Topic: AIF & MEF & EEF
Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918
Part 3, XX CORPS
As part of the Official British War History of the Great War, Captain Cyril Falls was commissioned to produce a commentary on the Sinai, Palestine and Syrian operations that took place. In 1930, his finished work, Military Operations Egypt and Palestine from June 1917 to the end of the war, produced in two parts, was published in London. The book included Appendix 2 which specifically detailed the Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, October 1917 and is extracted below. Falls makes the comment that this Order of Battle was not as comprehensive as that produced in the earlier volume.
Falls, C, Military Operations Egypt and Palestine from June 1917 to the end of the war, Part II, London, 1930, Appendix 3 pp. 668 - 669:
G.O.C. -
Lieut. General Sir P. W. Chetwode, Bt., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., D.S.O.
Br.-General, General Staff -
Br. General A. P. Wavell, M.C.
Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster-General -
Br. General C. W. Pearless, C.M.G., D.S.O.
G.O.C. Royal Artillery -
Br. General A. H. Short, C.B., C.M.G.
Chief Engineer -
Br. General R. L. Waller, C.M.G.
10th Division.
G.O.C. -
Major General J. R. Longley, C.B., C.M.G.
29th Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br. General C. L. Smith, V.C., M.C.
1/Leinster Regt.
1/54th Sikhs (F.F.).
1/101st Grenadiers.
2/151st Indian Infantry.
30th Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br. General F. A. Greer, C.M.G., D.S.O.
1/R. Irish Regt.
38th Dogras.
1/Kashmir I.S. Infantry.
46th Punjabis.
31st Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br. General E. M. Morris, C.M.G.
2/R. Irish Fusiliers.
74th Punjabis.
2/101st Grenadiers.
2/42nd Deoli Regt.
LXVII Brigade R.F.A. ("A," "B," and "C" Btys.).
LXVIII Brigade R.F.A. ("A," "B," and "C" Btys.).
263rd Brigade R.F.A. (75th, [Attached Chaytor's Force for operations.] 424th, and "C" Btys. ).
66th and 85th Field Coys. R.E.
18th Coy. Sappers and Miners.
2/155th Pioneers.
53rd Division.
G.O.C. -
Major General S. F. Mott, C.B.
158th Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br. General H. A. Vernon, D.S.O.
5/6th R. Welch Fusiliers.
3/153rd Indian Infantry.
4/11th Gurkha Rifles.
3/154th Indian Infantry.
159th Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br. General N. E. Money, D.S.O.
4/5th Welch Regt.
1/153rd Indian Infantry.
3/152nd Indian Infantry.
2/153rd Indian Infantry.
160th Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br. General V. L. N. Pearson.
1/7th R. Welch Fusiliers.
1/17th Infantry.
1/21st Punjabis.
1st Cape Corps.
Artillery -
265th Brigade R.F.A. ("A," "B," and "C" Btys.).
266th Brigade R.F.A. ("A," "B," and "C" Btys.).
267th Brigade R.F.A. (" A," " B," and 439th Btys.).
Engineers -
436th and 437th Field Coys. R.E.
72nd Coy. Sappers and Miners.
Pioneers -
1/155th Pioneers.
Corps Troops.
Mounted Troops -
1/1st Worcester Yeo.
Artillery -
Note - The artillery here shown is not that normally attached to the XX Corps, but merely that proportion under its command for the operations of the 19th September. The bulk had been transferred to the XXI Corps, and will be found under that heading.
XCVII Brigade R.G.A. (421st Siege Bty., 1 Gun 387th Bty.).
Note - Sufficient personnel was available to man 2 captured 150-mm, howitzers, 2 captured 105-mm. howitzers, and 2 captured 75-mm. guns, under the command of the XCVII Brigade.
103rd Brigade R.G.A. (10th Heavy Bty., 205th and 392nd Siege Btys., 387th Siege Bty. less 1 Gun.).
39th Indian Mountain Bty.
Note - Directly under the orders of the 53rd Division.
Hong Kong and Singapore Mountain Bty.
Note - Directly under the orders of the 10th Division.
Previous: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 2, Desert Mounted Corps
Next: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 4, XXI CORPS
Further Reading:
Citation: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, September 1918, Part 3, XX CORPS