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Western Mail, Thursday 16 March 1933, page 2


Although it was a boiling hot day when we pulled into Port Said for coal, orders were issued that on no account would shore leave be granted. That was no good to Dug Thomas, whose throat badly needed oiling, so when the boat berthed at the wharf he took a flying leap and legged it for the nearest pub.

The major immediately called for volunteers to bring Thomas back again but before anybody else had time to accept the job George Jeffs was over the side and hot in pursuit.

Eager eyes watched George gradually draw closer to his man and the mob began to give tongue. "He'll do it!" "He's getting closer!" "He's catching him!" "He's got him!" Then a. mighty roar went up. "Blimey, Charlie, he's passed him!"

George had evidently needed a drink much more than Dug did.

"Remember," Fremantle.