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From: steve becker
Date: 2/1/2002
Time: 6:48:01 PM
Remote Name:
Again I agree with your knowage of the trial and Taylor and Kitchener.
But I don't agree with your idea that Morant should have been not guilty of the murders.
This as you say there is no written record off, there may have been and understanding among some units in the SA war but it was by no account common in units to shoot prisoners weather in Karki or not.
You say Morant was amonished for not shooting prisoners, but he didn't kill Kelly and his commando when he captured them.
So it was not common in the BVC to kill prisoners. Morant only started on the death of Hunt, so he was motavated by Revenge not orders when he shot Viser and the others.
Six men killed on the order of Robertson to Taylor, of which Robertson was dismissed from the Corps, for that and other reasons. Did he at the trial give a reason for his order?
Of cause we could go on with this for ever but again, if you were captured by the BVC in late 1901 and some officer dragged you out and ordered a firing squad to shoot you, how would you feel, you are given no defence or trial but lined up against a wall and murdered.