Topic: AIF & MEF & EEF
Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, October 1917
As part of the Official British War History of the Great War, Captain Cyril Falls was commissioned to produce a commentary on the Sinai, Palestine and Syrian operations that took place. In 1930, his finished work, Military Operations Egypt and Palestine from June 1917 to the end of the war, produced in two parts, was published in London. The book included Appendix 2 which specifically detailed the Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, October 1917 and is extracted below. Falls makes the comment that this Order of Battle was not as comprehensive as that produced in the earlier volume.
Falls, C, Military Operations Egypt and Palestine from June 1917 to the end of the war, Part II, London, 1930, Appendix 2 pp. 664 - 665:
G.O.C. -
Lieut. General E. S. Bulfin, C.B., C.V.O.
Br.-General, General Staff. -
Br. General E. T. Humphreys, D.S.O.
Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster General -
Br. General St. G. B. Armstrong.
G.O.C. Royal Artillery -
Br. General H. A. D. Simpson Baikie, C. B.
Chief Engineer -
Br. General R. P. T. Hawksley.
52nd (Lowland) Division.
G.O.C. -
Major General J. Hill, D.S.O.
155th Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br. General J. B. Pollok-McCall, C.M.G.
1/4th R. Scots Fusiliers.
1/4th K.O.S.B.
1/5th R. Scots Fusiliers.
1/5th K.O.S.B.
156th Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br. General A. H. Leggett, D.S.O.
1/4th R. Scots.
1/7th Scottish Rifles.
1/7th R. Scots.
1/8th Scottish Rifles.
157th Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br. General C. D. H. Moore, D.S.O.
1/5th H.L.I.1/7th H.L.I.
1/6th H.L.I.
1/5th Argyll and Suth'd Highrs.
Artillery -
261st Brigade R.F.A. ("A," "B," and "C" Btys.).
262nd Brigade R.F.A. ("A" and "B" Btys.).
264th Brigade R.F.A. ("A" and "C" Btys.).
Engineers -
410th, 412th, and 413th Field Coys. R.E.
54th (East Anglian) Division.
G.O.C. -
Major General S. W. Hare, C.B.
161st Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br. General W. Marriott-Dodington.
1/4th Essex Regt.
1/5th Essex Regt.
1/6th Essex Regt.
1/7th Essex Regt.
162nd Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br General A. Mudge.
1/5th Bedfordshire Regt.
1/10th London Regt.
1/4th Northamptonshire Regt.
1/11th London Regt.
163rd Brigade
G.O.C. - Br. General T. Ward, C.M.G.
1/4th Norfolk Regt.
1/5th Suffolk Regt.
1/5th Norfolk Regt.
1/8th Hampshire Regt.
Artillery -
270th Brigade R.F.A. ("A" and "C" Btys.).
271st Brigade R.F.A. ("A" and "B" Btys.).
272nd Brigade R.F.A. ("B" and "C" Btys.).
Engineers -
484th and 486th Field Coys. R.E.
75th Division.
G.O.C. –
Major General P. C. Palin, C.B.
232nd Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br. General H. J. Huddleston, D.S.O., M.C.
1/5th Devonshire Regt.
2/4th Somerset L.I.
2/5th Hampshire Regt.
2/3rd Gurkhas.
233rd Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br. General the Hon. E. M. Colston, D.S.O.
1/5th Somerset L.I.
2/4th Hampshire Regt.
1/4th Wiltshire Regt.
3/3rd Gurkhas.
234th Brigade
G.O.C. -
Br. General F. G. Anley, C.B., C.M.G.
1/4th Duke of Cornwall's L.I.
123rd Outram's Rifles
2/4th Dorset Regt.
58th Vaughan's Rifles (F.F.).
Artillery -
XXXVII Brigade R.F.A. (389th, 390th, and 405th Btys.).
172nd Brigade R.F.A. (391st, 392nd, and 406th Btys.).
1st S. African F.A. Brigade {"A" and "B" Btys.).
Engineers -
495th and 496th Field Coys. R.E.
Corps Troops.
Mounted Troops -
Composite Regt. (1 Sqdn. R. Glasgow Yeo., 1 Sqdn. Duke of Lancs. Yeo., 1 Sqdn. 1/1st Herts. Yeo.).
Artillery -
XCVII Heavy Artillery Group (189th and 195th Heavy Btys.; 201st, 205th, 300th, and 380th Siege Btys.).
C Heavy Artillery Group (10th Heavy Bty.; 43rd, 134th, 379th, 422nd, and 423rd Siege Btys.)
102nd Heavy Artillery Group (202nd Heavy Bty.; 209th, 292nd, 420th, 421st, and 424th Siege Btys.).
Note - The XCV H.A. Group from Alexandria joined later.
Machine-Gun Corps -
"E" Company, Tank Corps.
211th Machine-Gun Coy.
Previous: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, October 1917, Part 3, XX CORPS
Further Reading:
Citation: Order Of Battle of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, October 1917, Part 4, XXI CORPS