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From: steve becker
Date: 3/29/2002
Time: 1:01:18 PM
Remote Name:
I agree with you,
I beleive the Tasmanian's got away with it because it happened during the engargment while Morant murdered after the event. In British Law there was a part that allowed for the killing of prisoners during a fight.
This was considered during the trial of Morant as mitegation but they concluded that Morant had Viser shoot the next day and the others killed many days later so that was not an excuse for the act.
You will find that most of the units named for shooting prisoners during that time did so during or soon after an engagement.
Dispite the lack of notice to Thomas when he started the trial, it did go on over a few months and he had time to arrange wittness in their behalf.
The yesterdays comment on the book, was not a critisium but an observation on the book so far. On the whole its full of good information.