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Not Enough jordan In It.
Not Enough jordan In It. 

Western Mail, Thursday 27 December 1934, page 2

Not Enough jordan In It.

Dear "Non-Com." - Sergeant Murray was a well-known identity in "B" Squadron. 10th Light Horse. He was a good soldier and possessed a fair education, but sometimes got things a bit mixed.

We were camped in the Jordan Valley and there was a certain position in front where we posted an outpost group each night. Murray had been on the post on several occasions and did not like the position, as the ground towards the enemy lines ran out flat for about twenty yards and then suddenly dipped.

On being detailed for duty on this post one night Murray, complained to our troop officer about the siting of the post and mentioned something about the approach. "What's wrong With the approach to the post?" asked the officer.

"The approach to the post is all right," replied Murray. "It's the approach away from it that's no good."

"Ex-Serg. 2927" (10th L.H.), Nungarin.

2927 Private Thomas George ADAMS, a 27 year old Farmer from Nungarin via Merredin, Western Australia. He enlisted on 10 April 1916; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 10 July 1919.