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From: matheson75@yahoo.ca
Date: 3/2/2002
Time: 6:22:14 AM
Remote Name:
I'm still trying to find out if Edwin Field Gerard's character "Lofty Lane", who was the subject of his WW1 poem , written as "Gerardy", was a real Lighthorseman, or a figment of "Gerardy's" imagination? Possibly there was a scout by the name of Lane saw action in the desert campaign in Palestine? Meanwhile I am now in touch with the ex-soldier was acted as "Lofty Lane" in a film shot by a Melbourne film company in February 1972. It appears to have been a possible documentary in 3 parts. But was definitely screened in support of "Alvin Purple" in 1973 in Melbourne, on the same program. The company Cambridge Films was still there in early 1990, but appears to be no more. I'm trying to trace it now. The segment on Lane in the film was enacted by soldiers on the Southern Command Pentathlom Team who were getting ready to take part in a tent-pegging contest at The Royal Melbourne Agricultural Show. The reason they were asked to appear in the film was they had all the uniforms, saddlery & weapons of the Lighthorse! Sounds like "reenactment" went on even then! Does anybody have any memories of perhaps seeing the vastly popular comedy film "Alvin Purple" in Mel;bourne in 1973, when this supporting film was on the same program? Efforts are under way to try & track down more about this rare & largely unknown Lighthorse filmic episode! So far there are no official references to be found! Sincerely, John L. Matthew (Toronto), previously on Excite as "Larry".