Topic: AIF - DMC - GSR
General Service Reinforcements
Roll: K - Q
The following is a composite alphabetical roll of all those Light Horse General Service Reinforcements who are known to have embarked overseas during the Great War.
Each man is listed with:
Service Number
Rank at Embarkation
First Names
Family Name
If applicable, the false name used
Each entry is linked to a specific Embarkation Roll which contains the following details:
Rank on embarkation;
Full name of the soldier
Declared age of the soldier;
The last occupation held;
The last address as a civilian;
Enlistment Date; and,
Embarkation Roll: K - Q
64072 Private George Charles KAIN.
50444 Private John Hamilton KAYE.
57412 Acting Sergeant John Walter KEEBLE.
56989 Private John Edward KEITH.
50332 Private Edward William Joseph KELLAHAN.
55095 Private Robert Henry KELLS.
52901 Private Harvey William KELLY.
64714 Private Victor Silvester KELLY.
57437 Private Frank Redvers KEMPTON.
64366 Private Thomas Harold KENNEDY.
56993 Private Amos Spencer KENNETT.
56992 Private David Michael KENT.
56990 Private Reginald Herbert Eustace KENT.
56915 Private Henry Richard KERRIGAN.
64477 Private James Edward KIDD.
64540 Private Alexander Sackville KIDMAN.
64713 Private Athol Carlyle KILBY.
64712 Private Keith Kinlock KILBY.
57106 Private Ernest Samuel KILLIN.
63982 Private Timothy Patrick KING.
64564 Private Norman Charles KINNERSLY.
57271 Private Thomas Allan KIRKPATRICK.
50479 Private Albert Percy KIRKWOOD.
52833 Private Edward Alexander KLEEBERGER.
64478 Private Rupert Alfred Edward KNAPP.
64073 Private Cuthbert Vivian KNAUER.
57251 Private Edward Henry KNIGHT.
64555 Private Lester Joseph KOCH.
64071 Private Edward John KOHLER.
64250 Private Adrian Joseph KORFF.
57173 Private Herbert Frederick KRAFT.
64479 Private Albert Murray KYFFIN.
64824 Private William Joseph LAASS.
64368 Private Joesph Henry LAMB.
50275 Private George Shelton LAMBERT.
57161 Private Lionel Francis LANDON.
56917 Private Kenneth Allan LANG.
57072 Acting Sergeant John Douse LANGLEY.
50895 CQMS John George LANGMAID.
Second Lieutenant William Percival Allan LAPTHORNE.
57874 Private Basil Frank LARKIN.
57332 Private John Francis LAUCHLAN.
64480 Private Mervyn Barton LAVENDER.
63999 Private Douglas Edward LAW.
63998 Private Vincent Frederick LAW.
64481 Private Johnstone Stanley LAWN.
64890 Private Mortimer Cromwell LAWRIE.
53476 Private Howard Henry LEANEY.
52804 Acting Corporal Lawrence Wishart LEAR.
52649 Private John Eric LEATHER.
64482 Private Andrew Cyril LeBROCQ.
56996 Private Albert Edward LEE.
64076 Private Eric William LEESON.
64825 Private Alfred Lawrence LeGASSICK.
57438 Private Leslie LEIBHARDT.
52928 Private Charles James LEONARD.
52719 Private Vernon L'ESTRANGE.
64077 Private Cecil Frederick LEWIS.
56997 Private Charles Thomas LEWIS.
50276 Private John Horner LEWIS.
57107 Private Murray Winter LEWIS.
52893 Private Reginald Channon LEWIS.
56918 Private Walter James LEWIS.
52927 Private Reginald Lenington LIDDELOW.
64074 Private Arthur Holden LINDEMAN.
56919 Private William Arthur LITTLE.
56995 Private Reginald Cyril LOADER.
64413 Private William Edward LOBIE.
52926 Private Rosslyn Clyde LODGE.
57439 Private John Mouritz LOGIN.
64891 Private Edgar Lawrence LONGBOTTOM.
52720 Private Oswald John LONGHURST.
62285 Acting Corporal Edwin LONGMIRE.
57375 Private Eric Edward LOWE.
57331 Private Reginald Wilson LOWE.
64075 Private John Robert Matteson LOWRY.
50336 Private Thomas Edwin LUCAS.
56994 Private Edgar John LUFF.
57367 Private Andrew Fraser LYALL.
64406 Private Thomas Andrew LYNAM.
50337 Private Michael Owen LYNCH.
64483 Private Owen Robert LYNES.
56998 Private Eric Gordon LYONS.
64892 Private Stanley MacDONALD.
57448 Private Frank MacGREGOR.
64079 Private Austin McDonnall MACK.
50372 Private Walter Scott MacLEAN.
57334 Private Gordon MacNAMARA.
64415 Private Clarence Cecil Aubrey MADDEN.
50450 Private George Baker MADDEN.
52730 Private William John MAGILL.
64001 Private Archibald Edward MAHER.
64277 Private George Morrison MALEY.
50541 Private Thomas Edwin MANTON.
64371 Private William John Henry MARCH..
50542 Private George Joseph MARKEY.
64282 Private Arthur Edwin MARSH.
52836 Private Robert Ernest MARSHALL.
57333 Private Cecil Alexander MARTIN.
64826 Private Lawrence James MARTIN.
64370 Private Leslie Albert MARTIN.
52729 Private Vincent George MARTIN.
64716 Private William Howard MARTIN.
64491 Private Peter Christie MARTION.
64552 Private Robert MATCHETT.
50346 Private Sverre MATHISEN.
64000 Private Edwin George MAWHINNEY.
52723 Private Lancelot Ernest Adrian MAWSON.
56930 Private Stanley Gordon MAXWELL.
52908 Private Maurice Kingsley MAY.
57003 Private George Albert McDonald MAYBURY.
50343 Private William Class McALPIN.
57167 Private Alan Leslie McCALLUM.
57512 Private Raymond Price McCALLUM.
57445 Private Albert Arthur McCANN.
52652 Private James George McCANN.
64490 Private Henry Alexander McCARTHY.
64489 Private Frank Christy McCLELLAND.
64410 Private Robert Tex McCLEOD.
50281 Private Arthur Murray McCLURE.
50345 Private Giles Dolphin McCOLL.
64719 Private Aubrey McCONAGHY.
64894 Private Melville Hume McCORD.
57446 Private George Leonard McCORKELL.
52834 Private Joseph Thomas McCORMICK.
52725 Private John Percival McCRABB.
57338 Private James Kennedy McCRABBE.
57722 Private Alfred McCULLOCH.
57109 Private Allan McLean McDONALD.
57001 Private Lachlan Charles McDONALD.
64488 Private Robert Thomas McDONALD.
50446 Private Thomas Richard McDONALD.
64369 Private William Gill McDOWALL.
64486 Private Peter Bruce McFARLANE.
52731 Private Victor George McFARLANE.
52835 Private John Walter McFEAT.
50447 Private Sidney Robert McGAW.
64082 Private Francis Patrick McGRATH.
64409 Private William Mark McGRATH.
64921 Private Walter Robert McGUINESS.
64278 Private John Francis McGUIRE.
57891 Private Roy Louis McGUIRE.
50473 Private Andrew James McINNES.
64485 Private William John McINTOSH.
53285 Private Alan Richard McIVER.
64080 Private George Francis McKAY.
64865 Private Bertram Jacob McKENNEY.
50416 Acting Sergeant Stewart Desmond McKENNY.
64484 Private Archibald Dougall McKENZIE.
64549 Private Neil Alexander McKENZIE.
52653 Private James Patrick McKEON.
50344 Private Malcolm Frederick McKERRELL.
64828 Private James Leslie McKINDLAY.
52860 Private James Rowland McKINDLAY.
52732 Private Claude Lachlan McKINNON.
50448 Private John James McKINNON.
50338 Private Ralph Douglas McKNIGHT.
64251 Private William Henry Rogers McKNIGHT.
52767 Private William Leslie McKNIGHT.
64002 Private Robert Johnston McLAUGHLIN.
57255 Private Patrick Joseph McMULLEN.
57110 Private Edward Scott McNALLY.
50339 Private Ernest Phillip McPHEE.
64829 Private Archibald James Milligan McPHERSON.
50517 Private Harry McPHERSON.
64830 Private Henry John McRAE.
64554 Private Raymond Lawrence McREA.
64831 Private William Alexander McROBERT.
57270 Private David Bruce McWILLIAM.
64832 Private James Bernard MEARA.
57295 Acting Corporal Joseph Walter MELL.
57335 Private John Thomas George MERCER.
57175 Private Horatio Gordon MIELL.
64575 Private Edmund James MILLAR.
64717 Private Alfred Reginald MILLER.
57004 Private Horace Herman MILLER.
50341 Private Cecil William James MILLS.
57511 Private Samuel Henry MILLS.
64493 Private Eric Benjamin MILNE.
57443 Private Francis John MILNE.
52726 Private Herbert Norman MITCHELL.
64081 Private Karl Arthur MITCHELL.
57444 Private Archibald Lewis MOLLOY.
64537 Private William Francis MONCRIEFF.
64494 Private Thomas Hawthorn MONGER.
57336 Private Artnur Claude MOORE.
52724 Private Clarence Edward Giles MOORE.
64941 Private James Egbert MORRELL.
64942 Private Ernest Albert MORRIS.
64834 Private Herbert Dalton MORRIS.
50347 Private Phillip Charles MORRIS.
50258 Private William Price MORRIS.
64559 Private Rupert Henry MORRISH.
52838 Private Hector MORRISON.
50373 Private Herbert Reginald MORRISON.
52839 Private John Hector MORRISON.
64835 Private LinslayTimothy MORRISSEY.
52766 Private William Herbert MORRISSEY.
52722 Private Arthur Charles MOTBEY.
52727 Private George Edward MOUNTAIN.
64083 Private Hugh John MOYLAN.
57002 Private Stanley robert MUDDELL.
50340 Private Arthur Edward MULLER.
52681 Acting Corporal Eric Napier MUNN.
64012 Private Ewan Livingstone MUNRO.
52650 Acting Corporal John MUNT.
57111 Private Arthur Patrick MURPHY.
64943 Private Maurice Mafeking MURRELL.
50260 Acting Corporal Charles Joseph NANTES.
50453 Private Arthur Edward NEAL.
64495 Private William David NEELY.
Lieutenant William Maurice NELSON.
50298 Private Robert Langley NEWELL.
64496 Private Harry Raymond NEWING.
57339 Private Frederick Hoseltine NEWMAN.
64085 Private Leslie Robert NEWMAN.
64084 Private Frank Kearney NEWNHAM.
R3866 Sergeant Gregory NICHOLAS.
64837 Private James Stanley NICHOLLS.
64497 Private Lester Cecil NICHOLLS.
64498 Private Albert Neil NICHOLSON.
64212 Private Archibald Joseph NICHOLSON.
52858 Private Eugene Alexander NICKER.
64417 Private James William NIELSEN.
64721 Private Tage Sabastian NILSSON.
57256 Private George James NOLAN.
50377 Private Dennis James NOONAN.
64373 Private Jack Henry NORMAN.
64720 Private William John King NORMAN.
57451 Private Eric North NORTH.
52654 Private Alfred Henry NOWLAN.
50348 Private Robert John OATES-LENNOX.
64838 Private Horatio Gerald O'BRIEN.
52733 Private Timothy Edward O'CONNELL.
57257 Private Selwyn Robert Alexander OGG.
52655 Private Ivan Lender Eric OLSEN.
52841 Private Arnold Charles O'NEILL.
64086 Private Sherman David O'ROURKE.
57298 Private William Piercey ORR.
64722 Private Bryce Knight Leigh OSBORNE.
57452 Private Charles Elisah OSBORNE.
64499 Private Harold John OSBORNE.
52734 Private Hugh Leslie OSBORNE.
64005 Private Arthur Edmund OSLER.
56921 Private Kevin Sarsfield O'SULLIVAN.
57513 Private Gordon Lindsay OWEN.
50484 Private Leonard David OWEN.
50351 Private Alexander PAKES.
50455 Private Frederick Godfrey PALFREYMAN.
57539 Private Jesse Lilburne PARKE.
64922 Private William George PARKER.
64007 Private Robert Scott PARKES.
57112 Private Lloyd Arnold PARKS.
52929 Private Frederick Douglas PARNELL.
57342 Private Edmund PARSONAGE.
50456 Private Albert Edward PARSONS.
64923 Private Hamilton PARSONS.
64088 Private Stanley Clarence PATEMAN.
52769 Private William PATFIELD.
52735 Private Albert Edward PATISON.
57007 Private Allen Ainsle PATON.
64839 Acting Sergeant Hugh Ralston PATON.
64895 Private James Andrew PATTERSON.
50353 Private Samuel David PATTERSON.
64500 Private William Henry PATTINSON.
57341 Private Kenneth William PAUL.
64751 Private Oliver Hampden PAYNE.
64374 Private William Charles PEACOCK.
64840 Private William Knox PEACOCK.
56119 Private Leslie Harold PEARCE.
50563 Private Lambeth Vivian PEARSALL.
52737 Private James Arthur PEBERDY.
64506 Private Albert William Henry John PENBERTHY.
52739 Private Mungo Robert PENMAN.
57134 Private George William PENNELL.
50261 Private Vincent Charles PEOPLES.
64505 Private Charles Albert Hector PERDRIAU.
64006 Private Leslie George PERKINS.
64841 Acting Corporal Thomas Vivian PETERS.
64501 Private William Eric PETERS.
64407 Private Peter William Christian PETERSEN.
64548 Private Thomas John PETTIT.
64502 Private Henry Nicholas PHILLIPS.
50352 Private William Henry PHILLIPS.
57340 Private Alan Leader PHILPOTT.
50350 Private Frederick George PHILPS.
52656 Private Henry Edwin PIDCOCK.
55875 Private Clarence James PITT.
64725 Sapper Colin MacKenzie PITT.
64723 Private Percy Stuart PLOWES.
52738 Private Willian Henry PLUMB.
52736 Private Oswald Norman PLUMMER.
64503 Private Stanley Irvine POCKNEE.
57343 Private Leonard Kingdon POOLEY.
57258 Private John Sydney POPE.
57454 Private Reuben John POPE.
64724 Private William Sylvester PORTER.
53083 Driver Henry Albert PRESTIDGE.
50297 Acting Sergeant Basil PRESTON.
57455 Private Andrew Walter John Thomas PRICE.
64375 Acting Corporal William Beryman PRINGLE.
52902 Private Alfred Garfield PRITCHARD.
64087 Private Arthur Edward Claude PROCTOR.
50299 Private Cecil Thomas PROCTOR.
52842 Private Alfred Webb PRYOR.
64842 Private George Albert PURCELL.
57113 Private Thomas Francis PURCELL.
57114 Private Alexander J QUAIL.
50262 Private Joseph Vincent QUINLAN.
64543 Private Frederick George QUINN.
64089 Private Joseph Wentworth QUIRK.
Further Rolls:
Sources Used:
National Archives Service File.
Nominal Roll, AWM133, Nominal Roll of Australian Imperial Force who left Australia for service abroad, 1914-1918 War.Collected Records of Steve Becker.
Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.
Further Reading:
General Service Reinforcements, AIF
General Service Reinforcements, Roll of Honour
Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920
Citation: General Service Reinforcements, Roll: K - Q