Topic: BW - NSW - NSWIB
New South Wales Imperial Bushmen

This is an extract from the War Diary written by Major David Miller, Adjutant of the New South Wales Imperial Bushmen who arrived in the Mozambique port of Biera and then moved to Rhodesia as part of the journey for deployment in South Africa to see action in the Boer War.
18 July 1900 - Wednesday
Reveille 5.30. Very heavy dew. Cold morning. Left camp at 7 a.m. rode 6½ miles to Wagons and Bembenzi Store. Water in holes only in Bembenzi river. Squadrons marched in at 10 a.m.. Troops engaged in washing clothes, general clean up. Rode out of camp at 2 p.m. to spruit opposite Thabas Induna, distance 7 miles. Water in holes in spruit, wood scarce.
Passed Bembenzi Store and crossed the Bembenzi river whose waters were only to be found in water holes. Camped at the spruit opposite Thabas Induna.
Previous: War Diary, 17 July 1900
Next: War Diary, 19 July 1900
Further Reading:
New South Wales Imperial Bushmen
New South Wales Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: New South Wales Imperial Bushmen, War Diary, 18 July 1900