TEMPLE, 3rd Light Horse Signal Troop.
Wilfred Stephen TEMPLE, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
William Fairbairn TEMPLE, 11th Light Horse Regiment.
William John TEMPLE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
William John TEMPLE, 1st Light Horse Regiment.
Francis Darvall TEMPLER, 2nd Light Horse Regiment.
John Henry TEMPLER, 7th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert TEMPLETON, 5th Light Horse Regiment.
Robert John TEMPLETON, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Wallace TENCH, 2nd Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Ian Charles Duffus TENNANT, 1st Light Horse Field Ambulance.
Milton TENNANT, 3rd Light Horse Regiment.
James Christian TENNI, 13th Light Horse Regiment.
Heinrich Albert TEPPER, 8th Light Horse Regiment.
Thomas Alfred TERRILL, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.
Previous: SUL to SYR
Next: TER to THO
Sources Used:
National Archives Service File.
Embarkation Roll, AWM8, Class 10, Light Horse.
Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.
Collected Records of Steve Becker.
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.
Further Reading:
Australian Light Horse - Full Index
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: Australian Light Horse - Full Index, Embarkation Roll: TAB to TER