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On Parade
On Parade 

Western Mail, Thursday 13 July 1933, page 2

On Parade.

Colonel A. C. N. Olden gave a fine address to the Press sub-branch last week on the Sons of Soldier’s League, he pointed out the difficulties that confronted those who took on the task of organising a sub-branch of the younger generation, but expressed the opinion that they could be overcome, and that once it was functioning no achievement would give greater satisfaction to its sponsors. He said that for many years yet the R.S.L. would be strong and-capable enough to carry on its own affairs, but a. time would come when they 'would have to hand their organisation and its torch of service over to some younger body. Who better than to their own sons? The training they would receive in the conduct of meetings and in methods of organisation would be invaluable to them, and he hoped to see R.S.L. sub-branches all over-the State taking the matter up seriously. The Press sub-branch received 20 nominations, and a committee was appointed to draw up a programme and call a meeting of the lads as soon as possible.