Western Mail, Thursday 16 March 1933, page 2
We are told that truth is stranger than fiction. Sometimes it is.
At Bonnay, down on the Somme in March, 1918, the 10th and 11th A.M.C. found a deserted village. The diggers, mindful of the brass hats' new slogan: "Every man for himself," took the initiative and promptly "took over" the village.
With the distant rumble of guns in our ears a companion and I entered a small deserted home. In the outhouses we saw the usual supply of stored-up potatoes and clusters of onions hanging up. Within the silent, empty house we expected to find only a few souvenirs overlooked by the departed madam and garcon.
But to our surprise the small furnished living room had hardly been disturbed. Even, the dining table and chairs were drawn up to the centre of the room. Everything seemed in its place. It struck us as odd that this homely room, with its simple pictures on the walls, its ornaments and postcards on the mantelpiece, should look the same after what had happened. The family had departed toot sweet!
And the old family clock was still ticking solemnly away over the fireplace! This lent an element of mystery. It was not hard to draw a striking parallel between the peaceful and musty atmosphere of this room and the famous scene on board the "Marie Celeste."
C.V.C., Elwood, Victoria.