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"At a mile distant their thousand hooves were stuttering thunder, coming at a rate that frightened a man - they were an awe inspiring sight, galloping through the red haze - knee to knee and horse to horse - the dying sun glinting on bayonet points..." Trooper Ion Idriess

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Sunday, 14 November 2010
The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Contents
Topic: BatzP - Ayun Kara

The Battle of Ayun Kara

Palestine, 14 November 1918






The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Outline


Roll of Honour

The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Roll of Honour

Lest We Forget



Further Reading:

The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917

The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Roll of Honour

New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Contents

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 14 November 2010 7:27 AM EAST
Saturday, 14 November 2009
The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Outline
Topic: BatzP - Ayun Kara

The Battle of Ayun Kara

Palestine, 14 November 1918



Map outlining the action during the Battle of Ayun Kara.


The following account is extracted from H.S. Gullett (1944) The Australian Imperial Force in Sinai and Palestine, Sydney: Angus & Robertson, pp. 474 - 476.

As Cox's brigade entered Deiran, the New Zealanders on the left closed on Wadi Hanein, and further to the west advanced towards Richon. No opposition was met until Wadi Hanein was reached, but the 1st Light Horse Brigade reported columns of troops crossing their front towards the New Zealand sector. Soon after midday Meldrum's brigade advanced strongly, with the Canterbury Regiment on the right, the Wellingtons in the centre, and the Aucklands on the left, and soon located a stoutly-held enemy line running across the sand-hills. Machine-gun and rifle fire for a time obstructed the advance in the centre, but the Wellingtons, with a dashing bayonet attack, in which twenty Turks were killed and two machine-guns captured, drove through the resistance. The Aucklands on the left were then held up by a strong body of infantry, which was being rapidly reinforced, and the regiment came under fire from a battery towards Richon. At 2.30 the Turks opened heavy fire from all arms upon the Aucklands, and a quarter of an hour later a force of 1,500 advanced to the attack.

The New Zealanders, lying down in the open, shot rapidly and accurately; but they were few and scattered, and the Turks, favoured in their approach by cover from the little sand-hills, closed quickly and in overwhelming numbers on the Auckland position. Lieutenant-Colonel J. N. McCarroll,' the commanding officer, reported the situation serious and asked for reinforcements; but only one squadron of Wellingtons was available. For some time a hot duel was waged at close quarters by the rival machine-gunners, but at 4 o'clock the Turks, who were now very close to the New Zealanders, dashed forward with the bayonet and hand-grenades. McCarroll had all his men, including batmen and gallopers, in the firing line. The shouting enemy got within fifty yards of the riflemen; then the Aucklands, who had taken severe punishment with absolute steadiness, rose and met the Turks with the bayonet. The Turks had the numbers, but they were no match with the steel for the powerful young New Zealand farmers. As the two lines closed, the fighting was bloody, but brief; then the Turks broke and fled, leaving 162 dead and a large number of wounded on the ground. The New Zealanders had one officer and twenty other ranks killed, and nine officers and seventy-eight other ranks wounded.

This counter-attack was the last effort made by the enemy to save his Jaffa-Ramleh-Jerusalem communications. With the loss of Junction Station, in the east, the advance of the yeomanry in the centre, and the failure of his spasmodic assault near Richon, his whole line was in retreat by the evening of the 14th (November).


NZMR troopers and members of the local Jewish community attend the memorial service of the first anniversary of the Battle of Ayun Kara.

[Photograph taken by Trooper Charles Broomfield - permission given by the Cato family, Ohaupo and the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Association.]



Further Reading:

The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917

The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Roll of Honour

New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Outline

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 14 November 2010 7:27 AM EAST
The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Auckland Mounted Rifles Unit History Account
Topic: BatzP - Ayun Kara

The Battle of Ayun Kara

Palestine, 14 November 1918

Auckland Mounted Rifles Unit History Account


13/3161 Trooper Hugh Gordon Haswell, killed in action.


The following account is extracted from Nicol, CG, The Story of Two Campains - Official war history of the Auckland Mounted Rifles Regiment, 1914 - 1919 in the Battlefields of Gallipoli, Sinai and Palestine during WWI., Wilson and Horton, Auckland, 1921.


CHAPTER XXVI. North to Ayun Kara.

The Canterbury Mounted Rifles who were the advanced guard, got into touch with Turkish outposts at 11 a.m. They pushed on, but by midday were definitely checked. Orders were immediately issued to attack the enemy, whose main positions were on a series of hills, with long slopes between them and the sand hills of the coast. The Canterbury Mounted Rifles was on the right of the line, the Wellington Mounted Rifles in the centre, and the Auckland Mounted Rifles on the left. The regiments advanced in line of troop column, and soon were under long range machine-gun fire. There being some high ground on the right front of the Auckland Mounteds, the 3rd squadron, under Major Twistleton, was sent forward to secure it, the other two squadrons taking cover from direct fire in depressions. As the Wellington Mounteds pressed on towards the main position, some cavalry appeared on the left front of the Aucklanders, and Colonel McCarroll, who had been viewing the position from the 3rd squadron’s hill, ordered the 11th squadron [North Auckland Mounted Rifles] to advance as rapidly as possible to ascertain the strength and position of the threatening force. Heavy rifle and machine-gun fire prevented the ˇsquadron getting to the required position, so two troops of the 4th squadron [Waikato Mounted Rifles] under Lieutenants M. E. Johnson and Ryan were detailed to gallop straight at it. This sudden and vigorous move evidently upset the enemy, for they reached the spot with very few casualtiescasualties, the enemy retiring quickly. Under cover of the fire from the 3rd squadron the other two troops of the 4th squadron pushed on to secure some high ground to the left of the W.M.R., who continued to advance steadily. As soon as the 4th squadron had gained a their objective, the 3rd squadron was drawn into support, and the 11th was sent forward on the left of the 4th. Covered by the 4th, the 11th advanced steadily, but for some time they did not reach any point where they could get a view of the enemy, although heavy rifle fire was coming down all the valleys from the higher positions of the Turks. At 2.15 the patrols of the 11th located some of the enemy concentrating in the orange groves nearby, and Lieutenant Jackson’s troop pushed well forward and found that the enemy was advancing rapidly.

Colonel McCarroll galloped forward, and, seeing that the troop was being attacked, sent in every available man, including signallers, gallopers, and batmen to reinforce, and signalled to the 3rd squadron to come up.

Major Twistleton brought his men up at the gallop in fine style, losing only two horses, although two or three bullet-swept zones were traversed, and dismounted his men within a few yards of the line. Lieutenant S. Reid’s troop was sent in on the right, but heavy enfilade fire gave them a severe time, and the few men who were not killed or wounded had to be called back. At 2.45 the enemy, under cover of heavy artillery fire, started a strong attack. Several of the Turkish machine-guns now began to make their presence felt, and the commander brought up his machine-gun section, which opened a counter fire. The action in this part of the battle now became a machine-gun duel, it being impossible for Colonel McCarroll to move his men until the opposite machine-guns were silenced.

After a furious fusillade the Auckland machine-gun sergeant, in worried tones, reported his gun out of action. “That’s all right,” replied the Colonel, “so is the Turk’s,” for at the moment the enemy guns were abandoned.

Meanwhile, the W.M.R. had pushed up the hill on the right, and there came under a very heavy fire. Two troops of the 3rd squadron were sent further to the right, to a spot where they could bring enfilade fire against the Turks assembled in a valley. The Hotchkiss guns and machine-guns, under Lieutenant Kelly, were also sent in, and did great execution.

Afterwards they described this chance as “the machine-gunner’s dream.” While this drama was being enacted, the counterattack was rapidly developing. It was estimated that fully 600 fresh infantry were flung against the Regiment, which by now had suffered very severe casualties. In many places the attackers got within bombing distance of the thin line. The A.M.R. men on one small hill having been all killed or wounded, theTurks established themselves on it and brought an oblique fire against the main position. The situation was now veryserious, and two orderlies were sent with orders for the fourth squadron to come up, but both were wounded. Eventually a message was got through, and the Waikato stalwarts, led by Major Munro and Lieutenant Johnson, raced across the fire-swept area—a sight worth living to see.

They regained the hill, and in spite of heavy opposition worked round the enemy’s left, and were able to enfilade the main line. This move nonplussed the Turks, who then fled in disorder towardsthe orange grove, under the heaviest fire that could be put across.

Colonel McCarroll had just collected his squadronleaders to organise pursuit when he was wounded in the neck and then in the shoulder. Major Whitehorn then took command, but the colonel before receiving medical aid, rode to brigade headquarters and arranged for support in the event of a night attack. The Turks kept up a heavy artillery fire until dark, after which the victorious troopers consolidated their position and removed the wounded.

The A.M.R. lost heavily, 15 being killed, including the gallant Lieutenant J. D. Stewart, of the 3rd squadron; 74 wounded, including Lieutenant-Colonel McCarroll, Captain Twistleton, M.C., and Lieutenants K. J. Tait, M.C., S. C. Reid, G. L. King, C. G. R. Jackson, and E. A.H. Bisley.

Captain Twistleton and Lieutenant King died of wounds. The W.M.R. lost 8 killed and 44 wounded; the C.M.R., one killed and six wounded; and the machine-gun squadron, eight killed and 18 wounded. The Turks, who retired during the night, lost 160 killed and 250 (estimated) wounded. The Turks who made the counter attack were part of a fresh force that had just arrived from its victories in Romania, and they apparently were unprepared to meet troops of the quality of the desert horsemen. One wounded prisoner remarked to an Aucklander, “Inglizee no run,” and he seemed to be rather perplexed over the fact that a thin and out numbered line had refused to budge in the face of what seemed inevitable disaster. The secret of the victory was the simple fact that the mounted riflemen were actuated by a spirit which did not permit of retreat being considered when committed to a definite action. It was the same attitude of mind which defied set principles of war on Gallipoli. It had its foundations in an extraordinary confidence, resolute and highly capable leadership, and the sense of personal responsibility which possessed the men of the Regiment.


13/1087 Trooper Arthur Robins, wounded in action.


The following morning the village of Ayun Kara was reported clear of the enemy, and, with a company of “Camels” on the left and the 1st Light Horse on the right, the brigade moved forward towards Jaffa, meeting with no resistance.

On the way they passed through the village of Richon le Zion, where for the first time they met Jews. One member of the community was a brother of Rabbi Goldstein, of Auckland. The joy of these people at being freed from the tyranny of the Turks was unbounded. They treated the New Zealanders most hospitably—an exceedingly pleasant experience after the tremendous effort they had just made, and the harsh hungry times spent in the south with its hostile Bedouins.


Acknowledgement: The photographs on this page were colourised by Steve Butler and are used with his permission along with that of the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Association. See: http://www.nzmr.org/phpBB3/



Further Reading:

The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917

The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Roll of Honour

New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Auckland Mounted Rifles Unit History Account

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 14 November 2010 7:26 AM EAST
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Roll of Honour
Topic: BatzP - Ayun Kara

The Battle of Ayun Kara

Palestine, 14 November 1918

New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade

Roll of Honour

Poppies on the Auckland Cenotaph plinth


The Roll of Honour contains the names of all the men known to have given their lives in service of New Zealand during the Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917.


Roll of Honour


Ivanhoe Edward BAIGENT, Died of Wounds

Edwin BALDWIN, Killed in Action

Arthur BIRNIE, Died of Wounds

Anthony Eugene BROWNLIE, Killed in Action

Robert Alexander BRUCE, Killed in Action


Alfred Chilton CARTER, Killed in Action

Joseph Daniel COLLINS, Died of Wounds

Edward COUTTS, Killed in Action

Alan Moore CUMBERWORTH, Killed in Action


George DUNCAN, Killed in Action

Thomas Bags DYKE, Killed in Action


John Martin ELLIS, Killed in Action


Roderick FRASER, Killed in Action


Uma Athol GREEN, Died of Wounds


Ernest Jonathan HARRIS, Killed in Action

Hugh Gordon HASWELL, Killed in Action

Arthur Desmond HERRICK, Killed in Action

Charles HOLLIS, Killed in Action


John William JONES, Killed in Action


John Archibald KAY, Killed in Action


Herbert James Hoddinott LOCK, Killed in Action


Robert Egremont MASON, Died of Wounds

Kenneth Murdock (Kenneth Murdoch) MATHESON, Killed in Action


Robert OSBORNE, Killed in Action

Frederick George OXENHAM, Killed in Action


Robert Stephen PATTIE, Killed in Action

Claude Duncan PAYNE, Killed in Action


William Caleb ROBERTS, Killed in Action

Claude ROUSE, Killed in Action


Athol Wallace SMITH, Killed in Action

Harry STANBURY, Died of Wounds

James Douglas STEWART, Killed in Action

Laurie STRACHAN, Killed in Action

Lest We Forget



Further Reading:

The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917

The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Roll of Honour

New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade

Battles where Australians fought, 1899-1920


Citation: The Battle of Ayun Kara, Palestine, 14 November 1917, Roll of Honour

Posted by Project Leader at 12:01 AM EAST
Updated: Sunday, 10 October 2010 9:49 AM EADT

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