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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Wednesday, 30 July 2003
6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Contents
Topic: BW - Qld - 6QIB

6th QIB 

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen






6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Outline 

Nominal Roll

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Nominal Roll




Roll of Honour

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Lest we forget



Further Reading:

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 4:43 PM EADT
Monday, 28 July 2003
6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Nominal Roll
Topic: BW - Qld - 6QIB

6th QIB 

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

Nominal Roll


In 1911, Lieutenant-Colonel P. L. Murray, produced a marvellous Boer War reference detailing all the contingents sent from Australia to South Africa, giving a brief history of the formation and finally, listing all the soldiers who saw service in South Africa with that unit. The book was called, Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa. It is now the standard reference and starting place for any person interested in pursuing information about Australian involvement in the Boer War.

Murray, P. L., Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, pp. 509 - 519.


6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

245 Private William ABELL

286 Private Francis ADAIR

Edward Richard ADAMS

198 Private Robert John ADAMS

Captain Alfred George ADIE

401 Private Phillip Patrick AHERNE

691 Private James Allen AKRED

129 Private Edward Henry ALDRIDGE

367 Private Ernest Pacil ALFORD

136 Private Alexander ALLAN

167 Private Charles Stuart ANDERSON

Lieutenant Robert ANDERSON

68 Private Charles ANDREWS

418 Private Richard ANDREWS

179 Private Charles ANTHONY

235 Private John William ARGUS

674 Private John ARMSTRONG

296 Private John McGill ARMSTRONG

278 Private Edward ARNEL

368 Private Frichof Hearfold ASCHE

304 Private George Thomas Charles ATKINSON

Captain Henry BAILEY

101 Private Richard BAILEY

668 Private John Charles BARKER

177 Private Robert BARRADALE

642 Private William Leslie BARTON

175 Private Abraham William C BASSETT

624 Private John Robert BATES

63 Private Thomas BATES

174 Private William Arthur BEAUMONT

169 Private Robert BEDDELL

210 Private Arthur Henry BELL

655 Private Horace Walsh BELL

385 Private John Wilcox BELL

53 Private William BIRKIN

133 Private Albert Edward BISHOP

154 Private Walter BLACKFORD

336 Private Joseph BLANDFORD

Lieutenant Simon B BOLAND

421 Private Samuel BOYCE

271 Private James BOYD

396 Private Percy BRADFORD

337 Private James Leopold BRADLEY

611 Private William BRADSHAW

397 Private Shannon BRAY

224 Private Michael John BRENNAN

656 Private Robert Hugh BRICKWOOD

654 Private Charles BRIGGS

690 Private William BROATCH

162 Private Thomas BROCKETT

412 Private Frederick John BROOKS

382 Private George Ernest BROWN

221 Private Percival Lyddon BROWN

Lieutenant Villiers Seymour BROWN

107 Private William Ernest BROWN

307 Saddler Arthur Darlington BRYER

641 Private James BUCHANAN

217 Private William BUCHESTER

281 Private George Ernest BUCKBY

157 Private William Harlock BURNETT

663 Private William BURNS

234 Private James BYRNE

145 Private James Joseph BYRNE

148 Private Peter Paul BYRNE

130 Private Thomas BYRNE

637 Private John CAIN

629 Private Erskine James CALDWELL

Lieutenant Donald Charles CAMERON

196 Private Vernon CAMERON

88 Private William Stanley CAMERON

603 Private Malcolm Livingstone CAMPBELL

250 Private Henry James CARR

324 Private Sydney Joseph CARR

673 Private James McLelland CAVAYE

99 Private Egerton Burleigh Cooper CECIL

199 Private James Arthur CHARD

176 Private Arthur CHARDON

393 Private Arthur CHRISTIE

373 Private Patrick CHRISTIE

59 Private George John CLARK

658 Private James CLARKE

309 Private William CLELLAND

231 Private Frederick Charles CLOHERTY

247 Private Joseph COLQUHON

229 Private John CONDRIN

608 Private John CONNOLLY

652 Private Edward Christian COOK

211 Private Charles COOPER

32 Private Alexander CORR

203 Private Percy Nelson COSSART

54 Private James COTTER

685 Private Harry Richmond COUSENS

38 Private Thomas Henry COUSINS

Lieutenant Campbell COWLEY

102 Private Thomas Henry COX

Lieutenant Aubrey De Pree CRICHTON

362 Private Robert Lyden CRONE

279 Private Charles Joseph CULLEN

34 Private James Alexander CUNNINGHAM

Lieutenant Bertram William CURTIS

335 Private James CUSACK

617 Private Florence John DALEY

251 Private Harry Ellis DALY

18 Private John DANIELS

676 Private Frank DAVIDSON

640 Private Leslie DAVIDSON

646 Private Norman Alick DAVIDSON

67 Private Samuel DAVIDSON

79 Private Albert William DAVIS

369 Private Henry DAVIS

228 Private Michael DAVIS

180 Private Robert DEMPSTER

353 Private John Taylor DENISON

372 Private Frederick DEUBLE

105 Private Arthur Ernest DEVINE

634 Private Arthur William DODD

329 Private Robert Philp DONALDSON

7 Private Michael Park DORAN

682 Private John James DOUGHAN

256 Private Herbert DOUGLAS

601 Private Joseph DOUGLAS

345 Private John DOWLING

268 Private Timothy Herbert DOYLE

225 Private James DUCROT

238 Private George Ernest DUEL

384 Private James DURHAM

675 Private Richard Guy DUTTON

631 Private Thomas EASLEA

Captain Robert Boyd ECHLIN

280 Private Charles John EDMONDS

358 Private William Patrick EDWARD

255 Private David Renfrew EDWARDS

291 Private William EDWARDS

212 Private Aubrey Tom Johnstone ELCOATE

308 Private William ELLIOT

49 Private H Augustus ELMHIRST

1 Private Thomas ELSTON

Lieutenant William Ernest ELSTON

Lieutenant Harry Foster EVANS

370 Private Henry George EVANS

292 Private Rees EVANS

Lieutenant William Bryan EVANS

669 Private Reginald Horace EVES

Lieutenant Arthur Reginald EXCEL

626 Private Richard FALLIS

160 Private Thomas FARISH

693 Private William Robert FARRELL

216 Private Michael FARRY

338 Private Henry Williamson FENNER

78 Private William Henry FERN

97 Private Albert Abraham FERRIS

316 Private Michael FINN

614 Private John James FLAMARK

290 Private Eugene Joseph FLANAGAN

244 Private Patrick Joseph FLANAGAN

312 Private William Forrest FLATTLEY

648 Private Thomas FLINT

295 Private Jonathan Thomas W FLOWER

665 Private John Joseph FORREL

24 Private Alfred FRANCIS

375 Private Edward FRANCIS

10 Private Albert Edward FRANKS

86 Private Harry FREEMAN

249 Private John FUREY

69 Private Arthur Henry FURNESS

33 Private James William GAMBLE

195 Private David John GARDNER

50 Private Joseph GARDNER

407 Private Robert GARDNER

233 Private Matthew GEANEY

Captain Frederick William Christian GEYER

643 Private Richard Edward GILBERT

96 Private Frederick Henry GILL

364 Private William GLASSEY

6 Private Frank GLAZEBROOK

605 Private John Edwin GLOVER

192 Private Joseph GOODCHILD

93 Private William Watson GOODFELLOW

22 Private Jerome Thiege GORMAN

153 Private Albert Edward GOULD

600 Private Thomas GRAHAM

85 Private Lewis GRAINGER

141 Private Henry GRANT

118 Private John GRAYSON

209 Private Thomas John GRAYSON

206 Private Henry GREEN

83 Private James Henry GREEN

114 Private Thomas Peter GREENE

72 Private James Ramsey GREER

414 Private Cyril John GREGORY

76 Private Edward GREGORY

332 Private Arthur Rangwall GREVELL

365 Private CH GRIMSTONE

213 Private David HALL

117 Private Patrick John HANLON

687 Private Michael John HANNAN

406 Private Arthur William HANSEN

615 Private Andrew Alfred HARRIS

388 Private Thomas HARRIS

190 Private George Augustus HARTNETT

310 Private George HARVEY

77 Private Robert Smith HAWKINS

39 Private Victor Eugene HEALY

404 Private Richard HEGARTY

399 Private Charles Bingham HIGGINSON

636 Private Onslow Frederick Stanley HILL

115 Private Stephen HILL

257 Private Thomas HINCKS

344 Private Joseph HOEY

680 Private John HOLDAWAY

679 Private Archibald HOLPEN

678 Private Frederick Ernest HOLPEN

350 Private George Francis HOME

359 Private Ernest HOPF

62 Private William James HOPKINS

630 Private Jesse HORLEY

288 Private Alfred Robert HORTON

666 Private George Cooper HORTON

55 Private George William HOVEY

20 Private Thomas HOWLETT

423 Private Albert Ernest HUDSON

616 Private Edwin HUXTABLE

122 Private Alexander INGRAM

387 Private David INNES

620 Private Joshua INNES

19 Private Richard IRETON

649 Private Charles ISSELL

416 Private Ernest JENNER

346 Private Thomas James JENSEN

168 Private Arthur JOHNSON

289 Private William JOHNSTON

341 Private Henry JOHNSTONE

243 Private Alfred JONES

260 Private William JONES

218 Private Ernest Townsend JUCHAN

322 Private Percy James JUCHAN

70 Private Charles Frederick KASPAR

103 Private Walter KEIGHTLEY

205 Private William Vincent KELLEHER

671 Private Michael Augustine KELLY

266 Private Robert KELLY

66 Private Percy James KENDRICK

9 Private George Leonard KENNA

650 Private Herbert William KEOGH

223 Private Patrick KIELLY

622 Private Herbert Cyrus KINGSMILL

14 Private George William James LAKE

606 Private George Egbert LAMBERT

104 Private Charles LAMBLEY

113 Private Charles Henry LASCELLES

319 Private Robert James LAWSON

672 Private John LAX

166 Private Arthur LEE

265 Private John Joseph Francis LEE

361 Private Thomas LEE

610 Private Charles Hill LEIGHTON

403 Private William John LILLEY

42 Private Arthur Reuben LILLIE

377 Private John Kyle LITTLE

108 Private Samuel LITTLE

111 Private Edward Christian LOCHNER

381 Private George LOGAN

392 Private Whitmore LOGAN

422 Private Matthew Jeremiah LONERGAN

13 Private Howard Joseph LOUCHE

240 Private Beresford Sackville LOVETT

282 Private Harold LOWE

354 Private Arthur LUNN

420 Private Garnet Mancel LUSCOMBE

645 Private James MACAULEY

612 Private James Burns MACFARLANE

409 Private John MACKAY

334 Private Charles Fleming MACKENZIE

208 Private William Robert MACLEOD

692 Private George Hamilton Sydney MADDOCK

191 Private John MALCOLM

391 Private Henry MALLON

127 Private Edmund MANN

684 Private Charles MANSERGH

607 Private Harry MANTLE

119 Private Richard Sydney MARR

390 Private William MARSH

283 Private John Ken MATHESON

29 Private George MAY

285 Private George Amos MAY

299 Private James MAY

28 Saddler William Joseph MCCALL

395 Private John Joseph MCCARTHY

135 Private Edward James MCCARTNEY

41 Private James Alexander MCCLINTOCK

222 Private Thomas MCCORMICK

269 Private Edward MCDONALD

201 Private Peter MCDONALD

144 Private Silvester John MCDONALD

81 Private Joseph Edward MCDONNELL

51 Private Peter MCDONNELL

31 Private Augustus Thyne MCDOUGALL

186 Private Duncan MCDOUGALL

261 Private James MCERLANE

204 Private Augustus John MCGAHAN

305 Private John MCGREGOR

298 Private John Alexander MCINTOSH

82 Private Hector MCKINNON

147 Private Frederick Joseph MCLAUGHLIN

128 Private Arthur James Alexander MCLEOD

121 Private Robert MCLEOD

306 Private George Francis MCNALL

394 Private Percy Edgar MCNAMARA

351 Private Andrew Percy MCPHERSON

98 Private Neil MCPHERSON

95 Private Colin John MCVINISH

Captain BO MEEK

639 Private Patrick James MELLIFONT

60 Private Joseph MEMMOTT

689 Private Richard Spencer MICKLETHWAITE

140 Private Joseph Alfred MILES

189 Private George Henry MILLS

276 Private Phillip MILNE

628 Private Eugene Graham MONTAGUE

349 Private James MOONEY

149 Private John MOORE

400 Shoeing Smith George MOROSKE

84 Private Henry MOSSOP

94 Private Arthur Selwyn MOXLEY

277 Private Cornelius Johnson MOYNIHAN

75 Private William John MULHOLLAND

325 Private James MULLAHY

237 Private Charles MULLER

182 Corporal Julius Valentine MUNCK

386 Private John MURPHY

37 Private Michael MURPHY

410 Private Ernest William NEALE

363 Private Christian NELSON

100 Private George Francis NEWLAND

184 Private Alaric McDonald NICOLL

402 Private Charles Maclaurin NICOLS

52 Private George Albert Edward NIELSON

Lieutenant Trevor Cottier NIELSON

331 Private Frederick NILSON

126 Private James Creolam NISBETT

415 Private Ernest Frederick NORRIS

151 Private George Thomas NUGENT

27 Private Jeremiah O'BRIEN

242 Private Alexander OHMSEN

239 Corporal Albert Edward O'LOANE

321 Private Arthur Charles OSBORNE

343 Private Samuel Francis OSBORNE

293 Private Harry Woods PALMER

638 Private George Herbert PAYNE

138 Private Herbert Frederick PEARCE

644 Private Henry PEGG

187 Private Douglas Herbert PERRY

158 Private William John PETERSEN

284 Private Harry PHILLIPS

236 Private Sidney PHILLIPS
Lieutenant Colin John Campbell PHILP

90 Private Robert PITMAN

232 Private Patrick Christian PLUCK

657 Private Daniel POPE

333 Private Rupert POPE

214 Private Maurice Charles POWER

618 Private Henry Charles POWTER

92 Private Arnold PRICE

65 Private John QUINE

356 Private Lloyd QUINN

143 Private Herbert Tangney RAPKINS

373 Private Edward William RAYNER

139 Private Albert Edward READING

621 Private Peter William REARDON

379 Private Reuben REDHEAD

378 Private Thomas REDHEAD

314 Private Edward Joseph REGAN

272 Private James Felix REGAN

2 Private Robert Lancelot RENWICK

Lieutenant Douglas St.George RICH

294 Private William Henry RICHARDS

3 Private George Henry RICHARDSON

193 Private Henry James RICHARDSON

623 Private William Egbert RICHARDSON

73 Private Henry Thomas ROBERTS

229 Private David ROBINSON

633 Private John Henry ROBINSON

241 Private Henry Malcolm ROGERS

Captain Edward Reginald ROW

602 Private Benjamin RUDHALL

609 Private Charles RUSH

159 Private Samuel Keira RUSSELL

109 Private August RUTHENBERG

36 Private Cecil Augustine RYAN

120 Private Edward SALWAY

116 Private Timms Augustus SARGOOD

30 Private William Henry SAVAGE

161 Shoeing Smith Albert Joseph SCANLAN

254 Private Adalbert Franz Hermann SCHMIDT

188 Private Joseph Albert SCHNEIDER

677 Private Frederick Henry SEARLE

5 Private George SEYMOUR

146 Private Henry Edward SEYMOUR

194 Private Thomas Bernard SHARKEY

183 Private William John SHARLAND

411 Private Albert SHAW

670 Private Charles James SHAW

4 Private Farquhar SHAW

348 Private George Walter SHAW

302 Private David SHEEHAN

15 Private James SHEEHAN

352 Private Harold Courteen SHERWOOD

357 Private Thomas Miller SINCLAIR

347 Private William Charles SINCLAIR

Lieutenant Rowland SLEIGHT

320 Private William Bernard SLOANE

16 Private Alexander Johnston SMITH

165 Private Arthur Frederick SMITH

330 Corporal Charles Christopher SMITH

619 Private Ernest SMITH

26 Private Flewell T SMITH

602 Private George SMITH

398 Private George James Bardo SMITH

35 Private Henry SMITH

647 Private John SMITH

323 Private John Francis SMITH

259 Private Robert William SMITH

342 Private Walter SORRELL

659 Private Elwin Egerton SOUTH

181 Private Arthur Joseph SPREADBOROUGH

339 Private Michael Joseph STAPLETON

131 Private William Henry STARKEY

405 Private John STONEHAM

627 Private William James STUART

413 Private Constantine SULLIVAN

419 Private Simon Charles SULLIVAN

25 Private William James SULLIVAN

275 Private Edward SUMMERS

651 Private George SUNDMACHER

318 Private Alfred Lindsay SUTTON

23 Private Geoffrey William SUTTON

360 Private Charles John SWENSON

267 Private Frederick John TERRY

263 Private Ernest Leslie THOMPSON

688 Private Hiram Preston THOMPSON

686 Private Victor Emanuel THOMPSON

155 Trumpeter Christian Albert THOMSON

273 Private James Wood THOMSON

613 Private George Edwin THORNBURN

89 Private Clan Euquart THOW

389 Shoeing Smith John William TIFFEN

303 Private Bertie Ernest TOMMASSIE

662 Private Alfred George TOWNER

681 Private Ernest TOWNSEND

366 Private Frederick Herbert TRASK

667 Private Horace TRAVERS

11 Private George TREADWELL

219 Private Conrad Arnold William TRENKNER

125 Private Hercules TREVETHAN

56 Private Reginald Walter TRIBE

132 Private Charles TRIPP

660 Private George Matthew TROWER

Lieutenant Colonel Oliver Allan TUNBRIDGE

172 Private John Joseph VALE

Lieutenant Charles Robert Geoghan VAUGHAN

252 Private Robert VEITCH

156 Private Thomas Paul VOLKMAN

46 Private Harris WADSWORTH

661 Private David WALKER

Lieutenant George William WALKER

17 Private William Towley WALKER

274 Private John Thomas WALPOLE

197 Private Archibald James WALSH

632 Private Anthony WALTISBUHL

262 Private Daniel WANLESS

163 Private Frederick WARD

297 Private William WARING

152 Private Hedley Verner WATT

220 Private Donald WAUGH

48 Private Ernest WEATHERLEY

87 Private Frank William WEAVER

106 Private William Francis WEBSTER

676 Private Edward Hutton WELCH

653 Private Arthur Guy WHIPMAN

164 Private Reginald Augustus WHIPPHAM

246 Private Albert Edward WHITE

64 Private Charles Robert WHITE

Captain Henry Saxon WHITEHORN

43 Private Frederick Charles WHITFORD

74 Private Walter John WHITTICK

137 Private Charles Edward WILLIAMS

408 Private Thomas Hastings WILLIAMS

61 Private William WILLIS

635 Private Walter Henry WILLMETT

21 Trumpeter Andrew Ernest WILLS

200 Private Archibald Frederick WILSON

110 Private George WILSON

376 Private James Carrie WILSON

264 Private John WILSON

383 Private Thomas WILSON

683 Private Chard Massey WINNIETT

Captain Harry More WOLLSTEIN

625 Private Arthur WOODARD

58 Private William Bennet Palmer WOODROFFE

171 Private Richard WOODS

327 Private Alfred Richard WOOLEY

417 Private George Edward WORRALL

Lieutenant William Leckey Ferguson WRIGHT

270 Private Frederick Charles WYATT

664 Private William Cardinal WYNNE

185 Private Frederick YORK

226 Private Percy Norman YOUNG



Further Reading:

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Nominal Roll

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 November 2010 6:22 AM EAST
Saturday, 26 July 2003
Boer War, 1899 - 1902, Australian Forces, 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour
Topic: BW - Qld - 6QIB

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Australian Forces

Roll of Honour

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

Poppies on the Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial, Canberra


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have served at one time with the 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen and gave their lives in service of Australia, whether as part of the 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Victoria or another unit during the Boer War.


Roll of Honour


Matthew CEANEY


Albert William DAVIS


Thomas FLINT


Jerome Theige GORMAN


Ernest Townsend JUCHAN



Richard Sydney MARR



George Henry MILLS


Frederick NILSON


Benjamin RUDHALL

Samuel Keira RUSSELL


Lest we forget


Further Reading:

6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen

Boer War, 1899 - 1902

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: 6th Queensland Imperial Bushmen, Roll of Honour 

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EADT
Updated: Sunday, 9 May 2010 4:58 PM EADT

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The Australian Light Horse Studies Centre is a not for profit and non profit group whose sole aim is to write the early history of the Australian Light Horse from 1900 - 1920. It is privately funded and the information is provided by the individuals within the group and while permission for the use of the material has been given for this site for these items by various donors, the residual and actual copyright for these items, should there be any, resides exclusively with the donors. The information on this site is freely available for private research use only and if used as such, should be appropriately acknowledged. To assist in this process, each item has a citation attached at the bottom for referencing purposes.

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Australian Light Horse Studies Centre

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