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From: Mel
Date: 3/13/2002
Time: 9:37:39 AM
Remote Name:
Whoever this is, I think you neglect to fully understand the purpose of my oral. I can't afford to focus on every aspect as my oral is on one - the Beersheba charge. And I do appreciate the horrible nature for one so young. Considering most people my age don't care. I've seen them. One of the LH men strangled my mother almost to death in a nursing facility in Sydney. I went in there. I met them. They had nobody and if they did, their families could not be bothered with them. Don't assume you know what I know just because I may not express my knowledge on this board. I have to focus on one thing, and in the process I may miss out on a few things, but that cannot be helped. At least write your name too, or dont you want to add anything else except criticism??