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Thursday, 18 February 2010
The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, 6th Infantry Battalion, Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzG - Anzac

The Battle of Anzac Cove

Gallipoli, 25 April 1915

Roll of Honour

6th Infantry Battalion, AIF


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the 6th Infantry Battalion known to have served and lost their lives during the Battle of Anzac, 25 April 1915.


Roll of Honour


Angus Campbell AITCHISON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Bernard Conrad AMINDE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Harry ANGELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Allan ANSELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred ASPINALL, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Walter Henry BADGER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Joseph Rupert BALFE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Stirling Ferguson BARNETT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Leo Patrick BASTO, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Noel Edward BECHERVAISE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas George BELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Godfrey Arthur BENNETT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

James Dunn BENNETT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Howard Williams BETTLES, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Harry BLAKELEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Stephen BODILLY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Ernest BOLAN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Francis Patrick BRENNAN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John BROWN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick Joseph BURNELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Angus CAMERON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Esmond Richard John CARRICK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William Watson CARTER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Watsford CLARK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Lisle Bertram Dinniss COLLS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Joseph Alan CORDNER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Percy CORSER, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Harold DIEDRICH, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Henry Edward DUNKLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Stephen John DYER, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Edward James EDGLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Morris FOLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Patrick FOLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John FOTHERGILL, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Robert Macgregor GILLESPIE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Walter GOODIER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Edward GORRIE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William Henry GRAHAM, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George David GREEN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Joseph Watkin GREEN, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Ethelbert HADDRICK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John William HAMILTON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Huon HOOKE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George Thomas HOWDEN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred Ernest HUMPHREYS, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Stanley JAMES, 6th Infantry Battalion.

David Norman JOHNSTON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Robert Sizer JOY, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Samuel Arthur KEELING, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick Henry KELCEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George KERSHAW, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Thomas Nathaniel KING, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Hedley Vernon George KITCHIN, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Harry LAMBERT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Clement Frederick Wills LANE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Stanley Rupert LAURENCE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Leonard Joseph LAWLOR, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William H LEE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Albert Walter LEMKE, 6th Infantry Battalion.


William Norris MARTIN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William Leslie MATHESON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Patrick MCDONNELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Augustus Alexander MCDOWALL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Christian MILLER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Edwin MITCHELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George MONCRIEFF, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Charles MYNARD, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Ernest Ralph PALLOT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Leonard Aloysius PAPLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Harold James PATERSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frederick John PECK, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Percy George PLANT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur Valentine POTTER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William Lees POYNER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

James Joshua PRYOR, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Francis Leslie RISMONDI, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Elias ROBERTS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Herbert Maurice ROBERTSHAW, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frank Leslie ROBERTSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Robert ROBINSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

David ROCHE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John J ROONEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

James Forbes ROSS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Reginald James ROSSITER, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Robert Thomas SCOTT, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John James SHANNON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Sydney SMITH, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Francis SPELLS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William Leighton STRACHAN, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Joshua SUSSEX, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Stanley Roy SWIFT, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Charles Frederick TAYLOR, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Leslie Edward TAYLOR, 6th Infantry Battalion.

James Forbes TAYSOM, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Frank THORNTON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Albert William THUNDER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Harry Ernest THURSTON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Andrew James TIERNEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Percy Albert TIPPET, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Samuel TOLLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Roy Colin TOLMIE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

John Francis Huon TOVELL, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Felix VAGUE, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Thomas Louis WALLIS, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Matthew Randall WASLEY, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Reginald Thornton WATSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

George Patrick WEBBER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Isaac Oswald WEBSTER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Dudley Clifford WHITE, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Hugh Llewellyn WIGGER, 6th Infantry Battalion.

William John WILSON, 6th Infantry Battalion.

Robert Percival WITHAM, 6th Infantry Battalion.


Roland Macdonald YOUNG, 6th Infantry Battalion.



Further Reading:

The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915

The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, 2nd Infantry Brigade, Roll of Honour 

The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, AIF, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, 6th Infantry Battalion, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Monday, 12 April 2010 10:30 AM EADT
The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, 5th Infantry Battalion, Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzG - Anzac

The Battle of Anzac Cove

Gallipoli, 25 April 1915

Roll of Honour

5th Infantry Battalion, AIF


Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from the 5th Infantry Battalion known to have served and lost their lives during the Battle of Anzac, 25 April 1915.


Roll of Honour


Arthur Davies BAGLEY, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Leslie Charles BAILEY, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Elliot BANKS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Mervin Albert BENBOW, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Lewis BLENCOWE, 5th Infantry Battalion.

William George BREMEN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Reginald Clive BROWNELL, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Albert Ernest BURN, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Patrick Joseph CAMPBELL, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Robert CAMPBELL, 5th Infantry Battalion.


George Thomas DALE, 5th Infantry Battalion.

James DANIELS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

George Brockwell DARLINGTON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

John Andrew DOUGLAS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

William DUNN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Frank Ulrie DUNT, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Walter Samuel DYER, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Samuel Morris EHRENBERG, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Percival ERICKSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Norman Frederick Napier FALCONER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Erle Finlayson Denton FETHERS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Charles FINCHER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

William Jacob FULLER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

John Alexander James FULTON, 5th Infantry Battalion.


James Gordon GILLANDERS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Oswald Wilkie GREIG, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Leslie Rowley GROVE, 5th Infantry Battalion.


William Patrick HARRIS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Arthur George Howard HASTINGS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Harry HODGMAN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Bertie Frank HOLLANDS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Joseph Victor HOLLINGSWORTH, 5th Infantry Battalion.

William Brown HORSBURGH, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Ernest Arthur JAENSCH, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Hubert Cromwell Warwick JONES, 5th Infantry Battalion.


George Henry KENNEDY, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Henry David LEMON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Harold LESTER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Harold James LONG, 5th Infantry Battalion.


James MARSHALL, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Alexander John MCDONALD, 5th Infantry Battalion.

David Keith MCILWRAITH, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Hugh Wilson Paton MCLAREN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

John MELVIN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

John Atkinson METCALF, 5th Infantry Battalion.

John Harrington MITCHELL, 5th Infantry Battalion.

John MULLAN, 5th Infantry Battalion.


John George PETERSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Sydney Albert PICKERING, 5th Infantry Battalion.

William PINKERTON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

George Henry PYLE, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Henry Joseph REIDY, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Robert ROBERTSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Robert RUSSELL, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Richard SAKER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Alfred William SALTER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Harold George SEELEY, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Robert Hector SINCLAIR, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Albert George STAPLETON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Stanley John STEPHENS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Ralph Gustav STOBAUS, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Hector Algie TAUSE, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Gilbert Leslie THOMPSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

James THOMSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.


Henry Ernest WALKER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

James Percy Soltau WARREN, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Percy WATSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Clive Wellington WERE, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Charles Leonard WHITAKER, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Leslie WILLIAMSON, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Vivian Malcolm WILLS, 5th Infantry Battalion.

Charles William WYMAN, 5th Infantry Battalion.



Further Reading:

The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915

The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, 2nd Infantry Brigade, Roll of Honour 

The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, AIF, Roll of Honour 

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915, 5th Infantry Battalion, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 6 April 2010 9:01 AM EADT
The Battle of Wolvekuil Kopjes, South Africa, 14 February 1901, Advertiser Account
Topic: BatzB - Wolvekuil

The Battle of Wolvekuil Kopjes

South Africa, 14 February 1901

Advertiser Account


The (Adelaide) Advertiser, Monday 18 February 1901, p. 5

The transcription






London, February 16.

Latest advices with reference to the invasion of Cape Colony by General Christian De Wet's forces, state that Generals Haasbroek and Woest, commanding a portion of the troops, crossed the Orange River alt Zand Drift, in the west of the Orange River Colony, on the 9th inst., and on attacking Philipstown were repulsed by the British garrison.

Brisk fighting is also reported to have occurred on the 12th and 13th inst. at Petrusville, a village in the Philipstown division of Cape Colony. The enemy used a 15-pounder gun, which they had some time previously captured from the British, the shrapnel shell with which they bombarded the village bursting splendidly.

Eventually Lieutenant-Colonel HCO Plumer, with a force of Australian Bushmen, arrived at Petrusville, and with a "pom-pom" gun, succeeded in extricating the little garrison from an awkward position.

It is reported that 200 men of the Imperial and South African Horse were recently hard-pressed by General Haasbroek's commando, 20 miles to the west of Colesberg, a municipality situated 57 miles north of Middelburg. The British casualties during the engagement were light, and the Boer losses were much heavier.

Lieutenant-Colonel HCO Plumer, with his Australian Bushmen, while pursuing the flying Boers to the westward, captured a Maxim gun and a great portion of General Christian De Wet's ammunition train.

Intelligence has been received that all the males in Grasfontein, in the north of Cape Colony, have been arrested on a charge of having assisted the Boer invaders.

The Boers, who recently retired from Calvinia, are reported to be splendidly mounted. On leaving Calvinia they travelled to Kenhardt, a village on the Hartebeest River, 120 miles from Prieska, covering 60 miles daily.

It is reported that while a force of 100 Boers were engaged in fetching forage from Giringspoort, the Cape Cyclist Corps, who were entrenched on a neighbouring kopje, fired upon them and killed 17 of their number.

A correspondent of the London "Daily Mail" states that General Christian De Wet and Mr. MT Steyn on the 14th inst. crossed over the railway between Hout-kraal and Potfontein, and destroyed two of the railway culverts.

Lieutenant-Colonel EMS Crabbe's forces, while engaged in following General De Wet's commando to the westward, captured several prisoners und 14 waggons.

Lieutenant-Colonel H de B de lisle, upon his arrival with a relief column at Calvina, met with a frenzied welcome from the inhabitants of the town, to whom the Boers' cruelty, vindictive exactions, and wanton destruction of property recalled the worst scenes enacted in Northern Natal.

It is reported that during the engagement on the 6th inst. at Klippkat Junction, a station on the railway between Port Elizabeth and Graaff Reinet, the following members of the West Australian Mounted Rifles were wounded:- Captain Olivet (slightly), and Privates J Campbell and Alexander Flynn (severely).



Further Reading:

The Battle of Wolvekuil Kopjes, South Africa, 14 February 1901

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Wolvekuil Kopjes, South Africa, 14 February 1901, Advertiser Account

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 April 2010 8:02 AM EADT
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
The Battle of Zand River, South Africa, 10 May 1900, Contents
Topic: BatzB - Zand River

The Battle of Zand River

South Africa, 10 May 1900





Zand River, South Africa, 10 May 1900, Outline 

The Battle of Zand River, South Africa, 10 May 1900, Sydney Morning Herald Account



Further Reading:

The Battle of Zand River, South Africa, 10 May 1900

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Zand River, South Africa, 10 May 1900, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 11 April 2010 10:25 PM EADT
The Battle of Paardeberg, South Africa, 17-27 February 1900, Outline
Topic: BatzB - Paardeberg

The Battle of Paardeberg

South Africa, 17-27 February 1900



Paardeberg, a major action of the Second South African War, which was fought in western Orange Free State and ended with the surrender of 4,000 Boers under General Piet Cronje to British forces under Field Marshal Lord Roberts after a siege lasting 17-27 February 1900. The battle arose after Roberts bypassed Magersfontein (q.v.), which Cronje had been occupying to block British attempts to break the siege of Kimberley along the direct northern route of the railway line, by pushing Lieut.-General John French's cavalry division around the Boer's left flank. With Kimberley relieved on 15 February and the British now astride his lines of communication, Cronje had no choice but to hurriedly withdraw east towards Bloemfontein to avoid being cut off entirely.

The Boer retirement initially evaded attempts at capture, despite the fact that Cronje was encumbered with a huge train of ox-wagons and large numbers of families who had joined the men in the field. On the bright moonlit night of 15 February, the commandos succeeded in passing unobserved just five kilometres to the north of Roberts' army. A force of 2,000 mounted infantry (including the New South Wales Mounted Rifles) was sent out the next morning under Colonel Ormelie Hannay, to pursue Cronje and hold him until the slower infantry could arrive and prevent his further escape. This attempt failed when Hannay's men encountered a determined Boer rearguard and were forced to fall back in the face of accurate light artillery fire. Amid the confusion of the retirement, the inexperienced British horsemen (regular infantrymen who had been recently mounted) raced over a steep embankment and into the river. Hannay reformed his troops and resumed the attack, but again they 'fell back in some confusion'.

Cronje was finally brought to bay at Paardeberg on 17 February, when three batteries of British horse artillery operating with French's advanced elements succeeded in getting into a position from which they could shell the head of the Boer column as it attempted to cross to the south bank of the Modder River at Vendutie Drift (ford). Forced into a defensive laager (camp) extending for three kilometres along the north bank, Cronje was quickly encircled and besieged. Over the next two days Major-General Lord Kitchener, Roberts' chief of staff who held local command while the field marshal recovered from a cold, attempted to take the Boer position before it could receive reinforcement. He ordered a series of hasty piecemeal frontal assaults which resulted in over 1,260 British casualties (including 320 dead).

During these preliminary skirmishes on the periphery of the Boer position, Hannay's mounted infantry was again involved on 18 February. In response to vague orders from Kitchener which appeared to direct him to rush the laager at all costs, Hannay prepared his force to carry out an assault - evidently determined to eliminate the stain of the fiasco a few days earlier. This attempt was cut short at 3 p.m. when Hannay was killed while riding bravely at the head of a small token band of his men.

For the next ten days the British vice around the laager was contracted mainly by the digging of trenches rather than direct assault, and the main form of pressure on the Boers came from the heavy bombardment maintained by the 91 guns with Roberts' force. By 26 February the trenches on the eastern side had reached to within 230 metres of the Boer position, and a decision was taken to advance the line with a pre-dawn attack by the Canadian battalion which was present. This succeeded in bringing the British to little more than 80 metres away, in a position which enfiladed all the Boer trenches parallel to the river. At 7 a.m. that morning Cronje finally accepted the inevitable and rode to Roberts' headquarters to offer his capitulation.

By chance, Major Thomas Fiaschi of the New South Wales Army Medical Corps was reputed to have received the enemy's formal surrender. While Fiaschi and members of his corps were collecting Canadian wounded close to the Boer lines, a group of 209 enemy displayed a white flag, filed out of their positions and offered their surrender to him as the senior officer present. In fact, at the same time as this incident was taking place, elsewhere Roberts was personally receiving Cronje's surrender. Nonetheless the story later grew that the honour of receiving the surrender of the whole Boer position at Paardeberg had gone to Fiaschi.

Other Australians played various parts in the action while attached to British units as 'special service officers'. Two members of the New South Wales permanent military forces present were Major (later ;Major-General Sir) William Bridges, attached to the artillery accompanying the cavalry brigade commanded by Colonel R.G. Broadwood, and Lieut. G. Grieve, who was killed on 18 February leading a company of the 2nd Battalion of the Black Watch. Lieut.-Commander W. Colquhoun of the Victorian Naval Forces was also present, in command of one of two 12-pounder naval guns used to shell the laager. When both guns became immobilised through wheel problems on 26 February; Colquhoun took them to Kimberley for repair and succeeded in getting them back in time to take part in Roberts' subsequent operations.

Victory at Paardeberg - coincidentally achieved on the nineteenth anniversary of the defeat suffered by British forces at Majuba Hill in the First South African War - had cost the British 1,540 casualties, compared to probably less than 100 Boers, but it was the last large-scale action of that second conflict. The Capture of Cronje, then the most famous Boer general, had ramifications well beyond the loss of the men and equipment with him at the surrender. Some 14,000 Boers had rushed to his assistance but had been held off by the encircling British; these demoralised forces now rapidly dispersed in disorder towards the east. Faced with growing British strength in conventional military forces, the Boers resorted to guerrilla tactics to prolong the Second South African War for a further fifteen months.


Extracted from the book produced by Chris Coulthard-Clark, Where Australians Fought - The Encyclopaedia of Australia's Battles, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1998, pp. 68-70.


Additional References cited by Chris Coulthard-Clark:

L.M. Field (1979) The forgotten War, Carlton, Vic. Melbourne University Press.

F. Maurice (ed.) History of the War in South Africa 1899-1902, Vol. 1 (1906), London: Hurst & Blacken. 

R.L. Wallace (1976) The Australians at the Boer War, Canberra: Australian War Memorial & Australian Government Publishing Service.


Further Reading:

The Battle of Paardeberg, South Africa, 17-27 February 1900

The Battle of Paardeberg, South Africa, 17-27 February 1900, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902  

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Paardeberg, South Africa, 17-27 February 1900, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Thursday, 7 April 2011 9:48 AM EADT

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