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Saturday, 8 May 2010
The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, Contents
Topic: BatzG - Krithia

The Battle of Krithia

Gallipoli, 8 May 1915,





The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, Outline

Gallipoli Campaign - 1915-16, Outline  


Roll of Honour

The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, AIF, Roll of Honour

The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, Australian Light Horsemen, AIF, Roll of Honour 

The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, NZEF Roll of Honour

The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, Turkish Roll of Honour 

Lest We Forget


Turkish Accounts

Turkish Official War History Account

Questions to the Turkish General Staff about the Gallipoli Campaign.
Questions to the Turkish General Staff, Part 1

Questions to the Turkish General Staff, Part 2

Questions to the Turkish General Staff, Part 3

Questions to the Turkish General Staff, Part 4

Questions to the Turkish General Staff, Part 5

Questions to the Turkish General Staff, Part 6

Questions to the Turkish General Staff, Part 7

Questions to the Turkish General Staff, Part 8

Questions to the Turkish General Staff, Part 9



Turkish positions at Gallipoli on 8 May 1915


New Zealand Accounts

Fred Waite Account

Australian Accounts


Bean's Account, Part 1 

Bean's Account, Part 2


Aspinall-Oglander's Account


Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC)

Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) War Diary

1st Australian Division

1st Australian Division War Diary

2nd Infantry Brigade

2nd Infantry Brigade War Diary 

2nd Infantry Brigade, Roll of Honour 

5th Infantry Battalion

5th Infantry Battalion War Diary.    

5th Infantry Battalion, Roll of Honour 

6th Infantry Battalion

6th Infantry Battalion War Diary.    

6th Infantry Battalion, Roll of Honour  

7th Infantry Battalion 

7th Infantry Battalion War Diary   

7th Infantry Battalion, Roll of Honour 

8th Infantry Battalion 

8th Infantry Battalion War Diary   

8th Infantry Battalion, Roll of Honour 

2nd Field Ambulance

2nd Field Ambulance War Diary   

2nd Field Company Engineers

2nd Field Company Engineers War Diary

2nd Field Artillery Brigade 

2nd Field Artillery Brigade War Diary


New Zeanland and Australian Division

New Zeanland and Australian Division War Diary


New Zealand Infantry Brigade

New Zealand Infantry Brigade War Diary 

New Zealand Infantry Brigade, Roll of Honour 

Auckland Infantry Battalion

Auckland Battalion War Diary   

Auckland Infantry Battalion, Roll of Honour  

Wellington Infantry Battalion 

Wellington Infantry Battalion War Diary   

Wellington Infantry Battalion, Roll of Honour 

Canterbury Infantry Battalion 

Canterbury Infantry Battalion War Diary  

Canterbury Infantry Battalion, Roll of Honour  

Otago Infantry Battalion

Otago Infantry Battalion War Diary.  

Otago Infantry Battalion, Roll of Honour 

New Zealand Field Ambulance

New Zealand Field Ambulance War Diary   

New Zealand Field Company Engineers

New Zealand Field Company Engineers War Diary



War Diaries

All War Diaries cited on this site should be read in conjunction with the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy which may be accessed at:

Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy 


Further Reading:

The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915

The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 8 May 2010 2:19 PM EADT
Friday, 7 May 2010
The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, Outline
Topic: BatzG - Krithia

The Battle of Krithia

Gallipoli, 8 May 1915



The attack on Krithia, 9 May 1915.

[From: CEW Bean Collection.]


Krithia, a Greek village situated seven kilometres from the toe of the Gallipoli Peninsula at Cape Helles and lying at the base of the peak named Achi Baba, was on 8 May 1915 the scene of an attack undertaken by the Australian 2nd Infantry Brigade under Colonel James M'Cay. To assist British forces attempting to advance against growing Turkish opposition to the beach-head established there on 25 April, two brigades - the Australian 2nd and the New Zealand-were transferred from Anzac and brought ashore on 6 May. Both this day and the next the Anzac troops watched French and British forces attempt to advance across the open ground leading to Achi Baba, before the New Zealanders were added to the struggle on the morning of 8 May.

When this latest attempt also gained little ground, yet another attack was ordered for 5.30 that same afternoon-this time with the Australians taking part in the centre. No advance warning of involvement was received in the brigade until shortly before 5 p.m. when the order arrived, at which time M'Cay was away visiting the New Zealanders and his men were preparing their evening meal. Despite this inadequate notice, the troops were in position to join in the assault, as required. After advancing over open ground under fire to reach the leading trenches occupied by British soldiers, within minutes the Australians were called out from this shelter by their brigadier to continue the advance. Pressing on under increasingly heavy fire from enemy small arms and artillery, the Australians covered another 500 metres before being forced to a standstill by their losses. The leading Turkish positions could be observed only some 400 metres ahead, but the village of Krithia was still some 2,000 metres away. The hour-long advance entailed by this attempt had cost 2nd Brigade 1,000 casualties, or one-third of its strength.


A map detailing the Turkish view of the attack on Krithia.

[From: The Turkish General Staff, A Brief History of the Canakkale Campaign in the First World War, Ankara, The Turkish General Staff Printing House, 2004, Plate 36.]

Extracted from the book produced by Chris Coulthard-Clark, Where Australians Fought - The Encyclopaedia of Australia's Battles, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1998, pp. 105-106.

Additional References cited by Chris Coulthard-Clark:

C.E.W. Bean, (1921), The Story of Anzac, Vol. 2, Sydney: Angus & Robertson.


Further Reading:

The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915

The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 8 May 2010 10:50 AM EADT
Thursday, 6 May 2010
The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, AIF, Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzG - Krithia

The Battle of Krithia

Gallipoli, 8 May 1915

Roll of Honour

Australian Imperial Force


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the Australian Imperial Force known to have served and lost their lives during the The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915.


Roll of Honour


William Ludwig AICHER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas William Barker ALFORD, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Albert Harold ANSELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John ANSTIS, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Joseph Stanley BAINBRIDGE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Edward Miller BALDWIN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

George BANES, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred George BANNISTER, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Frank Clifford BARLOW, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Victor Charles BARNETT, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John BATES, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick BAYLES, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Walter Bernard BEHAN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Thorburn BENTLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Harry BETTS, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Ernest Victor BEVAN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Edward Archibald BIRKILL, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Stanley Howard BISHOP, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Daryl Gardner BLANNIN-FERGUSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Vernon BOASE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Harold BOOKER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Oswald George BOTTOMLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William BOWDEN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Charles BRADY, 8th Infantry Battalion.

John Harold BREWER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred Charles Campbell BRIANT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

James Earl BROCK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William John BUCKINGHAM, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Herbert Augustus Kingsbury BUTLER, 7th Infantry Battalion.


James CADDELL, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Edwin Albert CADMAN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur CAMPBELL, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas McLeod CARMICHAEL, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John Charles CARNE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Charles CARROLL, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick William CARWARDINE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William Ernest CHURCHILL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Albert CLARK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Henry Edward COLLINS, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Richard Albert COLLINSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George Francis COLLISTER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Charlie CONSTABLE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Joseph COTTER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Henry Thomas Ladson COUVE, 8th Infantry Battalion.

John William COWELL, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Alan Birchenall COX, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Sydney Douglas COX, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William COX, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Albert CRAMER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

James CURRIE, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Joseph Garnet DANGERFIELD, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William Edwin DAVIS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Norman Julius DE WILLIMOFF, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Henry Alexander DONALD, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Vivian De Burgh DONALD, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Albert Percy DOUGHTY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Robert Trevelyan DOVETON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Hubert James DRAPER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

David Henry DUNN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Edward DURIE, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Allan Keith EADIE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick EDGAR, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur Francis Gordon ELKINGTON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Walter Hector ENGELMANN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Archibald ENNIS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Allan Samuel Joseph EVANS, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Ernest Robert FAIRLIE, 5th Infantry Battalion.

George Edward FALK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Archibald FERGUSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Sydney Eversley FERRES, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Lionel FOSTER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Albert Hector FRITH, 8th Infantry Battalion.


Frederick Alfred GALAGHER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Robert GARTSIDE, 8th Infantry Battalion.

David GEE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Harold GEE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick William GODFREY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Ernest GRANT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick GRAVES, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Albert GRAY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frank GRAY, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Herbert Arthur GREEN, 8th Infantry Battalion.

William Lionel GREEN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George Fergus GREIG, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Percy Oscar GUNNELSON, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Sackville Wyndham Napier GWYNNE, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Alfred Henry HAMMOND, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John Thomas HANCHER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur Frederick HARRISON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Horace Arthur HART, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Herbert Spencer HEAGNEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Rupert Howard HENDERSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Harold David HOGBEN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Vernon HOLLAND, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred John HOLLOWAY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Francis Herbert HOOPER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred HOWARD, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Herbert Richard HOWARD, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John HUGHES, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Herbert Humphreys HUNTER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Herbert Edward HURST, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Lorenzo HUTCHINSON, 8th Infantry Battalion.

James William HUTCHISON, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Ernest Campbell ILETT, 8th Infantry Battalion.


James William Lewis JACKSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Leslie Gordon JACOBS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Ernek Valdemar JANSSEN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Aubert Richard JOHNSON, 8th Infantry Battalion.

James Clarence JOHNSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Donald William JOHNSTON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

George JONES, 7th Infantry Battalion.


John Nicholas KEARNEY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Edward Kittrick KENNEDY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Ernest Thomas John KENNEDY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

James KERRIGAN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick Charles KIELLERUP, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Frederick KIRK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur Frederick KITSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Carl Herman KLUGLEIN, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Henry Alfred LAMBERT, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Isaac LAZARUS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Alec Lionel LEE, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Allan LINDSAY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Henry LINDSAY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William Aston LINTON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Leonard William LITTLECHILD, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Roland Eugene Clement LOADER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Cuthbert LODINGTON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Alexander LONDON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Robert Arthur LONG, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George LOVELOCK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Edward LUCAS, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Victor Matthew LUSIC, 5th Infantry Battalion.

William Edward LYONS, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Owen MACDONALD, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Hugh MacKay MACKENZIE, 8th Infantry Battalion.

William James MACLAREN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Alexander Walter MACPHERSON, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Angus MACPHIE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas MARCHAM, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Anthony MARTIN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Roy Gladstone MARTIN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frank Abram Kellet MASON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Wilfred Cyril MCCARTHY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Vincent MCCONVILLE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John MCDONALD, 8th Infantry Battalion.

John Alex MCDONALD, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Francis A MCGRILLEN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William MCKENZIE-MCHARG, 8th Infantry Battalion.

William Harold MCLEOD, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Allan Douglas MCPHEE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Charles William MELVILLE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Ernest Cresswell MILLER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Archibald McFadyen MITCHELL, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Hubert Clarence MITCHELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick Daniel MITCHELSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William Gladstone MONKS, 2nd Infantry Brigade Headquarters.

Ernest MOORE, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Walter MORGAN, 8th Infantry Battalion.

George Henry MORRIS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur MOSS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Ferdinando MOTTARELLI, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Hugh MUIR, 7th Infantry Battalion.

James MURPHY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Clifton MURPHY, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Alexander MUSTARD, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Donald NEVISON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Norman Leslie NICHOLS, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Gerald NOLAN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Leslie Norman NOTT, 8th Infantry Battalion.


Archie ODGERS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur Hector O'HALLORAN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

William Henry ONLEY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Stephen OSBORN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Percy Thomas OWEN, 7th Infantry Battalion.


Charles PAGE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Rupert Alexander PALMER, 8th Infantry Battalion.

William Wallace PARK, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Henry William PARKER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

David PATERSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Albert James PAULIG, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Robert Raymond PERKINS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John PIGGOTT, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Harold PLIMMER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

James Sterling POLLOCK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Leslie Joseph POOLE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred Harold POSSINGHAM, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Leonard Lambert POZZI, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frank PRETTY, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Walter REYNOLDS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

William Edward RILEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William Ormiston ROBERTSON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Samuel Moreland ROBINSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred Windsor ROCHESTER, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Oscar Eurtol ROSA, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Henry Herbert ROWLAND, 8th Infantry Battalion.


Reuben Oliver SAXTON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Alexander SCHMIDT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Ernest John Pierpoint SEYMOUR, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas Gordon SIMPSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Ellis Henry SMITH, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Eric Lyndon SMITH, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John SMITH, 8th Infantry Battalion.

Maxwell George SMITH, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas SMITH, 7th Infantry Battalion.

George Davidson SOMERVILLE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Claude SPENCER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Stephen SPENCER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Edward STARICK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Dougald STEWART, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William Hallett STOCKDALE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Samuel Herbert STONELY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Elmore STRENGE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Nettleton STRUTT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Edward Austin SULLIVAN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

John William SUMNER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John SUTHERLAND, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas Trowbridge SWINTON, 6th Infantry Battalion.


John TATHAM, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Joseph THOMAS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick William THOMAS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Edward TOOGOOD, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Albert Ernest TRANTER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Bertram TRAVERS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George Leslie TREVILLIAN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George Nicholas TURVEY, 7th Infantry Battalion.


John VARTY, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Tasman Blacker VON-STEIGLITZ, 8th Infantry Battalion.


Peter WADDELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Philip George WALE, 7th Infantry Battalion.

James WALKER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas WALKER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Gordon Stanley WARREN, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Stanley WATERS, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Birkett William WATTERSTON, 7th Infantry Battalion.

Reginald Charles WIGGER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Victor Emanuel WODETZKI, 7th Infantry Battalion.

John WRIGHT, 8th Infantry Battalion.


Lest We Forget



Further Reading:

The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, AIF, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 8 May 2010 10:53 AM EADT
The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, NZEF Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzG - Krithia

The Battle of Krithia

Gallipoli, 8 May 1915

Roll of Honour

New Zealand Expeditionary Force

Poppies on the Auckland Cenotaph plinth


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the New Zealand Expeditionary Force who are known to have served and lost their lives during the The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915.


Roll of Honour


John Hugh ALLEN, 13th Battalion, Essex Regiment.

Charlie APPLETON, Auckland Rifles.

William AULD, Canterbury Infantry.


Stephen Alexander BELL, Auckland Rifles.

Haakon Ludvy BERGH, Canterbury Infantry.

Herbert William BROWN, Wellington Rifles.

Hugh Smith BRUCE, Otago Rifles.

Eric Mountjoy BURNARD, Canterbury Infantry.


Edward James COLBOURNE, Auckland Rifles.

James George COWAN, Otago Rifles.


Thomas DAVIS, Wellington Rifles.

Percy Ash DAWSON, Auckland Rifles.

Charles Edward DAYNES, Canterbury Infantry.

Alfred Manuel DE ANDRAD, Auckland Rifles.

Jack Mervyn DEACON, Canterbury Infantry.

William DOBSON, Otago Rifles.

Charles Henry DORSETT, Wellington Rifles.


George FITZSIMMONS, Royal New Zealand Artillery.

Frederick Arthur FOTHERGILL, Auckland Rifles.


Benjamin KAY, Wellington Rifles.

James Victor KITTO, Auckland Rifles.


John Dunstan Lawley LEECH, Auckland Rifles.


Leon Philip MCGRATH, Auckland Rifles.

Donald MCPHEE, Otago Rifles.

Harry MORGAN, Auckland Rifles.


Thomas William PRICE, Auckland Rifles.


Holger Bro RANDRUP, Auckland Rifles.

Stuart Graham Templeton REID, Auckland Rifles.


Charles SAVORY, Auckland Rifles.


Adam TAWSE, Auckland Rifles.

William Jack Macdonald TAYLOR, Otago Rifles.


Henry Eugene VOYCE, New Zealand Engineers.


Lest We Forget


Further Reading:

The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Krithia, Gallipoli, 8 May 1915, NZEF Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 8 May 2010 1:09 PM EADT
Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Topic: A Latest Site News

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 8 May 2010 11:13 AM EADT

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