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Caught Out!
Caught Out! 

Western Mail, Thursday 15 June 1933, page 2

Caught Out!

I had gone back to Aubigny (Arras front) to buy mess stores, and in order to obtain whisky from the B.E.F. canteens it was necessary to have the chit signed by a staff officer.

Corps headquarters were near there, and on going up I knocked at the door of a Nissen hut. Inside were three brass hats poring over maps. “WelI, my boy, and what do you want?" came quite amiably from x one old chap (he may have been the corps commander).

I explained that I was looking for a staff officer to sign my whisky chit. “I’ll sign it." he said promptly, and put his name to it. As soon as I was round the corner I changed the figure "1 case of whisky to "4 cases of whisky," and was patting myself on the back.

Almost at once an orderly came after me - the general wished to speak to me! Once more in the hut: "Just let ine x ^ see that chit again," said tho <¿ & old man. "Yes! I thought so,” he said, and he handed me a fresh one made out for ONE case of whisky and telling me I was damn lucky to get that!

Whether the old man knew this was a fairly common practice or not I don't know, but he cramped my style badly that morning!

R. R. Alexander, ex Highland Division, Cunderdin