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From: Shaun Fitzpatrick
Date: 7/22/2001
Time: 6:17:54 PM
Remote Name:
hello - my grandfather was also in the 8th L.H. Regiment. He was trooper 672 and enlisted at Womalang, Vic on Dec 24th 1914. I recently obtained a great book from Gloria Auchterlonie whose father-in-law was in the 8th Light Horse. He took hudreds of photos and these are in the book along with pretty detailed diaries for 1915 - 1919. His first diary 6months was lost, but the rest is very interesting reading. I will forward deatails of where/how to get the book (orCD) when i get the chance. Also can recommend "The Great Ride" by Harry Bostock of the 10th Light Horse who made up part of the 3rd Brigade with the 8th Regt. Woulsd be keen to hear from you re other sources you have found. Regards, Shaun Fitzpatrick sfitz@senet.com.au