The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 5th Light Horse Regiment and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 5th Light Horse Regiment or another unit.
Louis ARNTZEN, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Edward Duncan ASKEW, Died of Disease, 8 September 1916.
Victor BARKLEY, Died of Wounds, 21 July 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.
William Holdsworth BATES, Killed in Action, 2 September 1915.
Harry BEGOURIE, Died of Wounds, 8 August 1916.
William John BIDDLE, Died of Accident, 18 January 1917.
Robert Edward BIRT, Killed in Action, 22 July 1917.
Norman Robertson BLACKIE, Died of Wounds, 31 May 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.
John Milton Roy BLACKWELL, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Frederick Charles BODEN, Died of Disease, 8 November 1918.
Clifford Owen BOWCOTT, Died of Wounds, 5 December 1915.
Stanley BRENNAN, Died of Disease, 14 February 1919.
Frederick James George BROWN, Killed in Action, 17 September 1916.
Roderick Stawell BROWNE, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Thomas Joseph BRUNDRIT, Killed in Action, 8 November 1915.
Gladstone William BYRNE, Killed in Action, 30 September 1917.
Harry Westropp CAMERON, Killed in Action, 28 July 1918.
Charles Jr CAMPBELL, Died of Wounds, 26 October 1918.
John CAMPBELL, Died of Wounds, 11 January 1917.
John CARBERRY, Killed in Action, 5 August 1917.
Arthur Herbert CARLETON, Killed in Action, 24 April 1918.
Cecil Godfrey CARR, Killed in Action, 18 July 1916.
Herbert CARTER, Died of Wounds, 19 August 1917.
Wilfred Mason CHAILLE, Killed in Action, 14 July 1918.
Philip Champion CHAMPION DeCRESPIGNY, Killed in Action, 14 July 1918.
Albert Arthur CHARD, Killed in Action, 4 December 1917.
John CHRISTIANSEN, Killed in Action, 22 November 1915.
Albert CLARK, Died of Disease, 27 January 1916.
Richard Henry CLOUGH, Died of Wounds, 2 June 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.
Charles Joseph CONAGHAN, Died of Disease, 4 January 1919.
Alfred Henry CONNOLLY, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
John Cornelius CONWAY, Killed in Action, 23 December 1916.
James COOK, Killed in Action, 19 October 1917.
Samuel COOK, Died of Wounds, 14 November 1915.
Archibald CURRIE, Died of Wounds, 25 September 1918.
Samuel Hugh CURRY, Died of Disease, 24 October 1918.
James Judge DAVIES, Died of Disease, 22 October 1918.
Edward DAVIS, Died of Wounds, 9 November 1917.
Erskine William Douglas Hamilton DAWSON, Died of Wounds, 6 November 1917.
Herbert Selwyn DAWSON, Died of Disease, 28 June 1915.
Francis Joseph De WARREN, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.
Charles Chisholm DIXON, Died of Disease, 23 December 1918.
Andrew James DOHERTY, Died of Wounds, 28 September 1918.
Robert Smith DONALDSON, Killed in Action, 29 September 1918.
John DRANEY, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.
Oscar Thomas DUNN, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Thomas DWYER, Killed in Action, 5 April 1918.
Harold James EGGINS, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Jack ELLIS, Died of Wounds, 3 May 1918.
Ernest Edwin ENSOR, Died of Wounds, 20 April 1918.
Thomas Robert EVANS, Killed in Action, 26 November 1915.
Percy FINES, Died of Disease, 3 April 1919.
Charles Edgar FITZ-HANNAM, Killed in Action, 27 August 1915.
Herbert Walter FLAHERTY, Killed in Action, 25 November 1915.
Patrick FOLEY, Killed in Action, 2 June 1915.
Alexander Madden FOOT, Killed in Action, 22 November 1915.
Michael Joseph FORD, Killed in Action, 14 November 1915.
Frank William FREESTONE, Killed in Action, 10 November 1917.
Albert Lester FRENCH, Killed in Action, 29 January 1917.
Walter FURNISS, Killed in Action, 8 October 1918.
Joseph GAHAN, Killed in Action, 26 March 1917.
John Bennett GALLIGAN, Killed in Action, 26 March 1917.
James GARDNER, Died of Accident, 8 November 1916.
Roy GEORGE, Died of Wounds, 8 November 1917.
John William GILHESPY, Died of Disease, 12 November 1918.
Bernard Benedict GILHOOLY, Killed in Action, 9 August 1918.
William John GILLES, Died of Wounds, 4 November 1917.
Thomas Fitzpatrick GREEVY, Died of Wounds, 9 March 1917.
John Thomas GRIFFIN, Killed in Action, 20 July 1917.
John GWYNNE, Killed in Action, 31 October 1915.
John Matthew HANLY, Killed in Action, 6 June 1915.
James Norman HARCUS, Killed in Action, 4 October 1917.
Hubert Jennings Imrie HARRIS, Killed in Action, 31 July 1915.
Bertram Nigel HARTWELL, Died of Wounds, 24 April 1918.
Alexander HEASLOP, Died of Disease, 1 July 1917.
Arthur Francis HENNESSEY, Died of Wounds, 3 October 1918.
William Harding HETHORN, Died of Wounds, 31 August 1918.
Thomas John HIGGINS, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Reginald Thomas HOBBS, Died of Disease, 29 November 1915.
Harold Michael HOGAN, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917.
Henry Albert HOLDGATE, Killed in Action, 10 November 1917.
Arthur Charles HOMER, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Joseph Stewart HOPPER, Killed in Action, 6 August 1917.
Alan HOWARTH, Killed in Action, 25 May 1918.
Charles Frank HUGGINS, Died of Wounds, 4 May 1918.
James HUGHES, Died of Wounds, 10 August 1916.
Stephen William HUNT, Died of Disease, 18 July 1915.
Norman Cropley HYDE, Killed in Action, 9 November 1915.
William Howe IRVING, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917.
Frederick Charles Jens JENSEN, Killed in Action, 8 October 1918.
Alfred Joseph JOHNSTON, Killed in Action, 12 December 1917.
William KEELAN, Died of Accident, 27 November 1915.
John KELLEHER, Died of Wounds, 9 November 1917.
William Henry KEMP, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Malcolm Stuart KENNEDY, Died of Wounds, 2 January 1918.
Thomas Alfred KING, Died of Wounds, 8 September 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.
Ernest Augustus KNICKEL, Died of Disease, 24 July 1917.
Ernest Edward LANCASTER, Killed in Action, 17 October 1917.
Frederick Charles LAW, Killed in Action, 26 November 1915.
Robert LEISHMAN, Killed in Action, 25 November 1915.
John Austin LINNANE, Died of Disease, 1 May 1916.
Peter John LINNANE, Died of Wounds, 23 November 1917.
Nevill Montague LITTLE, Killed in Action, 3 September 1916.
William Matthew LONGWILL, Killed in Action, 8 October 1918.
Clyde LOVELL, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Augustus LUBOMIRSKI, Killed in Action, 28 July 1918.
James LUCAS, Killed in Action, 7 November 1915.
Percy Hampton LUMLEY, Died of Wounds, 30 March 1918.
Michael Joseph LYNAM, Died of Wounds, 20 October 1917.
Harold Eric Joseph MacARTNEY, Died of Disease, 5 July 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.
Leslie MacDONALD, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Walter MAGARRY, Died of Disease, 12 October 1915.
Ernest George MARLEY, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
John James MARSH, Died of Wounds, 6 November 1917.
Sidney George MARSHALL, Killed in Action, 17 September 1918.
Robert MARTIN, Died of Disease, 27 August 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.
Frederick MARTYR, Killed in Action, 8 August 1916.
Charles Bute MASSY, Killed in Action, 5 August 1916.
Richard McCABE, Killed in Action, 29 August 1917.
David McCONNELL, Died of Disease, 1 November 1918.
Thomas McCORMACK, Killed in Action, 11 April 1917.
Samuel Crichton McGOWAN, Died of Wounds, 7 August 1916.
James Clyde McGRATH, Killed in Action, 22 October 1918.
Richard McGRATH, Killed in Action, 12 December 1917.
James McLEAN, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Thomas Joseph McMAHON, Died of Disease, 14 May 1916.
John David McRAE, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.
William Leslie MEIKLE, Died of Disease, 26 July 1917.
John MONAGHAN, Died of Disease, 13 December 1918.
John Bain MONCRIEFF, Killed in Action, 3 September 1916.
Donald Rutherford MORISON, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Francis Michael MOY, Killed in Action, 24 April 1918.
Albert Stanley MUIR, Killed in Action, 5 November 1917.
David James MURRAY, Died of Wounds, 30 May 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.
James Martin MURRAY, Died of Wounds, 10 July 1915.
William Martinus NILSON, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917.
William Arthur NOLLER, Killed in Action, 8 November 1915.
Ernest John NORTON, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917.
Arthur O'CONNOR, Died of Wounds, 9 June 1917.
Stanley O'DWYER, Died of Wounds, 13 December 1916.
William O'NEILL, Killed in Action, 5 November 1915.
William James O'NEILL, Died of Disease, 8 August 1918.
John O'SULLIVAN, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Arthur Robert French OXFORD, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917.
William Alexander PAVEY, Died of Wounds, 1 May 1918.
Arthur Laurence POTTER, Died of Wounds, 3 May 1918.
Leslie Raymond POUNTNEY, Died of Wounds, 8 July 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.
Michael POWIS, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Edgar Sylvanus PYNEGAR, Died of Disease, 30 October 1918.
James QUINN, Died of Wounds, 5 November 1917.
William RABY, Died of Disease, 21 March 1916.
Thomas John RADCLIFFE, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.
Edward Thomas REYNOLDS, Killed in Action, 21 July 1915.
James Henry REYNOLDS, Died of Wounds, 7 May 1918.
Harold Stanley RICKETTS, Killed in Action, 15 October 1917.
Ralph ROBERTSON, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Angus Bruce ROBINS, Killed in Action, 14 November 1915.
George William ROSE, Killed in Action, 29 November 1915.
Wilfred Wallace ROSS, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917.
Thomas Llewellyn ROWLANDS, Died of Accident, 27 August 1916.
Edward RUMMEL, Died of Wounds, 20 December 1917.
Michael RUSSELL, Died of Accident, 2 September 1917.
Thomas Richard RUTLEDGE, Killed in Action, 19 April 1918.
Cornelius James RYAN, Died of Wounds, 4 May 1918.
Owen John RYAN, Killed in Action, 11 September 1917.
James Leslie SAUNDERS, Died of Disease, 1 February 1916.
Thomas Henry SAUNDERS, Killed in Action, 5 November 1915.
Henry James SEANEY, Killed in Action, 14 November 1915.
David Lindsay SHARP, Died of Wounds, 28 April 1918.
Harold Herbert SHAW, Killed in Action, 24 April 1918.
Roy Allen SHEEHAN, Killed in Action, 12 May 1917.
Henry Bradley SHERIDAN, Died of Accident, 24 January 1918.
Stanley Henderson SHERIDAN, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Harold Philip SHERWIN, Killed in Action, 7 November 1915.
Harry SIMPSON, Killed in Action, 9 August 1916.
Charles Selby SMETZER, Killed in Action, 2 May 1918.
Samuel Stanley SMITH, Killed in Action, 29 November 1915.
Roy Henry SOLOMON, Died of Wounds, 30 June 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.
Albert SOUTHAM, Killed in Action, 18 September 1918.
Joseph Henry SPILLER, Died of Wounds, 17 July 1918.
Bertram Rudplph Danby STEELE, Died of Wounds, 10 June 1918.
William George STEELE, Killed in Action, 5 August 1916.
James Alexander STEWART, Died of Disease, 1 February 1915.
Samuel John STEWART, Killed in Action, 2 May 1918.
William STEWART, Killed in Action, 13 August 1915.
Lawrence STINSON, Died of Disease, 19 December 1915.
Joseph Dandy STREET, Killed in Action, 5 November 1915.
Thomas Alfred SYKES, Died of Disease, 28 December 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.
Charles Alfred TAYLOR, Died of Wounds, 1 December 1915.
Michael Joseph TIERNEY, Died of Disease, 6 March 1915.
Frank TONG, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
William George TWIST, Died of Wounds, 17 April 1917.
William Bernard TYLER, Killed in Action, 10 November 1917.
Thomas Allan WALKER, Killed in Action, 11 September 1915.
Charles George WALLER, Died of Disease, 13 April 1917.
Charles Dixon WARD, Killed in Action, 19 September 1918.
John William WARRENER, Died of Wounds, 18 October 1917.
Alfred WATSON, Killed in Action, 4 July 1918.
Eric Stanley WATSON, Died of Wounds, 26 May 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.
Herbert Crook WATT, Died of Disease, 28 October 1918.
Frederick Theodore WATTERS, Died of Wounds, 28 June 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.
Raymond Francis WEBB, Died of Wounds, 28 April 1917.
Thomas WEBSTER, Died of Wounds, 8 November 1917.
William Henry WESTAWAY, Died of Wounds, 4 December 1917.
William Salisbury WHITBREAD, Died of Wounds, 9 November 1917.
Bert WICKS, Killed in Action, 4 September 1917.
Allan Charles WILLIAMS, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Edward Homer WILLIAMS, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Robert Glen WILLIAMS, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917.
Andrew WILLIAMSON, Killed in Action, 16 September 1917.
Frank Ness WILSON, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
William Clark WILSON, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
William King WOOD, Died of Wounds, 28 November 1916.
Henry WOOLLEY, Died of Wounds, 25 April 1918.
Harold WRIGHT, Died of Wounds, 3 October 1918.
William Carey WYLIE, Died of Disease, 2 February 1919.
Albert John YATES, Died of Disease, 16 January 1915, and subsequently buried at sea.
George YOUNG, Died of Disease, 18 October 1918.
Walter Alexander YOUNG, Killed in Action, 28 June 1915.
Lest We Forget