"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess
The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre aims to present an accurate history as chroniclers of early Australian military developments from 1899 to 1920.
The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre site holds over 12,000 entries and is growing daily.
Contact:Australian Light Horse Studies CentreLet us hear your story:
You can tell your story, make a comment or ask for help on our Australian Light Horse Studies Centre Forum called:
WARNING: This site contains: names, information and images of deceased people; and, language which may be considered inappropriate today.
Friday, 4 September 2009
Latest News, The Volunteer Movement in Western Australia Topic: A Latest Site News
Latest News
The Volunteer Movement in Western Australia
In order to understand the situation of the light horse movement in Western Australia during the first two decades in the twentieth century, it is important to see the origins of the indigenous volunteer movement. One of the most concise books written on this subject was written in 1962 by George F. Wieck called The Volunteer Movement in Western Australia 1861-1903.
Wieck began his military career as a permanent member of the new military force after the beginning of the new century. He was selected to go to Hythe in England in 1913, a great honour. On his return to Australia, Wieck became the adjutant to the AIF 9th Light Horse Regiment. His efficient administration ensured that the regiment entered the war on a sound basis which was bourn out its distinguished record. After the Great War, Wieck moved to Western Australia where he took an active part within the local militia movement. The highlight of his career in WA was founding the Northam Army Camp, vital to military training in Australia for many decades.
Roles within the Regiment Topic: A Latest Site News
Latest News
Roles within the Regiment
Most folks who begin the problematic study of soldiers records come into contact with a new world of technical terms and ideas. To assist those who are unsure of some of the broader functions of the various officers, nco's and specialists within a regiment, the entries from the The Bushman’s Military Guide, 1898 have been placed on the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre site as a quick reference.
Duties of Regimental Orderly Squadron Sergeant Major
Duties of Regimental Orderly Sergeant
Regimental Orderly Corporal
Regimental Orderly Trumpeter
Duties of Half-Squadron or Troop Orderly Sergeant
Duties of Troop (or Half-Squadron) Orderly Corporal
Duties of Tent Orderly
Troop Cooks
Hints for Camp Cooking
Preserved Meat Tins
Aldershot Oven
Other Ovens
Recipes for Field Cooking - Preserved Meat
Folks who wish to experience the life of the light horseman - food wise that is - might like to try a couple of the recipes.
The detail is quite comprehensive and for those who have seen the various Routine Orders or designations of the various specialists within an regiment can now have a general idea as to functions. Obviously these are formulaic and the goal rather than the daily practice which varied according to training and personality. However, with that caveat in mind, the details allows one to follow a particular command trail to find documents. Best of all it allows the layman to understand how a regiment functions.
Almost a year has passed since the beginning of the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre. The site has evolved accordingly with the look altering as time has passed. With the kind assistance of Steve Butler, the man who designed the new header, the site has a more vibrant look.
Apart from the new graphic as the header, the search box has been moved to the margin.
Descriptions have been altered to fit in with the new look. They have been drastically cut down to allow ease of access to the vital information.
Despite all the changes, the usual items are still available. On the left hand side, all the threads (some 220) are detailed. In each thread is a "Contents" listing of all items contained within that thread.
The threads are placed in a logical order and grouping, with each group containing a seperate overall description and table of contents.
Each of these modifications is aimed at assisting each person to find exactly the information they are seeking.
Every day new information is being added. To date, there are 2,200 entries containing over a million words and many thousands of illustrations. This will grow rapidly in the next year.
Latest Site News, Welcome Topic: A Latest Site News
Latest Site News
Welcome to the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre. The purpose is to provide an information rich environment for Australians and others to learn about a fascinating chapter in Australian history which was pivotal to the formation of the Australian Story.
As this blog unfolds, many different topics will be dealt with to bring to the fore the conditions prevailling in Australia from the period 1890 to 1920. Issues of a general social nature, political commentary and other issues which formed the foundation for the evolution of the Light Horse movement in Australia.
This is an open blog with moderated responses to ensure the information specifically relates to the subject. Please feel free to express opinions about the subjects raised and even raise your own. Well thought out commentary that adds to everyone's knowledge is a joy and actively encouraged.
Essentially the research role occurs in three different aspects -
1. To detail and discuss the general historical information available in an effort to provide a dialogue between different group attitudes;
2. To provide commentaries from primary source documents; and,
3. To maintain general community interest mainly through family re-union activities which involves researching and detailing family histories at the request from general members of the public.
The objective is to maintain the highest standards of scholarship with rigorous care taken to present accurate information for the reader. The aim is to tell the story, warts and all, to honour the people of the era as they were rather than some of the myth that has arisen. A story told with integrity will stand on its own.
There are a few things that need to be said for people who wish to contribute. This is not said to irritate those who firmly understand the rules of scholastic debate but more for those who find it difficult to accept these high standards. The rules of posting on this blog are simple - they follow the basic principles of evidence and courtesy.
1. This is a moderated personal blog and not an open forum which means comments will not be freely admitted but be carefully examined to ensure they match the high standards of scholarship demanded of the site.
Note: Out in cyber space there are some very strange and malignant people out there who believe that it is their inalienable right to destroy the hard work of others through internet vandalism, or they believe that a few minutes of unsubstantiated personal opinion is far more credible than hours of painstaking research, or they believe that what is being published should be suppressed because it somehow offends their sense of reality. And if that isn't bad enough, there are always the self appointed internet police who wish to point out the errors of our way or the people who wish to give gratuitous advice on personality traits and how to live a better life. There are the stalkers who like to send death threats because somehow they feel their lives have been ruined because of scholastic activities. In other words, there are a great many people with anti social leanings who believe that their unusual opinions should hold sway in an unfettered manner. These are the main factors for moderating comments on this blog.
2. Well researched posts will always find a welcome home on this blog.
3. We have no expectation that all people will agree with the views or opinions I have formed from the material that is posted. However, if a person wishes to disagree, it is essential that the disagreement is factually based and backed up with solid research. It is also proper that such rebuttal material be presented in a sober manner. Following this simple rule and a rebuttal post will always be welcomed.
4. Don'ts:
Ad homs
Self indulgence
It is a sad reality that people who can't understand this try to place their rejected posts on other open fora. Apart from looking desperate and an admission that the post fails the test mentioned in Points 2 & 3, it is also a case of trying to sneak through the back door what can never get through the front door. The question for people to ask themselves in this circumstance is:
If I went to court to prosecute someone on the evidence I am attempting to present here, would I secure a conviction?
In an act of self reflective honesty, if the post is filled with supposition, self opinion and ad homs, the chances are it would never make it into a court room - so why would anyone be tempted to believe it would get a hearing on this blog.
5. Basically the rule is - act in a normally accepted social manner in constructing a well researched essay and this place will be a home for the post.
6. A post should bear the proper name of the person. If a person wishes to be taken seriously then it is important that the person also behaves in a serious manner. Books, articles and the like all bear the authors' name, thus making the authors accountable for their words. Real names are essential. No post will be allowed without one.
7. On examination of an article, prior to publication, if it is found deficient of research or breaching rules of common courtesy, all of which is defined above, the author will be notified by email - if an email addres is supplied - of the problems within the post that need correction. Failure to provide a corrected version will result in the post being deleted within 4 days of notification. Failure to provide an operational email address - even though not for publication - will result in the post being deleted.
As with all copyright conventions, all information contained within this blog, unless otherwise attributed, is the exclusive intellectual property of Bill Woerlee, his heirs and successors. There is no restriction upon the non-commercial usage of the material contained within except that the material should be correctly attributed.
Mistakes and Errors
Despite all efforts to the contrary, all mistakes and errors are those of Bill Woerlee. Should anyone detect a mistake, and there will be some, please feel free to outline the error and the correction. In doing so, please attach the evidence of the error and correction. In other words, it needs to be something more than "I reckon" or "In my humble opinion" etc. It has to be factual. Then I will be glad to alter the text and attribute the source.
It couldn't be any more simple than that. We look forward to hearing from you.
The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900
- 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this
site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on
this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation
attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.
Please Note: No express or implied permission is given for commercial use of the information contained within this site.
A note to copyright holders
The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has made every endeavour to contact copyright holders of material digitised for this blog and website and where
appropriate, permission is still being sought for these items. Where replies were not received, or where the copyright owner has not been able to be traced, or where
the permission is still being sought, the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre has decided, in good faith, to proceed with digitisation and publication. Australian Light
Horse Studies Centre would be happy to hear from copyright owners at any time to discuss usage of this item.