Topic: Militia - LHW - WA
Western Australian Militia
5th Battalion, W.A. Infantry Brigade
The following is an extract from the book written in 1962 by George F. Wieck called The Volunteer Movement in Western Australia 1861-1903, p. 65:
5th Battalion, W.A. Infantry Brigade
The Goldfields Battalion of Infantry was allocated in its entirety to form this new corps.
When the Brigade was dissolved on 1 July 1903, the 5th Battalion was re-designated the Second Battalion, W.A. Infantry Regiment, its organization and distribution being as follows:KalgoorlieHeadquarters, Band, "A" Company and part "B" Company.
Coolgardie"C" Company.
BoulderPart "B" Company, "D" Company.
Menzies"E" Company (with detachment at Broad Arrow).
Kanowna"F" Company.
The Battalion was allotted to Garrison Troops (Western Australia).
Another change of designation took place on 10 October 1903 - this time to "Goldfields Infantry of Western Australia". Its role was not changed.
Previous: 4th Battalion, W.A. Infantry Brigade
Next: Albany Volunteer Garrison Artillery
Further Reading:
Goldfields Battalion of Infantry
Western Australian Militia, Light Horse
Western Australian Militia, Infantry
Citation: The Volunteer Movement in Western Australia, 5th Battalion, W.A. Infantry Brigade