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Monday, 31 May 2004
Boer War - New Zealand, Contents
Topic: BW - NZ

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

New Zealand




Boer War - New Zealand, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902 

Major Alfred William Robin, 1st Contingent, New Zealand



Boer War - New Zealand, 1st New Zealand Contingent 

Boer War - New Zealand, 2nd New Zealand Contingent 

Boer War - New Zealand, 3rd New Zealand Contingent 

Boer War - New Zealand, 4th New Zealand Contingent 

Boer War - New Zealand, 5th New Zealand Contingent 

Boer War - New Zealand, 6th New Zealand Contingent 

Boer War - New Zealand, 7th New Zealand Contingent 

Boer War - New Zealand, 8th New Zealand North Island Contingent 

Boer War - New Zealand, 8th New Zealand South Island Contingent 

Boer War - New Zealand, 9th New Zealand South Island Contingent

Boer War - New Zealand, 9th New Zealand North Island Contingent 

Boer War - New Zealand, 10th New Zealand North Island Contingent 

Boer War - New Zealand, 10th New Zealand South Island Contingent 


Roll of Honour

Boer War - New Zealand, Roll of Honour

Lest we forget


Further Reading:

Boer War - New Zealand

Boer War - New Zealand, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War - New Zealand, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 7:23 PM EADT
Sunday, 30 May 2004
Boer War - New Zealand, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902
Topic: BW - NZ

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

New Zealand

Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902



Boer War - New Zealand, 1st New Zealand Contingent


"1st New Zealand Mounted Rifles"Waiwera”, 21 October 1899

Boer War - New Zealand, 2nd New Zealand Contingent


  “Waiwera”, 20 January 1900

Boer War - New Zealand, 3rd New Zealand Contingent


"Rough Riders"Knight Tempar”, 17 February 1900

Boer War - New Zealand, 4th New Zealand Contingent


"Rough Riders" or "New Zealand Bushmen"Gymeric”, 31 March 1900

Boer War - New Zealand, 5th New Zealand Contingent


"The Fighting Fifth" or "New Zealand Imperial Bushmen"Maori”, 31 March 1900

Boer War - New Zealand, 6th New Zealand Contingent


"Silent Sixth"Cornwall”, 30 January 1901

Boer War - New Zealand, 7th New Zealand Contingent


  Gulf of Taranto”, 6 April 1901

Boer War - New Zealand, 8th New Zealand North Island Contingent

Boer War - New Zealand, 8th New Zealand South Island Contingent


  North Island – “Surrey”, 1 February 1902 & South Island – “Cornwall”, 8 February 1902
Boer War - New Zealand, 9th New Zealand South Island Contingent

Boer War - New Zealand, 9th New Zealand North Island Contingent


  South Island – “Kent”, 12 March 1902 & North Island – “Devon”, 19 March 1902

Boer War - New Zealand, 10th New Zealand North Island Contingent 

Boer War - New Zealand, 10th New Zealand South Island Contingent


  North Island – “Drayton Grange”, 14 April 1902 & South Island – “Norfolk”, 19 April 1902


Further Reading:

Boer War - New Zealand

Boer War - New Zealand, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War - New Zealand, Contingents sent, 1899 - 1902

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 9:03 PM EADT
Saturday, 29 May 2004
Boer War - New Zealand, 1st New Zealand Contingent
Topic: BW - NZ

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

New Zealand

1st New Zealand Contingent


SS “Waiwera” embarking from Wellington on the  21 October 1899.
[Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand, Reference: PA1-q-329-14 ]


The following Nominal Roll is extracted from the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives. The record of the ten contingents of New Zealand's soldiers in the Boer War are listed in the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives for the years 1900, 1901, and 1902.

The 1st New Zealand Contingent was known as the "1st New Zealand Mounted Rifles", embarked from Wellington on the SS “Waiwera”, 21 October 1899.


1st New Zealand Contingent

113 Private James AIKEN

112 Private George ARNOLD

81 Private Bertam Richard AVERY

Lieutenant Edwin BARTLETT

36 Private Arthur Leigh La Boste BARTROP

18 Private John Anderson BARTY

67 Private Arthur Frederick BATCHELOR

101 Quartermaster-sergeant Prosper Raine BERLAND

117 Private William BLACK

28 Private John BLAIR

74 Private Charles BLENKHORN

12 Corporal Donald William BODLE

6 Sergeant Henry Purser John BOND

116 Private Harold Joseph BOOTH

9 Corporal Charles William H BOULD

62 Private Sydney BOWCHER

20 Farrier Andrew James BOWIE

16 Bugler William Alexander BOWIE

44 Farrier George Roland BRADFORD

83 Private James Henry Alexander BROCK

15 Bugler Thomas Watson BROWN

115 Private William BUNTEN

Surgeon Thomas BURNS

3 Colour-sergeant William Thomas BURR

114 Private Henry BURROUGHS

23 Private Harry Francis BUTLER

191 Private Archibald BUTTERS

203 Private William BYRNE

121 Private John CABOT

54 Private Walter CALLOWAY

26 Private Hector CAMERON

Lieutenant William Scott CANAVAN

102 Colour-sergeant Digby Edward CARDALE

55 Private Theodore CASEY

118 Private Joseph CATHERALL

Lieutenant Darcy CHAYTOR

68 Private James William CLEVELY

22 Private Alfred Horace COFFEY

119 Private John CONNELL

112 Private John Godfrey COOK

123 Private Mark COSSAR

96 Private Henry Donald COUTTS

25 Private James CRAIG

24 Private Robert William CRAWLEY

21 Farrier Arthur CROMIE

120 Private Patrick CROWE

125 Private Reynold CRUMP

124 Private Joseph CULLING

84 Private John Nathaniel CUMMINS

48 Private Nathaniel CURTIN

Captain Richard Hutton DAVIES

58 Private Roger DAWSON

126 Private William DICK

127 Private Harold Lissaman DICKINSON

193 Private Alfred DOUGLAS

65 Private Charles Alfred EDWARDS
129 Private Mark EDWARDS

131 Private Benjamin ELLIS

128 Private Percy Tivy EMERSON

89 Private Charles Henry ENDERBY

130 Private Edmund George ENSOR

133 Private James Vincent FAHERY

136 Private Colin Herbert FLAVELL

197 Private Alfred George FORDHAM

135 Private Henry FORSYTHE

109 Corporal Trevor Hugh FOSTER

111 Bugler Frederick Alfred FOX

200 Private William FRANKLIN

134 Private Daniel FRASER

132 Private Ernest FREETH

87 Private Edgar Richard Richard GALPIN

43 Private Gilbert Henry GANE

85 Private Thomas Joseph Holte GAUDIN

137 Private Joseph Louis GESTRO

201 Private Grant GLASGOW

88 Private Joe GOBLE

70 Private Keith GORRIE

104 Sergeant Samuel Walker GOURLEY

108 Corporal William GRANT

103 Sergeant Ernest GWATKIN

140 Private Albert James HAHU

192 Private Henry John HAMILTON

90 Private Charles HANSON

198 Private Francis HARDING

40 Private William HARRIS

5 Sergeant Edwin HARROWELL

147 Private Henry HASELAR

144 Private Alexander James HASTIE

138 Private Edward Arthur HAWKINS

105 Sergeant Edgar HAZLETT

139 Private John Davis HEAN

60 Private Alfred Ernest HEDGES

145 Private George Lewis HEENAN

142 Private Edward HODGEN

14 Corporal John Martin HOGG

141 Private Thornton Charles Littlewood HOLROYD

10 Corporal James Alexander HORNE

45 Private Percy Richard HUBBARD

148 Private John Gethin HUGHES

146 Private Philip Norman HUNT

143 Private John Henry HURFORD

53 Private James JENKS

149 Private Claude Lockhart JEWELL

Lieutenant George Robert JOHNSTON

151 Private Walter JOHNSTON

150 Private Daniel JOHNSTON

152 Private Selwyn JOYCE

32 Private George Kells KELLS

49 Private Matthew Bruce KIRKBRIDE

110 Private Endo Walter L'ESTRANGE

59 Private Charles Montague LEWIN

Lieutenant Michael Egan LINDSAY

93 Private Ernest Barnett LOCKETT

156 Private William Brodie MACPHERSON

Captain William R N MADOCKS

7 Sergeant William Edward MAHOOD

97 Private George Herbert MANN

41 Private John MATSON

42 Private Thomas MAUNDER

157 Private Arthur MCBETH

195 Private John MCCABE

27 Private Malcolm MCCALLUM

69 Private James Thomas MCCAULEY

153 Private John MCCONWAY

162 Private John MCDONALD

11 Corporal Norman MCDONALD

76 Private Robert John MCDONALD

161 Private Amos MCKEGG

57 Private Charles Edward MCLEAN

155 Private William MCPHERSON

154 Private Joseph MEWBURN

77 Private George Ralph MILLER

106 Farrier-sergeant John MILLER

160 Private George MITCHELL

75 Private James MITCHELL

47 Private John MONTGOMERIE

158 Private Edward Wilmot MOORE

8 Sergeant William Arthur MORGAN

159 Private Francis Edward MORRISON

37 Private Wilson Cameron MORRISON

107 Corporal John MUIR

30 Private William MUIR

61 Private John MUNRO

165 Private James Walker NAIRN

Veterinary-surgeon Charles Raymond NEALE

Lieutenant Arthur Cormack NEAVE

163 Private Alfred NEWDICK

79 Private Charles NEWMAN

39 Private Edwin Hotspur NOPPS

164 Private Sidney NORTHE

166 Private Henry Scott ORBELL

167 Private Francis O'SHEA

171 Private Edwin Henry PALMER

33 Private Sidney Robert PALMER

17 Private William James PARKES

31 Private John Macintosh PATTERSON

168 Private Ambrose Charles PAWSON

34 Private George Meares PAYNE

199 Private James William PEEBLES

170 Private John PEPPER

98 Private William PITT

52 Private Francis Richard POPE

92 Private George POWELL

13 Corporal Frederick Gordon PRICE

169 Private David William PROSSER

63 Private John James RAYNES

172 Private William RENTON

94 Private William Oliver RIDDELL

Major Alfred William ROBIN

100 Private Frederick ROCKSTROW

1 Sergeant-major Charles Phillip ROGERS

202 Private Hugh ROSS

82 Private Dennis Joseph RYAN

180 Private William Alfred SAUNDERS

178 Private John Cassils SEELYE

56 Private Frederick Thomas SHAW

173 Private William Henry SHEPPARD

86 Private Ernest James Ralph SMITH

176 Private Hugh SMITH

73 Private William Henry SMITH

181 Private Harold SMITH

175 Private George SMYTH

51 Private Samuel STEELE

174 Private John Francis STRANGE

177 Private Henry SUTHERLAND

179 Private Langford Park SYMES

71 Private Leonard Matthews TARRANT

182 Private Stephen TASKER

35 Private Arthur Reginald TAYLOR

185 Private James TAYLOR

195 Private Thomas TAYLOR

46 Private John William TETLEY

29 Private James THORPE

99 Private Edward Traherne TOWGOOD

184 Private John TOWNSEND

183 Private William TUBMAN

2 Sergeant Sydney Howard TUCK

38 Private Henry Whipps VALENTINE

191 Private David Hannibal WALDIE

64 Private James WALKER

19 Private Robert WALLACE

50 Private William Fletcher WALLIS

4 Sergeant Phillip Benjamin WATTS

95 Private James Henry WHYTE

78 Private Arthur Albert Cason WIFFIN

186 Private Alexander Herbert WILKIE

188 Private James Thornton WILSON

190 Private Wilfred WILSON

72 Private Arthur James WITHERS

187 Private Ferdinand August WOOD

66 Private Cecil WOOFINDIN

189 Private Henry Frederick WRIGHT

91 Private John WYLLIE

80 Private Rowland Spencer YOUNG


Previous: Boer War - NZ

Next: Boer War - New Zealand, 2nd New Zealand Contingent


Further Reading:

Boer War - New Zealand

Boer War - New Zealand, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War - New Zealand, 1st New Zealand Contingent 

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 9:06 PM EADT
Friday, 28 May 2004
Boer War - New Zealand, 2nd New Zealand Contingent
Topic: BW - NZ

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

New Zealand

2nd New Zealand Contingent


The following Nominal Roll is extracted from the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives. The record of the ten contingents of New Zealand's soldiers in the Boer War are listed in the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives for the years 1900, 1901, and 1902.

The 2nd New Zealand Contingent embarked from Wellington on the SS “Waiwera”, 20 January 1900.


2nd New Zealand Contingent

502 Private William Scott AITKEN

357 Private Robert Hooper ALDWORTH

543 Gunner O ALLEN

522 Private Thomas George ANDERSON

490 Private Frederick Gordon ARMSTRONG

477 Private John Lewis BACON

Lieutenant Harry Cecil BANKS

377 Private Arthur BARNES

476 Private Albert Marr BEATH

374 Private John BEECH

361 Bugler Herbert Henry BELL

511 Private Ernest BENNETT

526 Private Frederick William BERGMAN

454 Private August BIERRE

343 Sergeant D BLAIR

466 Gunner J A BORLASE

450 Private William Robert BOYD

427 Farrier F BRENNAN

314 Private Frederick BROOME

501 Private F P BROWN

322 Farrier Norman Harold BROWN

419 Private R BROWN

503 Private W BUTCHER

423 Saddler Clifford BUTLER

465 Private R G CAMERON

521 Private W CASSIDY

426 Gunner C A M CHAPMAN

412 Gunner W CHAPMAN

525 Private T R CHESTERMAN

467 Gunner C CLARK

330 Quartermaster-sergeant J J CLARK

457 Corporal Charles Edward CLEWS

395 Private W CLOUSTON

460 Private E S COATES

353 Private George Herbert King COLE

513 Private R COLEMAN

494 Gunner John Jenkin COLLIER

507 Private H COLLINS

489 Private J A CONGDON

540 Private J J CONNOLLY

451 Private F W COOK

305 Private C COTTER

Major Montagu CRADOCK

488 Private W CRAFAR

Lieutenant George CRAWSHAW

328 Colour-sergeant C E CROSBIE

349 Corporal H S CURTIS

Captain N L D'ARCY

367 Private James G DAVIDSON

448 Private Albert Benjamin DAVIS

459 Sergeant-major A C DE CARTERET

434 Corporal George DEAN

404 Private Frederick John DELANEY

435 Corporal Rodney DEVEREUX

327 Private Arthur William DUDLEY

323 Sergeant R H F DUMARESQUE

481 Private William Fenton DUNNE

379 Private William George EARLE

518 Sergeant-major H EASTGATE

331 Private John Lewis Spencer ELLIS

378 Private James Mcgregor ELMSLIE

520 Private James Henry ESCOTT

474 Private William Macgregor FARQUHARSON

499 Private Arthur Robert FEAR

Surgeon-captain Percival Clennell FENWICK

538 Armourer J FINDLAY

Lieutenant John FINDLAY

402 Private Henry Alexander FINLAY

304 Sergeant E FITZGERALD

439 Private Harry FITZSIMMONS

468 Gunner Robert James FOREMAN

484 Private Peter Orr FRASER

317 Sergeant R J FRASER

307 Private Tom Murray FREEMAN

321 Colour-sergeant J C FREETH

533 Sergeant J W GARLAND

431 Private Carlin GILL

310 Private Arthur Richard GILLESPIE

376 Private Richard GODFREY

390 Private John GOLDSTONE

504 Private Robert GOLDSTONE

348 Private William Joseph GOODLAND

422 Private James GREIG

508 Private Michael GRIFFIN

391 Private John GRIFFITHS

371 Private John William GRIMES

543 Bugler Leonard GRIMSTONE

483 Saddler David GRINTON

373 Corporal A C HADFIELD

497 Private Michael HALPINE

509 Private Frederick HARCOURT

337 Private Arthur Henry HARRISON

472 Gunner James Devonshire HAWKES

406 Sergeant B S HAY

471 Gunner Edwin John HAYDON

Captain John Turnbull Murray HAYHURST

Lieutenant Arthur Burgoyne HEATHER

414 Private Walter HEIFORD

430 Private Thomas A HEMPTON

445 Private Donald H HENDERSON

339 Private James HENDERSON

358 Sergeant S J HENDERSON

302 Private Job Robinson HESP

510 Private Harry Godfrey HEYWOOD

396 Private William Scott HIGGINSON

398 Private Edric George Arthur HILL

370 Private George HILLIAR

433 Private Albert Henry HOBBS

493 Gunner Willie HODGE

524 Private George HOLDEN

312 Private Leonard HORNE

473 Private Lancelot HUFF

Lieutenant John Edward HUME

Captain Alfred HUTSON

346 Private Thomas John IRWIN

359 Private Robert JACK

477 Private Robert Kail JACKSON

316 Bugler James Arthur JENKINS

394 Private William Aubrey JENNINGS

487 Private Acheson J JONES

334 Corporal Arthur Henry JONES

356 Sergeant V A KELSALL

530 Private Francis James KENDALL

392 Private Ernest KERR

383 Corporal Robert William KIDD

417 Private John Duncan KING

442 Gunner Alfred Thomas KITNEY

375 Private Edward Nairn KNAPP

400 Private Francis Clissold KNUBLEY

336 Private Frank George LAMBERT

515 Private William Harold LAMBERT

463 Private Hans LARSEN

368 Private Charles Thaxter LEONARD

478 Private William Alexander LESLIE

506 Private John Robert LILBURNE

352 Private Brown Henry LLOYD

389 Private Albert Edward LOACH

469 Sergeant D MACDONALD

446 Private Frederick MACHIRUS

311 Gunner Alexander Henry MACTAVISH

433 Gunner John William MALCOLM

333 Farrier Michael MANN

531 Saddler Edward Fox MANNING

387 Private James Robert MARTIN

505 Private Henry MATTHEWS

532 Saddler Andrew Lindsay MCBRIDE

461 Private Colin MCDONALD

452 Farrier-sergeant Francis MCGREGOR

308 Farrier-sergeant Matthew MCKINNEY

384 Private James MEEK

397 Farrier William Mcbeth MILLER

399 Gunner Charles MILROY

363 Gunner John Isaac MOELLER

Lieutenant John Eglinton MONTGOMERIE

500 Private Charles MOODY

425 Private George Vivian MOORE

527 Private James Frederick MORGAN

420 Private Arthur MORRIS

479 Gunner William Crawford MORTON

519 Private Austin MOSS

529 Private Hugh Arthur MOUTRAY-READ

324 Private Michael John MULLUMBY

362 Bugler John Oswald MURRAY

309 Private Ernest Edward NALDER

366 Private James Henry NAYLOR

438 Corporal Frank Frederick NEALE

429 Gunner Albert Ernest NEILSON

401 Private Oscar NEILSON

537 Farrier Herbert NEWCOMBE

329 Corporal Arthur Hugh NORRIS

351 Corporal J J O'DWYER

428 Private Leslie George O'GALLAGHAN

449 Private Arthur John O'NEILL

347 Private John Joseph O'REILLY

403 Private Harold ORME

301 Sergeant C H OVERTON

300 Corporal George Percy OVERTON

384 Private John Henry PARKER

498 Gunner John Sutherland PATTERSON

516 Private William PAUL

325 Private Paul Corliss PETERS

380 Private Thomas William POOLE

303 Corporal Leonard PRICE

496 Private James Whitelaw RAMSAY

386 Sergeant A M REID

315 Private Herbert Thornton RICHARDSON

458 Private Charles Edward ROBBIE

354 Corporal Ernest Edward ROBINSON

432 Gunner Daniel ROSS

306 Private George Arthur ROUNTREE

537 Farrier E RUBICK

319 Sergeant G E SADD

Veterinary-surgeon Charles James SANDERSON

409 Private Harry SCOTT

464 Private Walter SEAVILL

335 Private Phillip Tressillian SHAND

345 Gunner Harold SHEFFIELD

360 Private Edward Bannister SIGNAL

369 Private Andrew SIMSON

480 Private Lionel Eric SMITH

418 Farrier Robert Edward SMITH

495 Gunner William Duncan SMITH

444 Private John Fletcher SMITHSON

Lieutenant Charles Leslie SOMERVILLE

344 Gunner Henry Egerton SOMMERVILLE

410 Private Horace Ernest SOMMERVILLE

455 Private Edward SPENCER

411 Private Walter STACKWOOD

437 Private William Alexander STEPHEN

338 Private John Lawrence STEVENS

393 Corporal W J STEVENS

383 Sergeant C H STREET

539 Private Arthur Douglas STUBBS

341 Private Harry Overton STUCKEY

542 Private Henry SWAINSON

340 Sergeant Francis Bernard SYKE

456 Private Samuel William Frederick TAPLIN

475 Private Alfred John TAYLOR

372 Private Gerald THOMAS

415 Private Arthur Warrington THOMPSON

313 Private Archibald John Stanley THOMSON

421 Private Albert THOREAN

364 Private Daniel P THURSTON

443 Private John Edward THURSTON

Lieutenant Thomas Edward Marr TODD

441 Private William TREVARTHEN

528 Private Richard Henry TROTTER

534 Gunner Anthony Harold TUCKER

350 Gunner Alan TURNBULL

318 Private Francis Morphet TWISLETON

326 Private Arthur John USHER

342 Private Ansley Francis VALENTINE

381 Private John VICKERY

407 Private Henry Bailey WADE

523 Private Charles James WALKER

514 Private John WALLACE

413 Gunner Charles Edward WEST

424 Private Ernest John WEST

355 Private Albert WESTERN

492 Private William Michael WHELAN

485 Private William Henry WHITE

320 Sergeant Alexander Mitchell WIGHTON

440 Private Edward Abraham WIGMORE

365 Private Robert WILLETT

512 Private Herbert George WILLIAMS

482 Private Richard WILSON

482 Farrier Richard WILSON

491 Sergeant William Henry Montague WILSON

408 Private William Hamilton Claude WINDSOR

332 Private George Edward WOOD

462 Private William WORRELL

517 Private John WRIGHT

470 Gunner Thomas Randall WRIGHT

535 Private Frank WYLDE

486 Private William YEWDALL

436 Private Joseph Chamberlain YOUNG


Previous: Boer War - New Zealand, 1st New Zealand Contingent 

Next: Boer War - New Zealand, 3rd New Zealand Contingent


Further Reading:

Boer War - New Zealand

Boer War - New Zealand, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War - New Zealand, 2nd New Zealand Contingent 

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 9:08 PM EADT
Wednesday, 26 May 2004
Boer War - New Zealand, 3rd New Zealand Contingent
Topic: BW - NZ

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

New Zealand

3rd New Zealand Contingent


The following Nominal Roll is extracted from the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives. The record of the ten contingents of New Zealand's soldiers in the Boer War are listed in the Appendix to the New Zealand Journal of the House of Representatives for the years 1900, 1901, and 1902.

The 3rd New Zealand Contingent, was known as the "Rough Riders", embarked from Lyttelton on the SS “Knight Tempar”, 17 February 1900.


3rd New Zealand Contingent

818 Private J L ABSOLOM

620 Private L G D ACLAND

819 Farrier J ALLAN

800 Private J K ALLAN

721 Private J ANDERSON

817 Private J T ANDERSON

720 Private W ANDERSON

820 Private T De Foe BAKER

823 Farrier Sergeant T H BARCLAY

798 Private R C BELL

623 Private H BENNETT

Lieutenant W J BERRY

784 Private F BIRD

768 Private C BLAREMBERG

803 Private M J A BONAR

778 Private W R BONNER

Lieutenant H L BOURNE

621 Private M BOYCE


821 Farrier F T BRADLEY

722 Private W BREMNER

822 Private A BROCKETT

622 Private L W W BROWN

769 Private J BRUCE

773 Private Archibald A BURNE-MURDOCK

624 Private J BUTLER

723 Private J CALDWELL

Lieutenant J CAMERON

805 Private W F CAMERON

629 Private J W CANAVAN

826 Private T CAVANAGH

626 Private A CHAPMAN

636 Private A CHATFIELD


612 Lance Corporal C E CHOLMONDOLEY

824 Private H CLARK

628 Private J A CLARK

627 Private T CLARK

795 Lance Corporal J CLYNES

825 Private L COLLINGE

785 Farrier W C COLVIN

724 Private J CONCHIE

631 Private A C CONE

630 Private A C S COOK

634 Private W H COOKE

632 Private J G G COOPER

804 Private J J COOPER

786 Lance Corporal W COTTERILL

633 Private A COUPLAND

861 Private C CRAIG

635 Private C E CROSS

728 Saddler W DAIS

637 Private H DASHWOOD

829 Private L M DAVIS

828 Private L DAVY

726 Private P A DE LOREE

638 Private G C DERRETT

618 Farrier T C DORN

770 Private G A DOUGALL

727 Private C DRUMMOND

783 Private M DUGGAN

725 Private H V DUIGAN

791 Private Valentine DUNNE

766 Private C DYKE

641 Private E EGGLESTON

639 Saddler W J ELLISON

609 Sergeant C W ENSOR

640 Private E C EVANS


792 Private H J A FOREMAN

807 Private A W FOULDS

642 Private G W FRANKS

729 Private D FRASER

772 Private S A FRASER

782 Private D FULTON

801 Private C D GALWAY

731 Private Frank GARMONDSWAY

799 Private J G GIBSON

733 Private J GILCHRIST

644 Private R O GILL

732 Private D S GLASGOW


765 Lance Corporal J Q GOLDER

803 Private C L GOLDING

730 Private A GOODWIN

808 Private J GORDON

643 Private H C GRAHAM

767 Private E A GUMBLEY

837 Lance Corporal C O HAGENSON

649 Private A HARPER

605 Colour sergeant E HARPER

645 Private H J C HARPER

835 Private E HARRIS

651 Private J W HARRISON

735 Lance Sergeant A P HAWKINS

831 Private W E HAWTHORNE

647 Private J J HEASLEY

832 Private W J HEIFORD

646 Private J HENDERSON

836 Private G W HESLOP

834 Private J HOBSON

648 Lance Sergeant B L HODGSON

742 Private J HOGG

838 Private J C HUGHES

650 Private R S HUGONIN

833 Farrier E A HUMPHRIES

736 Private J A HURRY

734 Private G HYDE

652 Private A J IRELAND

655 Private A E JACKSON

839 Private H JAGO

689 Private C A JEFFREYS

810 Private Gordon JOHNSTONE

809 Private Graham JOHNSTONE

816 Private A JOSEPH

654 Private A H JOSEPH

653 Private H JOWSEY


657 Private T W KELCHER

658 Private J KENNEDY

862 Private J KENNINGTON

600 Private W KIDD

659 Private M P KNIGHT

656 Private A KNUDSON

840 Private E KROGH

719 Sergeant F KRULL

743 Private T R LAMBESS

806 Lance Corporal W E LANGFORD

Lieutenant M LEWIN

793 Private R LLOYD

662 Private W T LOWE

661 Private C LUSK

673 Private A M MACINTOSH

665 Private J MACKAY

776 Private C H MACKINDER

843 Lance Sergeant N L MAIR

841 Private E H MANNING

667 Private H G MANSFIELD

796 Lance Corporal J MARTIN

847 Private B C MCCORMICK

845 Private R MCCULLOCK

846 Lance Sergeant A MCDONALD

671 Private R MCDONALD

802 Private M MCFADZEN

674 Private F MCFARLANE

738 Private A N C MCGONAGLE

740 Private G MCGRAIL

672 Private R MCINTYRE

844 Bugler A H MCLEAN

741 Private F J MCLEAN

739 Private W MCLENNAN

737 Private M MCMULLEN

780 Private T MCWHIRTER

666 Saddler W N MOFFATT

774 Private R MONTGOMERY

744 Private F MOORE

668 Private R W MORRIS

842 Private D F MORRISEY

663 Private T R MOSS

745 Private R MOUNTSEY

669 Private Hugh MUNRO

670 Private F L MURRAY

664 Private J J MURRAY

613 Lance Sergeant H NEAVE

675 Private H NEILL

611 Lance Sergeant E W NELSON

746 Private A NEWCOMBE

676 Private C E NURSE

607 Sergeant V W O'FARRELL

848 Saddler T A OTTEN

718 Lance Corporal W PAGE

679 Private C PARKINSON

850 Sergeant J B M PATON

678 Private Luke PERHAM

747 Private R G PERRAU

848 Private A PETERSEN

812 Private J A B PHILLIP

811 Private M PICKETT

748 Colour sergeant F PLEASANTS

677 Private A PORTER

850 Private E T POULTON

813 Private J POYNTER

771 Private A C PRICE

781 Private E H PRICE

684 Private L M RAINE

787 Private E A D RATHBUN

680 Lance Corporal R R RICHARDS

814 Private R RICHARDSON

852 Private T RICHARDSON

794 Lance Corporal T G A RICHARDSON

681 Private C C ROBERTS

762 Private N D ROBERTSON

Captain J ROSE

608 Regimental quartermaster sergeant A D ROSS

750 Private J ROSS

749 Private D S ROSS

683 Private H R RULE

717 Sergeant F RUSSELL

682 Private F J RYAN

687 Private J W SANSOM

854 Private R G SAXBY

693 Private J A SCOTT

853 Private W SCOTT

686 Private T L SCOTT

688 Private W T SCOTT

691 Private G B SEYMOUR

751 Private R SIMPSON

755 Private R K SIMPSON

695 Private C E SMITH

689 Private D B SMITH

855 Private S H SMITH

690 Private C E SMITH

694 Private R D SMITH

685 Private D SPENCER

754 Private H H STEADMAN

753 Private C STENT

610 Sergeant R STEVENSON

755 Private D STEWART

696 Private M STEWART

752 Private J STEWART

692 Private E H STONE

615 Bugler D STRACHAN

616 Bugler A SYME

856 Private A G TAUBMAN

757 Private A E THEOBALD

614 Bugler J THORN

700 Farrier C TILLYSHORT

698 Private T R TINDALL

699 Private W E TOMLINSON

697 Lance Corporal E B TOSSWILL

Lieutenant F G TUCKER

756 Lance Corporal P L TUDOR

788 Private E UPHAM

701 Lance Corporal R H B UPTON

782 Private R H VALLENCE

758 Private H E VERGETTE

703 Private C F VERNALL

827 Private E O VON DADELZEN

606 Regimental Sergeant Major W T WALKER

779 Private E J WALTER

797 Private W P WALTERS

619 Farrier Sergeant C Y WARD

775 Private J G WARD

790 Private A WARNER

859 Private C WATT

858 Private A T WELLWOOD

707 Private C E WHEELER

760 Private J WHITEMAN

857 Private H T WHITSON

777 Private C WIGGINS

704 Private A A WILCOX

Veterinary Surgeon H C WILKIE

860 Private A G B WILLIAMS

763 Private J WILLIAMS

764 Private B WILLIS

708 Private E WILLIS

617 Lance Corporal C A WILSON

759 Private J G WILSON

815 Private A A WOOD

705 Private H WORSLEY

761 Private J WRIGHT

706 Private G WRIGHT


Previous: New Zealand, 2nd New Zealand Contingent 

Next: Boer War - New Zealand, 4th New Zealand Contingent 


Further Reading:

Boer War - New Zealand

Boer War - New Zealand, Roll of Honour

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Boer War - New Zealand, 3rd New Zealand Contingent 

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 9:12 PM EADT

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