Western Mail, Thursday 13 July 1933, page 2
After being formed in Egypt, the 48th Battalion was finishing training on the Suez Canal. Leane was the battalion's most common name, there being Colonel Leane, Captain Leane, Lieutenant Leane, Corporal Leane, and several Privates Leane. The unit consisted of about, half West and South Aussies.
One morning the company officers told us that it had been decided to publish a paper, just a two-page edition' on the battalion's doings and a prize would be given for a suitable name for it. Nominations had to be in the orderly room by a certain date, the name having some bearing on the unit and an explanation as to why it was suggested. The nominations were both numerous and humorous, and many were the laughs when a few of the selected ones were placed on the notice board.
One wag named his paper "Joan of Arc" because it was made of All Leanes!
H. Browning, Undaminda, Yandanooka.