Western Mail, Thursday 13 July 1933, page 2
Dear "Non-Com," - Recent stories about the Aussie prowess in finding poultry for the pot remind me of an experience I had whilst in billets near Arras in early 1917. I was walking on the outskirts of the village, when I saw, near an old shed, a fine Black Orpington hen with a long length of thin twine attached to one leg.
Following up the twine I came to what turned out to be our farrier sergeant's workshop, and I asked him the reason for the twine. '
"Well, sir," he said, "that hen lays me an egg every day, and I keep her tied up because there are some Aussies in the next village. If she wasn't kept tied up they would have her in the pot in two twos!"
John V. Atkinson, Ex-Royal Marines, Group 58, Denmark.