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Thursday, 4 March 2010
Australian Mounted Division, Aus MD, Contents
Topic: AIF - DMC - Aus MD

Aus MD

Australian Mounted Division





This thread gives details as to the formation and operation of the Australian Mounted Division, initially called the Imperial Mounted Division but changed in June and retained that name till the end of the war. Firstly it was shortened to the IMD but later known as the Aus MD when the confusion of capitalisation occurred with two AMD's - the Anazac Mounted Division and Australian Mounted Division. It was formed in February 1917 due to an excess of Brigades in the Anazac Mounted Division. Chauvel was given the option to remove a Brigade and he chose to retain the New Zealand brigade. The 3rd Light Horse Brigade became the senior brigade in the new division.

To view an outline of its history regarding this formation, its emergence and composition, this is detailed in the section on the Australian Light Horse Order of Battle. The full Order of Battle can be viewed at the following link:

Australian Light Horse Order of Battle


Historical Outline

Australian Mounted Division, Aus MD, history.


Individual Units

The individual formations that comprised the Anzac MD were many. Put together at any one time and there was about 7,000 mounted men in the Division. Below is a guide to the individual units.


Australian Mounted Division


3rd Australian Light Horse Brigade

4th Australian Light Horse Brigade

5th Australian Light Horse Brigade

4th Australian Light Horse Regiment
8th Australian Light Horse Regiment

9th Australian Light Horse Regiment

10th Australian Light Horse Regiment

11th Australian Light Horse Regiment

12th Australian Light Horse Regiment

14th Australian Light Horse Regiment

15th Australian Light Horse Regiment

War Diary

The War Diary of this Corps isavailable on the Australian War Memorial Website at this address:

General Staff, Headquarters Imperial Mounted Division

General Staff, Headquarters Australian Mounted Division



First Gaza, Palestine, March 26 to 27, 1917.

Second Gaza, Palestine, April 19, 1917.
El Auja, Palestine, May 23, 1917.
Beersheba, Palestine, October 31, 1917.

Khuweilfe, Palestine, November 1 to 8, 1917.
Tel es Sheria, Palestine, November 7, 1917.
Huj, Palestine, November 8, 1917. 


Es Salt, Palestine, April 30 to May 3, 1918.

Abu Tellul, Palestine, July 14, 1918.

Megiddo, Palestine, September 19 to 21, 1918.
Nablus, Palestine, September 20, 1918.
Semakh, Palestine, September 25, 1918.


The Egyptian Rebellion, Egypt, 13 March to 10 April 1919


Routine Orders

One of the best sources of information available for understanding the immediate challenges facing a regiment is to be found in the Routine Orders. They are a wealth of detail. The Routine Orders provide an unvarnished history of the Regiment.


Roll of Honour

Australian Mounted Division, AMD, Australian and British Forces Roll of Honour

Lest We Forget



Further Reading:

Australian Mounted Division, AMD, AIF

Australian Mounted Division, AMD, Australian and British Forces Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Mounted Division, Aus MD, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Thursday, 10 February 2011 3:45 PM EAST
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Australian Mounted Division, Aus MD, Outline
Topic: AIF - DMC - Aus MD

Aus MD

Australian Mounted Division




The formation of the Aus MD (Australian Mounted Division) began during February 1917, although initially called the (IMD) Imperial Mounted Division. The first units included the
          o 3rd Light Horse Brigade hived off from the Anzac Mounted Division;
          o 4th Light Horse Brigade, reconstituted after having been broken up as reinforcements to Gallipoli in August 1915; and,
          o two British mounted brigades.

The Australian government protested about the name and as a result, the division was renamed the Australian Mounted Division on 20 June 1917 and reflecting its substantial Australian composition. British units were gradually withdrawn except for the artillery, which remained entirely British to the end of the war.

The Imperial Mounted Division first saw action in the First Battle of Gaza in March 1917 and it was heavily engaged in the Second Battle of Gaza in April 1917.

During the Third Battle of Gaza it took part in the charge at Beersheba. Afterward it took part in all major operations that led to the fall of Jerusalem.

In April 1918, the division participated in an invasion of Moab across the Jordan River.

In September 1918, the Australian Mounted Division participated in the final breakthrough known as the Battle of Meggido and engaged in a high speed pursuit to Damascus, which it entered ahead of any other allied troops in October 1918.

Between 19 September 1918 and 3 October 1918 the division captured 31,335 prisoners.



Major General W. Hodgson, from 8 February 1917 to past November 1918.



During the period of campaigning, the Australian Mounted Division suffered the following casualties.

Killed in action - 303

Died of wounds - 108

Total Casualties, 1917-19 -  414



First Gaza, Palestine, March 26 to 27, 1917.

Second Gaza, Palestine, April 19, 1917.
El Auja, Palestine, May 23, 1917.
Beersheba, Palestine, October 31, 1917.

Khuweilfe, Palestine, November 1 to 8, 1917.
Tel es Sheria, Palestine, November 7, 1917.
Huj, Palestine, November 8, 1917. 


Es Salt, Palestine, April 30 to May 3, 1918.

Abu Tellul, Palestine, July 14, 1918.

Megiddo, Palestine, September 19 to 21, 1918.
Nablus, Palestine, September 20, 1918.
Semakh, Palestine, September 25, 1918.


The Egyptian Rebellion, Egypt, 13 March to 10 April 1919


Order of Battle


British Imperial Mounted Division (Egypt, February 1917)

    * Imperial Mounted Division Artillery
          o British 19th Horse Artillery Brigade [16 x 18 pounders]
                + 1/1 Nottingham, 1/1 Berkshire Batteries
                + A and B Batteries, Honourable Artillery Company
                + British 19th Horse Artillery Brigade Ammunition Column
    * Imperial Mounted Division Engineers
          o Imperial Field Squadron
                + 3rd, 4th Field Troops
                + British 6th, 7th Field Troops
          o Imperial Signal Squadron
    * Imperial Mounted Division Medical Services
          o 3rd, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulances
          o British 1/1, 1/2 South Midlands Mounted Brigade Field Ambulances
          o 8th Sanitary Section

3rd Australian Light Horse Brigade
8th Australian Light Horse Regiment
9th Australian Light Horse Regiment
10th Australian Light Horse Regiment

(Victoria; Victoria and South Australia; Western Australia)

o 3rd Machinegun Squadron [12 x Vickers machine guns]

          o 3rd Signal Troop

4th Australian Light Horse Brigade
4th Australian Light Horse Regiment
11th Australian Light Horse Regiment
12th Australian Light Horse Regiment
(Victoria; Queensland and South Australia; New South Wales)

          o 4th Machinegun Squadron [12 x Vickers machine guns]
          o 4th Signal Troop
    * British 5th Mounted Brigade
          o 1/1 Warwickshire Yeomanry,1/1 Gloucester Hussars, 1/1 Worcestershire Yeomanry
          o British 16th Machinegun Squadron [12 x Vickers machine guns]
    * British 6th Mounted Brigade
          o 1/1 Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars,1/1 Queens Own Dorsetshire Yeomanry, 1/1 Berkshire Yeomanry
          o British 17th Machinegun Squadron [Vickers machine guns]
    * Imperial Mounted Division Train
          o 3rd, 4th Supply Sections
          o 27th Depot Unit of Supply
    * Imperial Mounted Division Veterinary Services
          o 8th, 9th Mobile Veterinary Sections
          o British 3/1, 4/1 South Midlands Mobile Veterinary Sections

Australian Mounted Division (Palestine, August 1917)

    * Australian Mounted Division Artillery
          o British 19th Horse Artillery Brigade [18 x 18 pounders]
                + British 1/1 Nottingham Battery
                + British A and B Batteries, Honourable Artillery Company
                + British 19th Horse Artillery Brigade Ammunition Column
    * Australian Mounted Division Engineers
          o 2nd Field Squadron
          o 2nd Signal Squadron
    * Australian Mounted Division Medical Services
          o 3rd, 4th Light Horse Field Ambulances
          o British 1/1 South Midlands Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance
          o 8th Sanitary Section

3rd Australian Light Horse Brigade
8th Australian Light Horse Regiment
9th Australian Light Horse Regiment
10th Australian Light Horse Regiment

(Victoria; Victoria and South Australia; Western Australia)

          o 3rd Machine Gun Squadron [12 x Vickers machine guns]
          o 3rd Signal Troop

4th Australian Light Horse Brigade
4th Australian Light Horse Regiment
11th Australian Light Horse Regiment
12th Australian Light Horse Regiment
(Victoria; Queensland and South Australia; New South Wales)

          o 4th Machine Gun Squadron [12 x Vickers machine guns]
          o 4th Signal Troop
    * British 5th Mounted Brigade
          o British 1/1 Warwickshire Yeomanry,1/1 Gloucester Hussars, 1/1 Worcestershire Yeomanry
          o British 19th Machinegun Squadron [12 x Vickers machine guns]
          o British 6th Signal Troop
    * Australian Mounted Division Train
          o 35th, 36th, 37th, 38th Australian Army Service Corps Companies
          o 27th Depot Unit of Supply
    * Australian Mounted Division Veterinary Services
          o 8th, 9th Mobile Veterinary Sections
          o British 3/1 South Midlands Mobile Veterinary Section

Australian Mounted Division (Palestine, July 1918)

    * Australian Mounted Division Artillery
          o British 19th Horse Artillery Brigade [18 x 13 pounders]
                + British 1/1 Nottingham Battery
                + A and B Batteries, Honourable Artillery Company
                + British 19th Horse Artillery Brigade Ammunition Column
    * Australian Mounted Division Engineers
          o 2nd Field Squadron
          o 2nd Signal Squadron
    * Australian Mounted Division Medical Services
          o 3rd, 4th, 5th Light Horse Field Ambulances
          o 8th Sanitary Section

3rd Australian Light Horse Brigade
8th Australian Light Horse Regiment
9th Australian Light Horse Regiment
10th Australian Light Horse Regiment

(Victoria; Victoria and South Australia; Western Australia)

          o 3rd Machine Gun Squadron [12 x Vickers machine guns]

          o 3rd Signal Troop

4th Australian Light Horse Brigade
4th Australian Light Horse Regiment
11th Australian Light Horse Regiment
12th Australian Light Horse Regiment
(Victoria; Queensland and South Australia; New South Wales)
          o 4th Machine Gun Squadron [12 x Vickers machine guns]
          o 4th Signal Troop
5th Australian Light Horse Brigade
14th Australian Light Horse Regiment
15th Australian Light Horse Regiment
o French 1er Regiment Mixte de Cavalerie Du Lavant

          o New Zealand 2nd Machine Gun Squadron [12 x Vickers machine guns]
          o 5th Signal Troop
    * Australian Mounted Division Train
          o 35th, 36th, 37th, 38th Australian Army Service Corps Companies
          o 27th Depot Unit of Supply
    * Australian Mounted Division Veterinary Services
          o 8th, 9th, 10th Mobile Veterinary Sections


Further Reading:

Australian Mounted Division, AMD, AIF

Australian Mounted Division, AMD, Australian and British Forces Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Mounted Division, Aus MD, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Thursday, 10 February 2011 3:43 PM EAST
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Australian Mounted Division, AMD, Australian and British Forces Roll of Honour
Topic: AIF - DMC - Aus MD


Australian Mounted Division

Roll of Honour

Australian and British Forces

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men from Australia and Britain who are known to have served at one time with the Australian Mounted Division and gave their lives in service of this Division, either Dying of Wounds or Killed in Action as a result of their involvement in combat.


Roll of Honour


Arthur Henry ADAMS, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Arthur John ADAMS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Martin Chicheley ALBRIGHT, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Died of Wounds, 8 November 1917

Charles ALEXANDER, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 12 November 1917

George ALEXANDER, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

William Arthur Francis ALLAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

Jack ALLEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 1 December 1917

Thomas Farmer ALLEN, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

William Robert ALLEN, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

John Clyde ALLISON, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Robert Graham ANDERSON, 1st/1st Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 12 November 1917

Hans Edward ANDREASEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

Alfred ARNOLD, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

William Walter ASH, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 3 December 1917

John Henry ASHER, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 31 October 1917

Tasman ATKIN, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 1 May 1918

Ernest Edward AUSTIN, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917


Percy Howard BADCOCK, 1st/1st Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

William Harold BAIN, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 14 November 1917

Charles BAKER, Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 12 November 1917

William Matthew BAKER, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Died of Wounds, 1 December 1917

Francis Edward BARNETT, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 20 April 1917

Edward Victor BARROW, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

James William BARRY, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 1 May 1918

Owen Cressy BARRY, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

William Thomas Henry BARRY, Berkshire Yeomanry, Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917

Harry Cyril BASTOW, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Ronald BATES, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 April 1918

John William BAXTER, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 7 November 1917

Kenneth Anthony BAYLIS, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 12 November 1917

Ernest William BAYLISS, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Harold Thomas BELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

William Robert BELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 1 December 1917

Richard John BELLAMY, 1st/1st Berkshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 21 April 1917

Frederick Rubon BENHAM, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Bernard Charles BENNETT, 1st/1st Dorset Yeomanry (Queen's Own), Killed in Action, 4 May 1917

Keith Clarence BENNETT, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

Thomas Albert BENNETT, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 11 November 1917

Lewis Richard BERRYMAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Lawrence BERWICK, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance, Killed in Action, 4 May 1917

Reginald Allan BIRCHENOUGH, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Walter Lewis BISHOP, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 9 October 1918

James BLACK, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 12 November 1917

Robert BLACK, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 3 November 1917

Lancelot Charles BLACKALL, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 1 December 1917

Edward Thomas BLAKE, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 1 May 1918

William BLOOMFIELD, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 12 November 1917

Martin Petrie BLUNDELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 23 April 1917

Gilbert John BLYTHMAN, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 22 April 1917

Joseph BOND, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

John William BOURNE, 1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Reginald William BRINSMEAD, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

William BROWNEY, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 8 May 1918

Charles BRYANT, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 14 July 1918

Frederick James BUCHAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 22 December 1917

Archibald Edward BULLER, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 20 April 1917

William Henry BULLMAN, 1st/1st Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars, Died of Wounds, 31 May 1917

James Thomas BUNEGAR, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Leslie Stuart BURNISTON, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 14 July 1918

Albert BURROWS, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 1 December 1917


Edwin George Rutherford CAIRNS, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 22 April 1917

Frank Banister CAMPBELL, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917

Albert CARD, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Frederick Michael CARNEY, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Douglas CARRINGTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 4 May 1917

John Ernest CHAPMAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 20 April 1917

Allan Patrick CHRISTENSEN, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 11 February 1917

Ernest Richard CHRISTIE, A Squadron 1st/1st Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars, Died of Wounds, 1 June 1917

Ernest CLARKE, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Died of Wounds, 8 May 1918

Edward Randolph CLEAVER, 3rd Light Horse Brigade Headquarters, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Edward James CLEMENTS, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance, Killed in Action, 4 May 1917

John COATES, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Died of Wounds, 9 May 1918

Harry (Izod) COLDICOTT, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 23 April 1917

George COLEMAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 1 November 1917

Francis Aloysius CONNOLLY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 6 May 1917

James COOK, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Albert Edward COOPER, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Albert John Benjamin COOPER, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Harry COOPER, Warwickshire Yeomanry, Died of Wounds, 4 November 1917

Alfred CORK, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 4 May 1918

William Frederick COX, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Died of Wounds, 20 April 1917

William Edwin CROCKETT, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Michael Parnel CRONIN, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 4 May 1918

Norman Russell CROUCH, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Patrick Augustine CROWE, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

Frederick CRUTCHLEY, Queen's Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917

Harold Nesbit CUMMINS, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917


Lawrence E DABBS, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Died of Wounds, 15 November 1917

George DARE, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 12 November 1917

Allan Vincent DARGAVEL, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Perry Thomas DAVIS, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 10 November 1917

Robert DELANEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 29 December 1917

Harold George DENLEY, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Died of Wounds, 8 November 1917

Francis James DENNIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 3 May 1918

John Edward DEVITT, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Daryl James Gilchrist DODDS, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 12 November 1917

Geoffrey Hardwick DODSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 May 1917

Alexander DONALDSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 12 November 1917

William DONALDSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 31 October 1917

Arthur William DORE, D Squadron 1st/1st Berkshire Yeomanry, Died of Wounds, 6 May 1917

Alexander Mark DOWNIE, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917

Leo DUCKMANTON, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

William George DUGUID, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 11 April 1918

William James DUNBAR, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

John Denis DUNN, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 6 November 1917

Patrick Bernard DWYER, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 6 November 1917

John James DYER, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917


Francis Thomas EACOTT, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 21 April 1917

Henry John EATON, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 4 July 1917

George EDDINGTON, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

John Vaughan EDWARDS, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 12 November 1917

John Wesley EDWARDS, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Rupert Harry Adams EDWARDS, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Thomas William EDWARDS, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 20 May 1917

James EGAN, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 August 1918

Walter ELDRIDGE, Berkshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Frederick Bertram ELLIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917

Herbert Pearce ELLIS, B Squadron Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Died of Wounds, 1 December 1917

Cuthbert ELSDON, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 4 May 1918

Clifford Ward EMERY, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 1 May 1918

William EMMERT, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 1 November 1917

Thomas ERRINGTON, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 March 1918

Arthur Leslie EVANS, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 March 1918


Frederick Garnet FARLOW, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 12 November 1917

Henry Harry FARR, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 9 November 1917

Frederick Roland FAULKNER, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

George FAY, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance, Killed in Action, 22 August 1918

Cyril John Alfred FLYNN, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 1 November 1917

William Bateman FORSTER, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 7 November 1917

John Walter FRANCIS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

John James GALLAGHER, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 March 1918

William John GARDNER, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Alfred Joseph GARRATT, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

Norman William GATES, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance, Killed in Action, 21 May 1918

Cecil GERMAIN, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 10 November 1917

Hugh GILLIES, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 1 December 1917

Arthur GILLIGAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 28 March 1918

Lucas Joseph Paul GOLIK, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 17 November 1917

Alick Ferguson GOODE, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 9 October 1918

David GORDON, 1st/1st Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Died of Wounds, 5 November 1917

Allan George GOYDER, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 9 May 1917

Walton Robert GRAYSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Stephen GREELEY, Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Edward GREEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 1 December 1917

Walter Neil GRIFFIN, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Cecil Harcourt GROVE, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Arthur Reginald GUNSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 31 March 1918

Herbert Henry GYLER, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917


George Joseph HAAG, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

William HAINS, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 4 May 1918

John Albert HARRELL, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 2 May 1918

Reginald HARRINGTON, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 5 December 1917

Albert Victor HARRISON, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Albert Harris HARVEY, 14th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

Herbert William HARWOOD, Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Harold HEATH, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 15 May 1918

Austin James HEITHERSAY, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 2 May 1918

Herbert James HENRY, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 March 1918

Elidye John Bernard HERBERT, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, attached to 19TH Machine Gun Squadron, Killed in Action, 12 November 1917

Havelock HIGGS, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 10 November 1917

Dennis HILL, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Cecil Thomas HILLS, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Oliver Ashover HIND, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Guy HOOPER, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 1 May 1918

Harold Walter HORNBY, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 2 April 1918

Roy William HUDSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 12 April 1919

James John HULL, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 7 November 1917

Albert Wilson HUNDY, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Died of Wounds, 9 November 1917

Herbert William HUNT, 1st/1st Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Died of Wounds, 5 November 1917

William Irvine HUTCHINSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 March 1918


Aubrey John JACKSON, Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Claude Henry JACKSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 28 March 1918

Arthur Lethero JAMES, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Trevor William JAMES, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Died of Wounds, 20 April 1917

John Malcolm JAMIESON, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 10 April 1918

Eric James JARRETT, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917

John JOHNSTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 November 1917

Stanley McGillivray JOHNSTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 19 November 1917

Harry Harold JONES, Berkshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 24 August 1917

Keith David JONES, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 November 1917

Reginald Raymond JONES, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 12 May 1918

Jesse JORDAN, Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Alfred James JURY, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917


George Whiting KELLY, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Edward Charles KENDRICK, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

John Joseph KENNEDY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

John Joseph KENNY, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917

Cameron Harries KERR, Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

William Edward KERRIGAN, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 3 November 1917

Thomas Harold KIMPTON, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 27 November 1917

Charles David KING, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Sidney Lloyd KING, A Squadron 1st/1st Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars, Killed in Action, 31 May 1917

Adolph KLAR, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

Ernest Hyalman KORTMAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 1 May 1918

William Henry Hayes KYTE, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917


Alfred James LAKE, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 18 November 1917

Robert William LAKIN, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 4 May 1918

Leonard James LAMBERT, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Leslie Reed LANGTRY, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Alfred LAWTON, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 10 May 1918

John William LEADER, Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars, Died of Wounds, 20 April 1917

Albert Emmanuel LEE, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 11 April 1918

William James LEE, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 20 April 1917

Claude Edward LEWIS, 1st/1st Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Died of Wounds, 24 June 1918

John LINDON, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Died of Wounds, 12 November 1917

Timothy Michael LINEHAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

Richard Bright LITCHFIELD, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 3 June 1918

Henry LITTLE, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 7 November 1917

Joseph Alfred LITTLEHALES, Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Died of Wounds, 14 November 1917

William Horace LLOYD, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

Andrew Anderson LOUDEN, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 28 March 1918

Cecil Flinders LUCAS, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 23 April 1917

Charles Hugh LYON, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 July 1918


Clement MAHONEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 2 May 1918

Albert Frederick MALTRAVERS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 5 June 1918

George Noble MANN, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 2 June 1919

John Henry MANTON, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Died of Wounds, 28 April 1917

Robert MANUEL, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 3 May 1918

Clifford Roy MARR, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 23 November 1917

George Henry MARSH, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 27 September 1918

Charles MARTIN, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 April 1918

William John MARTIN, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Died of Wounds, 5 November 1917

Ernest MATTHEWS, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 22 April 1917

Joseph Henry MATTHEWS, Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Christopher Alfred MAUSOLF, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917

Leslie Cecil MAYGAR VC, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Reginald Edward MAYWOOD, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 4 May 1917

William McBURNIE, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 16 November 1917

James Joseph McCAGUE, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 17 April 1917

William Alexander McCAREY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 11 December 1917

Clarence James McCARRON, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

Michael Henry McCARTHY, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917

Lionel Oscar McCRAE, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 10 April 1918

Duncan Campbell McDOUGALL, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Herbert McGILL, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Stephen Percival McGINTY, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

William Hutchison McINTOSH, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Norman Joseph McKAY, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Brian McKENNA, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 2 May 1918

William Fraser McKERROW, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 14 December 1917

John McLEOD, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 20 April 1917

Angus McMASTER, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 8 May 1918

Peter McMILLAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 7 June 1918

Provo William MEDHURST, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

Harry George MENZIES, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 20 April 1917

Benjamin Peter George MEREDITH, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917

Charles Robert METHVEN, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 April 1918

Ernest William MILLARD, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917

William Casper MILLER, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 7 November 1917

Charles Leslie MITCHELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 2 May 1918

George Henry MITCHELL, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 2 November 1917

Sydney Newman MITCHELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917

Harold MOORE, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 1 July 1917

Leslie MOORE, 1st/1st Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Frederick Richard MORGAN, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 29 September 1918

Robert Herbert MORLEY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917

Arthur Oliver MORRELL, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 13 October 1918

Donald James MORRISON, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 6 October 1918

William Gordon MORRISSEY, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 29 March 1918

Ralph James MORTIMER, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 14 July 1918

Kenneth Andrew MUDGE, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917

Marcus Bowerman MUIR, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 31 October 1917

Sydney Roy MULDOON, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Duncan Victor MULHOLLAND, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Alexander George Roderick MUNRO, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Albert John MURRAY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 3 August 1917


Arthur William NAGLE, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

James NASH, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917

William Foxwell NASH, 1st/1st Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 26 March 1917

George NEILSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 27 June 1917

Ernest Henry NETHERBY, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 1 December 1917

William NETTLETON, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

August Charles Frederick NEUMANN, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Gilbert NORRIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Michael NUSS, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 7 November 1917


Ronald Ewan O'BRIEN, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Peter Matthew O'DOWD, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 1 November 1917

Roy OERMANN, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

Timothy James O'NEILL, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 7 November 1917

Joseph Lionel Alexander OSBORNE, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 10 November 1917


Percy George PAGET, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 2 May 1918

Ralph Lishman PALETHORPE, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Frederick William PARKER, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 28 September 1918

William PATCHETT, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Died of Wounds, 14 November 1917

Harry Beckett PATERSON, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 27 April 1917

Albert Thomas PAXTON, Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

John Eric PEARSON, B Squadron 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 2 November 1917

Maurice James PENSON, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Sidney Arthur PERRY, Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Victor Charles PERRY, D Squadron 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Charles Oxley PIESSE, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

George Frederick PLUMMER, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Frederick POND, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Claude POWELL, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 13 November 1917

Frederick James POWELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 16 July 1918

William George PURVIS, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 24 April 1917


John Thain RAMSAY, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

Richard Thomas RANDALL, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 28 August 1918

Thomas Alexander RANKIN, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 7 November 1917

George Edward RATHJEN, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 2 November 1917

Frederick William REDMAN, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 1 June 1918

Michael Steveard REIDY, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 19 July 1918

John REINEKE, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 27 April 1917

John Thomas REYNOLDS, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 8 November 1917

Rupert REYNOLDS, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 20 April 1917

Edward RICHARDSON, Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 2 May 1918

William Ernest RICHTER, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 September 1918

Eric Bertram RIDGWAY, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 2 May 1918

Frederick Rowland RIGBY, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917

Kelvin ROACH, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

Arthur Frank ROBERTS, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 30 April 1918

Richard George ROBINSON, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

Stanley Oswald ROBINSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 7 November 1917

Richard Louis Stanford ROGERS, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 11 April 1918

James ROSS, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Richard Calo ROSS, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 25 May 1918

Dedrich ROZENFELD, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 3 October 1918

James RUSHTON, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918


Edmond Herbert SACKETT, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 2 May 1918

John James SAINSBURY, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Ernest James SAMMONS, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917

Harold SAMUELS, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

Frank Leslie SCHUYLER, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

Alan Robertson SCOTT, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Alexander Charles SCOTT, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Andrew SCOTT, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 3 May 1918

Ernest Herbert SCOTT, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 10 July 1918

William Royal SELKIRK, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Leslie Raymond SELLERS, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 11 April 1918

Patrick SEXTON, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

William Henry SHADFORTH, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

Arthur Edward SHEPPARD, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Died of Wounds, 5 May 1918

Thomas Patrick SHINE, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 July 1918

Charles John SHRIEVE, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 11 November 1917

James Haining SINCLAIR, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 8 May 1918

Alfred John SMITH, 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance, Killed in Action, 2 November 1917

Clifford SMITH, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 22 October 1917

Cyril Gordon SMITH, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 June 1917

Frederick Arthur SMITH, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 28 March 1918

John William SMITH, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Thomas William SMITH, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 18 March 1919

Keith Dawson SPEERING, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 April 1918

Frederick William SPRULES, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Wallace STACEY, 1st/1st Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

Hartley James STEWART, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 September 1918

Sydney John STEWART, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

John Thomas STILL, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 July 1918

Gerald Cunliffe STONES, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Alfred Thomas STUCHBERY, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Richard SWALE, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Sydney Louis SWIFT, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 23 September 1918


Eric Fullerton TAIT, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Eric Darcy TAPFIELD, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 26 September 1918

Phillip Stanley TATNELL, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 4 November 1917

James Raymond TAYLOR, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917

Richard TAYLOR, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 7 November 1917

Thomas Henry TAYLOR, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 1 December 1917

William TAYLOR, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 November 1917

William Fairbairn TEMPLE, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917

Charles Vivian THOMAS, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

John Arthur THOMSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 7 November 1917

Arthur THURLOW, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

Stephen John TOMKINS, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

Francis Herbert TRUBODY, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 2 May 1918

Percy Oswald TRUMAN, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

George Thomas TURNER, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 4 June 1918

John Hawkins TURNER, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 8 November 1917

George Reginald TYRRELL, Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 4 November 1917


Rudolf VALINTINE, 1st Squadron Warwickshire Yeomanry, Died of Wounds, 12 November 1917

Reginald Beavis VICKERY, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Died of Wounds, 8 November 1917


John Mercer WALKER, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 April 1918

William WALLACE, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 April 1918

Walter Arthur WALLER, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 21 April 1917

Charles Henry WARD, A Squadron 1st/1st Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 29 May 1917

William Charles WARD, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 13 October 1917

Rowland William WATERS, Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

William Gilroy WATSON, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 April 1918

Alfred WATT, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 14 July 1918

William Victor WEABER, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

Alfred Charles WEAVER, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 30 September 1918

Robert Henry WEIR, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Ernest Walter WESTON, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Harold Wensley WETHERELL, 1st/1st Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 26 March 1917

Roy Albert WHEATON, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 11 May 1918

Thomas Henry WHEELER, Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 9 January 1917

Clifford Knapsey WHEELINS, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917

John WHEILDON, Warwickshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

William George Phillips WHILDON, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917

Frank Issac WHITE, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 30 March 1918

Irwin Munro WHITFIELD, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 4 May 1917

John WHORTON, Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 30 April 1918

Charles Calliope WILEY, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 17 November 1917

Henry John WILLIAMS, 4th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 2 May 1918

Percy Ellis WILLIAMS, 1st/1st Queen’s Own Worcestershire Hussars (Worcester Yeomanry), Killed in Action, 12 November 1917

Harold John WILLS, Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars, Killed in Action, 24 August 1917

Alexander WILSON, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917

Francis Ernest WILSON, 10th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Alfred Edward WILTSHIRE, D Squadron Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 12 November 1917

Philip WOLLEN, 1st Royal Gloucestershire Hussars, Killed in Action, 12 November 1917

Dougald WOODHOUSE, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 25 September 1918

Frank Bernard Martin WOODNUTT, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 10 April 1918

Alexander Robertson WRIGHT, 8th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 3 May 1918

Thomas Stanley WRIGHT, 9th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 6 November 1917

Philip Musgraven WROUGHTON, 1st/1st Berkshire Yeomanry, Killed in Action, 19 April 1917

Cedric WYNDHAM, 12th Light Horse Regiment, Killed in Action, 31 October 1917


Herbert YOUNG, 11th Light Horse Regiment, Died of Wounds, 19 April 1917


Lest We Forget


Acknowledgement: Many thanks to Steve Becker who provided much of the raw material that appears in this item.


Further Reading:

Australian Mounted Division, AMD, AIF

Australian Mounted Division, AMD, Australian and British Forces Roll of Honour

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: Australian Mounted Division, AMD, Australian and British Forces Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Friday, 11 February 2011 9:22 AM EAST
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
The First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917, Imperial Mounted Division, Chetwode and Hodgson letter of thanks
Topic: AIF - DMC - Aus MD

The First Battle of Gaza

Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917

Imperial Mounted Division, Chetwode and Hodgson letter of thanks

Imperial Mounted Division, Chetwode and Hodgson letter of thanks.


The following is a transcription of Chetwode and Hodgson letter of thanks from the War Diary of the 3rd Light Horse Brigade detailing its role at the First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917.


General Officers Commanding:

5th Mounted Brigade

6th Mounted Brigade

3rd Australian Light Horse Brigade

Commander Royal Artillery

Officer Commanding Signal Squadron

Officer Commanding Field Squadron

The following is an extract from a letter from General Chetwode for your information:

Will you express to all ranks under your command my admiration of their splendid behaviour before the enemy. It was no light task to delay the advance of greatly superior hostile forces throughout one while day on a front of nearly 12 miles, and at the tame time to be able to put in a strong attack by two Brigades to assist the Infantry in their attack on Gaza. Two hours more daylight would have enabled the cavalry to finish the job, and it must have been most disheartening to your men after such a fine effort to have the prize snatched from their grasp by darkness.

The harder the task I give to the mounted troops of the Desert Column the better they carry it out and no man could wish to command finer troops.

I wish to add my gratitude and admiration fo the fighting qualities of the troops of the Division which was displayed on the 26th. Though the Division could not share in the brilliant exploits of the Australian and New Zealanders at Gaza, the task they had to perform of keeping off largely superior forces and the manner in which this task was carried out, so that the enemy advance of more than double our numbers was held up all day, made me realise what a fine fighting instrument the Imperial Mounted Division is, and made me proud to be the leader of such troops.

I should like all ranks to know my admiration of their fighting qualities, and my gratitude to them for the willing and cheerful spirit which animated them throughout the recent operations.

HW Hodgson
Major General
Commanding Imperial Mounted Division
30 March 1917


War Diaries

All War Diaries cited on this site should be read in conjunction with the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy which may be accessed at:

Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy 



Further Reading:

Australian Mounted Division, AMD, AIF

Australian Mounted Division, AMD, Australian and British Forces Roll of Honour

The First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917

The First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917, Allied Forces, Roll of Honour

The Palestine Campaign, 1917 - 1918

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917, Imperial Mounted Division, Chetwode and Hodgson letter of thanks

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Saturday, 19 February 2011 8:35 AM EAST
The First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917, Imperial Mounted Division, Report on Operations
Topic: AIF - DMC - Aus MD

The First Battle of Gaza

Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917

Imperial Mounted Division, Report on Operations

Imperial Mounted Division, Report on Operations.


The following is the Report on Operations from the War Diary of the Imperial Mounted Division detailing its role at the First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917.


Desert Column

Report on operations by Imperial Mounted Division 25th, 26th and 27th March 1917.

The Division concentrated on the North West of Deir el Belah about 1930 night 25th-26th March.

Orders for following days operations were issued to preparations of Units at 2000. The Division bivouacked north west of Deir el Belah and left the bivouac at 0300 via the western outskirts of Deir el Belah.

Owing to late arrival of the Division it was impossible to reconnoitre this route by daylight and some difficulty was experienced in getting clear of the cultivated enclosures in the vicinity of the village.

The Division passed across the Wadi Ghuzze in rear of the Australian and New Zealand Mounted Division and on reaching El Mendur about 0930 it passed through the main body of the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade.

From El Mendur the following dispositions were ordered:-

4 Officers Patrols were sent out as follows:

(a) to reconnoitre the Turkish line about Khirbit El Baha and if found unoccupied to go as close to Abu Hareira and observe the south. The patrol to remain there and return to Divisional Headquarters by 1500.

(b) To turn the Khirbit el Baha to Tel el Sheria as possible, to observe the roads leading north and west from that place. To return to Divisional Headquarters and report at 1600.

(c) A patrol to the railway about Abu Zuheilika to observe any railway movement, destroy and telephone lines or telegraph lines he might come across. To report to Divisional Headquarters at 1600.

(d) An Officer's Patrol to Huj to report on any movements from that place. To return and report about 1600.

The first 3 patrols were all by parties of mounted troops supported by bodies of Infantry.

The 4th Patrol did excellent work keeping close touch with the enemy column from Huj from 1310 till he drew back in action at 1600.

After crossing the head of the Wadi el Mendur, 2 Squadrons of the 5th Brigade pushed out towards Khirbit el Baha astride the Gaza - Saba Road and one Squadron pushed up towards Huj to gain contact with the right of teh Australian and New Zealand Mounted Division. This Regiment was in action with enemy mounted troops supported by small bodies of Infantry throughout the day.

A successful little mounted action was carried out during the morning when one troop galloped up to a small Turkish post and took 67 prisoners without loss. Of these 45 were unarmed.

General Officer Commanding 5th Mounted Brigade at 1100 considered the Infantry before him were becoming more active so brought his guns into action against the Infantry on the Khirbit el Jhindy ridge. The guns fired slowly and the infantry showed no intention of advancing further but a large calibre gun firing at long range opened an accurate fire on our guns and led horses. The battery was forced to change its position and a few casualties were inflicted on horses and men.

 The mistake of opening fire with guns on a small target at this point was soon made apparent, as the enemy continued shelling the ridges where the 5th Brigade were operating throughout the day at regular intervals and the movement of enemy troops was considerably more active. The role of observation only which was particularly impressed on all commanders at the Divisional Commanders Conference the previous evening did not appear to have been appreciated by the General Officer Commanding 5th Mounted Brigade.

At 1200 a deserter from Gaza gave himself up in our lines and gave a considerable amount of information regarding the enemy troops there, including the fact that help had been wirelessed for from Jemmama at 1000. At 1310 a message was received from Huj patrol stating that considerable activity was apparent on the roads leading north and east from Tel el Sheria. At this time 1400 orders were received from Desert Column for the Australian and New Zealand Mounted Division to assist the Infantry in the attack on Gaza while the Imperial Mounted Division took over the covering screen.

The Imperial Camel Corps Brigade moving to its left to support the right of the Imperial Mounted Division. The Imperial Mounted Division was then placed under orders of the Australian and New Zealand Mounted Division Commander.

At 1430 orders were received from General Officer Commanding Anzac Mounted Division to take over the following posts:-

1 Troop 2 miles east of Beit Durdis watching Huj.
1 Squadron watched Nejed.
1 Squadron at Deir Sineid.

The 3rd Light horse Brigade was also ordered to join the Anzac Mounted Division. Orders were issued to General Officer Commanding 6th Mounted Brigade to send out the necessary detachments to a relief of the above mentioned posts.

To the 5th Mounted Brigade to leave a protective detachment keeping touch with the Camel Corps Brigade on his right and the 6th Mounted Brigade Huj detail on his left.

To General Officer Commanding 3rd Light Horse Brigade to join the Anzac Mounted Division.

Divisional Headquarters moved to a ridge about ½ mile west of Beit Durdis. While the above detachments were proceeding between 1445 and 1515 to take up their positions and relief the respective detachments from Anzac Mounted Division messages were received from Huj. Officers Patrol reporting the presence of enemy columns advancing rapidly in the direction of Gaza. These messages had had to be sent in by mounted orderly it being impossible to send a signalling detachment with a small patrol whose mission was to observe without attracting attention, but information and the manner in which the Officer Commanding handled his patrol was both all that could be done and the conduct of this officer as worthy of special notice.

While the relief of the Anzac Mounted Divisional Patrols was being effected the enemy advances from Jemmama became suddenly pronounced and before the detachments could get into position they were in action with the advancing forces who were forcing back the Anzac Mounted Divisional Posts from the crest of Hill 405 which they were holding.

Lieutenant Colonel Wigan, DSO, with two Squadrons and 1 Troop 1/1st Berkshire Yeomanry then took over command of the action on this front. It was impossible to relieve the detachments of the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade at that time so Colonel Wiggan placed his own troops in the line and assisted in their delaying action, at the same time sending back detailed information regarding the strength and line of advance of the enemy who had up to then shown only Infantry and Mounted troops with Machine Guns.

Seeing the situation at this point was becoming critical the General Officer Commanding ordered up the whole of the 6th Mounted Brigade including the Berkshire Battery.

Unfortunately, a good supply of water had just been discovered and the Brigade were watering. So there was some small delay i the start and before they could come to Colonel Wiggan's support the enemy had pushed back his detachments over the crest of Hill 405 and occupied it. This was about 1715.

The action with the 6th Mounted Brigade developed very quickly and the General Officer Commanding Anzac Mounted Division sent the 3rd Light Horse Brigade less the 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment to operate on General Pitt's left between Hill 405 and the Deir Sineid Road.

The handling of this Brigade was notable for its quickness and also for the manner in which the General Officer Commanding seized on to the salient features of the country and utilized them to excellent advantage. There was no doubt that General Royston's quickness in preparing the value of the high hill north west of Hill 405 enabled the 6th Mounted Brigade to hold on to the line to which he was forced back and which would otherwise have been untenable. This movement brought the Nottinghamshire Battery into action on the left of the 6th Mounted Brigade and the Berkshire Battery was in action in the centre. Both these batteries did excellent work, the Nottinghamshire Battery being able to enfilade the Infantry advancing directly against the 6th Mounted Brigade and doing considerable damage. The situation became serious when more enemy guns (6 were already in action) arrived and enfiladed the Berkshire Battery whose position became untenable and they were forced to withdraw.

It was, however, nearly dark (1830) so their withdrawal was not perceived by the enemy who made no attempt to push on, but remained in possession of Hill 405. The 3rd Light Horse Brigade less 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment, were on the left with the Nottinghamshire Battery covering the Deir Sineid - Gaza Road.

The 6th Mounted Brigade was in a hollow in the centre about 1½ miles north from Beit Durdis, the 5th Mounted Brigade echeloned back on their right. This at the time was unknown to the Divisional Commander who had ordered back the 5th Mounted Brigade to Headquarters leaving Squadrons out to link up with the Imperial Camel Corps Brigade on the right and the 6th Mounted Brigade on the left. This order was apparently not received.

Unfortunately touch with the 5th Mounted Brigade had been lost during the move of Divisional Headquarters from Khirbit er Reseim to Beit Durdis and was never regained till about 2000. This loss of touch with the 5th Mounted Brigade and the withdrawal of the 3rd Light Horse Brigade together with the natural inclination of all the protective detachments to meet the enemy's main attack, left a considerable gap between the right of the 6th Mounted Brigade and the left of the 5th Mounted Brigade.

At 1800 when it was becoming dusk efforts were made by mounted orderlies and officers to meet the General Officer Commanding 5th Mounted Brigade, which were, however of no avail and an appeal was consequently directed to General Officer Commanding Anzac Mounted Division to allow the 3rd Regiment of General Royston’s Brigade, previously detached to the other Division to rejoin the imperial Mounted Division in order to fill that gap on the right which was done and much praise due to the 10th Australian Light Horse Regiment for the manner in which they found the Divisional Headquarters in the dark and also gained their places in the line, in the dark, in an unknown bit of country, seamed with deep and difficult wadi beds.

The Division was at this time about 2030 ordered to hold its ground and to remain in its present position pending further orders. The 6th Mounted Brigade however, had to withdraw their line half a mile, though enemy activity had practically ceased and there were apparent signs that they were digging themselves in quite close to the Brigade. A new line was taken up without incident that the Brigade was then in a better position.

At 0020 news was received from the Anzac Mounted Division that they were withdrawing and the order for the concentration and withdrawal of the 6th Mounted Brigade and 3rd Light Horse Brigade were then ordered. Messengers and lamp signals being used, cable connection being interrupted by the passage of troops over the lines. The withdrawal of the 5th Mounted Brigade was ordered through the Brigade Major who came into Divisional Headquarters to ask for orders at 2330. Touch had previously been regained with this Brigade and they had been allotted a position on our right flank protecting the return route of the Division slightly south of Khirbit Reseim. Divisional Headquarters moved off when it was ascertained that the 6th Mounted Brigade and 3rd Light Horse Brigade had received and were carrying out their orders. The artillery and all spare transport and wheeled vehicles were sent off earlier in the night as soon as the orders for subsequent withdrawal were received. The 6th Mounted Brigade and 3rd Light Horse Brigade came under long range artillery and rifle fires when crossing the Wadi Ghuzze but only 3 slight casualties were incurred during this phase of the action and the Division was intact in Deir el Belah at 0810 on the 27th.

The total casualties of the Division during the day were under 40 of all descriptions.

I would like to send my appreciation of the work of the 6th Mounted Brigade, the Berkshire and Nottinghamshire Batteries, the handling of his Brigade by Brigadier General Royston and the work of all units of the 3rd Light Horse Brigade.

The communications of the Division were weak but the Signal Squadron was an entirely new formation and the breakdown of inter communication between the Headquarters and Brigades at various times can be accounted for by the sudden strain on this new unit.

Water was discovered in small quantities at various points, a separate report on which will be submitted. It was entirely surface water from recent rainfalls.

I wish to bring to special notice the work of Second Lieutenant J Edwards, Worcestershire Yeomanry who handling of an Officer's Patrol in the direction of Huj was of the utmost value.

Signed HW Hodgson, Major General
Commanding Imperial Mounted Division
29th March 1917


War Diaries

All War Diaries cited on this site should be read in conjunction with the Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy which may be accessed at:

Australian Light Horse Studies Centre, AIF War Diaries of the Great War, Site Transcription Policy 



Further Reading:

Australian Mounted Division, AMD, AIF

Australian Mounted Division, AMD, Australian and British Forces Roll of Honour

The First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917

The First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917, Allied Forces, Roll of Honour

The Palestine Campaign, 1917 - 1918

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The First Battle of Gaza, Palestine, 26 to 27 March 1917, Imperial Mounted Division, Report on Operations

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Friday, 11 March 2011 12:25 PM EAST

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