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The Maoris on Anzac
The Maoris on Anzac 

Western Mail, Thursday 14 September 1933, page 2

The Maoris on Anzac.

Dear "Non-Com." - "Anzaussie," the man from Yorkrakine, gave a graphic description of the Maoris' song service in the Diggers' Page on June 29. His pen portrait was admirable, and I can corroborate it positively.

In my opinion the Maoris are outstanding as the finest coloured race on earth. That opinion was formed through contact with them at the Apex, Gallipoli. We did our first full dress rehearsal there on September 12, 1915, relieving the Enzeds. On the way, those out of the firing line were posted along the main sap. They cheered us lustily and threw us tobacco and cigarettes.

It was my good fortune later to be associated with a Maori near the Turk's blockhouse, and I proved him a mountain of courage, generosity, and refinement of character. On hearing me say I'd like a "pull at a waterbag" he at once insisted on giving me his cup of tea, remaining athirst himself. He also picked a possie for me in the supports, sleeping on the floor of the trench himself.

It did, indeed, produce a temporary hush when their regular song service began. I heard them at short range render it in their native language, then repeat in beautiful English. It was pure harmony. I can still hear in fancy –

"Yes, Oh Yes! He has love and compassion- for me." '

Any 28th Battalion boys can support this.

"398” Wagin.