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The Donkey's Fate.
The Donkey's Fate. 

Western Mail, Thursday 14 December 1933, page 2

The Donkey's Fate.

Dear "Non-Com." - The story on the diggers' page of the Man with the Donkey brought many memories of Anzac, and I am sure that all who saw Kirkpatrick and his little pal, still think him one of the best soldiers in the A.I.F. This was a task with no chance to retaliation; a labour of love for his fellow men. The place where he was shot was a deathtrap for troops and the 16th Battalion lost 15 men there in about as many minutes.

Now what happened to the Donk? The last time I saw him he was grazing with shells falling all around him. The 52nd Lowland How. Battery was placed at the foot of Rest Gully, one gun firing on "Lousie Liza" or "Anafarta Kate," the other at "Beachy Bill” on the right. Well, when Jacko knew we had guns there he opened up with Old Lizz, and was rocking in some close shots. Of course he was getting back a little more than he was putting over. Anyhow, the Donk was feeding about 50 yards in front of our gun, and at times you could not see him for dust and smoke: In fact some of the Old Sixteenth were betting on his chances of soaring suddenly to wherever a donkey's happy hunting ground is located. When the air cleared up the old Donk was seen unperturbed, although four men were hit near the gun.

That was the last I saw of Kirkpatrick's four-footed friend. Can any digger go on from here and let us know of the donkey's ultimate fate. Did it ever leave Anzac?

“Jammie Kyhie," Dalwallinu.