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From: Rob Thomas
Date: 9/27/00
Time: 11:26:19 AM
Remote Name:
Did you ever consider that Whitton was trying to justify himself?? He and Thomas disagreed in many details.
There is no arguement about the concentration camps being a bad situation, however you also have to consider the evidence that they were set up by incompetant officers and the conditions exacerbated by the failure of the Boers to follow basic rules of hygiene. The commision reporting on the camps and the public meetings held in britain to raise the ire of the british public point out that camp hygiene was very lax. The Boers were not used to being in a close area and had some very primitive ideas in that area. Refer Farwell for a starter and then research further. THe Australian public had become very anti war by the execution of Morant and Handcock as they became more familiar with the real situation. It should also be remembered that Australian miners in SA were instrumental in the events which started the war.